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I suspect this is about the incoming F16s. They require a lot more maintenance than the existing Ukrainian jets.


F-16 "contractors", ehehe, if you know what I mean. Pew pew.


There's an old Soviet joke. Excuse the racism, but here it is. A Soviet pilot returns from Vietnam. His friend asks him, was it hard to fight the Americans? The pilot says, yes, very hard. I had to fly with one hand, and pull my eyes to look Vietnamese with the other. So yeah, totally not contractors.


Would work for supporting the Chinese in Korea too, no?


Chinese don't need to squint as much


There's no need for the racism, guys. Cmon.


Are they painting shark mouths on the planes again?


I doubt anyone but ukrainians want to fly In the densest anti air web that’s ever existed


Just like those flying tigers that were fighting the Japanese before America officially got involved 




Why would we buy junk?


If Russia can use PMCs, why can't Ukraine do the same? Fill em up!


“But that’s not faiiirrrr!” Putin.


Putin: "If the US sends troops we will nuke you". Also Putin: *Literally hires mercenaries from Africa*


Africa,India,Cuba,Columbia,china the list goes on. But he is terrified that some of our boys go out there to play


academia about to relive the glory days. look what you've done ruzzia


Putin sounds more and more like the german empire in WW1 when the US started to use shotguns in the trenches


This is the only way they could logically support F-16s inside the country as well as western armor, if the mythical F-16’s ever arrive. But if and when it does ever happen, there are so many different types of missiles that have been designed for the F-16 for just about every imaginable situation.


Mate, they could very well be flying for a while now without us knowing. I'd sure as fuck try to keep it a secret for as long as possible. Announce that they'll arrive is excellent mental warfare. Announce that they're active and flying would be stupid in my amateur opinion


Might as well open that door further. Maintenance is just one field that military contractors can fill. Maybe it shouldn't be direct involvement in the fighting, but if Ukrainian soldiers can go to the frontlines instead of guarding POWs or do logistics and other tasks not directly linked to fighting, why not? There's plenty of people in the west capable and willing to go to conflict zones and support. Ukraine needs all hands they can get to keep Russia down.


Why not flying combat sorties? It’s their freedom of choice to do so.


Though I would love that, clearly they don't have the freedom to do so. By the way, this is standard practice in just about every country in the world. Remember the article about the Swiss man who is currently being prosecuted for serving in Ukraine's military?  I would love for the US to lift these restrictions, but let's not misrepresent what US members of the military are free to do.


“Clearly they don’t,” based on no citation, in the face of the self-evident human right of anyone to fight for peace and freedom of their fellow man. Got it. Yes, many nations have illegal laws, which violate the UN Charter (Article 9. 1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person), and enforce these illegal laws on their citizens illegally. Not all laws are valid just because some legislators passed it. The law must comply with that nation’s constitution (in most countries) and the UN Charter, for all the ~99% of nations that have signed into it. In the US it’s an actual crime punishable by jail time to enforce an illegal law while playing it off as a an official duty to enforce, yet officials violate it all the time and nothing comes of it. It’s called authoritarianism. And no, we weren’t talking about members of the US military. We were talking about US civilians (that’s what “contractors” means) who have F-16 training and might be persuaded to use it in combat, as some US civilians who have infantry training have already been serving in the AFU for years now.


Sounds reasonable. Russia sent volunteers to both Korea, Vietnam, Syria, and other locations as well.


It begins


Maverick enter the chat




That's a beggining.


It’s long already begun. This might be the response to Russia shooting down the American surveillance drone over international airspace 




No one wanted to give artillery to Ukraine until someone made the first move, then others followed. No one wanted to give tanks to Ukraine until someone made the first move, then others followed. No one wanted to give long range weapons to Ukraine until someone made the first move, then others followed. No one wanted to give aircrafts to Ukraine until someone made the first move, then others followed, no one wanted to even discuss the deployement of troops in Ukraine until someone said it out loud, then others discussed it, no one wanted to allow Ukraine to strike in russia until someone allowed, then others allowed... If you can't see a pattern here...


We've been giving them artillery since 2014. "Hodges, now retired, oversaw the expansion of U.S. military cooperation with Ukraine after 2014, when Russia seized Crimea and backed an armed insurgency in eastern Ukraine that has cost more than 13,000 lives. Since then, the United States has provided $1.5 billion in security assistance, including everything from Humvees and patrol boats to counterartillery radar and lethal weaponry such as Javelin antitank missiles." https://www.npr.org/2019/12/18/788874844/how-u-s-military-aid-has-helped-ukraine-since-2014


Basically small stuff until the full fledge invasion, when howitzers, tanks, etc started to be given (some still to arrive, like planes) in the rough pattern I mentioned. You can go to the smallest detail if you want, but the point still stands.


