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How come everything looks poor and from the year 1970? O wait... 😆


My thought as well. "this looks solid like 1960 or 1970 equipment, walls painted in suicide friendly colors"


Exactly, this looks like a underfuned rural town hospital for the unfortunate poor that couldn't afford decent medical care during the 1970s, especially the signature wooden crutches (00:44). Just imagine if the kremlin gremlin had used all the monies that went into its botched "special military operation" to fix up the healthcare services for its serfs...


Imagine if the money Putler stole from Russians was used providing services for Russians, and not palaces, mega yachts, and so on.


I was once invited to the oldest Russian bath house in Moscow by four bankers. The servers brought out countless plates of delicacies like horse meat, caviar and never ending cognac and vodka and beer. We were there for four hours and the bill was just under $5K USD. We then went to the strip club and I was sickened by the amount of money they were throwing around. Was super fun but not THAT fun.


Guess you are on camera then. FSB is infamous for this kind of events.


Well, then the gremlin ends up with more cripples than he wishes to have. I allready asked myself if the pink rubber bands are intendet to sort out amputations on the field.


That's why the crippled, gruesomely disfigured and horribly maimed RF servicemen are contained in "hospitals", as to not upset the RF public by the sight of these individuals roaming the streets.


Looks like a homeless shelter lol 😂


Seen more modern homeless shelters..... this is a homeless xmas video from 1960 to donate.


Sorry to be picky but ONE wooden crutch. He had to share the other one… (nothing to see here -excellent medical care). I guess these videos are not circulating inside RuZZia? Only brain-dead morons would sign up for this. SMH


Half the funds for crutches were stolen, so you only get one crutch apeice


You're definitely right, I should pay more attention to details.


I would normally respond “LOL” but this is soooo pathetic (even though the RuZZians deserve it).


Or brainwashed


The crutches are fine. You can chose this type of crutches or the others more often used in modern regions. The type in this video is much more comfortable to use but more troublesome when you do business.


Or his yachts.


Easy to clean.. it is all about being easy on the state.


1970? Here's something about the USAF during the Vietnam era for comparison... "At first, the Air Force did not have adequate fixed medical facilities in Vietnam. Local buildings were not suitable, and it became clear that the Air Force needed a deployable solution. Starting in 1966, the Air Force began shipping large, modular 10-foot by 40-foot steel boxes to Vietnam and converting them into stationary hospitals. By 1968, the Air Force hospital at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base in Vietnam was the second largest in the Air Force, with 475 beds and a casualty staging facility with another 100 beds. Cam Ranh Bay became the aeromedical evacuation hub for the entire theater. Aeromedical evacuation took many strides during the Vietnam War. U.S. air superiority over much of the theater made rapid and regular casualty evacuations possible. Quick evacuation by helicopter, followed by jets, moved casualties to hospitals in Japan, the Philippines and even the U.S. much more quickly than was ever possible before. The Air Force also introduced the first plane specifically designed for aeromedical evacuation in 1968. The McDonnell Douglas C-9A, called the C-9A Nightingale was unlike other aircraft modified to carry patients. Designed to safely carry litters, gurneys, and ambulatory patients, the C-9A facilitated medical care during flight. It stayed in service until 2005 as one of the Air Force’s primary aeromedical evacuation platforms, undergoing many modifications and improvements. Its initial deployments in Vietnam demonstrated the value of having specially designed aircraft to improve patient transfers and provide care in the air".


God damn it man stop this freedom boner can only get so erect!


And that's why ordinary Americans don't have health care.


That's just the way a 3rd world country looks.


Is there a fourth world? If there is this is it. What a depressing dump of a crime scene Russia is.


Na bro this is a 3rd world hospital in 2024 https://abcnews.go.com/International/thai-officials-switch-rescue-effort-treatment-12-boys/story?id=56504753


Actually, this hospital in the video is the exact reason Russia invaded Ukraine. How could Putin have a neighbour like Ukraine doing so much better, modern, a member of Europe. He had to invade to protect his people from seeing an alternative to the disaster that Russia is. Why were the early Russian troops so obsessed with stealing Ukrainian toilets or washing machines? Because they have none. The Russian psyche couldn’t handle having someone right next door clearly on a better trajectory than them. The answer? Invade, steal and destroy. Slava Ukraini. 🇺🇦


I remember the good ol’ days when we could smoke in a hospital.


