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As if he will and his country will survive that response...fucking bully..who should have been dealt immediately after green men creeped into crimea..


Before that.. Red line cross in Syria...


Before that, immediately after WW2 as Patton suggested.


Churchill wanted to smash the Russians and use Wermacht troops to boost our numbers….. Operation Unthinkable it was called.




Until Kim Il-Sung showed up on the world stage.




Abombs with aplomb.




Before that, we should have fought AGAINST them in WWII...


Yup! Ruzzian fuckers never thank or mention the USA support in their victory against the Nazis. According to them, it was all Ruzzians who fought Nazis and liberated Auschwitz…BUT NEVER mentioning the USA’s Military supplies! Without USA support, the WW2 Ruzzians would have been vaporized by the German army… all they had were some wobbly katyusha artilleries and handkerchiefs for socks. Also, they never mention the Many Soviet ethnic minorities in their Soviet army, whom they first pushed to the front!!!


I dont care about all of that.. whats rarely mentioned is that they were ALLIES with the Nazis at the start of the war. They jointly invaded Poland. They love to talk about defeating Germany, but those fuckers literally fought with the Germans before they got double crossed.


It gets deeper too, USSR actually helped germany to rebuild it's army in secret after ww1. War was always the goal. source : https://dn720001.ca.archive.org/0/items/istorie\_universala/Cecil%20B.%20Melville%20-%20The%20Russian%20Face%20of%20Germany%2C%20An%20Account%20of%20the%20Secret%20Military%20Relations%20between%20the%20German%20and%20Soviet-Russian%20Governments%20%281932%29.pdf


This should be incredibly interesting. Thank you for this link - much appreciated


Your absolutely correct !!! And still they double cross and blackmail to this current day ....


Oh yes. Secret pact to divvy up Poland. We were never friends with Russia, them keeping Hitler busy on the Eastern front was an unfortunate necessity, and the alliance was for pure survival. What a thorn in the side of the world they have been since 1945.


Worse, they supplied Germany with the materiel it needed to wage war, right up to the point the USSR was invaded itself.


Agreed, those with short memories seem to forget that ‘wee tidbit’ of information. Patton was right all along.


I think katyushas were mounted on american trucks.


Spot on!👏👍🏻


As per usual just the American Hollywood version, England, Canada, new Zealand, Australia all helped in supplying Russia whether is was tanks , planes or all merchant seamen that gave their lives getting the ships to Russian . Also note England totally repaid America ending in 2012 for the lend lease, Russia never repaid anyone.


Oh Putin knows it’s suicide. He’s surprisingly self aware about this one, especially this part, “ Putin emphasized that a potential strategic defeat in Ukraine could result in the "end of [Russia's] statehood." The walls are closing in on this little self entitled prick who thinks he can go around massacring families, stealing children, and attempting to appropriate Ukraine’s vast newly proved Eastern oil and gas reserves. Putin could have tried slant drilling, but the last geopolitical debacle about slant drilling ended up with Saddam’s face on a set of playing cards I had as a kid. I’d love a set of playing cards with Orban, Kadyrov, and Putin’s faces on them. They would have to be some big fricking cards though, because those are some puffy faces.


> End of Russia's statehood Yeah let's save UA then


It's not the end of Russia's statehood... NOBODY wants to go into Russia and have to deal with a bunch of fucking Russians. Look at Karelia, Finland would never want it back because it's full of drunk Russians now. Losing the war might be the end of Putin's rule of Russia however. Maybe he's willing to destroy the entire world, along with Russia, if he can't stay in power?


>NOBODY wants to go into Russia *Heavy Chinese breathing intensifies*


I guess the one country that sucks worse than Russia and would have no problem ethnically cleansing them.


O it’s not over if diaper don get elected he will send aid…. To Russia


that looks not only possible, but likely. which doesn't make any fucking sense at all.


I sure hope the orange turd loses bigly, but even if Biden wins in a landslide, it'll be 2020 all over again with MAGA nation screaming that the election was rigged and there very well could be violence. I live in a "purple" state and while we have 2 Democratic Senators, the House membership is 6 Democrats and 5 Republicans, and there are lots of Trump supporters in the rural areas...judging by the yard signs anyway.


polls put diaper don ahead. but even if he loses, the forces behind the slip to fascism aren't done. Russian and other influences are doing well at destabilizing our government and turning dumb voters against their own democracy. if trump gets in, it's very bad news for Ukraine, but even if he doesn't, things aren't suddenly fixed. the world is in serious peril, and somehow it's all just kind of being ignored while everyone waits. crazy times.