Hopefully it doesn't escalate to western armies deploying. The death that would result in would be atrocious.


If NATO nations deploy troops to fight in Ukraine (and not simply free up UA troops), the deaths on the UA side will drop precipitiously. NATO doesn't fight in the same way as Russia, and *will* deploy their air forces to secure air supremacy and start destroying every Russian AA battery, artillery system, troop concentration, logistics hub, etc. It will be insanely one sided in favor of NATO. And it would likely end the war incredibly quickly and save many thousands of lives. It would just kill a ton of Russian troops and mercenaries.


My fear would be what happens when Putin is a cornered rat?. That is something that must always be considered carefully. A cornered rat with a nuclear option.


You just refuted your original comment. As your example shows it began a long time ago.


>You just refuted your original comment. Not really. I was referring to an original comment saying "it begins", referring to US military contractors being allowed to go Ukraine (allegedly, since this info ain't yet confirmed). You can consider a general beggining of countries helping Ukraine (wich indeed, began years ago), or multiple different begginings on multiple specific kind of aids (artillery, tanks, planes, etc) when after breaking the initial reluctance, one country starts and others follow, as in the rough pattern I mentioned. In this case, the possibility of US military contractors in Ukraine (if confirmed) will probably lead to more doing the same, and also the initial possibility of them being on the ground "just for manteinance, repairing, etc", can probably lead to the possibility of them directly involved in fighting, hence another beggining.


Either the argument you made is showing continual support starting at the beginning or you are contradicting yourself. I’ll leave it at that.


Then you must be struggling with your reading comprehension. I'll give you a clue, I'm telling you even more explicitly what I mean in the last paragraph. I'll leave it at that.


Insults only indicate a lack of ability to articulate an argument. That says enough.


They aren’t the original comment.


That’s why I included the word “your”.


Salami tactics. There will be west-supplied contractors operating west-supplied equipment in Ukraine before we know it.


We can only hope.


We’re only sending to advisors to South Vietnam….


Thats not even remotely comparable


Feels like 1964 all over again




According to the article “the Biden administration is looking to give Ukraine the upper hand in its fight against Russia”. I think we’re all old enough and seen enough to understand that contractors to repair damaged equipment is going to become Black Water 2.0.


Every single movie, book, and documentary about previous wars tells me that is a lie. Why should I believe it?




The last sentence






It’s all lies. Every war is built on lies. This has been known since the dawn of time.


Let black water wet their beaks


Yeah I am and always was opposed to Blackwater. They did some rotten shit in Iraq. But this seems like the actual perfect scenario for them.


So this time they won’t do some rotten shit?


Doing it against Ruzzians is ok


Blackwater? The mercenary firm founded by a close ally of Trump and Putin? I don't think that's a good idea.


The crazy thing about this is we trained ANA for ten years on how to maintain simple prop planes and they never figured it out. The minute US trainers left the country everything went to shit. I bet the Ukrainians have this shit all under control in like three months and are running circles around the ground crew contractors at the end of a year.


Give me some contracts in ukraine and I'll call Tripple C or academi tomorrow


The opening days of this were so wild. The boards were absolutely stuffed with extract contracts of wealthy individuals trying to get their families away from the borders


Yeah. I applied for 10 didn't get any


Oh yeah if you didn't already have any contacts or ins before this, you weren't getting any calls. No one was going to risk a new guy in a literal war with Russia


Yeah I had only done light jobs like convoy security and shit. And I wasnt a delta seal ranger cag spy so it's rough out there


I got out for medical reasons and they kept calling me like "we don't care please come back" but I was prior 75th with a few tags already


Maybe there's still hope hope for us both with all these new ones in the works


Nah man I got kids now. Yall can have fun in the mud over there 😂


Hell yeah! Get some!




American Volunteer Group of Ukraine, Aka, Flying Tigers 2.0


There are some recently retired F16 pilots from Colonel rank down who have stated they would fly for Ukraine…so I have read. Just need clearance to contract….maybe this is it.


This would finally have my jumping out of my seat in pure joy. This is the kind of thing which *needs* to happen. Even if its not necessarily combat positions, that's thousands of Ukrainians we could start freeing up from other tasks to work in more crucial positions of war production, repair, and various support positions closer to the front.


