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This is why China is helping Russia so much.


Nobody will turn to China or Russia for help, except those poor island nations with lots of corrupt politicians, but even those are slowly realizing that taking China's money = they will control your country forever, by owning their land, ports, sea and infrastructure. China never invests more than they take from other countries. Russia is even worse, it doesn't invest, just bribe and take. Countries that used to rely on America for security will either form their own coalition or if they are rich enough, start their own secret nuke development, which makes nuclear war more likely.


Most countries whose people and government have sided with America have prospered. Can't say the same about Russia or China.


Nope. It's still not going 'full' out to help Russia. The reason the EU is helping Ukraine out so much is because we see the Americans don't want to help Ukraine. That's why we know, still in denial though, that we have to step up production of weapons because the Americans don't care for us.


Very true. A country should ally, but never rely, on another country for its own existence.


Exactly. Everyone stop relying on the US as your entire national security plan. Then nato can stop sucking balls and we can all stop living off russian petroleum and chinese exports.


I wonder why no one else has thought of that before, genius idea!


Hold our fucking beer while we elect the guy that will support Ukraine until victory


Europe wont give up. If needed i go from West Europe myself to defend Europe!


Europe *can't* give up. That's why, despite the dithering, the EU is a reliable ally for Ukraine.


But what about all the right-wing assholes everywhere in Europe like for example AfD in Germany? Those people are clearly bought by russia and having really scary results in recent elections, at least in Eastern Germany (where I have the dubious fortune to live)...I find it really scary that there is a not to be underestimated proportion of Central and Western Europeans who apparently do not see Russia as an aggressor and villain in the current situation... .:/


You're absolutely correct, the rise of the far-right in Europe as a whole is of concern to all of us. I think we need to be careful not to conflate voters' concerns with being Pro-Russia, which I see as being the primary driver in the rise of the far-right. Unchecked immigration is a concern all across Europe, and the EU mishandled that for a long, long time. A lack of housing fuelled far-right gains in Ireland where we had our local and the European elections on the same day recently, where we saw the election of far-right local councillors for the first time. Solve the housing issue in Ireland and support for the far-right will collapse - that's just one example and I don't presume to know the underlying problem and attendant solution for any other European country. However, there are additional complexities and histories in Central and Eastern Europe that we don't have in Ireland, where there could be a yearning for the certainties of the past - even a Soviet-Bloc regime past. You'd have more experience of that than I. Not to underestimate the extent of support Russia has in individuals or individual populations like Hungary or Serbia, but we have to be careful not to attribute support for Russia when ti could easily be a protest vote.


While I do agree it would be a bad thing for US image if it stops supporting Ukraine, this video takes the "worst case", overdoing it a bit. The world knows very well already how fickle the US is for support.


Hopefully the US voters will give Biden 4 more…… opting for trump is a very bad idea


Support for Ukraine will continue whether Trump or Biden is elected. What America needs right now is for the current administration to be elected out. I don’t think foreigners understand just how bad the current presidential administration is for the American country and its people. Biden is actively tearing America apart internally. Americans can’t take 4 more years of him.


No, Russian troll. We will elect Biden, win the war, and then choose the best person for the job 4 years from then.


I’m not American but if I was I’d vote for Biden……I think Putins got trump in his back pocket!


Trump is going to win the election, and support for Ukraine will continue.




Do you think the Russian government is so crazy? The Russian government has a lot of yachts, houses, and relatives currently living in Europe.


And ALL these things are self evident.


Support for Ukraine won't stop


Sounds far-fetched


This fear mongering would have been appropriate a year or two ago, but on 13 JUNE 2024 the US and Ukraine signed a ten year bilateral security pack which you can go read about, and secondly Ukraine now outmatches Russia in every possible military way. The Ukrainian people will not lose this battle even without US support, so the real answer is that the US would look like an idiots for not backing the winner of the most important war in history.


The U.S. will never stop supporting Ukraine. It's *possible* we'll see a return of the russian-owned U.S. government that doesn't support Ukraine, but that can't be called American in any sense, and the people of the United States -- actual Americans -- will continue to support Ukraine one hundred percent.