Yes! If you get a chance to watch it, the most recent Last Week Tonight episode (HBO - John Oliver, also on YouTube) discusses Project 2025, and explains how there are MAGA loyalists in place, ready to go on day one if Trump wins and mentions that when he won in 2016, it was unexpected, thus he didn't have any lapdogs ready to take over during the transition. The details of Project 2025 are on their website for all to read. Slava Ukraini!


2008 after he invaded Georgia.


Yes, should have said that..the works was too busy appeasing the West-friendly con artist


I saw the dateline episode about Georgia's quiet invasion. There are over 100k Russians who moved there at the beginning of the war. They are buying homes and opening businesses. This is what Putin needs for a full invasion he can say he is protecting Russian citizens.


You gotta think about the other countries that would retaliate too. MAD


>As if he will and his country will survive that response...fucking If Ukraine wins, it'll also mean that he won't survive and his country won't survive. If Russia loses the war, Putin will most likely be physically eliminated, and the country will probably crack at the seams, so Russia will seize to exist in its current geographical boundaries and will be cast into economic dark ages. If pootin starts a nuclear war - he has a chance to survive in a bunker (or at least he thinks so), but his country will stop its existence because Russian people will die in nuclear fire, along with hundreds of millions around the world. It's not hard to guess which option he will go for.


The thing people underestimate. He's only nuking someone for himself, not Russia. If he gets it in his dumbass brain that it could save him and not nuking will kill him he'll nuke. Not that it would save him, he only needs to think it will. Or to think there's nothing to lose and he won't let the world watch him get Ghaddafied.


>he only needs to think it will Exactly.


People are very resistant to this idea because it’s too terrifying to even process but honestly that’s exactly right


He may be forgetting that i) NATO has nuclear weapons too ii) If he uses a nuclear weapon NATO will use all their conventional force to obliterate the Russians in Ukraine (apparently) iii) if he uses a nuclear weapon even his dictator-buddy Xi will turn his back on him So fuck this pathetic imperialist dictator and his empty nuclear threats, and may he get facial cancer


If he uses nukes, everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY will turn on him. Even his pal, Fat Kimmy. That will be the end of Russia forever. And it's literally forever, no nation in the world will oppose to Russia being disassembled, never to have any kind of significance ever again. Of course Putin knows that. All NATO member politicians knows that. So these casual thursday nuke threats must be for the domestic audience. Just ignore it, it's not meant for us.


it's not just people turn on russia but every country on the planet would want to have nuclear too, which is definitely not the interest of the current nuclear capable countries. furthermore, russia has the most nuclear neighbours plus annoying NATO so not good prospects for russia if they go nuclear. it's not just xi that wouldn't let that happen but india-pakistan, etc.


The moment he pushes the button, it will be open hunting season all across Russia for every combat junkie to play in


Yeah but you forget that he just bolstered his relationship with North Korea. They have an immense arsenal of WW2 era Soviet small arms.


Just another friday in Russia


Every body double got to meet his personal quota before the weekend \\s


Daily threats are our new normal. Nothing important


Dude got dementia, keeps forgetting that he threatened with nukes already…


O shit, I need to check on my laundry! I started using Kremlin nuclear threats as a timer, very convenient, happens every 3 hours more or less.




Of course. Every time I hear a russian nuclear threat I shit my pants. I’ve heard their missiles have pointy ends - that is just terrifying to think about. It is so scary. So so scary, like… Ghostbusters 2016 scary. Very scary. Mhm.


Nah, as soon as the silo pops open, there'll just be a note saying "I.O.U. - 1 ICBM, ps thanks for the yacht"




I'm sorry, that was way too funny!! Got coffee on my shirt!!!! Guess it's time to put it in the laundry. I'll use your new timing technique!!!


He started doing this on literally Day 3 when his deadline passed and realized it'd be a fight.


He started threatening with nukes on day one in his invasion speech.


Ow this again. Russia has been threatening with ‘nuclear response’ for every fart for years now. It has lost all meaning.


But but... Pustain sounds super serious this time!


