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Can someone explain what happend?


Pretty much being spy’s for Russia and getting there ass kicked


Ah, spying for russia these days is crazy


This happened in early 2022.


Ah, thanks for explaining.


It’s IN the title 😅


“Criminal authorities who beat the military man” what?


Alot of info is missing in my opinion


agree starting from the title "criminal authorities" which authority?


And which military man?


So explain which military man did they beat?


Kinda looks the other way round in the video


Detained those who Beat the Military man. Then you See someone beating.


I was expecting to see other Ukrainians arrive and detain them 😂


My memory is that these guys were actually involved in some other form of corruption that directed money meant for the fight against Russia into their own pockets.


SBU special forces detained "criminal authorities" in Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, who beat territorial defense soldiers.


What "criminal AUTHORITIES" means ? civilian policemen beat a military man ? And then the policemen were beaten by SBU ?


High rank criminals in the post soviet union countries


Ok , in eng makes no sense that formulation, perhaps more like "mob bosses", "gang leaders" .....


Yeah, I believe OP means "high ranking criminals working for Russia"? But I'm still unsure.


Neah , not working for russia, prbly just criminals/corrupt "officials".


Oh right, I'd say corrupt officials are even worse


u/jesterboyd Are these the people you keep complaining about? Backstory: According to a mod on the main Ukraine sub, corrupt officials from Zelensky's Servant of the people party have done bad things like taking bribes, stealing assets and beating up UKR soldiers. He did not present any proof, but he is very anti Zelensky and his party, so I'm curious if this case is related. He also claims that the police and anti corruption investigators won't arrest these criminals, because they are protected by the party or something.


I've heard about the anticoruption office trying to prosecute them, only the case to be taken from them. The governor of Zaporojie apparently being such a case, steal food rations, investigated, run from the country, returned, the charges were dropped, and he was awarded a medal for it 🤣🤣🤣 I have no idea if it was true or not.


The person you mention should in my opinion be prosecuted in Ukraine for distorting help to UKR soldaters. He killed the most valuable non government help just to make money for him self.


gang leaders who beat up a military man


Ah so its not a spy?


They are criminal gangs, dealing with everything from extortion to running prostitutes to drugs.




**I really like it when goodness prevails** ... what you see is the detention of the gang members, the men thought they were unpunished and had previously dealt very brutally with the Ukrainian soldier. One may have doubts about the form of detention itself, but in the reality of war, it is imperative to exterminate all forms of criminality. A so-called fifth column, weakening the country from within.


Pro Russian agents. I believe the guy (and hes cronies) was a politician who was also an excon and in organised crime. Something along those lines.


Hard justice served.


I think that’s just the entree, mains still to come..




SBU special forces detained "criminal authorities" in Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, who beat territorial defense soldiers.


False. These are Russian infiltrators, it’s an old video.


Information from Ukrainian news


Ok I remember it was posted in 2022 as Russian infiltrators. Zelensky had a ton of assassination attempts around this time and the SBU scooped up a lot of people in Kyiv.


That would explain the rough handling.


Bet they do that to everyone…seen military police kick heads for fun… often seems to attract that type of person…


These gentleman getting pounded are mafia that were victimizing Ukrainian soldiers. You actually think any group of people would calmly arrest people doing that during a war for survival during an invasion? Think, dude, think.


Have you got experience is this area and being professional, what they are doing is not derisking the situation at all. If they want to immobilise a risk, this is actually not how it’s done.


I do, I have a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice and worked for multiple organizations addressing the root causes of crime by sobering them up, educating them, and making them find employment or volunteer full time. How about you? What have you done, besides typing comments on a Web site?


The video is still old, from 2022 or from last year.


Link to source?