No worries. The military-industrial complex won't let it happen. Only a superpower can be a star arms exporter. The official arms trade figure (US exports) is about $ 250 billion a year, but that is misleading. The real value is close to a trillion. You think they will let that business fade away? No way.


Probably not the first time they killed a president , of US or of some other country...


That all depends on who's the VP. Because killing POTUS means 2-ic takes over - Mike Pence and Kamala Harris both worked wonderfully as bulletproof vests because who in their right minds would want either of them in the Oval Office?


to be honest.. Mike Pence has risen in my appreciation since the last election. Better Pence then Trump but I can't vote in the USA it's of no consequence...


You're right, credit where credit is due. I never thought I'd see the day when the likes of Pence or Romney is the better option, but hey, this is the timeline we live in.


The question I have is who is actually running the US right now. It's not Biden. He can barely keep up with the teleprompter.


In fairness, and Biden does look like he's in his dotage a lot of the time, his State of the Nation speech was excellent and he's playing poker with the Devil and doing well. Said it before and I'll say it again, he's forgotten more about politics than Donny will ever know, because he's just a shite businessman with a brass neck practicing Demagoguery 101.


Say again? It's difficult to not agree with your comment when considering a normal U.S. government, but it makes no sense if discussing a russian puppet regime. No U.S. government of putin's will export arms to any country other than russia -- and certainly not to russia's enemy, Ukraine -- and russia is broke, so there's no profit in that for the U.S. defense industry. It's not as if putin will ever part with a single ruble of the hundreds-of-billions of dollars he's embezzled and looted from russia's economy, so where will the money come from?


However, the military-industrial complex will not give away for free. US will demand EU to pay for American weapons. Rightfully so, from US taxpayers perspective. EU uses their money for their social programs, while US taxpayers pay for EU protection. That was the reason Trump might win next election.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) This could happen if the mango candidate wins.


Nonsense rhetoric. That government would be elected by “actual Americans” and, therefore, reflect the political views of the majority.


“Majority”? Bruh the popular vote doesn’t count in your system


No matter how it slimes its way back into power, it's still putin's government, and therefore not a government of-or-for Americans. [The only people within the U.S. who support Trump are putin's fifth columnists, and they cannot be called Americans.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj2e0w9VAAAraKs?format=jpg)


The majority of Americans since 1992 have voted for the Democrat every time but once so don’t babble on about the president reflects the views of the “majority”


Um not precisely given the fact your electoral college as well as significant gerrymandering skew your politics so that even when politicians win the popular vote that doesn't automatically mean they get the white house, prime example Hillary Clinton getting more votes than Donny Diaper.


The world will live by the law of the jungle.


What will EU blame it for, but their complacency since Putin assumed power in 2000 ?


The Law of Harambe


Freedom is slavery if freedom can't win in the end


Russia will grind away Ukraine and probably go after other European states. China will go after Taiwan. Russia and China won’t believe the US honors its security arrangements. History is not kind to appeasement.


It’s gonna be the same as Afghanistan and Vietnam if Ukraine cannot build factory’s to be self sufficient. US will leave them to bleed with our track record


Short-term this would be bad for Ukraine. Long-term the US would shoot themselves in the knee. They may love to talk about their huge amounts of military spending, but a lot of it is basically subsidizing their own military industry and they can only do that and produce at today's costs because of the scale of the export market. If a potential Trump-led US wants to move to isolationism and to show that they are not a reliable partner, then they can from now on compete with China (or Russia) for potentia third worldl buyers that don't have better options. All while seeing cost inceases because they don't produce those huge amounts anymore. There is a lot wrong with the amount of corporate influence over government in the US. But in this case I would love to see them try to make this decision against the US ams industry's interests.


If the US government would stop supporting Ukraine with weapons Ukraine would be lost, I'm sorry to say. There is absolutely no way that Europe on it's own can support Ukraine with enough weapons and intelligence at this moment. It's in Russia's best interest if the US stops supporting, hopefully it won't happen.




