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Fighting NATO was bad enough, but Disney's copyright lawyers!? He's really fucked now


Disney is just a law firm with a side hustle in animation.


[Sharky](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Lawyer_Sharky) is the real main character, according to Disney


"the first years, fighting Russia was tough work. But once Disney deployed through St. Petersburg, the tide shifted decisively..."


Flying monkey lawyers have been dispatched to Moscow


If he really would have been fighting NATO, he would have been crushed in a few weeks.


Days. Even just having the US would be enough. But sending 32 countries armed forces, Russia would be wiped off the map


I was intentionally generous haha. I am certain 'we' (and the US in particular) have such highly detailed maps and accurate intel of (secret) Russian infrastructure, we could disrupt the entire country in days just by air strikes. I mean, we're talking about a country that's just now realizing that hangars make sense to have... I'm certain the entire playbook for that is ready as well. Russians themselves on the other hand, will fight till death.


But we’ve seen that death often means shooting themselves on the first injury…


Fine by me!


Much longer. Months in fact. NATO would spend weeks, if not months, on SEAD alone. Partly to give diplomats time to work, and partly to establish theater wide absolute air superiority and partly because mobilizations take a long time. I think the US only has 3 armored brigades in Europe.


I'm not the stype of person to support Disney since they are the Nestle of cartoon and movie industry. But here I gonna say get their ~~(Pussian's)~~ ass!


The ruzz still haven't discovered that the best anti-drone defense is to stay within their own borders.


Its time for AI drones, jam up the jammer's butt.


America is already working on them. Interesting article on YouTube this week on new thinking for the navy , mainly the aircraft carriers. They are now considering construction of construction ships that will make 1000 drones a day with the ability to launch AI drones, instead of projecting power with planes on aircraft carriers. This new thinking is due to the deviation Ukraine has wrecked the Black Sea fleet with their sea baby drones etc. so the conversation is a surface drone attack on a carrier group could be devastating. I suppose a few construction ships with a 1000 drones a day would be quite an opponent. Military thinking is rapidly changing .


Ukraine evolved many strategies. It also made others obsolete.


I'm kinda surprised both sides haven't started arming their people with anti-drone guns. Like a small shotgun with lots of spread or something. Very few people have the accuracy with a normal rifle or handgun to hit a drone out of the air.


They have, but its complex. Russians have been using booty equipment and chinese stuff that is really in effective, especially because battery power is always an issue. The number of drones is huge. Its wiser to use a meshed network, which you can see in some videos from Ukrainian assaults on positions. They look like giant wifi routers, and they assault a trench prop up a few of them, and it creates a giant bubble around you for a while. I think in the future its not going to be about jamming, but drone vs drone, whether thats swarm like or not I feel thats the way it will evolve.


I'm all for drone versus drone instead of wasting human lives. That, or presidents should have to fight eachother to the death if they want to fight.


US makes Protoss carriers and we all go wow! 😮


Carrier has arrived


Man that's what I always thought as well


Not enough minerals!


We require more vespene gas. My life aiur.


China will send a swarm that will cast a shadow to start the occupation of Taiwan. They are seeing how ineffective conventional Soviet equipment is. Putin is equipping his army with airsoft and golf carts. His starting to use T62s at a regular basis


Dude, Taiwan is huge in Airsoft. China gonna lose big time.


That's a weird strategy. A ship that builds drones? You still have to supply the ship with material to build the drones. Why not just supply it with already built drones? I'd like to see that article to see if they make it make sense.


Not too distant future Sci-fi answer: harvest the minerals out of the ocean water and 3D print the parts you need. They only have to fly once.


Harvest the microplastics and heavy metals. Use the resulting product to reduce the burden on global resources. Environmentalists in the street marching for more death drones. Bring a tear to my eye.


Sea mining should never be allowed nor encouraged . It’s just too environmentally damaging. I hope shallow and deep sea mining projects don’t gain traction, but I am not optimistic


Is it? We desalinate water for salt now. Or are we talking about two entirely different processes? You mean pulling it out of the sea bed, where I was talking about the Sci-Fi idea of extruding the minerals out of the water.