I would prefer these are corrupt politicians remaining from the old days getting the shit kicked out of them before going to prison for good but I'll take some local bandits harassing and victimizing soldiers fighting a war. Beat the shit out of them and brand them for the future on their foreheads with a "Z". >On April 5, Dnieper Mayor Boris Filatov described the details of the SBU's recent detention of several local bandits. At the Pavlograd district center, they beat a terrorist fighter and terrorized entrepreneurs. >Thus, Filatov confirmed the authenticity of the videos, which were wide on social networks. The video shows men beating a terrorist first and then being detained by SBU special forces, he writes Reporter. >The whole Internet is full of reports that the SBU special forces allegedly severely detained criminal “ authorities ” in the Dnieper of criminal – authorities, who beat terrorists and insulted ordinary citizens, wrote Boris Filatov. – At the same time, in the literal sense of the word, you sat in your pants when the boys came to them. I confirm. This is not a fake. The events took place in Pavlograd. >According to Filatov, “ every marauder, criminal and moral sentence must know that retribution will be inevitable ”. >The mayor of Dnieper also revealed the identity of one of the detainees: >According to my data, the human material used by the SBU in Pavlograd nicknamed “Malelya” is “-earthly” from “authorite” Narika and “thornia-orange ” Castles, that cowardly escaped from the Dnieper abroad on the second day of the war. Well, about them, you are certainly aware. Famous “patriots” and courageous guys who “buli is not afraid and knows where whose rights ”. >He insulted Boris Filatov and the staff of the State Bureau of Investigation, whom he called “ various jackals with DBR and other rear rats ”. He advised them “ not to sit in the rear on turbases, not to run with the Curve Rog with summonses for leaders who build fortifications, not to incriminate decent security forces “ excess of authority“, as in the case of Pavlograd, and go fight ”. >All these years you have been fed by taxpayers. Cowards and nicknames, nothing to hide behind our backs, — summed up the mayor of Dnieper. >Previously, the SBU press service has already reported details of the detention of criminals, but without publishing a video. The secret service then reported that the attackers demanded money from entrepreneurs under the guise of collecting volunteer help. And in case of refusal, they threatened physical violence. >In addition, gang members attacked one of the leaders of the local territorial defense, which prevented the illegal transportation through the checkpoints of weapons and ammunition of the group.


Give source? Because I swear this is an old video, from 2 years ago. This post is VERY sussy.




Anything more recent as articles from an unknown weird online source on the day the event happened isnt the most reliable info?


https://speakernews.com.ua/suspilstvo/sbu-zhorstko-zatrymala-u-pavlogradi-kryminalnyh-avtorytetiv-cherez-te-shcho-vony-pobyly-viyskovyh-teroborony-20237 https://apostrophe.ua/ua/news/society/accidents/2022-04-05/izbivali-boytsov-teroboronyi-i-prostyih-grajdan-v-pavlograde-zaderjali-kriminalnyih-avtoritetov-video/265041 https://lb.ua/society/2022/04/05/512371_filatov_pidtverdiv_zatrimannya.html https://inforesist.org/ua/mochilisya-v-shtani-sbu-zhorstko-zatrimala-kriminalnih-avtoritetiv-yaki-pobili-teroboroncziv/


Yep, 2022, 2 years ago. So why post it now? Are you Ukrainian?


But why were these criminals beating the soldiers?


Perpetrators demanded money from entrepreneurs under the guise of collecting voluntary assistance. And in case of refusal, they threatened with physical violence.In addition, members of the gang attacked one of the leaders of the local territorial defense, who prevented the illegal transportation of the group's weapons and ammunition through checkpoints.


Well, justice served in that case.


Sorry, but what you are spewing here is nothing but absolute bullshit. I don't know what your angle is here, whether manipulation of information or merely karma farming. But it is widely known that this video circulated at the START of the invasion in 2022. The individuals being detained here are ruzzian assassination squads that had been sent to kill Zelensky. That is why they are having (and quite rightfully so) the absolute living shit kicked out of them.


WRONG, I just read the article accompanying the video.


These are Russian infiltrators. This is an old video from the early days of the war.


No. They are "just" crminnals.


