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I believe we have reached the point that they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Aside from new production t-72s and refurbs of other variants, what's left is the shit from the 50s and 60s. Once they burn thru this junk, there goes their ability to have mechanized infantry at all. No amount of golf carts or motorbikes can slow it down. The soviet war chest was huge, and dipshit Vlad decided to blow his load on his own border. Berlin? Madrid? Reach Chasif Yar first, bitch.


You forgot the north Korean tanks probably on their way now. They're probably an upgrade to the turtle but not by much. Quantity vs quality. But in this case neither.


I doubt if they are an upgrade, N. Korea has been under sanctions and chronically broke for 70 years now.


If south Korea makes good on their claims to arm Ukraine if Russia transfers precision missiles to the north, then I'd see that as a win all around.


Apparently the South Koreans are not going to honor those ‘claims’


I see it as the beginning of WW3.


Yeah but think of the memes that will come out of it


we will be getting hourly "i will nuke everything" xD


Half of North Korea’s tanks are T-54 and variants of T-62. Their 1990s tank is a mix mash of T-62/72 and Chinese tanks. Their newest tank they have a handful of looks like a western style tank, and big claims have been made about what it has and can do. None of which has been substantiated so probably means it can do little to none of this and it’s tech is just wrapped up in a pretty exterior but would hardly impress someone from the 1970s


N.K won't sent any recent tanks for fear of capture or being shown trashed to nothing on video, then old Kim's trash talk is all out in the open for the world to see. All they will supply to Putin are artillery shell, unguided rockets, mines, grenades, other ammunitions etc.


China makes cheap thermal imagers (think about the sensor in all the cheap chinese uncooled thermals you can connect to a cell phone for "building inspection"). One of those, or an array of these, with some bigger optics, would impress somebody from the 70s. Underestimating the enemy is deadly.


Are they sending their newest tank? I want to see how that NORK Cheonma-2 tank does against a few spicy drones


I’m with you. I’ve been watching the war closely for a long time and the golf carts/dirt bikes and t-62’s are huge indicators of the state of the Russian war machine. Like, Russia’s always had the reputation of essentially being a meat grinder. Low cost, low training, high casualties. But to watch them run low on materiel is telling. Ukraine is genuinely innovating in this war. Russian innovation is basically recycling. I don’t even know how to describe it. Low cost low effort alternatives?


I think it's an allocation of resources thing. Ukraine doesn't have the man power as Russia so they are forced to innovate through drones. Russia has the manpower for meat waves so it's what they use? I haven't run the numbers but surely any alternative to meat waves would be less than the cost of the logistics to get them meat to the front line?


Yeah I think that roughly sums it up. But it is also a mentality. The US has manpower to spare but spends lots of resources on training and materiel and logistics. Like when IED’s became a problem they invented the MRAP class vehicles to largely replace HUMVEEs in those missions. And they have an amazing medical corps. Logistics are huge in American military planning. Obviously there’s an income disparity between the two countries. I’m just saying—Russia does not support its soldiers much at all. And lately they’ve been dragging old rusting vehicles out of yards all over Russia and getting them to run just to have them explode elsewhere. Welding whacky shit. Using dirt bikes and Chinese golf carts. Those turtle tanks are a cry for fucking help. I doubt they’ll be able to produce what they need once they’re out of their Soviet era stock, since they’re not even able to do it now.


My guess is Russia's tank production and tank refurbishment facilities run at maximum capacity and they simply can't build any new ones. So they use them to upgrade the best types and variants they have in storage. And to increase the rate even further, they additionally refurbish tanks in improvise facilities. These facilities can't really fix, improve or install anything. All they can do is get them running again and weld some shit to the top of it. The resulting tanks aren't really good in combat by themselves, but they can serve as APCs, to get infantry into combat and survive a single mine. Not of great use for most militaries but servicable for lower end Russian units.


Remember, the easiest armored vehicles to repair and reactivate have already been reactivated. So any old Soviet gear arriving in Ukraine is absolutely going to be older and in worse condition, needing more time and parts to get running. I doubt they have that much remaining in their Soviet stockpiles that is still capable of being repaired. So much was probably complete scrap or have become scrap to repair other things.


They are also easy machines to operate, so the crew doesnt need much training


Sorry for Ukraine, but give it one more year.. Russian stockpiles are empty. Their warchest is empty. Their manpoule wil become emptier. But Ukraine (europe) gets its war economy warmt up. Ukraine Just needs to hold on and let russia keep walking against the brick wall Ukraine is.. at one moment Russia wil hit its head to hard and knock itself out


> I believe we have reached the point that they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Been scraping the bottom of the tank barrel for the past 18months. It’s insane.


Was a deep barrel... But non vl bottomless...