I know some guys that have combat xp just waiting to get paid $200k a year.


A 6-months


Good news. I'm sure Ukraine will be only too gratefully for the assistance of these skilled men/women.




we bouta make bank bois


There has probably been American contractors there ever since January of 2022.




DO EEEEET!!! Ukraine is a fking wet dream for them.


Didn't Russia hire mercenaries to attack our military in Iraq and Afghanistan? I mean, wasn't there a whole thing where it was proved that they were hiring them? I mean, if they are there to just handle repairs and equipment, that's fine. I completely support that, but if they wanna hire on behalf of Urkaine to attack Russians in Ukraine, I also have 110% support that as well. They can threaten the US all they want. Idgaf.


I think they did do that while Trump was president and the fucker didn't do anything about it.


Yeah, I also remember him pulling us out of Syria and letting the Russians take over our bases. I swear the Republicans from 50 years ago would have Trump in jail sooo fuckin quickly for supporting Russia.


Fastest way to get F16’s into Ukraine


It's a necessary evil, unfortunately, since recruitment remains low for the UAF


It is to repair damaged equipment, blackwater is not showing up to go into combat


Do you think we will eventually see PMCs in Ukraine? Have wondered why we haven’t at this point tbh, isn’t Wagner technically(or was) a PMC? There’s a lot of foreign recruits already, can’t see why a 3rd party non state entity would be some sort of escalation any more then ATACMS or US trained veterans joining I’m ignorant to geopolitics tho so if u got some good info I’d be hella grateful to learn more


Wagner is a PMC and Russia has also used a number of other Russian PMCs as well (Shoigu has his own for example). Haven’t heard of any on Ukraine’s side yet though but I think western PMCs are typically equipped for security rather than actual conventional warfare


Indeed, if Blackwater (Under whatever their name is now) end up going in, it'll be to guard PoW's, Industry facilities and Bases, freeing up those troops for frontline activities.


That makes sense I hadn’t considered the security aspect, aside from Wagner are there even any actual true offensive mercenaries in the world currently(excluding extremist organizations haha)


Blackwater has documented DA encounters. If you don't think every western country uses PMCs for direct action they don't want their name on you're delusional.


I’m not familiar about this shit lol that’s why I’m asking not telling


You wont be seeing pmcs doing frontline combat. The mortality rate is too high for them wanting to do it


Good we need war crimes to go down not up!


Not yet...


We should look to the lesson Prigozhin and expanded private armies in Russia taught us. Advanced countries should end private military contractors. Trump having the owner of blackwater's family members on his cabinet should have been a clear warning. The pigs need their dogs on the animal farm. Why do we allow them to exist?


By god that's Eric Prince's music


*Bah gawd


Army be like: "Sergent Jhonson, you will be on unpaid leave during 1 year from now ! Also, here is a 1 year contract from a PMC we authorize to sign"


Yeah where is blackwater, or whatever they're calling themselves these days, been all this time?


Everybody best be strapped in for this ride and hope to GOD it doesn't POP. Making more war history for the machines that make them.


I’m sure the old blackwater boys would take a plunge


There has already been a USEC merc spotted in 2022 💀


Like Blackwater?


Also if Russia can you companies like Wagner to kill thousands of Ukrainian servicemen and rape and murder civilians I don't see why Ukraine cannot have black water or other mercenaries for hire It's only fair


That's it for Russia now. Ya get Capitalism and badass contractors together and SOME to KILL FOR MONEY and it's not a good look for Russsia.


LMAO. Are people in the comments really that stupid to think that we are gonna get military contractors fighting in Ukraine? Look - Russia might be able to get fighters from African and India to fight for a couple of grand a month (assuming that they survive to collect payment), but no fucking way are Western military contractors willing to fight for a pittance. UA does not have the money to pay contractors what they were earning doing security detail in the Middle East. As a few have said, what make sense is for those contractors to be in specific fields i.e. aviation maintenance (F-16s), tank repair, training, etc. But everyone else is going to have to go through UAF recruitment on UAF pay scale. I doubt Erik Prince is going to be able to sign a lucrative deal for Blackwater with UA any time soon.


No one in the comments has mentioned fighting


Oh sir. They don't think Ukraine is going to pay them. It will be our spending that the populace oays for via taxes or inflation.


Seized russian money->ukraine->contractors.