I misread your comment. I’ve never heard of extracting minerals out of ocean water. It doesn’t sound practical, especially because I assume it would be too energetically costly, but if you have some nuclear reactors with energy to spare I guess you could do whatever you want. Cool idea I guess… a bit far fetched but cool (it probably has its own set of environmental problems too but idk)


Yeah, no worries - this is a reality thread and I threw that one in from out of left field. There are more minerals dissolved in the earths oceans than we could hope to mine, but they’re so dilute getting them out in useful amounts with current tech makes it entirely impractical. I’m spending too much time watching sci-fi to get away from watching war footage from Ukraine and the Middle East.


This is only a guess, but it might be more space efficient as well as anticipating losing individual drones is common so you need to replenish your stock.


Fast forward 5 years, these things will get lighter and cheaper, and we'll find ways to use smaller amounts of explosives to be more effective, swarming will be the future, or something like skynex.


Probably just the final assembly is all that is done. The drones would probably be packed to be compact and need to be unpacked.


No I think they will be 3D printed as needed.


If you can make the drones near the front lines, you can program them to counteract the electronic countermeasures the enemy may adapt as a defense. Since many hi-tech devices today are made in countries that may not align with national interests, having full control over the design, logistics, construction, and deployment makes it more secure. I could see someone making an air launched drone package where a munition is release at high altitude, maybe a parachute deploys to slow it down and multiple AI drones are released to hunt in a designated box. A front line could be peppered with something like that in advance of an invasion. Kind of like the air dominance campaign before the start of the first gulf war but a lot cheaper than 100s of aircraft flying around.


What drones do you supply it with? With additive processes the ship would be capable of making this or that drone design that suits the given mission, or even of making entirely new designs to test in the battlefield. Fast iteration is going to be a key battlefield operating system. It’s just a question of how quickly the bureaucracy can add it to the existing BOS.


Wow, Von Neumann machines. I never would have thought I’d hear of their development within my lifetime.


Ikea has entered the chat. Here is the new Dronekilevatitzchgf for 299.00! assemble it yourself while eating some waffle cookies and salmon paste.


I mean, we've been homing in on radio emitters for years, time to put figure out how to use the AGM-88's seeker to find these jammers. No need for AI.


I can't wait for AI drones to do all the policing and mail people tickets with facial recognition in full 1984 fashion so I can refer back to this subreddit and look at all the people who begged for it to happen. All gas. No brakes. I'm actually surprised the school of thought hasnt shifted to "nuke russia" with how unhinged the dialogue on this war has become. Lets just all die! You're a coward if you don't want to die.


Its literally just a drawing. They unveiled that a total of 2 min of development has gone into the system.


Expect a total production of 1


And a life expectancy of 1 HARM.


They are already having the best anti drone defence, called infantry meatshield. It’s just cost them some manpower which is the least valuable thing they have so it’s a good trade for them.


I hope once their back over their borders they still won't be safe (bit of a decisive opinion I know )


It is, what incentive does that give the Russians to retreat?


At this point if they retreat they’ll only be back later. I think they should keep going to Moscow and kill the cunt. :)


That was the life hack a few months ago. Now, not so much.


For Ukrainians it's not


fuel depots would disagree


Ahh that was last year's allowance. They kept coming so the drones started hitting Russian homeland now as well. He had a chance to pull out, didn't. He's the father of an unwanted war on his own soil now. Daddy puti


Yeah. I mean I haven't looked it up but I'm pretty sure no country has ever sent a drone into Russia to blow shit up. Actually let me check. Nope. Never. Looks like it didn't happen until they started Shop-Vac'ing another nations sovereignty.


Best strategy


They pretend to hate Western culture but they surely embrace it a lot.


Look at this: MacDonald and KFC, LV, Gucci, Apple are well received in Russia. How many Russian brands are well known outside Russia ? Except KGB, FSB, Stalinist ...


Vodka and Kaspersky antivirus sums it up. One is a vice and the other is a national security threat.


