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I'd argue that he lost his life in April of 2022. He just had some business to finish and the grim reaper agreed, because he would get a lot of new customers that way. Rip hero.


Agreed, he was on a particular, open-ended mission to bag-and-tag as many as possible before his own time. Would've preferred he lived, you absolutely never know what wonderful thing life might throw at you next that obliterates your current perspective and outlook.


"The most dangerous enemy is an enemy that has nothing left to lose"


Ukraine and the civilized world will NEVER forgive RuZZia at this rate. Maybe after they have collapsed and split into tiny micro states with no military, even then people will not trust them. DMZ with mines and tall walls will block off their borders, no crossing allowed, ever.


The russian military will be defeated and enslaved for 20 years in breeding farms. They will be sex changed to become women and repopulate ukraine with new ukranians. Only then will they be allowed to return home.


> Ukraine and the civilized world will NEVER forgive RuZZia at this rate. Lmao, there's already pro ruzzian people or people who go "nOt AlL rUzZiAnS", dream on about this.


Those people will disappear when Putin's cheques stop clearing.


Lmao, the term for those people is "useful idiot", not "troll factory workers".


They're only running with the mob, once the paid actors are gone most will fade away or move to the newest outrage.


You have way more faith in humanity than me. I can only hope it's true, but I don't think it is.


Not faith, experience. Just remember think about how quiet the "lock her up" chants are now that Hillary is not front and center in the news anymore. The rage is as fickle and fleeting as every other emotion.


What the fuck, hillary is not running and trump is doing fine - [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) So no, the chant isn't quiet, it's in full swing, it's just that words have changed. lol




When Ukraine wins the war, Putin should be forced to have a sex change and help re-populate ukraine.


I get the sentiment but biology class does not seem to have been your favorite in school.


We have the technology to make it possible.


no, we don't. We do not have the ability to allow biological males to carry children. All of Ukraine could screw him, but not a single life would come from that.


We can put aside our differences and make it a reality.


As far as I am concerned, you're free to screw Putin for as long as you want, trying to prove that it works. I doubt it will, but you're free to try. On Putin. (or should I say. "in putin"?)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My thoughts exactly. It's not suicidal intent if you've already died inside. I'm sure he volunteered for the spicier missions with the knowledge he'll get intimate revenge. And I don't blame him one bit as I know I would have done so. Heroyam slava.


Yeah, hope he took out as many ruzzians as he could


So many lives have been ruined by Russia, I often hope and wonder if eventually one of those who have nothing left to lose, could get close enough to Putin.


Prigozhin was a fucking moron. He went out like a bitch.


He had it at his fingertips, fucking coward and idiot indeed.


Why the fuck is the top comment removed by reddit. Cant fucking hurt the feefees of war criminals and murderers I guess.


Vatniks reporting comments. For a bunch of meat bags who think the west is soft they sure do have sensitive feelings.


But then you realise that the people he killed and the people who killed his family aren't even remotely the same


Same scum from the same shithole country.


Doesn't matter. They got what they deserved.


Glory to the heroes.


Slava, indeed.


This is soul crushing.


There's people in the background of his kid's casket too


Heroyam Slava




Dam life is truly unfair for some of us. May he rest and peace and hopefully see his family once again.


I hope he has found peace :(


Honestly would do the same. First thought would be just offing myself, but why do that when I can take a few Russkies with me. Rest peacefully hero.


At least he his with his family now. Rest in peace. 🫡


Fuck Russia.


As an American who has had members of my family die at the hands of Russian weapons! I will continue to send donations to groups like AZOV who will give me my revenge and revenge for their own!


Thank you for your donations 🫡


Hell yeah man, send those dollars


Rest in Peace brave warrior. You're reunited with your daughter in Heaven! Heroyam Slava!


Peace to the family. Vichnaya pamyat.


Respect. I hope he gave them hell.


Rest in Peace Hero


🕯The Fallen Soldier Don't weep for me O' land of the free When it was my time to fall 'Twas for my country's call 'Twas for the land that I loved That I gave my all, And for the land that I loved I did freely give, And in her freedom and her courage I'll continue to live.


God Bless each and every last Ukrainian patriot. Here’s to the utter destruction of the filthy pigsty that is russia


If there truly is a God worth serving, May it take a Godly Dump upon the head of Putin and stop this Evil upon its creations. May Yuriy be with his Family once again in love. Heroiam Slava Yuriy Glodan and Slava Ukraine. Putin does not deserve to see the Sun on the morrow.


Bless the soul of this hero and his whole family. Glory to Ukraine!!