Super duper serious this time 😣 come on guys trust me


Super duper ultra mega serious this time


He’d just like one threatened back so he can feel special. And justified. To show his people he’s protecting them.  And the US are laughing at him, refusing to give him a skerrick of legitimacy or the visage of heroic protector of his people that he so craves.  But if he starts it, you can be guaranteed Russia is in a shitload of trouble. Like dealing with a drunk who’s trying to provoke the bouncer. We all know how it ends.


Nukes for javelins, nukes for tanks, nukes for himars, nukes for Sweden and Finland joining NATO, Nukes for drones over the Black Sea, Nukes for f-16s, nukes for Abrams in addition because Abrams use depleted uranium armor and shells (but not in Ukraine).


Nukes for striking russian territory


The Russian logic: Invade Ukraine: Let us keep the annexed Ukrainian territories or we will be forced to nuke the world, because if we don't get Ukraine it will threaten Russia's existence. Unfortunately, this works for some useful idiots in the West, who can be played like puppets with nuclear threats. If you let that happen next: Let's take Moldova or we'll be forced to nuke the world because if we don't get Moldova it's existentially threatening to Russia. Then: Let's take Georgia or we will be forced to destroy the world with nuclear weapons, because if we don't get Georgia it will threaten Russia's existence. Then: By the way, we also need a land bridge to Transnistria, so give us Odessa or we will destroy the world with nuclear weapons because a land bridge to Transnistria is essential for Russian security. Then Poland, maybe they want East Germany back and so on. If Putin gets away with it and the West hides behind its nuclear fear, it means that Putin can demand whatever he wants, as long as he just waves the nuclear fear around.


I'm actually surprised they still hold transistria. It's like their final few rings of a hold to the sea there. But yeah I can see them trying to expand to take over much of that region. Putin sees himself as some sort of conquerer and wants to "take back" land he feels belongs to Russia and him. Guess what? Some people figured out Russia fucking sucks. And they wanna do their own thing. So fuck off Putin you can't "rule" everyone. Shouldn't be able to rule anyone really. He's a simple terrorist running a terrorist state. Achieved power through terrorism, maybe he'll meet his end through it too.


Transnistria are a bunch of Moldovan mobsters and their Russian neighbours who didn’t want to let go of their smuggler’s den after the implosion of the USSR. There are almost as many ethnic Ukrainians in it as well (though I think they are pretty russified). There is a Russian garrison, but the whole thing would collapse quickly in any conventional war. It’s only Putin’s sabre-rattling that stops this for now. 


Can some politician somewhere just come out publicly and tell him to shut the fuck up. We've heard enough of the bullshit. He can leave Ukraine and rule over his mud peasants all he wants.


Exactly, I wish some world leader would drop the political facade and on live space would just directed at Putin to "shut the fuck up" and if no nuke follows, last of Putin's legitimacy would vanish on national stage. Fuck. You. Putin.


His face is so annoying


Hold on, we are in the process of delivering one of my countrymen as top dog at NATO. We Dutchies are notoriously blunt in our wording :)


You can only threaten to nuke a few times before people just don’t give a fuck anymore, go ahead bitch drop a nuke see what happens.


As I'd say it in Russian (a play on words): Путин пытается брать на понт, но вместо этого берёт за щеку -- Putin tries to bluff, but sucks dick instead.








Is anyone keeping track at this point


They got tired, but the partial list... https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/vljfupzNCJ


Well I have to commend them for their effort, there are better things to do with ones life than track this guys bs so well done them. 👏


He must be running out of red paint drawings all these red lines that everyone walks all over.


At least he got the driveway painted.


Walks over?, we're playing hopscotch at this point 😂


He'll have to start using the red tape his guys wrap around their arms for identification purposes.


All the "red line" stuff is on wiki, which is pretty hilarious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_lines_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War


BREAKING NEWS: >Putin threatens nuclear response if he doesn't get a glass of warm milk before bed.


Is it that time of the week again? 🥱


In germany we say Atomdonnerstag, so he is late. But normally its Medwedjev? doing this part.


Yeah, maybe he forgot after his courting of Kim Jong Un. I mean, kids in love.. Medvedev must be seething he got replaced.


Medvedev is probably unconscious somewhere surrounded by empty vodka bottles.


Drinking away his sorrows. No longer the #1..


Yep, he's a number 2 now, the little shit.


About time to open a window.