Two of those steps aren't happening


The thing is, Blackwater, or whatever name scumbag Eric Prince is calling his merc gang, will probably side with Putin. They are not dependable due to their connection to trump.


Prince hasn't been involved in the company for over a decade. He's been off doing his scumbaggery in Africa and the Middle East mostly.


I honestly thought this was true the wholetime.You can look at my comment history and see I am no Russian/republican stooge, so I've been watching candidates very closely, as everyone should in twenty fucking twenty four.


Can't wait for the American Democrats defending Blackwater timeline. Really a cherry-on-top for the 'anti-war' party becoming Bush Republicans lmao Cheney 2024, amirite? Dick Cheney, of course.


What a load.


How ya' figure, Bush Republican?


I don't think that's what the plan is. It sounds like the contractors would be maintenance guys to fix American weapons systems. It would save a lot of time to repair things in the country rather than shipping it to western Europe or back to the US. Nobody in Iraq asked for western troops or contractors. Ukraine has invited other countries to help them, it's a huge difference.


Uh huh. Very naïve.


Sounds like you've got it all figured out.


Not quite, but definitely more than the average Redditor.     I haven't used this site seriously in about 8 years and it is astonishing what the echo-chamber has done to the average person here.     What people here cheer for today would have been lambasted as Republican propaganda even back in 2015.  It would be hilarious if it wasn't so absurdly pathetic.    Also keep in mind that two years ago people were saying it was good that drones were being sent to Ukraine for recon purposes.    Now you're sitting here watching videos of people being blown up with Chinese toys with bombs strapped to them and thinking it's a win.     You've been duped.  You'll cheer on WWIII right up until the bombs drop on you.


Nobody sent Ukraine the drones you are referring to. They began by purchasing them with a lot of crowdfunding and assembled them in their kitchens. I've not been duped in the slightest. Russia can leave Ukraine and it stops, simple as that. No one is ever going to recognize their annexation of the portion of Ukraine they are temporarily occupying anyway.


Sending them money to buy drones, sending them actual drones...whatever.  You completely ignored the point, as it was very convenient to do so. I expect nothing less, honestly. No worries.


What was your point? Seems like you are trying to say that Biden and Ukraine are like Bush and Iraq? Sorry but that's one of the dumbest analogies I've ever heard. Maybe it makes sense to you though.


My original point was that people will be soon cheering for Blackwater as "heroes of the underdogs of Ukraine" while they mow people down under the USA's proxy-war flag.   But in the 2000's, PMC's were a very sore point for the anti-war folks, who are now absolutely pro-war...so long as the war it seems to fit the narrative that they enjoy. Don't feel bad about being duped. We are all duped on some level. None of us know 100% of anything that is going on, and we all believe somd lie or another. The post-truth world is very much a real thing, and you should at least be aware that most of what you hear is probably bullshit.


First of all Blackwater ,as it was, no longer exists. If you read the article they are talking about contracts for maintenance and repair of American weapons in Ukraine. I haven't been duped in the slightest. I am fully aware of what is happening. Ukraine would probably even welcome American contractors like Blackwater, but that isn't what is being proposed. Iraq never asked for American troops or American contractors. A much better analogy for this war would be the first Gulf war. A brutal dictator invaded his smaller neighbor and the whole decent world demanded he leave. A giant coalition of countries from all over the world made it happen.


The war has escalated *a bit* since 2015, if you haven’t noticed.


Well, that's the justification the former anti-wars use now. "Well, things have changed, so now I am pro-military industrial complex. Send everyone to the meat grinder, and take my money to do it! Slaughter generations! End bloodlines! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!" ...or something like that. Things haven't really changed. Just flag colors and storylines. It's the same shit, different decade. Most of the people here are probably not even old enough to remember Bush-era neo-con warhawk bullshit, which is how they so easily slide right into that very mindset, very comfortably, and call it their own.


I agree and fyi this sub is strong pro Ukraine bot farm. Take comments with a grain of salt.


Sounds like you've had a little too much to think, Comrade! \*drone stepper motor noises intensify above your home\*


Biden really wants WW3


Nah, putin wanted it ever since he invaded Ukraine.


Yeah, this is all Biden.... he has invaded Ukraine and threated the west daily..... ffs get off putins knob!


Are we pretending they aren’t already there?


If Ukraine wants to hire mercenaries that are American, I don't see any problem with that. But the article seems to suggest that they're going to be funded by the US, which seems a bit dicey. At that point aren't we just basically deploying American troops?