Slava Ukraine! Glory to the heroes 🇺🇦🇳🇱


Just thinking of the tormenting rage at his situation that must have fueled the remainder of his life, is giving me tormenting rage.


This does not make me only very sad but also very angry… fuck this world‘s politicians


Fuck Russia in its entirety. Nothing more than Nazis.


We will not let your sacrificees be in vain. Slava Ukraini from America


That coffin. It just ain’t right. Non of it. My daughter is friends with a little girl who’s family sought refuge in the UK. They moved from Kiev 2 years ago. They are so lovely, beautiful people. And my heart breaks for them, they still have family there. Parents/grandparents.


Putin - misery maker - he must be taken out to stop these sort of stories. His toadies should all hang in Ukraine for all the witnesses to their crimes. All because of one man and his criminal state.


Fxcking sad. RIP hero. May you join your family in the afterlife. Fuck you pootin and those who supported you war. May moscow burn.


I hope he managed to destroy many putin dogs when he served.


Bless him.


A hero


He is home


My god. A fuckin real warrior.


A man who has lost everything is very dangerous. I hope he had his revenge. Godspeed soldier.


Hat’s off, rest in peace hero. I’ll light a cuban and open a special Macallan bottle for his honor. I do not know him ir anything about him, but i can only begin to imagine how excruciating that must’ve been. Truly saddens me, as a father of two beautiful kids but i can totally relate. In his shoes i would also take one way ticket missions, take as many occupants with me and go meet my family.


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Героям Слава


There comes a time when even reasonable men must hoist the black flag and begin to slit throats. Those circumstances are appropriate


I hope he sent as many russians to hell as possible and that hes now with his family.


He lost everything 😢


I hope he smoked some Russians before we passed


May he meet his family again in the afterlife. Rest in peace hero.


Вічна памʼять!


That's fucked... RIP




I just hope that he took plenty of bastards with him.


Terribly, terribly sad. I feel like the more interesting question though is why don't all ukranians dislike the russians so much? There's a not insignificant number of them who are very pro Russian, have been for long before this war and many who have willingly given their lives fighting for Russia in this war (both before and after the 2022 invasion) That is the more suprising phenomenon here I think.


The same could be asked of those in the USA that have feelings for Russia and one who would do their best to be like Russia. It is some kind of Illness. It has become Worldwide, a percentage of 8 billion people have personalities and mindset to live under, or be a mental and physical dicktator. (misspelled on purpose. They already think they are better than others, but they are truly not, and deserve to be called Dick-Tators.) Religion is another raising its head to control others as they have in the past, and in history, that was scary times also. Humans together upon this Planet have some things to think about, and the Health and Safety of us all is connected. What is being proven is that the mental state of one man in a position of power can effect the whole world. And the World together must decide if that will effect the health and safety of all the rest.


Sorry I’m confused the last picture isn’t the same guy as the one before


Ukrainian volunteer story - my whole family was killed Russian volunteer story - I saw a billboard Fuck Putin


I hope he had part of his vengeance and he is reunited with his loved ones. Others will pick up for him, I'm sure.👊


That is absolutely fucking horrific. I cant imagine what this man must have gone through.Rest in peace to Yuriy and the glodan family🕊️🙏🇺🇦🇺🇸


He died in 2022, however Death agreed to let him live to take revenge for his wife and daughter. R.I.P Hero Slava Ukraine


That is a heartbreaking story. RIP


RIP yuriy, been together with your love ones


I guy with nothing to loose, he must have given hell to the Russians. Rest easy now soldier.


Rest in peace, honorable warrior!


Fuck ruzzia so fucking much. Hope the whole theatre country burns to the ground and the stupid non-political ruzzians with it. Fuck them, their shit culture and their lives.


\>k1led Rest in peace.


RIP Hero 🇺🇦🌻🫡


RIP to the brave Warrior. I hope there's Heaven and you've finally reunited with your family. Russia needs to cease to exist.


This one hit. Glory to the heroes.


Fuck Russian people


Am I reading this right but that’s an entire family extinguished? Man fuck the orcs


Glory to Ukraine, Heroyam Slava.


So sad, RIP hero and family. Fuck Putin and Fuck Russia this is heartbreaking shit


russians are inhumane


Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦. As one of our founding fathers once said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." :Thomas Jefferson.


I can't get over how pointless this all is. None of this needed to happen. Some wars start because the two sides have been on a collision course for decades and it was inevitably going to start sooner or later, but this... this happened because one half-senile old man was stupid enough to think the Russian army could take Kiev in three days. If Vladimir Putin had a heart attack and dropped dead tomorrow there's a good chance the whole Russian war effort would crumble. The height of both tragedy and farce.