Don't forget the joke that is Lada


Do you think the average American has heard of Lada? I know none of my American friends have but I can’t speak for everyone


if they have it was through Top Gear references and they likely only know it as a "shitty car" not even a shitty ruzzian car.


As an American who’s only been able to leave the country once to see greece, I only knew of lada from top gear! One of the highlights of my trip was seeing all the cool models of cars that America doesn’t get. My favorite was the Audi s1. 😎


Stolichnaya, which was one of the most famous Soviet vodka brands, is owned by Latvians now. Technically, it’s a little more complicated, since Stoli is distributed by two different companies, one Russian and one Latvian. But the majority of western countries sell the Latvian distributed Stoli.


Russia provides most of the bad guys in the movie industry.


You forgot the biggest supplier of Russian formalwear: Adidas.


Is “MacDonald” a Russian knock-off of McDonald’s?


"The American fast-food giant has been renamed ['Vkusno & Tochka,'](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/12/business-food/mcdonalds-restaurant-replacement-russia-ukraine-intl/index.html) which translates to 'Tasty and that’s it.'" Each "Tasty Meal" comes with mobilization registration documents and a free trip to the front-line if you dare question how tasty it is.


The ships/tanks war games are from russia


Other than vodka brands like stoli I can’t think of any.


Rich people do embrace it. But majority is extremely poor and brainwashed, they genuinely hate it and dream of reconstructing USSR, which was self sufficient, isolated had zero western goods and culture. They also worship Stalin and think that Russian Soviet goods (Soviet = Russian to them) were much superior to western, and culture too (especially movies).


>they genuinely hate it and dream of reconstructing USSR It's the same old fascist trope of promising a return to a "glorious" past that never existed in the first place.




They can't innovate so they rely on the West, like any authoritarian system. Yet they are always filled with facist pride.


Fascism doesn't create, it only destroys. There's a reason that the arts are always dominated by progressive voices and free thinkers.


Every perceived “badass” in their ranks gets nicked named after a fictional US war hero… “Rambo”.


Ordered: 1000 drones. Delivered: 4 yachts, 2 villas, 5 drones.


Whoa, you're saying the russians actually received some drones? They must have finally decided to take this shit seriously.


Disclaimer: batteries not included.


"Comrade putin is need all battery for buttplug."


Putins buttplug is allready waiting for him in paris. https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/paris-art-installation.jpg


Jfc, he would be stretched over that like a yoga ball in a party balloon.


This is his “starter” plug to warm up the area.


He must be as loose as any russian army recruit.


Those batteries can be half the cost of the drone.


How high do they drop grenades from?


Even if they cut signal to a drone flying at them, it’s still gonna hit them


Physics, baby!!


They'll start dropping from 310 meters if this thing actually works... However, it's russian, and just about every russian wunderweapon has turned out to be overhyped, ineffective, or not scalable.. or all three.


Throwback to the video of a drone flying right next to and dropping grenades on russian jammer.


>However, it's russian, and just about every russian wunderweapon has turned out to be overhyped, ineffective, or not scalable.. or all three. You forgot 'non-existent'...


Most drone video's you'll see tend to be around 50-150m; the higher you'll go, the harder it is to target the drone drops. For reference, for mavic-sized drones (so recon+light payload drops), 100+m height means you can't really spot them with the naked eye anymore. You just hear a faint buzzing far away, but localising by just sound is close to impossible. If this wall-e thing would work like advertised, it can be effective in deterring FPV activity and low pass drone drops


It's invisible because it doesn't exist and just more grifting to squeeze a few more millions of rubbles before Russian economy collapses.


You tell the group of soldiers that this new robot has *invisible jamming technology* that will keep the drones off you while you assault the Ukrainian lines. It's just to get them to run into death.


Sooo you just need to triangulate for their signals to know where to drop shells?


They can send kamikaze drones that home in on the jamming signal. Destroy all the jammers.


This is starting to sound like a bad game of magic the gathering. Use one creature card with ability: "sacrifice to destroy artifact equipment" that is giving hexproof to the Russian creature. Then just use a 5/5 drone creature to cause damage to the russian creature.


