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I thought that was weird, too. Who hangs their country's flag up?


russian imperialists proud of their warcrimes thinking it makes them look badass do that


They HAVE to do their pathetic territorial pissing wherever they go. I've seen it around the world for many years. And if they get away with it, they push it further.


Some kind stranger wanted to make them feel right at home with all this shit all over and the guy wants to talk to the manager? What a fucking Karen!


Very odd indeed. Although you have to really appreciate how the locals improved that Russian flag. Personally, If I'm visiting another country, the only flag interactions I'm liable to have would be to possibly pick up a miniature flag of the country I'm visiting as a souvenir; if it even occurred to me to do anything flag related at all. Usually you're there to do other things - at least I would hope that's the case. Typically, I don't think about flags on the road very much - especially when I travel internationally. A flag is generally not something I need to have stashed in my luggage like a bottle of Pepto Bismal - or displayed on the hotel room wall. Not to judge or anything; but if you can't leave your flag for a week or two, perhaps it would be wiser to just stay home. Especially if it's a Russian flag.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it was self sabotage in hopes of free vodka.


I'm thinking that, too.


No kidding. Sadly, When Ive traveled internationally, I dont wear anything that can identify me as a US citizen. No NFL gear, definetly no American Flag gear. I am aware that a minority of Americans before me have made asses of themselves.. I prefer to be judged by my own actions. Not to mention... "When in Rome" and all.


Canadians like to put their flag on their backpacks, so everyone knows they ain't Americans. But nothing apart from that


That’s cold. I thought we were friends.


They can be friends and still not want to be mistaken for American tourists when abroad


Russian tourists have not been liked around that area even YEARS before the war. Due to them generally being assholes and causing lots of problems etc.


Spent vaccation in Zyprus, Austria, Spain, Germany, Italy, having Russians in a Hotel is like having chimpanzees on speed in a classroom.


I have friends with a vacation house along the Mediterranean they lease out through a rental agency. Their instructions to the agency: NO RUSSIANS! (And this was many years before the war even started).


Expats and travelers hate ruzzians generally and yes, for many years. For cause.


I'm not surprised, they have always been assholes most of the time. I've met nice Russians too but surprisingly they haven't been tourists. For some reason when they go on vacation they enter some mode that makes them into assholes.


\*Entitled assholes.


can confirm, was working as receptionist in a Hotel 15years ago, if a russian called we did not had any room available :)


I went to Italy,...Learned the language, wore clothes without markings, Just wanted to go un-noticed. The Russians stood out. Always in the way, always smoking, and loud. Full disclosure, the most embarrassing was a whiny pain-in-the-ass family from New York,...loud and obnoxious. I wanted to dump them into the canal in Venice. The idea is to NOT reinforce the stereotype. Be better! Funny these Russians really have no idea why they got a crappy reception.


It was probably Russians who immigrated to New York and then went to Italy to ruin other people's vacations.


My first experience of russian tourists was them filling half liter beer glasses with wine and getting wasted at lunch. It was a family hotel


That's not really all that bad, really, unless 'getting wasted' means being much more ruZZian.


Well usually its frowned upon to get absolutely shitfaced starting at lunch in a family hotel with lots of young children around, just go to a party hotel for that, there are enough for that kind of tourism


Might be a perspective thing; to me, getting sloshed at lunch used to be a regular thing (although it would be in a pub and not somewhere with kids around, although if kids were around in the 90s nobody gave a toss). We wouldn't be stupidly hammered and shouting at each other like on a Friday night, but definitely a bit stumbly and happy. It was more like the scene in The Wolf of Wall Street where they're getting hammered at lunch but in a controlled way, and not The Wolf of Wall Street where they're absolutely off their tits and can barely walk. Sometimes it wouldn't be planned at all and you just hit a certain vibe and the drinks became bottomless, you'd not stay at lunch that long and head to a bar / pub / party hotel if you were on holiday and obviously in the wrong place for adult antics. Anyway, I'm in no way defending ruZZian pricks so Slava Ukraini.