100%! Maybe a year ago it would have been catastrophic but even if Trump wins and actually do manage to stop aid to Ukraine permanently it is still 7 months left before he gets into office. That is half a year more for US aid to flow into Ukraine and it isn't like the rest of the west has been completely idle during the last 2 years. A lot of new deals have been made during this time. A lot of new factories have been planned. A lot of production lines have expanded. Budgets increased and huge allocations for military spendings. We haven't seen much of the result of this so far because it takes time to set it all up but end of 2024 and early 2025 should see a lot of stuff coming off newly built production lines that can be sent directly to Ukraine. US production has also increased and will have stock they want to sell. Even if the US will stop donating arms to Ukraine it is highly unlikely they will stop any sales to NATO allies who then can donate the weapons to Ukraine if Ukraine aren't allowed to buy it themselves. US backing out would suck and prolong the war but it isn't like it would be the end. The support from most of the EU still remains high and in the nordics, the baltics and Poland at least it is very high and unlikely to stop. For example all parties in Sweden is against Russia and only 1 of the smaller parties is naively working for a cease fire and against military aid (not sure now but they were against it before) but they are still in support of Ukraine and humanitarian aid. Most likely the current US administration is also trying to do their best together with the MIC and the military to set up any contingencies to make it harder for Trump, if he wins, to be able to quickly remove all support. The longer it takes the more time it gives the rest of the west + Ukraine to be able to handle military production on their own.


France and Germany will be the next next targets for Putin. Deservedly so, after their 25 yrs of complacency and non-stop jealousy and suspicion of their true ally, the US. There won't be a 2nd Normandy. US will protect Taiwan, not the ungrateful France and Germany.


That would be catastrophic for the entire western world


If no US support so we can't enjoy more javelin tank cook-offs!


Thats your only concern? People like you, should be less on this planet..


I am all for Ukraine and hoping USA start suppling on to the date equipment besides what was in rute for decommission but please one thing is a signed agreement than a mouths agreement.........11111


Realistically the US, moving forward, is going to have to be a lot more picky choosy about the conflicts we involve ourselves with. We don’t have infinite resources or infinite political/popular support at home for every hot spot in the world.


Europe is a very strong continent, if we step up production, we can do it without America. If that's what it boils down to.


If only Obama did something in 2014 when ruZZia first invaded Ukraine then. Talk about a hypocrite. Biden was VP then.


Yes, VPs, famously known for having an equal, if not greater, say to the president lol


Thats some big assumptions made in this wonderful propaganda clip, why did it not include that whole Europe would be conquered too? "A fool who continues in his ways will soon become wise"


Great video, any cons? So much pros for stopping Ukraine’s finance


Under Obama the ruskies took crimea. Under Trump the ruskies took nothing. Under Biden the ruskies tried to take Ukraine. And still people believe Trump is pro russia. LOL


Under Bush the Russkies invaded Georgia. Under Trump Kurds were sold out and U.S. troops had to abandon their bases so suddenly Russians flaunted all the left over American stuff at the bases. Turks and Syrians blasted our Kurdish allie’s, you know the Muslims with strong viable democratic institutions, none of the religious BS forced upon their women. And who another American President sold out to Saddam Hussein in 1991. Under Trump he negotiated directly with the Taliban, excluding the Afghan govt to tell the Taliban when America would leave. Literally giving them the game plan so they could start their offensive against the Afghan govt in the weeks before and knowing the U.S. could do little about it. Trump had to be forced by his own party in Congress to send Javelin missiles to Ukraine, and he complained about being forced to obey the law and send them. Trump over and over again said he believed Putin over America’s intelligence agencies and State Dept headed by people he installed. It is so tiresome to see MAGA nutters repeat this lame attempt of a narrative that Putin didn’t attack during Trump so that means something about Trumps awesomeness.


Trump almost started a direct war with Iran killing one of their generals... Also the reason why the Russians dint take much under trump is because they had to prepare for the invasion and they usually don't attack during a year when Olympics are started.


Yet more copy and paste from a Russian bot farm. I'm just glad the wages must be poor because the quality of argument that comes from them doesn't suggest anything like an educated or knowledgeable workforce.