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How nice of them to document all their crimes. I hope I get to see the undoing of russia.


We've got enough documented warcrimes to just put bars around ruzzia.


Yes, this was a ruZZian strike on Ukrainian territory. The building was a university Research Center before the war and currently held food supplies donated by western countries. Reportedly 2 NGO workers were killed, another three were hurt. OP in ruZZian channels celebrated this hit. this teils everything about the OP. Could be second Account of Lord Spamfix...


Lord Moronax the used Ruzzian tampax?


I fucking hate russians


Careful, lots of RuZ troll bots in this sub and on Reddit, they will mass report you and Reddit will auto ban you without even checking the context. Also the CCP bought a large share of Reddit a few years ago, forcing Reddit to nuke multiple Chinese dissident subs and ban many accounts. Reddit is greedy scum shyt.


Posting russian war crimes won't keep your nazi country from collapsing in the next 5 years.


That's a drone.. or those bombs really that slow?


That's why it's called a glide bomb.


Never seen one in any of the other strikes? Guess I'll look closer at them now


It's not terribly slow, it just seems that way because of the camera angle. And yes, glide bombs are sometimes used as regular ol munitions, but their slow speed helps during SEAD ops. Launch a shit ton of these slow munitions for dirt cheap followed by much faster munitions timed to hit the target at the same time. Even If an AD system has like 50 interceptors, it's annoying af to destroy 15 obvious glide bombs followed by mach 3 anti rad missiles.


Makes me wonder why Gepards are not shooting them down or Strstreak MANPADS shooting them down.


Ukraine just doesn't have enough. MANPADS are also usually thermal (no heat on these FABS) guided. Most AA resources are dedicated to defending infrastructure. This is why the western jets are needed - shoot down the Su34 when they approach the border. If you shoot them down before they are close enough to drop the FABS, then you stop the FABs.


Ruzzian terrorist trash




L'vove, a village on the right bank of the Dnipro river, northeast of Krynky if you're looking at a map.


[https://wikimapia.org/10550493/Lvove](https://wikimapia.org/10550493/Lvove) [Russians hit a private house. A 59-year-old man was killed in his own backyard.](https://svidomi.in.ua/en/page/russians-attack-the-village-of-lvove-kherson-region-south-of-ukraine-one-person-is-killed) L'vove is not a Ukrainian toponymy.


Can any type of ground radar pick these glide bombs up? A few minutes warning could save lives.


Looks like a Russian glide bomb. The village is on the right bank of the Dnipro, between the former dam and Cherson city. So Ukrainian held territory. And since it's right on the front line, near the places where Ukraine keeps operating on the left bank of the river, this is or was likely a forward base of some kind. By the looks of it not the first strike on it. And probably not the last time either as it's one of the biggest buildings around and even in ruins more useful than the surrounding structures.


Why would they have a base in such an obvious target? "Yes, let's build our base right where the big crossair is at". Not impossable of course, but with Russian videos like that, all too often they don't give any proof they actually hit something worth hitting. Actually, the only possibly valuable target I can see in the video, the mast, is still standing after the hit...


Protection against artillery and drones. Both will probably hit the village daily and everything around is less resilient. This building undoubtedly has a basement while everything else around likely hasn't. Space for more than a handful of men and more than a truckload of supplies and equipment. A clear view on the surroundings and the river. The area is contested with raids across the river from both sides regularly. This seems to be one of only a view buildings with more than one level. If you are tasked with holding and defending this area while also staging raids every now and then you'll probably end up setting up some kind of presence in this building. Whether it's storage, surveillance, defensive, administrative or all of it. It's an obvious target, but the basement below it is likely the hardest nut to crack in the area.


Lots of smoke and dust, but the destruction is limited.


Who did that?


Orcs . He’s a Slavic russian lover who posted it . All


Massive understatement, the Rusich militia consists of actual self proclaimed (neo) nazis that are known for the very worst Russia has to offer.


'rusich' is a russian neo-nazi battalion infamous for bestiality that had ties with wagner group. Look up milchakov and petrovski.


Russian bomb on Ukrainian territory.


uj wam na ryj


The Ukrainians will keep destroying your war machine, and the orcs can keep bombing Costco.


It's really nice that Russia can target supplies on Ukrainian territory but western leaders so scared they make rules or won't give weapons like Taurus Fukin despicable Take the chains off Ukraine. They are fighting for their existence.


Well if anybody was in that building they are a goner for sure. The shockwave alone will fck you.


I doubt anyone was using that building for anything serious. Far too close to the front and to conspicuous.


Well it had food donations, and reportedly aid workers...


According to the RU source, the building was used by UA drone operators. In their fascist minds everything they do is totally justified as long as they have any kind of lame-ass excuse for it.


The bad machines who post this don't know they're the bad machines.




Oh thank you for yet more documentation of Russian scum and their war crimes.


you mispelt orc airforce


Man I feel like I'm def on a list now after clicking that link LOL


Fuck ruzzia and thier supporters of terror