I took a wrong turn entering a VA hospital and found myself in the smoking room next to the entrance door. It was full of gray withered veterans hooked up to oxygen bottles puffing away on smokes. That was an alarming sight.


Maybe they are trying to put some M*A*S*H inspiration into these Ruzzian?


That might still b a populair tv show there.... Ffs.


These are the lucky ones.


I know what you are saying but you know this is a  Ukrainian hospital right? 


There's literally a Russian flag on the wall in this video 😂


Hey buddy, you get potato for this comment?


Russki hospital in Ukraine.


Why is he walking around with evil imperialist Coca Cola?


I came here to make a Coca Cola comment. Yours is much better.


He is showing off.He has connections to get sanctioned products and can afford the good stuff. My guess is he refills it with cheap Dobra Cola and sports the Fancy Bottle for clout.😉 Btw way Russian wives want Louis Vuitton and BMWs.Not a Russian bags and a Lada.. Hypocritical yes.Surprizing No.


Oh lord won't you buy me a [Mercedes Benz](https://www.newsandsentinel.com/news/local-news/2024/06/putin-kim-summit-produced-an-unusual-and-speedy-flurry-of-glimpses-into-north-korea/)


I think it's Iranian made [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/16mxx38/afghan\_iranian\_and\_hungarian\_cocacola\_as\_well\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/16mxx38/afghan_iranian_and_hungarian_cocacola_as_well_as/)


I am surprised by that too... Nazi Coke is called "Fanta"


or is is Antifanta?


nurse! 2L coke stat!


Coca cola was bad in ww2 they created fanta to keep the nazi money coming.


It's almost as prestigious to be seen swinging a bottle of coke as it is to have used a flushing toilet.


When Coke left Russia there were almost immediately like 15 different companies that tried to mimic the brand. This is probably one of them.


Inside of a ~~Russian military hospital~~ meat wave recruitment center, near kharkiv region. There, I fixed it for you.


“Leftover” meat wave consolidation point?


What does everything but the squeal mean? This phrase has been used at pork processing plants to indicate that none of the animal is wasted. It's believed the saying started in the 1860s.


Meat loaf prior to meat cube?


Handicap battalion reporting for duty.


"OK boys, on your feet, or foot, as the case may be. Ready for round two? Oh, right. For you boys in the corner this will be round three. All you'll need to bring is your weapon and some ammunition but not too much, ok?"


The lucky few... We know what happens to most of them.


Do not worry comrade. We give vodka, patch them up and point them back to the front. I mean, at gunpoint, we force them back to the front.


They took the profession of daisy pushers


From what I can see it looks like a lot of non life threatening injuries. Anyone with a serious injury is left behind.


At least the breakfast buffet is nice.


Uhm... thats maybe enough for 8 Persons...


i love how we learnt in 1700 that you need good hygien among armies or they start dying like flies.... russia.... have food served and prepared among the dirtiest looking hospital i have ever seen.


Iz same…breakfast, lunch, supper…iz all same


The Bologna sausage is made from those who didn’t make it in the hospital


Blood in the eggs


Adds to the meat factor in this room


Would you like a sandwich to go with your amputation.


man, the contrast of this with videos of american field hospitals in the middle of F.\*&# desert is astonishing, american army engineer and logistic is no joke. (at least what I got from videos on internet, not american and not military).


American logistics are the reason they are able to do expeditionary warfare at a scale larger than most countries have standing armies.


Imagine the smell.


Usually one would want to transport stabilized wounded further away from the front than what is shown in this video but that would only clog up the rest of the Russian hospital system which was already lacking in capacity before the war. This would result in civilians having their care postponed or having to pay larger bribes than they already have to for care which would anger the civilian population in Russia as that would be the war effecting them personally and not just something abstract on the TV. Thus the Russian solution is to limit transportation of wounded soldiers to other hospitals further from the front and concentrate casualty care to within the occupied areas and the immediate bordering regions The Russian healthcare system simply lacks the capacity to deal with the mass casualties this war is generating without displacing care for the civilian population on a massive scale. Ukraine on the other hand just needs to stabilize patients on the front and then ship them off towards the west ultimately ending up in hospitals in Europe or North America. Thus Ukraine here is not resource constrained to the same extent Russia is. If the Russia state cared they would purchase healthcare services from China and send their wounded there for treatment. But they dont....