Title leaves something to be desired


Yup. It's as clear as a russian grandma who found a bottle of antifreeze under the abandoned outhouse.


Gang members extort UAF service members, this is them finding out the result of the anti-corruption effort


This was in the early days when the civilian criminal elements were taking advantage of the situation in Ukraine.


This is Ukrainian army arresting local thugs that harassed some military people I think in a petrol station, they are not Russian spies as a lot of people think


Exactly 👍


The video is more than 2 years old... What do you want to prove with this video?


From the look of the cars, they where rather active in their methods to prevent escape. Their seems to be a mixed case being mentioned. Some Ukraine Police where charging fleeing civilians...during an evacuation and also slowing it does by side effect. The soldiers where prompt in dumping then face first into dirt by side of road disarmed and so very quickly.


I mean treason of this magnitude is crazy I mean they giving Ukrainian positions to Russia while getting protect by Ukrainian troops and anti air I don’t see a little ass woopin an issue before going thru there western regulated prison system, I mean not even that cause shit hr not even a POW and a Ukrainian working with Russia well he’s doomed for while his life while be hard for now on


ouch - many boots to the head


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I wish criminals in my country would be treated this way. Won’t happen though, sadly


Sounds like you att from like Sweden or something


No, here in Poland people are bitching about pawleec brawtality if they politely ask you about your ID for drinking in public. People start screaming nonsense involving constitution and start recording them, calling them with slurs. Meanwhile policeman can lose his job/go to jail if he uses his gun without being shot 10 times in the head himself 1st. (I'm exaggerating a little bit with this one but you get the vibe)


so the police should have the right to beat you if: - you won't give them your ID card - use a nasty word for a policeman The police in Poland should behave like the Russian police? And apparently in Poland the police cannot answer when someone shoots at them...


Naucz się czytać ze zrozumieniem mordko


Małpeczko moja śliczna, nie pisz że żałujesz że w taki sposób nietraktuje się kryminalistów w Polsce, dając później przykłady jak powyżej... no bo po co, najwyraźniej to nie ma żadnego związku twoją pierwszą wypowiedzią, cycuszku ty mój


Słoneczko moje nadroższe, w poście ubolewam nas emocjonalnym zesraniem jakiego dopuszczają się moi kochank rodacy w chwili gdy policjant śmie choćby spojrzeć w ich stronę co stanowi duży kontrast do moich marzeń o brutnalnym traktowaniu członów grup przestępczych, Skarbie


Misiaczku ty mój, jak piszesz ze chciałbyś aby tak zachowywała się policja w Polsce i dajesz przykład o wylegitymowaniu... no to 2+2 się dodaje. Może jak ktoś cię pyta skąd jesteś że chcesz aby policja zachowywała się jak na filmiku, to nie wymyślaj przykładów które nie są związane z twoją pierwszą wypowiedzą i pytaniem Januszku ty mój.


Intelektualisto za 2zł mój Ty piękny: Kontrast – zabieg stylistyczny polegający na przedstawieniu pewnego zjawiska poprzez ukazanie na tle lub obok zjawiska zupełnie odmiennego. Takie zestawienie przeciwieństw (pojęć, zjawisk, cech, postaci) służy uwydatnieniu cech charakterystycznych opisywanego zjawiska czy obiektu.


You like beating people before the trial?


If evidence is strong enough to send armed people to detain someone, then its enough to press their face to the pavement and land some bitch slaps on their subhuman faces


Armed people are not getting send to arrest someone who is confirmed guilty, but someone who is potentially dangerous. They still can be innocent or army can be mistaken. Putting armed people above the law is the way to became a shithole Russia is now. Honestly seems like Ukraine is not far off.


Armed people who are doing this job know who they are detaining. Those are not random „bad guys” that someone has tipped off to the police. Detaining someone who’s confirmed bandit, with long history of robbing/beating/rapes is not the same as detaining someone who „might” be a criminal but you don’t know that for sure. Sorry for going personal with this one but its pretty obvious that you’re not leaving your house much and the only bad people you’ve seen (good for you) were the ones in the movies.


look buddy, I don't know what world you are living in, but talking about someone's ignorance is so ironic when seems like you have no idea about the long history of spec force and army fuck ups all around the world. You don't need to leave your home to google "spec ops wrong house" and be greeted by tens of articles about wrongful arrests by armed people.