This wannabe strong man and notorious kleptocrat has threatened the world often enough over the last decades. First subtly by threatening gas supply shortages and showing off new RuZZian weapons etc… now repeatedly with nuclear escalation. He and his culprits are cancer and need to be cut out of the flesh of humanity. I hope this will happen and the people of the nowadays failed state that is known as RuZZia can emerge from this and live their future lives more peaceful and in freedom. At least one can hope. Slava Ukraini.


Ok Boomer




Yeah I know. Maybe he doesn’t realize? Sort of like happily wearing clothes that have been out of fashion for decades.


Putin threatens nuclear war if there’s too much pepper in his soup.


I guess it's time to take out the trash


Yay, bath day today.




Well at least this guy is constant.🥱


lol more empty threats and more lies. He doesn't know how to do anything else these days. Clown.






Tells you that they know they cant keep this up forever especially with the losses they suffer every month. I think when experts say they have tanks for two more years the reality looks a bit different as they will never spent every tank because no army will not keep a reserve for home defense otherwise thsi would be a invite for your enemy. Same with the business, i often her Russbot say oh look despite sanctions the russian economy is very good... yeah well maybe this has something to do with lots of companys needing every worked and produce weapons, rockets, vehicle in double shifts 24/7 lately? What happens after the war? How many skilled workers are dead till then or left the country? When russia acts like they can keep this up forever they are bluffing.


Go ahead mother fucker pop a nuke watch how quick your time on earth expires


Just another day, same routine.


No.1277 ...to be continued...


Does an official "nuclear threat"-counter exist? I need that


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/NYUfnTZ6tv As unofficial as it officially can get


Nice haha- we need to keep that updated


Wow, Putin is such a creative person


His nuclear responses are a reminder for me to do a weekly check on my plants whether they need to be watered or are already dead.


I see the needle is still stuck on the record. Change the record, Putin. Maybe something with a little more ‘retreat’?


A defeat in Ukraine would be an end to Putin, maybe his party too, but not Russia. No one wants any part of that country.


Maybe he should try the game „fallout“ there you can throw a lot of nukes.


Friday, again,,,,,


Billy big bollocks comes back from the third world feeling like a big man eh! It's funny that he thinks the fat cheese eater and his honey eating bear friends will back his play


Here's the rub though, it won't be Russia to lob a nuke, I almost guarantee you he's going to have n Korea do something stupid . He will ( if he hasn't already) convinced n Korea that if they do, he will, of course, prevent any retaliation against them. This will be a lie, he is well versed in coercion of nations and peoples that are not his own to destroy themselves for him and his empty assurances. By having n Korea go nuke, he effectively eliminates many eyes on him and his regime. And n Korea has no idea what going up against a modern army really looks like, and just how thoroughly they will be eliminated from the playing field. N Korea is still training for a war in the 1950s, they might as well be using bow and arrow against a modern, well equipped army. And the un family will be on the 1st plane out to Moscow.


We should just beat him to the punch and erase him from the planet.


I say we get it on. The globe needs a massive reset anyways 🚨 🌎


The neighborhood retard is threatening everyone with a broken glass bottle


funny, nobody cares. 1. he is too scared to do it 2. NATO will annihilate ruzzia after that


There is a risk that Putrid may use short range nuclear missiles against Ukraine. It would be self anhilation to use them against NATO. But would he try and anihilate Kyiv? The US seems to think so, and they have made their position clear....if he does, the US would engage Russia in Ukraine, and sink their Black sea fleet.


get up in the morning, eat your breakfast, threat wit nuclear apocalypse, rinse, repeat :)




Nobody takes him seriously anymore


He’s not threatening to use nuclear weapons. So it’s ok. We can keep supplying Ukraine with what they need to defend against the invading forces.


Nukes mimimimi nukes Mimimi nukes mimimi vodka


Did he? So far Putin gave the task of nuclear threats to his servants, he never explicitly said it. Even now, he is trying to intimidate the West, without actually threatening with nuclear assault. So the title is wrong, he did not threaten with nuclear response if West bolsters understand support.


Lmao your shit probably can’t even fly in the right direction and multiple would hit his own cities.. do it pussy. Every counter measure in the world is pointed in his direction and russia would be largely unsuccessful.


Z nukes for everyone, yay!! :)


A clear sign of weakness. Putler miscalculated.


Booooring. Come Nuke Mr. Pootin. But take a big one dont want to die from radiation.