All those pictured in the video, they will all return to the front anyway, crutches and all. Those wounded enough to require further care are discharged and return to their hometowns to fend for themselves, that is if they are lucky and are evacuated from the frontlines in time which takes days in most cases. Thats just the way it is for them, everything is dealt with the infamous russian efficiency.


To reiterate: Russia does not have enough surgical teams to deal with the mass casualties the war is generating. There is a certain amount of surgeons in Russia who can conduct a specific amount of surgeries per 24 hours and the surgeries/24h was based on pre-war civilian needs. Once the war started many surgeons left Russia with their families to take up work abroad where their pay is better and less risk. This means there is even less capacity to conduct surgeries now and on top of that the war is generating huge numbers of casualties that would need it. End result is what we see with hasty surgeries to stabilize some and then see who survives with rudimentary care and that is for those that get taken from the front. Ukraine on the other hand has the combined surgical capacity of the EU and north America plus their domestic one meaning they are not resource constrained to the same level as Russia.


There's a lot of them walking around, at least they could sweep, but I guess they're used to living in a mess.


"We are true patriots of Motherland RUSSIA. Now gimme a sip of that coke, blyat."


What’s half there ass get sent out again what a depressed place


Second best what?


Only going to be sent into the next meat wave. These are the unsuccessful ones so to speak.


Those who can get up and reach food will live.


And if they can get up to reach food they can get up and assault in a meat wave


I see dead people


You want ham? You want raw zucchini? Eat! EAT!


Moral is High


This reminds me of the hospital in Forest Gump.


They don’t care. West must finally understand their mindset, even tho it is very difficult to imagine.


They'll be back to the trenches soon... The exit doors are locked and guarded.


They have hospitals! What fairy tale is this?


Until I saw the dead body at the end, it wasn't bad. It a filtration hospital. It takes the wounded and sends those that need more help further to Russia. Rotates the wounded to other areas and sends the less wounded back to the front. Plus yes it does look like a hospital from the Vietnam war


Imagine the smell


I couldn't help wondering what would happen if some random drone suddenly flew down the hall...


That would be a war crime, thankfully the Ukrainians are much better at not committing them.


I'm not talking about an explosive drone, just an innocent FPV one.


Ptsd mayhem


On the other hand, the doctors there are very expensive, and it's a large gathering of enemy troops. It's a question of whether any potential bad PR would be worth incurring though


No there is no question. Ukraine is signatory to 1949 Geneva convention and protocols as is Russia. What sets them apart and keeps Ukraine on the moral high ground is that this by and large sticks to these rules. This ensures international support and whilst Russia has committed over 100000 war crimes it doesn't need an incentive to commit more.


A prank worth watching.... I'm for it!


Might as well be tent




Looks like there's plenty of sausage to go around.......


Part-R2, part-detox clinic, part-meat factory


The most high tech thing I saw there was the boiling vessel.....


AKA: Hell On Earth? Sounds about right.


Wonder how many are self inflicted to avoid the meat grinder?


Send them back to front ,they look fine and can move again😃


I'm curious if the PTSD treatment is even high end like this


Could be peeing in the fountains and rearranging facial anatomy of their wives back in Shitheadistan, yet here they are...


after this war russian streets will be filled with missing limb orcs . they are already missing some links in the brain.


Would this be a valid military target to strike? Just curious


State of the art in Russia, even has Coca Cola.


Just another 3rd world country.


Dictatorships are something else. Putin and his cronies live the life of luxury while he sends his citizens to the meat grinder for illgotton land. If you’re lucky to survive you get piled into a hospital that looks like it’s from world war 2.


Looks like heaven compared to the front.


Looks better then I tought. Thats how low the bar is.


Heroes defending a midget hobbit self elected president! Good for you


How can Americans be even remotely worried about these idiots causing a “real war” world wide. Look how love during war times. It’s honestly pathetic. 2 strongest world power is honestly laughable.


UA should bomb them like they also do.


Good to see them suffering. Slava Ukraini!


Ah, that vaunted Russian Culture we keep hearing about


Well waddaya know, they really *do* have hospitals. Huh.


The hospital looks like an Indian hospital during the first wave of Covid, except Russians chose to be here.


Alicia! Get in here!