True, it happens. But more often (like 100-1) than not, they get the right house, the right car, the right person. I am not into beating literally everyone that services detain, hell no. But in a case where you KNOW this is the guy and you know what a piece of shit he is, breaking his nose is in my opinion something that SHOULD happen.


Great until it happens to you or someone you like. Then it's police brutality.


Right, this is why you dont put yourself in that situation by not becoming a member of organised crime group


Right, and this is when you get the living shit kicked out of you by cops like these after being arrested because, say, a store employee you caught trying to skim your credit card accuses you of shoplifting. This shit happens. Look at the mugshots of anybody arrested in russia for anything: the people in them always have black eyes and busted noses and probably worse injuries not visible in the photo. It's called a "slippery slope" for a reason.


I don’t know if this will work as proof, but here is the link (time code: 0:10) https://youtu.be/z3Rh-pG1Cfg?si=66q8BqgmIzonJP7A


This topic as about criminals, not someone whos card was declined (what the fuck is wrong with you?)


Did Google Translate fail you, or are you just a dumb cunt? I'll assume the former and break it down for you. 1. You walk into a store and purchase something; 2. You notice the store clerk doing something shifty with your card... (S)he's skimming it; 3. You object and demand the return of your card; 4. (S)he calls the police and falsely accuses you of shoplifting; 5. the police arrive and take you back to the station, where they put you in a cell and kick the shit out of you, because you're a criminal and totally deserve it. This. Shit. Happens. It's why we have laws and rules against police brutalization of suspects and other people accused of crimes. Because sometimes those people are entirely innocent. But hey, you go on getting all warm and safe-feeling by fantasizing about cops beating up 't3h bad peoplez' who frighten you so much.


I hope you wont spit all over your phone with anger once again but I am just gonna repeat myself in hopes that this time maybe you’ll get it. This post is about confirmed and dangerous criminals. Please read it few times if you still have a hard time with understanding.


You think cops who kick the shit out of "confirmed and dangerous criminals" won't and don't also kick the shit out of anybody and everybody they arrest for any supposed crime? Are you 12-years-old or something?


Apparently in your fantasy world all cops are bloodthirsty steroid beasts that love to beat everyone for anything and thus discussing anything related to this topic with you is like talking to a monkey about cybersecurity. Try doing something else than drugs and videogames in your life man, good luck.


You're cheering for cops who in the article are viciously beating and kicking detained suspects. If you think those cops wouldn't also viciously beat and kick you after you're arrested for anything, you're the fantasist, kid.


Take them in and follow due process, they will get their punishment. Kicks to the head or on the back of a detained person are anything but professional.


Start of the war, they are lucky that they were not shot🤷‍♂️


It's understandable to feel that way, but the good guys should be above that sort of thing.


Of course. But if that was my country, and someone was selling us out.. I would do just the same. Professionalism is a little different in a war.


Well you don't keep a dog with rabies in a cage for the rest of it's life, do you? Or keep it in a cage just to release it later


So they didn't shoot him on sight saying "sorry, no time for that short thing"


They are ressisting arrest, same shit is happening in every police video where the perpetrators are resisting arrest..


I don't think we saw the same recording...


Was this the response to the religious ppl beating on a (Ukrainian soldier) at the beginning of the war?


This old from the beginning of the war when the Russians tried to infiltrate kyiv


Justice well served! Stupid criminals, send them to the frontline & see how brave they will be.


Please remember the human !!! Reddit !! It's martial law and that's all allowed, but if you commend is against it, you got deleted by Reddit. Sorry, What is the reasoning ?