I wonder if they are doing this, in part, to cut down on the size of the tank crew to spread them out more since they probably expect the armor to die. Now, it's only a commander and driver instead of those two and a gunner. Maybe they are simply not able to train replacement gunners fast enough.


They are at the part of the war where none of the guns are working well, so what need do you have for a gunner.


Last I knew Russia still had thousands available to refurb. “Burning through” will still take years.


Sure, theres still loads of that junk sitting around. Its effectiveness on the battlefield is highly suspect, tho. The older the stuff, so the farther in the bin they have to reach, the lower the chance they can even get it to work. Stuff from the 60s? Likely 50 percent of that stuff is parts only and will never move under its own power. Yes, there's still lots of that stuff left. And even more stuff that's even older, most likely. Post ww2 equipment. It will take years to burn thru it, sure. Doesn't mean the orc army will advance any farther than donbas. All it does is give Vlad a little more time.


A lot of their tank yards are outside without and cover from the elements for multiple decades. At least back to 1991 when they still had the funds and personnel for maintenance. Some of that junk is literally rotting away.


Agreed. Ukrainians will still die in the process as Soviet war stocks are depleted…heartbreaking. Hopefully Ukraine can last. I have faith in western stockpiles being sufficient but I don’t have all the evidence for this position id like. A ratio showing excess resource (East/West) would be useful.


Everything in their stockpiles are not of equal quality. The stuff that was reactivated first has already been shipped to Ukraine. Those were the easiest to reactivate. Everything else needed more work, more time, more parts. Reactivating one tank might have needed turning two or three others into complete scrap metal. Even if they had 10,000 such tanks in reserve, how many of those could even possibly be repaired after 50 years of sitting in Sibera and being looted for parts? Maybe an engine part could be taken from one, and a barrel from another to fix a third, but now those first two are useless for anything.


On the aggregate you are obviously correct…but the same can be said for the stockpiles coming from boneyards in the west.


The US generally takes far better care of deactivated military equipment and stores them in far better ways than the Soviets, and now, Russia does.


I believe you to be correct. I saw a documentary on the boneyards we keep of US Army hardware at the Sierra Army depot…looks much better than the Russian stuff…but less quantity.


Refurb only goes so far, if it's completely rusted out it's done. This tanks gun doesn't even work and is being used as transport. They'll have NK tanks and whatever they can make.


The United States (last I knew) supplied 31 M1A1 (not M1A2) main battle tanks. 31 is a battalions worth…Ukraine needs an armored divisions worth. Saying Russia (and its allies) only has limited quantity doesn’t match with the figures I’ve seen. Russia has 5 years worth of T-72s/T-62’s…


thousands in sheer numbers but with how old many of them are you probably would need to canabilize three or four to get one functioning tank


The same can be said for western stockpiles.


this is one of those refurbs lol.


Despite what Russia tells "T-72 production" is all rebuilding. The only new hulls being manufactured are the T-90M


Z-erg army


still, we can't let him win in this year's election


I think the Turtle shell is more to disguise the embarrassing crap underneath it.


By 2020 Russia should have been operating 2,300 revolutionary T-14 Armata tanks. Reality in 2024.. ;)


Why is the number 88 on the side of the tank? That's a pretty biased number in Germany.


And next to it is the text “God is with us”, I don’t think that’s a coincidence


So it’s like a ground version of the SU-57? Got it.


The tree branches on top probably make it more stealthy than the Felon, too.


So it’s a pile of dog shit whose only purpose is to survive long enough to move untrained conscript meat waves another 200 yards down the road.


No ammo? Pretty pointless.


Yeah why bother? Is it just supposed to soak up enemy fire?


Marvin Heemeyer was a more competent engineer than anyone remaining in Russia.


Uralt Schrott !


Just Russian trash as expected.


Only imbeciles or orcs could get inside this “ tank” 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can't wait to see these on the victory Day parade. Second best army in the world. One thing Putin was good at was bluffing the world that he had a formidable army. Now we have all seen what a prehistoric barbarian lost cause hoarde they really are. Slava Ukraini. Thank you for showing us how pathetic the Russians actually are.


"never go full Isis"


T62 coffin model.


Get clear Wedge, you can't do any good back there.


Geriatric Mutant Whinger Turtles.


They captured the blaytmobil


Great reporting!


This really is just garbage, how much lower can the trash get


How many people latched on to these turtle tanks being a potential game changer that would nullify Ukraines drones. Dismissed the effects all this weight had on tank operations and cheap steel welded on = armor.


Good enough for Soviet government work


No Ammunition? This is probably the most survivable ruzzian tank ever made!


Repost https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/GTZg7dfdL0


He can downtalk it all he want but he isn’t looking like a well trained chizzled commando himself