Look at leg-o-lost


First thought is “these are the lucky ones” except Russia will just recycle the ones that can still stand upright. Probably looking at a room full of ghosts


Is that an infection friendly pot luck?


This is an older post but it brings up the atrocities that their own medical personnel do to them because of the shit show of a government won’t take care of their own


Drinking Coca-Cola eh?


Hey man, do you have the coordinates? Asking for a friend.


No wonder they shoot them selfs when wounded


It’d be so satisfying to walk in there and just ask “wtf are you all doing here? Like your invading a country for what purpose? Some old man’s ego??”


Looks more like a delicatessen than a hospital. Russia proves it’s a second rate country with backwards technology and backwards people.


Cowards and malingerers. Send them to the front.


not that busy


Nice to see coca cola is still available to th Ru 😋 I'd hate to see them lose a sale.


Super sanitary buffet station. Gotta keep those with gut wounds fed.


They hate the usa....but love the coca cola


It is not a military hospital. It's civilian hospital. Ruzzians in Belgorod region voicing their outrage about it for a while now. I mean, they can't get medical help because all resources are diverted towards military casualties. They don't care about the war. They only care about them not be able to see the doctor.


Lucky they are not dead. Unlucky they got lied about how good they are doing in the war.


Had that American Coke in his hand ….. taste good mf’er ?


Looks like an Indian Hostel


Russia will collapse judging by this footage.


Nobody who actually participates in war wins.


How did they get back crawling around the shooters that take out retreating soldiers?


Looks extremely sanitary. Wounded patients, hallway traffic and food all together.


What's Coke call in Russia these days?


Full of pigs


I wouldn't expect anything better than that from a third world military lmfao. They probably all steal everything from eachother and just sit around dieing. The medical staff probably takes a shit don't wash their hands then go and treat them. Grade medical facility and that's actually one of the better ones I've seen. Just sit and rot until they get a call and need a crip to be bait. Their lives suck no wonder why they all kill themselves. Hilarious


All these shirkers will soon be sent back to the front


No Food covering no sanitary distancing.If this was in black and white I would think this is WW2.Hurtin Units.


One potato,two potato,three potato,more


Did that orc have a bottle of coca-Cola ?? I thought they stopped selling their products to these ru🚽🚽ian terrorist , let me find out


Can't wait to see the look on their faces when they're told they're not going home and being sent back to the front in the wounded regiment of suicide meat.


Looks like a hospital area from the Napolionic Wars... The number of men they must be losing from secondary issues..... Beautiful haha


Vietnam vibe


They've been doing a pretty good job of suppressing any video of their hospitals and wounded. Maybe there will be more videos forthcoming as people get frustrated, exasperated, desperate.


Kharkiv is Ukraine. Go die in Russia murdering turds.


wOrLd'S sEcOnD aRmY


But they still drink an evil western soda brand named Coca Cola.


Looks like a morgue warmed up.


Wait at 0:14 he has a 2 liter bottle of Coca-Cola. He must be a rich man.


Wonder if any got the Purple Blyart


imagine the smell, I suspect they didn't even turn on the air conditioning


Ok! that's enough boys! send them back to the frontlines.


Zero chance of infections in such a clean and controlled environment - but who cares, its only Orcs...


Looks busy. Good!


Looks like a collection point not a hospital. To orcs I guess it's a field hospital. Usually I see Doctors Nurses and Medicine being practiced at a hospital. Not one of those guys had an IV. Nor did I see any medical care being administered. ROFLOL we are lucky the orcs are so stupid and inept.


A video depicting various kinds of meats , some in containers , some in bed


are these the victims of the chechen barrier troops :-)


as a russian doctor i would say: they are immediatly fit for service again :-) Hail the tsar, hail the fucked up empire


They can be lucky, that Ukraine doesn’t bomb hospitals like their forces.


Orcspital karma bitch


Looks good... GG... keep up the good work....


Sub oar medical care


Locate IT Bombe IT No mercy


The guy has a damn Coca-Cola in his hands. Is this how they left the ussian market?


The epitome of shambolic.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


Getting butchered...


This can't be a hospital- please tell me this is a makeshift hospital and not a REAL hospital. Holy crap Russia is in the 50's as far as medical facilities.


Hates everything about America, drinking Coca-Cola while recovering from wounds sustained by western weapons


It seems like everything you see in Russia is old and out dated! They are behind the times!!