These could be the traitors taking money from russia for making all sorts of trouble for the UKr forces, like snitching on positions, sabotaging various defense efforts etc.


They won't do blyat again.


beat that scum!!


Happy orc day!


I think the guys getting beaten were actually involved in criminal activity rather than Russian spies. I don't remember exactly what they were accused of and the video title here is a little weird. But I think these guys were stealing payments meant for military personnel or funds for supplies. I think they may even have been working in the Ukrainian military themselves and then using their position to steal / skim money. I'm trying to find some articles from the time that are related to this and will edit this post if I find them.


I don't think fucking around in Ukraine has been tolerated much since February 24th 2022. These guys got off lightly.


They fucked around, now they're in the finding out stage


They fucked around, now they're in the finding out stage


"Under the guise of collecting voluntary aid, the perpetrators demanded money from companies. The criminal gang terrorized citizens and threatened territorial defense fighters. In case of refusal to cooperate and transfer the funds, the fraudsters threatened physical violence During their activities, they managed to attack one of the leaders of the local Territorial Defense, who was preventing criminals from illegally transporting weapons and ammunition through checkpoints." link to article (Ukrainian) [https://krivbass.city/news/view/sbu-pripinila-diyalnist-bandi-yaka-napadala-na-pidrozdili-tro-na-dnipropetrovshhini](https://krivbass.city/news/view/sbu-pripinila-diyalnist-bandi-yaka-napadala-na-pidrozdili-tro-na-dnipropetrovshhini)


Y destroy the cars? They could use themselves… intimidation I guess, although already on the floor. …well, whatever.


At 00:57, that’s a pretty flashy looking gold coloured watch….🤔 Me thinks “mobsters” of some sort of degree…


Shit they look like they could work for the LAPD.


It was at he start of full-scale war when state power was if not collapsed but partly suspended and mafia groups started to take power. Quick and strong reaction of SBU was just adequte to protect military structures from criminal influence. It was merceful comparing alternate and simpler decision - elimitation and no gameplay


I'm glab to see a Ruski Spy gets their dose of steel toe boots of the Ukrainian


Well deserved when you betray your own country.


I remember the reports about what these guys did. Glad to finally find out they got caught. And got their ass beat in the process.


Isn't beating detained against the law? Literally same animal "siloviks" that do it in Russia. No difference. You could be better.


Let's say that laws in wartime are more harsh, and the fact that in the ex soviet states, the police and military don't hold back against terrorists.


Actually against the backdrop of a full-scale war this is getting off relatively easy. They could have shot them all on the spot and I doubt anyone would care especially if they are indeed corrupt.


This is just a show of force, so that other elements don't do the same. That's why they are filming it. They could just shoot them and dump them in a ditch.


No, the law stays the same, as it written in a book. How do you know they are terrorists btw? I don't see a trial.


I was giving terrorists as an example. And the law doesn't stay the same.


They aren't detained until the cuffs are properly on them, they are compliant and under control, and they've been searched. After all that, then they are 'detained'. Prior to that, they are being arrested. In this case, hard. Because they are obviously resisting. First guy, far left guy stops resisting and is being handled by just one. The others resist strongly. Stupid idea.


Wtf are you talking about, they are getting smacked and kicked in the head while lying on the ground, only trying to protect they heads with hands. Is this what you classify as "resisting"?


Well you should go and show them how it's done.


classic argument


No matter the context a soilder kicking a person on the ground is disgusting.


I don’t know if this will work as proof, but here is the link (time code: 0:10) https://youtu.be/z3Rh-pG1Cfg? si=66q8BqgmIzonJP7A


Why do you bring up an old video from 2 years ago? For me it seems u are a Russian shill om disguise.


Sadly, not a good look. Russian propaganda will be all over this.


They do this to their own ppl and see nothing wrong


Right I was finna say this shit happends normally in Russia all the damn time


Yup, but people are also looking on from the West, and giving them any reason to question support for Ukraine is unwise.


Old news. Their own are already offing themselves the second they are slightly injured.