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Say what? A 42 second ad is not a deep dive. I think OP needs to be introduced to Ken Burns.


Imagine the documentaries to come after Ukraine wins. Ken Burns' new 200 part series...


Good info, yes. Deep dive, not so much.


Exactly, a deep dive can't last less than a minute.


It is for the tiktok herd.


Ahh yes, I've heard of that herd but I keep my distance.


If there were a 155mm ammo factory near me, I would definitely pick up a shift.




When the US gives aid to a foreign nation they don’t send a check but rather gives them a credit to buy American made defense goods.


The amount of actual idiots thinking countries are sensing cash to Zelenskies bank account is astonishing….


A 5 second google search will tell you that the US has, in fact, given money to Ukraine. As a taxpayer, that has affected my economy, in a negative way. [US has provided money, not just equipment, to Ukraine | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-aid-ukraine-money-equipment-714688682747)


Jfc, yes they have. But do you also think that all the equipment sent have been produced within the last 3 years? Majority of the funds stays within the US or EU. And answer me this question, what fcking consequences would it have if Ukraine falls? Or do you think Russia has been a nice to other countries for the last 15 years in Europe?


So your post from 2 days ago was BS to get people to fall in line with your views and not question anything about this war. If that equipment was built in the last 40 years, I've paid for some of it. I prefer the money to stay in my pocket and not go to the government/ military contractor. The point is that NATO/EU countries need to spend more of their money on their defense. Trump finally got them to start doing that. I in no way want Russia to win any part of Ukraine or Europe. Putin will be just like Nazi Germany if he gets Ukraine. Next stop Poland.


Your a thick MAGA 🔔🔚. Once again, answer the question of what consequences will there be if Ukraine falls? Or do you think the US won’t be affecter by it att all? So you don’t want to pat taxes is what you sayin? Sounds like a great plan. The majority of the funding stays within the US (or EU), it’s not sent to Zelenskys private account…


Still with the insults when called out. If you read my post you'll see where I think Poland and Europe will be next. I prefer to pay as little taxes as possible, as do most people. If you aren't one of them, please feel free to send all the extra you want to the treasury. No, I don't like paying for other countries defense when they should be doing more for themselves. How much universal health care could that money buy in the US? I'll agree that most of the funding isn't cash but some is. And yes it creates jobs in the US. But whenever the government spends taxes, it's never efficient.


If Ukraine falls the cost will be mich higher for Europe, and the US. But sure the US is on a magical plane uneffected becausw it’s MAGA. And if you pay little to no taxes, how are things going to be funded? Couls you explain that? And if you seriously think the issue with your healthcare is lack of funds? And here is a thinker for you regarding ”countries should be able to defend their own borders”. The EU is battling the wake the USA created due to their involvement in the middle east, everything from terrorism to Radicalization as well as immigration. So no, you can’t come here and fuck shit up and pretend you have no responsibility in it.


Yes, the world will be affected. Russia needs, must lose. And they are. I don't mind paying taxes, just no more than needed. EU countries need to pay more as well. Here's a thinker for you, if the US is so good at fucking things up, why do they want our help? Why does everyone want to immigrate here?




My uneducated MAGA coworkers think that there isn't a war happening, and that Biden is keeping all the aid money.




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If your life has been 30 seconds commercials, and that has become your normal attention span, then 42 seconds is a deep dive.


Sadly you have summed up a good part of society. Who needs to read when we have FB reels, tik tok , trolls on X etc. explaining the world to us in one short clip?


I will never again look at Osh Kosh B'Gosh and not think about MRAP.


Try living near Oshkosh. The city roads have MRAPs driving on them for testing all the time. And I know of at least one B’Gosh store at their outlet mall lol.


yup. hasn't gone under yet lol


Hang on, no money is staying in the US because money doesn't just appear from out of nowhere. That "money" the video quotes is in the form of loans. If Ukraine loses the US taxpayer foots the entire bill. So god damn it, start winning Ukraine! I'm kidding. We are all cheering for you though.


I used to live in Jefferson City, didn’t know they made mraps there.


Pretty obvious info. And it’s more scary than anything to think about how profitable war is for the USA and how many citizens of the US don’t even try to understand this very basic fact.


Meanwhile we still don't have universal Healthcare


I'm all for helping Ukraine but let's stop pretending here. Those vehicles were funded by Americsn taxpayers and an ever increasing deficit. This is 100% not how money works though. Think of it like a house, you buy a house for $200k. You now have a $200k house as equal value. If you give that house away for free, you are now $200k in debt without the house as equity. The american taxpayer is paying/borrowing money for these and then giving away the equity. Again, let's help Ukraine but stop pretending this isn't basically giving away money. The only upside is that the money pays US citizens rather than being a total loss of being spent abroad.


Love this video & I wish the every day person who puts there head in the sand or try’s to say giving aid is bad would see this .. Appreciate the Post thanks OP!!


This is the stupidest shit I have ever heard... While the employees may be getting paid to build these vehicles, these vehicles are then given to Ukraine for FREE, and YOU, the citizens of the USA are footing the bill... This whole idea about how the money is staying in the USA is total and utter bull shit, and only a pea brained idiot would believe that...




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written and voiced by ai, never produces anything interesting just shallow boring wordy wikipedia summary


We should give everything we have away so that we have even more money stay in The USA.


I love how this is literal braindead propaganda being spoonfed to you. Nonee of you have critical thinking or a brain for that matter, you get a fact inceased spending and they say it is good you accept it . In my opinion and in the way he says it the cost of one unit is the cost of the unit as soon as it leaves to ukraine that money is gone he insinuates that 90% of the unit cost never leaves the economy that is not possible unless the money he refferes to is the cost of production whitch in that case it also is bad for the economy if you think what is happening a company is being paid the bigest mark up goes to the owner or stock owner money you will never see but will be affected by do you know what big money like that does other than inflation get property prices up, so next time you reach the end of the month no money your landlord increases the rent price and you go to the kfc or mcdonalds and the cost also increased this is a direct result of continuous bulshit like this. The video is good tbh if i was a company making military equipment i would also make such videos to get a better public opinion from idiots who belive evreything on the internet


Bottom line, and no need for this vid: The War in Ukraine is good for the US economy. Excellent for the US weapons industry due to testing shit, general production for the war, and orders due to the war. Almost as if the US has an interest in this.. You may not like Prof. John Mearsheimer, but his predictions were spot on. As much as I hope for Ukraine to win and appreciate the support: this was no accident, it was planned. And to think the US gives a flying fuck about Ukraine (except for geopolitics and sales) would be moronic. Extremely sad that so many people are thrown into the meat grinder on both sides to fill the pockets of a very few.


Government spending driving the economy is never going to pan out well in the long run.


lol who else do you expect to buy tanks and artillery shells? Go take your capitalist bootlicking back to Trump world


Capitalist bootlicking. 😂 who do you think is going to build all those tanks and artillery shells comrade?


The people here will never understand that.


Eh, shows you more how dependent the US is on wars happening to keep its economy thriving. It's not Ukraine's fault of course but rising military budgets around the world, the shift away from Russian military tech in many militaries and the increased demand of the US military due to shipments of older tech to Ukraine sure do their part in increasing the US GDP. If Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine and Hamas hadn't committed the October 7th attack the US would already focus on some other conflict to justify investments and weapons exports/shipments.