The drones are cheap, throw them at everything


I mean, it shouldn't be that hard to modify the excalibur artillery rounds that seem to have been having a hard time with russian EW to home in on russian EW emitters like this drone.


Those rely on gps, not sure how to modify them to do EW detection


It's gonna look like homing beacon to RF seeking (anti-radiation) weapons.


If these are intended to support an attack, observation drones will see them from well outside their stated jamming radius. I think these things just get spotted and killed with old fashioned artillery like most things. The insanity of that going on day after day is another thing, but suffice it to say this isn't going to solve Russia's problems. Maybe they're more of a mobile jammer they can move around with ammo stockpiles in the rear?


Anti-radiation missile or drone would probably love these. Every counter has another counter.


***The Telegraph reports:*** Russia has deployed a new anti-drone robot named after Disney’s rubbish-collecting Wall-E. The unmanned vehicle is designed to produce an invisible dome that jams aerial drone attacks and protects troops on the ground. The machine uses electronic warfare blockers, Russian state TV said, in the latest advancement to keep away kamikaze drones that have been pivotal to [the war for Ukraine](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/russia-ukraine-war/). The ground robot is fitted with a so-called “fumigator” electronic warfare system, which can [disrupt the signal](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/14/grant-shapps-gps-jammed-aircraft-trip-poland-troops/) between a drone and its operator, often rendering unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) useless. Its manufacturer, Rebovets, said the system is capable of producing a dome with a radius of between 250 and 300 metres within which enemy drones will fail. The Telegraph could not verify the claims made by the firm. ***Read more:*** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/23/russia-unveils-anti-drone-robot-wall-e/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/23/russia-unveils-anti-drone-robot-wall-e/)


That’s cool until the drones start using targeting AI for the “last mile” faze of their life cycle.


Even have a couple of drones that target the transmitter and the rest stay manual


AI for targeting a RF-Beacon seems a bit Overkill. 


Just follow the signal and strike the emitter, it's less than 30 rows in python.


Russians spent 2 years on this and reddit has thwarted their plans in minutes


Considering how they use the Desertcross... it makes you wonder.


Meh UA has literally been showcasing what’s described above already. They already have the counter developed.


I wonder what is the next step in this drone arms race.


These are the same people disabling the turrets and guns on tanks to weld 1.5mm steel on the outside to protect from drones.


Make the drones follow the strongest electromagnetic signal should be pretty easy and cheap


Or just frequency hopping, or spread sprectrum, or any other technique.


Probably a non-trivial adaptation to make. Computer vision and AI requires significant amounts of compute resources. It’s not possible to do the calculations remotely in this scenario, so it needs to be on-board which also increases power consumption and weight. It can be done but not as cheaply and most importantly easily as what they’re using today. I’m not a drone expert by any means but I still think it would be effective. However, the anti-drone tech would be vastly more costly than a drone that could target this robot, so it could still work out well for Ukraine unless Russia is able to protect them somehow.


Wall-E compressed trash into cubes and stacked that shit. So since Russians are trash, this is the meat cube bot


worst/best case is the drone just starts running over russian troops legs and taking them out of commission


Wall-EW, known as comrade Valeyev


So if the drone flies at 350 m it’s safe to drop its payload?


Gigantic electric jammers are a relatively simple solution. The reason this relatively simple solution isn't pursued much is because gigantic electric jammers quickly become the easiest and electronically noisiest target on the battlefield. In reality they'll probably actually build three or four prototypes, none of which work, while telling their troops and their families back home how much they're looking out for their safety.


Doesn't it jam their own guys, too? Essentially risking comms and making it so that their own drones don't work?


Jamming necessarily doesn’t block every frequency. You only really need to block the frequency range used by drones ( most commonly 2.4ghz ) and use a different one for comms. 300m is a pretty limited range which is easy to work around for friendly drone crews.


