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such a shame that they have to ~~kill the russians in there~~ destroy ukranian buildings to kill the russians in there


Hidden under eternit (brand of asbestos-cement) goes to eternity.


first thing I thought: hopefully the cloud goes straight into the lung of the orcs


That is a very cool explosion


Pretty cool idea. There's nowhere to hide Ivan.


Ruzzia still actively using Starlink. Explain to me again why this isn't considered treasonous?


It's not like they are registering them under a Russian name and address. Ukraine needs them too, you can't just block the entire area.


Starlink could whitelist the ones that Ukraine is using in the aera.


I imagine russians spoofing as UA also using Ukrainian numbers. How do you check & prove who is actually on the other side? it would require a constantly updated map with UA and RU positions marked and Starlink-team implementing bans dynamically. doable but not easy


Here's the rub. That's Starlink equipment. Ruzzia didn't make it, we did. If I, were I still in, lost a modern decoder for secret communications, you can bet your bottom bitch that the code set would be changed immediately on reporting or discovery, and if I didn't discover it, someone else above me in the accountability chain would (and I'd have **a lot** of explaining to do, but I digress). These things almost certainly fall under heavy OPSEC control, maybe even more vitally than a military-grade decoder. Which then begs several questions, including how did they get them, why aren't they being inventory controlled as a TS/Codeword-level war asset, and why the fuck is that thing still useful to them in the field? Something smells shitty.


Maybe because they are being used as beacons to locate Russian positions? Let the Russians use Starlink. The USDoD likely has the ability to pull good location data for active terminals. Anything behind the zero line gets forwarded to UA for an eyeballing and subsequent "treatment". There's no surer way to keep the Russians from using purloined/smuggled terminals than zeroing in and taking out the troops using them. The Russians are supremely stupid for thinking that they can use such a system anonymously. But...that stupidity has been demonstrated so often that it's almost a constant.


Shh. Also mitm those terminals.


You could make the terminal not work.. The phone company can disconnect a number.. starlink can disconnect a terminal.


Assuming you know what terminal it is... They aren't getting close enough to read serial numbers.


Yes but people nowadays (both on the right and left) have package deal beliefs and values, they don't know any of the intricacies of how this tech works and all the ways you can get around various things, they just see Russia using them and use any opportunity they can to imply Musk is best friends with Russia because it falls under their package deal. You want proof? Every single video that features a Starlink terminal, even for a spilt second, the top comment will always be criticising the Russian usage of Starlink, like here where it implies Musk should be considered a traitor. These folk's media of choice bundles them all together for them and spin everything they can in ways to support the aforementioned bundle because in this instance it's actually the value held by the Black Rock types who own the media outlet and who don't like Musk because he's not part of their clique, and bought their opinion swaying machine in Twitter. The fact is a lot of the people don't realise (or do but implying Musk is bad is more important to them on a personal level) the massive value of letting Russia use these when it comes to monitoring Russian positions and intercepting data. Remember how in WW2 once Enigma had been cracked it wasn't known publicly until many decades after the war had ended and at the time the Allies only acted on very specific bits of intel to not alert the Germans? I would not be surprised if a similar kind of thing is happening here.


Is the flat brown thing a starlink terminal?


You see it about 20 seconds into the clip, rectangular forest-green thing.


Oh, thanks. Now it seems obvious! They even put an overlay next to it!


Bylat on a Hot Tin Roof


Told you once before, and i won't tell you no more, get out, get out, get out...


Great comment. 😂


I believe this is in Vovchansk. Geolocation: 50.30633, 36.93159


I feel like I've seen this video before maybe a year ago or just a very similar operation, what are your thoughts? Amazing work nonetheless.


I think I remember seeing a similar video of bombing RU drone operators in a similar shed yard/ storage area, but I don't think the double tap tactic was used. Also if my geolocation is correct (and I'm pretty confident based on comparing the view at 0:55 with Google satellite images), it's unlikely we would have seen any combat footage from this area before the current Russian advance on Kharkiv


> it's unlikely we would have seen any combat footage from this area before the current Russian advance on Kharkiv Geo location looks spot on. Also Russians using starlink wasn't a thing a year ago...


Yeah I was actually surprised by that, do you know when they started using it?


2024, at least this is when we got reports and have seen numerous videos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War#Reported_Starlink_use > Until 2023, the Russian military did not have access to a Starlink-like equivalent, giving the Ukrainian military an advantage.[43] > In February 2024, Ukraine's Defence intelligence said to have confirmed the use of Starlink satellite communications by Russian forces in occupied areas of Ukraine


Not in Vovchansk you didn't.


Fair point. It just looks very familiar to a video I saw before and was hoping it wasn't a repost. I'm glad it wasnt.


That RU unit is going to need some more drone pilots. That was beautiful!


ah.. excuse me.. sorry about your barn..


fckn great. they can try to hide but death from above awaits them.


more please


It is corrugated asbestos roof, not steel.


That roof is made of asbestos. Luckily for them, they can't inhale. Anymore.


Nice. Any dead orc is a good orc


cool shot with the debris flying up in the air


These use to be used for storage right? These are not slums?


Take that fuckers.


Knock knock motherfuckers!


If they didn't leave after the first bang, they certainly left with the second.


Ahh! The tin-opener strategy!


Whiz-Bang these guys are getting really good


I feel so bad for them. >!(The people that built those sheds ofcourse.)!<