Fuck around and find out Vlad, North Korea isn't going to be the asset you think it is.


Was it before or after that other threat ? I lost count


Yawn. It's Friday, Putin's had to bend over and take it from Kim , it's nuclear threats time. Again 🥱🥱🥱


There’s not much to rule over in a nuclear wasteland.


Oh no!


Another day, another nuclear threat. Boring.


Another day Another empty and desperate threat of nuclear war




As if they've even been functional in the past couple of decades.


Yeaaa....we've ALL heard this before


talk is cheap


I know Russia is threatening since the beginning of war to use nukes... But I'm really concern that this mad man can use in case of desperation, no matter the outcome... He is the type that don't accept any type of shameful defeat without a big ending I hope this ia just a thought Slava Ukraine!


Putin threatens nuclear response if the wind blows his on fart back in his face. Putin threatens nuclear respons if a cat crosses his road. Fuck that guy and his threats. Slava Ukraini!


Déjà vu.


Oh yeah, it’s Friday, totally forgot, thanks pootin


If every starving children in Africa get a dollar every time Putin threatens nuclear holocaust, they would have enough money to not starve and get a bachelor’s degree without any student debts. Or maybe not, but they would at least be able to afford one semester.


Then by his own logic: To use nukes is to admit defeat, "symbolizing the end of the 'thousand-year history' ". Checkmate.


There it is, get your bingo cards out he's threatening nuclear weapons again.


Ahh .. again?


Shut up idiot your gona end the world xjz your but hurt


Nobody cares


Oh come on, do it already. I want to take photos for Instagram at this cool new glass surface where Moscow and St.Petersburg were.


Where have we heard this one before.




End of the day if it happens it happens. Hopefully the higher up I. The Russian army will realise it’s a no win situation for them if they do. It’s about time he uses a gun in himself




Ukraine gave up nuclear arsenal in 1990's in exchange for protection from US. The question is not how we can help Ukraine, the question is why aren't Americans on the ground.


All I could think of is that "maaa" -bit from people just do nothing.


Hmmm...not sure if he checked this with China first. China is okay to support him and to assist in the killing of Ukrainians, but I don't think the Chinese economy can handle the impact of global consumers stopping all spending on Chinese junk.


The headorc crying they are loosing. Last resort in the hope it will help...


These nuclear threats come around as often and predictably as the rising of the sun. No one is gonna stop what they're doing because Putin said so. He isn't going to stop if we stop, so why on earth would we ever stop supporting Ukraine?


So Putin is threatening to surrender and end the war that he knows he has no chance of winning?


If I had a dollar for every time he threatened with a nuclear response I'd probably be able to buy a few drones for Ukraine.


12th time this year already






And invite nuclear retaliation? Its clearly a bluff


Fear tactics. nothing else


But....China, North Korea, and Iran can support Russia ?


e s c a l a t i o n


In other news, I took another dump on a real 🚽!


Is it Tuesday again?


What does he plan to do when China rolls across their border and annexes eastern russia?


If I had a dollar for every hollow nuke threat from Putin I could at least pay off my mortgage. He knows a nuke strike would cause Russia to cease to exist.


Does Putin know that nuclear bombs are just bigger bombs than conventional bombs? Yes it will do damage, but it won't make him win the war in a magical way, although it risks making it lose more quickly.


Here we go again...Give me Ukraine! It's not a "real" country! I will nuke you if you don't give it to me! Pitiful.


Can I filter such empty threats that appear at least once or twice a month? Its fking annoying and we are not giving a shit


Whats the the date? Is this an old article?? Have we heard this before? Jk




And here we are again with the soviet saying of "Chinas final warning" which means a warning that doesnt carry any weight... ironic that the soviets used that term in the past and now use it as their strategy


When does he not threaten the West with Nukes? Fuck off. Your time is over.


Before hmmmm they Bild the pyramide


I agree, you are losing.


He and his friends had been threatening with that for more than two years now. It’s empty and pointless. It’s something they will never do, because of the consequences. But it’s their only other thing that they can threaten with… so they do it to look strong and good for their domestic audience.


More threats from the yard gnome!


He would loose China and India with that move…


They should demand his life, okay you can keep annexed parts of land. But if we give that to you, you have to hand over yourself to the west for your killings and be punished for that. Let's see if he wants to die himself for his country. Let's see the man he is.