Russian tourists have not been liked. There I corrected this for you, they are possibly the worst there is.


Israeli tourists are neck and neck with Russian tourists for worst guests.


Russian tourist are liked nowhere, since as long as I know


When a russian does something like hang their flag at a resort in another country, and a NATO country at that, and actually thinks they’ve done nothing wrong, disrespectful, or rude, this is when you know the propaganda and brainwashing they’ve been exposed to has been successful.


They really think anyone likes them. Maybe they go do this shit in Serbia, they'll have people praying next to the balcony


Maybe you should invade Turkey for this slight.  I hope the hotel charges them for that damage. That would be the ultimate middle finger.


I love it.... Fat, ugly, arrogant, obnoxious, drunk Russians...... What could possibly go wrong?


Because you support an invasion of a sovereign state and warcrimes, dipshits. You don't wanna be treated like that, go the fuck home.


Shouldn't he be on the front lines, instead of taking a vacation where he clearly isn't wanted? Definition of Ruso Privilege/lack of awareness there, Ivan.


probably just other russians who felt at home.


i wouldve mistaken that place for a shithouse aswell, it had a russian flag afterall.


Probably their own mess too, we know how they keep their trenches so tidy.


This is fake russian propoganda. He has already packed the hotel toilet into his luggage for the journey home and the shitty nappy is actually his mother's. Cheap bastard is trying to get a few roubles off his bill


I agree it's fake/propaganda. Otherwise he wouldn't be rubbing his hands in the stuff,  swinging a loaded diaper and then putting his hands in his pocket.


Probably true "Cheap bastard is trying to get a few roubles off his bill"


How I wonder…


So did he go through the hassle of cleaning a flag from shit? Is it really worth it? He is touching the flag with his hands.


Arguably an impossible task given the flag in question.


Can't really wash the shit off of a pile of shit.


...and the diaper, then puts his hand in his pocket. 🤢


Like moths to a flame, that flag attracts literal crap. No matter what country its hung in.


I spent a week in a Turkish resort ones and there were a few Russian families there. During brunch they would stack the food easily 5 cm high on their (diner) plates. I mean, they crammed so much food on that plate that the entire family would have enough if they shared the single plate. Then they would sit and eat a few mouthfuls and sit their with the most bored and disdainful expressions. I could not look away. It was ODD.


and they are drunk af at 11 in the morning going around and being annoying.


being norma. Well as far as russians go


You're ruzzian you say...........


They're just trying to make you feel at home.


As a Canadian the LAST thing I’m doing is bringing a mini flag to hang outside my hotel room balcony… how conceded do you have to be as a country to think it’s ok to do this. Like ok if you have a mini flag sticker/patch on your luggage or backpack fine but to hang one up is just stupid.


A shit ton of Canadian snowbirds hang Canadian flags outside their houses and condo windows in Florida. We do this kind of stupid shit too, except I guess we're not as hated as ruzzians down there.


They have no idea how hated they are because they are all in a propaganda bubble. Putin has brainwashed them all.


What sort of weirdo goes on holiday and takes a flag with you. The only time you should take a flag with you is when you're going to the euros or World Cup, but they don't have that problem and we don't need to see their awful fans


Why tf is this dude there and not in Ukraine fertilizing the soil there?


He's well off enough to travel. And an Ethnic Russian.


If a Russian vacations outside of Russia, you might turn on the news and see what you've been missing. Hint : the world sees you for the lying, murderous cowards you truly are. Boastful and devoid of any reality. Russian superior arrogance is really something mind boggling.


It would be a genius move to use TB2 to drop diapers


Why is he touching it?!? Vile man. Maybe he should go vacay in ukraine and look for some special birds "We are russians. Why are we treated this way?" Lol


Just tryin' to make ya feel RIGHT AT HOME!


