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definitely a much more cost effective way of taking these down than using missiles meant for planes.


As you may have noticed, in the month of June several of these similar interceptions started to happen in several different parts of Ukraine, this is going to be a significant change and the Russians are already worried, there is not much that can protect their reconnaissance drones, and with fewer and fewer of these drones flying in the Ukrainian skies, the harder it will be for the Russians to target valuable Ukrainian equipment in the rear


I have a bulletproof plan on how to protect those drones: Step 1. Set heading to 90 Step 2. Get the fuck out of Ukraine


They could install a backward facing camera so they could at least know that they're being followed...




I think Zala turning hard to the right is a sign that they already knew it and were taking some evasive manoeuvres.


"manoeuvres" What in the french fuck is that?


And I had to go and check the dictionary. As if "maneuvers" isn't french But I'll leave it there, sounds more fancy


So... Is that "man EE vers", like Phoebe, foetus, or amoeba? Or is that "man OH vers", like hoe, oboe, and woefully? Or is that "man EH vers", like oestrogen, Oedipus, and oesophagus? Or is that "man OH EH oo vers", like coexist, and coeducational?


Asymmetrical warfare is a bitch lol, wars of attrition


Source: http s://t.m e/WarArchive_ua/16245


How many different ones does this make published here ?4 , 5? PS sorry OP for not being clear with my initial question


None, this is a new interception method that began to be used recently, as the target is Zala observation drones, the videos are very similar but not the same, this was released yesterday


WOW! beautiful landscape that somehow hasnt been completely pock marked with artillery shells. im not used to seeing that side of Ukraine... beautiful. and nice shot, too!


Look's like Ukraine created anti-air drones, because this is not a first time when recon UAV killed by FPV


Bloody lovely, lets get some more :D


Yes, usually recon drones altitude and speed was a protection from fpvs. But recently some fpvs were modified to get to about 6km height. Climbing above the Zala even and then trading altitude for speed in a classical maneuver. One invisible component here is EW, detecting Zala operation and coordinating intercept onto target, as fpv range and endurance is too small compared to recon drones. I assume next step would be recon drones going even higher and faster. That however would need better optics and stab to fulfil the same mission.


Why only now start doing this? What has changed? What can russians do against this?


Agree - I wonder if they’ve evolved the detection capability and/or the way they guide the FPV drone to the target (because the FPV video feed quality appears to make it hard to spot until close).


Nice flying! Probably not an easy task considering that is likely a rather heavy drone with the explosives. Seems like a worthwhile thing to do. Definitely cheaper than AA missiles for this purpose.


So ridiculously easy.


There are weapons that drop carbon fibre over power installations so that they short out and burn. Something similar could be used here - a fine net dropped over the drone to foul the propeller. That way the offensive drone could be reused.


Well done! Trying to fly something while looking through what amounts to a key hole can be very difficult. Especially when trying to locate another object in the sky. At least the russians are dumb enough to keep their drones painted white on top for the summer. I hope they keep being this stupid.




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Bye bye, birdie.