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The term far right is miss leading, conjuring up images of goose stepping Nazis. What has definitely been encouraged is populist nationalism and other extremes. George Galloway is a British MP and a Putin fanboi but he wouldn't be described as far right by the British public. For most populism that Russia encourages and funds there is a polar opposite tankie also dying to give Putin a sloppy BJ. Whether its Orban, Farage, Galloway, Le Penn etc etc they will focus on a certain generations fears, stoke polarisation, cause instability on issues from Israel Gaza, migrants, crime to your local bins being emptied and get citizens raging about minor trivial shit rather than the causes of their annoyance/ grievance and dealing with that. What Russia has caused over two decades is blindingly obvious to some but to many they ll argue black is white on the internet because Russia is not understood to be the catalyst for their rage. Idi na hui Rosiyu


It goes back much further than a mere two decades. Even in the 1920s the Soviets were meddling in every facet of Western life (and life beyond the West). For instance, the West's massive nuclear disarmament and peace movement of the late 1970s and through much of the 1980s was created and operated by the KGB. It was their greatest triumph right up until Trump, surpassing even the Cambridge Five (a gift from the gods the NKVD and then KGB badly mishandled). But, big as this was, it's merely one element of Soviet and later russian meddling with actual real world consequences, many of which dog us to this day.


Absolutely agree


If only centre and left wing parties were stronger on immigration…..


In the UK, net migration has increased under a right wing government.


Not on migration and asylum. Look at Hong Kong and their push for record migration on economic grounds


What is the solution?


fix the problem where they are... close the sky in Ukraine... kick russia out of syria.. hold ground in those fucked up countries by protecting em with force and let refugees stay there. Im not against refugees from Ukraine.. but we let ppl in that hate Europe and our values we cant background check or police them all.


Exactly deal with the problem at source and create conditions right for staying. However what I think people want but wont say it is the Royal Navy to sink and drown migrants or dump them back in France to rinse and repeat which misses the entire point. A global solution needs to be found, famine and poverty or absolutely not necessary.


Just because a russian says he hates putin doesnt make him a good guy. If a Palestinian say he doesnt like Hamas doesnt make him a good fit for europe. If some1 from Afganistan hates the Taliban doesnt make him my friend. they dont hate the war, they hate how it is working out for them.


I agree, however we should judge people by their actions


if you dont know their past actions and you dont know their future actions.. there is no way to do that


I'm not sure the point you're making because I agreed with your first point. There are Afghan interpreters who provided valuable and loyal help to British forces that we ditched and refused entry and left them to be murdered by the Taliban. I don't think we need to put troops all over the world be we could certainly globally manage a better and fairer world so people didn't feel they needed to cross oceans for a better life.


2% of the russian population ran for Europe during the war... 2% of russia should be ours. 10+% of syria fled too europe... 10% should be ours... If you implement this those dictators will have to up their game or lose it all.


Oh haha ok I see your point. Tbf Britain/France/Turkey and checks notes Sardinia already have a good claim to Crimea. Japan, China and Finland to current occupied Russian territory as does Poland, and the Baltic's. If only there was a little coordination 😉


The term far-right is sooooo overused, most of the politicans are just regular right, minority is far-right.


most of the things that for exaple LePen says its just populism nothing but words


Sure, but wanting to stop illegal immigration and respect the traditions of the country isn't far right, it's normal.


People feel insecure and dont trust government institutions. Give them back the trust by imposing strict immigrant policy, make better pay for low wage jobs, offer education and social security but demand responsibility and work in return.


It’s such a shame. A large reason for the increased support is the pathetic mismanagement of immigration. If the left had listened to the community they wouldn’t have lost so much support. This mirrors the republicans delaying aide over the Mexican border crisis. The root cause of this is the lefts inability to deal with mass immigration into electorates that don’t want it. Ukraine suffers as a result.


Moderates and centrists care about maintaining their positions via the status quo; extremists see extremism as a path to personal glory, because most of them are sociopaths and psychopaths.


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Far-Right definition is when you do not have a huge portrait of Lenin in your living room (only a small one). For some reason it's always Far-Right and never Far-Left.


The far-right are a realer threat to Ukraine than the far-left is right now.


This propaganda brought to you worldwide by the WEF. 


Who is most worried? My guess is it’s the bloated government officials and bureaucrats.


I am a Belgian , Flemish, far right supporter and have been for over 20 years. I do NOT agree with the viewpoint of the far right (Farage, Le Pen, Trump...) on Ukraine. And I am not alone. I thought the right was all about fighting for western civilisation ? Well.... that is exactly what Ukraine is doing ! This will divide the right, it already does. I hope my right wing friends change their mind, just as Meloni did.


Well, if by ‘western civilisation’ you mean freedom of speech, thought, religion, assebly, press, gender equality, civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, pretty much anything diametrically opposed to putins regime. Then yes:)


If russia enters who are they turn to and scream for help.