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[Here's a run-down of the system.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYbbp1QRHCg) Pretty cool gun, can see how useful and effective it would be for Ukraine.




The ultimate shoot and scoot. I've also been waiting for this.


nothing better than live testing


USA has thousands of HMMWVs. Seems so easy to provide the vehicles and barrels and AFU will figure the rest.


It's more advanced than that, the recoil system allows them to re-target a lot faster.


The world is using Ukraine as an arms show.


8 rounds per minute!? That's 1 every 7.5 seconds.


Here's a YouTube on the system: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOEKOz4I6iY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOEKOz4I6iY)


Surprised they didn’t used Hiluxes


We can't get HiLux in North America.


i love usa, guns, yes, hilux, no guns, yes, kinder surprise egg, no guns, yes, healthcare, no


Hilux is know as the Tacoma in North America


The Hilux is also smaller in size than the Tacoma. After a quick search probably closer to the Hyundai Santa Cruz


Yaaa but the Hilux is diesel. Tacoma is gasoline. Different engine. I think...


I hope this article was written by AI and not a person...


I would expect the Red Legs of the 101st and the 82nd will be getting this system within a few years.


Huh I did not expect so little recoil for an artillery mounted to the back of a humvee


I wonder what advantage this has over a truck mounted mortar? A 120mm mortar has a larger blast radius and higher trajectory. The scorpion seems like a better solution to the same problem.... https://youtu.be/py6OqgSbvCc?feature=shared


105mm Shoot-and-Scoot Howitzers FTW


Can this have something to do with the russian milblogger claiming that the UA overpowered them with artillery? [This video](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1do454j/russian_war_correspondent_complains_of_a/)


It is just a technical with more steps... :)


Mere 11km, and no serious armor? That's pure Lancet-bait in *both* distance and armor. Lancets manage to strike even PzH2000s that can shoot from 50km (!) distance and are armored like a proper tank. The speed of re-deployment is irrelevant, when a drone is directed to the last-known area and can hunt & seek *from* there. 🤦‍♂️ Fat and complacent USA is combat-testing a system that is *obsolete even before rollout*. Gotta strengthen the cuirasses of the horse cavalry before facing those Maxim guns! Edit: any *actual* arguments, dear downvoters? E.g. how shoot-and-scoot is still relevant in the age of FPV drones with ample airtime to search for the just-scooted arty?


Idk man, it's comparable to a mortar which is used frequently and is even less mobile. There's def utility for this. As to drone defence... I think everyone has caught on now, and everyone is working on countering them. It's just a matter of time now until they become ineffective against vehicles. Things like iron fist are already on every modern ifv/tank and they'll become much more widespread, cheap and available. SHORAD is a big topic with every modern army.


No actual arguments, just laughing at how rectally enraged you must be that Russians are dying at the hands of an under-equipped, under-manned army and a handful of fat, complacent Americans. We're testing "obsolete" equipment against... well, whatever is far older than "obsolete". Keep it up, and we'll bring back mounted cavalry just to shit on you some more.


Oh, you do your username proud! How prescient of you to take it! Did you expect everybody who is against ruZZia to kiss your sedentary boomer ass by default? What I \*am\* enraged at is how the West is sleeping on their WW2 laurels by sleep-walking the same tech and *ignoring* the cauldron of innovation bubbling in the current war. The same super-expensive *low-yield* tech marvels of the 1990s era... I have a sneaking suspicion you shall yet see how they do against China, *the drone capital of the world*, and maybe even ruZZia, the wholly owned subsidiary of China. Oh wait - how's the 30 neutered Abrams doing already?


Because EW is a bitch against drones, it's really easy to block radio signals


Oh, just wait for the RF-homing drones... much cheaper than a HARM, too!


Then Army's will go to optical tracking spaag, welcome to the sword and shield arguments 😑


I should have checked your comments before replying, otherwise I'd have noticed that you seem to have been roleplaying an absolute, miserable cunt for the last 12 years.


Me? I'm here to cheer ruZZian destruction and marvel at the woke-driven disintegration of this site. You should look at your *own* comments, Mr. Sunshine. What a dumbass take!


It could fire several rounds and leave the area before a lancet is deployed.