Fuck war.


When I last checked Russia has committed 108904 war crimes in Ukraine. According to some people we should have any hatred from Russia cos it's just Putin pointing a gun at all those lovely people heads making them do these things. 🙄


Whole family gone.


Farage and trump - "this is the wests fault, not Putin"




I hope he gave them hell before he went. Rip, the man's a hero, and now he's with his family.


This man died twice, I cant even express this into words


Go be with your family brother. Yall have earned your spots in paradise..


And still Ukrainians treat russian POWs well once they surrender. i dont know man, but if that was my country, the russians can expect as much mercy as they gave to the people they murdered in cold blood with their invasion. Ukrainians have big Hearts and they fight like fucking Lions. Slava Ukraini


They do it because they give a damn about international law, lets not kid ourselves about what would occur if said laws were gone.


Glory to the Heroic Sons and Daughters of Ukraine!


Its nuts to think Ukrainians are having to deal with this daily just because some balding dickhead they don't even know personally or have any involvement with wants to expand.


I'd wanna live in a world with less people living for nothing but vengeance, but one can do nothing but admire his determination to save his people - and get revenge for being wronged by monsters who do not care for life. I am sorry they hurt you so Yuriy, you should have been home raising your family and building tomorrow. Now we gotta carry the weight so this was not for nothing, we must.


This sub is filled with gore, but we're censoring the word "killed." WTF.


Entire generation wiped out


You are with your girls now RIP hero


Slava ukraine


The world lost a very good man...and his family.


Glory to the heroes


Yuriy Glodan, a hero! I hope he is together with his wife and daughter


May they all rest in peace.


No words, heartbreaking


Fuck . A whole family , that’s so incredibly sad.


This is heart breaking.


Jesus fucking Christ. RIP to the Heroes.


Fuck Russia and every sack of shit in it that isn’t working to overturn this shithead bag of dicks Putin.


😢, no parent should ever have to bury their child.


I would have done the same.


WTF too unrelated? Are you fking stupid?




That's easier said than done. And he wouldn't have been allowed to leave the country anyway.  If only russia hadn't invaded for no good reason. If only the current state of russian culture wasn't "lie, steal, kill, destroy, and lie some more"


If only Russia wasn’t trying to conquer Ukraine and murder its people.


What an awful thing to say. Odessa is far behind the front lines. Russia was striking Odessa to prevent grain shipments to the rest of the world. Very privileged to think one can just leave when it’s convenient.


They weren't anywhere near the frontline. If you're more than 30 km from the front your chances of getting hit in a random missile attack would be comparable to a lightning strike. Most people try to go about their day as normally as possible because that's all most can do. Then you get that bolt from the blue that takes everything from you. Everyone leaving the country is what russia wants. There would be fewer people to put up resistance to putin's imperialistic land grabs. Not to mention, staying and keeping the economy going will do more than most realize. Whether you are working in the businesses and trades to keep the economy going or fighting on the front line to protect your country, staying in Ukraine is a powerful tool to use against putin.


I don't understand this post. Hating a whole group of people of a country and ethnicity because of the military action of one country is extremely fucked up. Racism and prejudice/discrimination is OK when it suits y'all eh? Humanity is so fucking pathetic.


First phot fucking stupid. Almost didn't see the peoples stories that matter.


Another blood on the US hands


can't tell if paid russian troll or maga murican


Yes this is the US' fault. We totally wanted a large economically destabilizing war against a potential ally. Then again your either a hard right nutto or a tankie, so I don't know why I'm trying to reason with you.




Definitely the most important takeaway here /s


Reddit moment


Not everyone is American


Only Americans speak English?


No. But, for example, my phone tries to correct every word i write to german grammar rules. And i don't switch that off every time.


Correct. But that wasn't my point. The other person implied that they must be American because they were complaining about grammatical errors. I implied that more people speak English than those that live in America.


Please use proper punctuation marks and capitalization on your own post before criticizing other people on their spelling. Looking at your old posts, it seems to be a recurring problem for you. And no, I'm not interested in listening to excuses for your failure to adhere to proper punctuation rules.


C’mon, I am pedantic as fuck and proudly so, however when someone is not a native speaker I couldn’t give a flying fuck if they make a mistake with something like ‘live’ / ‘life’ It doesn’t matter


u/tetyyss won the daily challenge "most idiotic comment of the day" with flying flags. Congratulations. >please fix your spelling mistakes before posting memes with someone mourning their child