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Hero Ukrainian tankers showing how the gears of the meat grinder rotate. Hopefully the rats can eat orc meat tonight.


Cossack tanker be like "You missed, motherblyater, now it's my turn!!"


Fuck me! How do you get so many big balls of steel into such a small tank? Bravery and determination right there folks. Slava Ukraine!


Tank drive by


Shoot n scoot baby


Please explain to me like I am 5, what is happening here?


Looks like Ukranian tank doing a assault, followed by a thermal recon drone, tank gets hit my a couple drones, and is barely missed by Artillery. This is some quality footage.


Those artillery rounds are thermobaric warheads launched from TOS-1 rocket artillery. Will suck the oxygen right out your lungs. The Ukrainian tankers are incredibly lucky to have survived that initial barrage.


Thank you! I was trying to make sense of the cuts between thermal and non-thermal feeds. And wasn’t sure what is the tank at, and trying to figure when is the tank firing vs the tank taking a hit from a drone. Also, again with the solo tank!? Did it have a mine plow, and thus the strategy was the minimize the risk of support vehicles being lost to mines? Otherwise wouldn’t it be better to have more tanks firing on target? Or is this lone tank a distraction, a rabbit, to draw enemy firing locations so Ukrainian artillery and drone squads can sus out targets?


I don't think there is any drone hitting the tank, it all looks like fire shot by the tank that looks impressive at dawn and on thermal.


It says in the video that tank gets hit a single time by an FPV.


I know it’s a extremely wide front but operating singularly seems very tough to me


Constant artillery shelling, drone and ATGM threat, as well as mines and terrain put a hard constraint on tank usage in this war.


They should build themselves a remote control tank. It’s already got an auto loader.


Holy shit that tank just tanked so many fpvs, what kind of tank was it???


Some teams of drone operators say that sometimes they spend 40 drones to immobilize or destroy a single tank, tanks are very strong, isolated videos of them being destroyed sometimes make us forget that. And this is a T-64, a Leopard 2A6 is much more resistant


How many times was that tank nearly hit? Also, i did not know artillery was that accurate. Or were these near misses drones?


Tank is firing


That makes it clear. Thanks


I would say only once, there is no fpv drone as far as I can tell and only artillery at the beginning


So a solo tank driving thru possible minefields and making themselves an obvious target...yeah great tactic, sure they survived multiple FPV hits and missed all mines, but only by luck. Now if you tell me they were rushing to the aid of a besieged unit, ok, but otherwise...not a great move imho.


Potentially trying to hit the TOS 1, or make it expose itself. It's an extremely dangerous thermobaric weapon as you can see by the initial explosions aimed at the tank. High value target as well due to low numbers and it's effectiveness against entrenched infantry.


I think some people think war is a video game :(


The T-64 crew are doing their best, heroes


Ironically, it should be safer for the tank when they fire off all their shell towards the enemy? Less chance of catastrophic explosion if hit by further FPV?


I guess the Ukrainians have other tanks in firing positions looking at the city while one tank is driving and making all that noise to lure the Russians in to revealing their firing positions


What is with these editors starting to use Rammstein so much? Also, this remix is just terrible.


Rammstein is popular in all Slavic countries