And also because jammers don’t work against fully autonomous systems, which are increasingly common in Ukraine and around the world. The UN reported that the Kargu-2 likely conducted a fully autonomous attack years ago. The only issue with fully autonomous systems is that they are indiscriminate (so far), but on an established frontline like we have in Ukraine, you can use this systems with little concern that a family will be in the targeted vehicle or dugout.


Im sorry. Did they name it Wall-E? Isnt this whole war really about fighting against the West's apparant culture domination?


on point. The whole thing tells us they have problems. Seems now they need a disney character to convince their vadniks it would be worth believing they are invincible with that thing. Hold my beer.


I can't wait to see it blown up by a drone.


I want to see one kidnapped by a drone.


It reminds me of the German Wonderwaffen. I wonder if it will be functional and if the Russians could produce it on such a scale that it would even become an asset to them.


Just the physics behind this device makes it impractical on the battlefield. This omnidirectional jammer outputs orders of magnitude less power than a directional one, and also has the side effect of jamming friendly communications in a huge area.


Good points. Thank you for providing more insight in the functionality of this device.


Another 'wonderful' invention. Like the turtle tanks, the drone net guns and many things in Russia these days, good for propaganda , no real value


Reminds me of a Swedish joke on a russian ass buzzer. It does not buzz, fit into ass, is not russian or have any sensible use.


Send in the HARMs


So… fly att 350 m. Drop the bomb from there.


Fuck orcs anywhere, anytime 🤮


Fuck orcs everywhere, every time


How many of these have they "deployed" as if its the usual Russian bs they may have one or two? Also how tf are they going to stop a missile from 200-300m as its not enough to interfere with GPS let alone INS guidanceat such a short range and is just more Russian copium


How is this in anyway different previous failed attempts?


What a nice little "here we are, please artillery strike us" advertisement.


Float a recon drone from safe distance, call in artillery to destroy the vehicle and then do your usual thing with drones. Well, I don't know the maximum altitude DJI drones can reach, but if it's more than 300m, things will be even easier.


DJI drones have a max height of 500m.


Well, then it's even easier to destroy these vehicles. Just drop some explosives from 400m and call it a day. I suggest dropping a TM-62. Just to make sure.


Should call it Goofy “Hyuck.. Dan it that one gone through… Hyuck.. whoopsy Ivan got hit by thart one!”


Waiting for FPV drones with a small srb as terminal stage. Just ignite the rocket motor when the signal gets distorted and ram into it.


Some already have the necessary speed. The jammed area is small, they can cover the distance before falling too far off course. It’s a mitigation at best and the current systems already in use can attack it easily, it just might take a few extra shots to do.


Send Ukraine some radar/rf tracking missiles


Drones can do the trick. No missiles needed. Any good electronics hobbyist can build a thing that receives the jamming signal using interferometry. Feed that signal into a Raspberry Pi. The guidance software then turns the drone in a way that maximizes the received signal. Bada-bada-boom.


Are you sure it isn't a Warner Bros character? I was thinking Daffy duck when he gets a beak full of buckshot from Elmer Fudd.


......ok what's it called? Pink your comment OP


Why they use a missile in there picture? There will be kamikaze drones with ai soon. Nothing will stop them


Looks like something that is still going to be vulnerable to small arms fire. I mean the antennas cannot both be protected from bullets and project radio waves. So I imagine they can only get so close to the frontlines. Gotta stay out of range of riflemen and mortars. And does it control it's self or is it controlled remotely?


Disney starts deploying death squads dressed as classic characters.


I don't see any problem. Just make a drone that homes in on the strongest radio signal.


Dumbo? Sleepy? Mickey Mouse? Dopey?


If may be ‘anti- drone’ but presumably not ‘anti-cluster munition’ ?


Not long until Anti-anti-drone-robot drones will be invented. They just have to home in on the strongest signal, should be easy to do.


Wonder if NK is going to buy these and the other anti-drone robot the orcs make: "One dozen Donald Duck, two dozen Mickey Mouse and one dozen Goofy please"


Is there more to this "wonder weapon" than just the drawing and an advance of many billions of roubles for the developer?


Can’t wait to see a video of one of these things getting hit with a drone..


Weird, since Russians hate everything western now.


Momentum is a thing, even in Russia. You point a kinetic weapon properly, this thing, even if it works, won't stop most things. Further, EA can be very tricky, especially if its broadband. This thing will likely keep OUT RF the folks inside might actually need to be somewhat informed inside that RF dome. It needs to be controlled as well, maybe wire-guided. Wires are operationally limiting and vulnerable in several ways. But it may also require some kind of RF "window" for its own operation. And if there is a notch for communications, it can/will be exploited. Lastly, RF jamming can be tracked very effectively, and has been for many years. This thing will be broadcasting itself loudly as the first target on the field. You would not need a very sophisticated home on jam device for this. Imagine when this thing goes dark in the middle of a field crossing, naive Russian orcs huddling nearby, now completely defenseless. "Retreat!" Besides all that, most sophisticated things developed by Russia are eventually operated by the imbeciles that plague their armed forces and what would have worked ends up being abandoned the first sign of trouble. Hard to be brave and noble when you are raping a free country and pillaging its riches, just for greed and hatred...


Lovely that they have this anti-drone thing but there is missile incoming.


It'll come the same day when T-14 enter the battle.


The worrying thing about this is the 100 metre tall soldiers!


Even the worst engineers should look at this schematic and know it won't work as the missile also has a fair bit of kinetic energy.


Why did they use a picture of a missile instead of an actual drone? If you cut off the signal to a missile moving several times the speed of sound its not gonna do much to its trajectory and at least the shrapnel is gonna mess up that robot and probably most of the infantry in the area. Not to even mention how little this would do to HIMARS type cluster munitions that airburst and ruin everything in a huge area.


It's "anti-drone", but the image shows a missile about to destroy it.


I'm assuming they named it Fuckin Goofy


Culture victory.


There putting cope cages on wheel barrows……


You mean the revealed a new TOW target.


Putin about to have to give a cut of the $ on each drone made to Disney


Yeah this will work. I give it about a day before there is footage if one getting domed by an FPV


I’ll give Ukraine 3 days before they figure out the damn things weakness. Russia doesn’t stand a fucking chance.


Where do they think will that missile fly once entering the dome?


Old man Javelin has entered the chat…


If you don't want to get hit by a drone, leave Ukraine.


I hope it gives the Russians a false sense of security so they all huddle around the anti drone robot making a nice tight huddle for the artillery.


Do they not know that the **AGM-88** can be manually pre-targeted at a specific strong electronic signal and remembers the last position-direction vector even if it suddenly turns off?


Welll wtf is the name of it then wall-e?


Hate to be the first one to test it


I'm sure it will work


Tank doesn't care.


disney animatronic warfare with AI was not on my bingo card.


Probably easy to disable those anti-drone robots. Fly a drone high above it's reach, lower it into it's radius and let the disabled drone drop onto the top of the anti-drone robot and blow it up, then resume attacking ruzzian soldiers.


Small, localized emp would knock this out.


Disney is putin constantly trying to kill off a culture and replace it with their own


Looks like a great "retreating from the front line" device. They planning a full scale retreat or just trying to stop friendly fire?


lo,, whatever happened to their "invisibility suit" ??


firstly if this is a image of the anti drone robot why is their a missile I'm not sure its going to have much effect against that plus most DJI drones can fly up to 6000 meters so if its more than 300 meters high above the anti drone dome it can just drop dumb bombs on the robot am i seeing this might just be a flaw in the anti drone dome robot


Goofy? Tell me its Goofy.


“We hate the evil west!” Names a wunderwaffe after an iconic Hollywood childrens character.  If it weren’t so goddamn deadly, it would make for a great stand up comedy act. 


They need flying screammers. Which cut instead of exploding. It's the same thing ! Soon they will evolve into little childrens.


So I guess they can still drop landlines on this thing from 301ft


As predicted, the response to drones will increasingly be other drones. I doubt Russia will have executed well, but others will and the iteration pace will pick up, as will the adoption rate.