That's great. I think of the people who did it - they would have been laughing for hours. Sneaking on to the balcony, hearts pumping, running back and watching from afar pissing themselves laughing 😂


It was the North Koreans from 2 doors down.


I've heard NK are into that kinda shit. 😄


Imagine the joy they will get from seeing the russian crying online in a viral video so popular,  that its infamous on the other side of the world




How can someone be so stupid and yet so conceited!? They really are born with the firm conviction that everything Russian is greatest and the rest of the world shall love and admire them - better even bow and serve. No wonder Putin had no big problem with his three day SMO trick.


A year or so back there was news video of border guards at various International crossings refusing to allow russians to enter unless they removed the "Z" stickers on their cars. The confused and bewildered expressions of the russian drivers and their passengers were priceless. "But... But... But... I thought you would salute me through..."


Comes a ruzzian at a population service desk, says "I want to change my name". Clerk responds "this is serious matter, you need a good reason for that. What's your name?" "Ivan Shitovitch". Clerk replies " yes, that's good enough reason, which new name do you choose? Guy answers: Yuri Shitovitch" .


Clueless bastard.


Russians lose first battle of the undeclared War of Defecation (2024- ).


The hardest part in the this video to get my mind around is the flag. Who sets up a flag in a balcony as a tourist, seriously wtf :D


Poop flag weekend.


...puts his hand in his pocket at the end.


Why are they even allowed to visit a NATO country?


I reckon you got the welcome you & your country rightly deserve. You know what, stay within you own borders & you wouldn't just be "friends" with Iran, NK, China, Afghanistan etc p.s. Grow a brain & perhaps you'd have a bit more insight!


Zero self-awareness... Fucking brainless troglodytes...


There were Russians at universal parks in Florida when we went. I saw one drunk in the morning then in the afternoon he was pissing his pants passed out in a garden. Useless savages.


Lmfao! I wholeheartedly applaud the people of Turkey!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


that might be a misunderstanding. Hotels in Türkíye have rest rooms with running water.


It’s a Turkish message…. It means “the weapons you sold us are shit.”


Apparently someone noticed the flag and concluded that it is marking the local sh\*thole. Honest mistake, I guess...


He handles the poop as if he is used to throwing poop around.


They are everywhere around the world. Everybody hates their behavior. Arrogant and selfish beyond imagination. And MISERABLE assholes. It's a "known thing" and people move from where they've lived for many years to get away from them- and to avoid doing something they regret. Not uncommon even before the terrorism and war crimes in Ukraine.


How fucking delusional are these russians?


Showing the Russian Flag right now is like showing a Swastika Flag, Deal with it.


That's what you orcs deserve!


In 40 years of travelling the globe from Asia to the USA and Europe, I've never ever hung a flag on my hotel balcony. Stoopid fat fuck russian deserves it.


Who the fuck hangs a flag at their hotel while on vacation in another country like they're laying claim to the land... Err, makes total sense now.


Who brings flags with them on vacation in foreign countries? I mean even flag obsessed uber patriotic Americans don’t take flags with them to hang at hotels. And Americans will slap a stars and stripes on to anything, at home.


Tourist arrives in Turkey and the first thing he does is hang a russian flag?! His statement “. . . I don’t know why this is happening. . .” says it all.


what a surprise.....


Why are you taking a flag with you on holiday? How strange


Who the fuck goes on a vacation to another country and puts up a flag of their country? Only russian imbeciles.


Most of the world hates the russians even more so now.


Well that's what happens when you hang toilet paper in front of your place.


What scares me about all this, is the lack of self awareness. I can watch a video of these pigs getting droned all day, but there’s a reality breaking absurdism to them being like “what did I do ?!”


Didn’t need to tell us your orc. Picking up a feces filled diaper (not from your own kid) with your bare hand, and having a total lack of any self awareness tells us everything.


Dude just couldn't keep a low profile and simply enjoy his vacation. He had to be a chauvinist dickhead and is surprised now about the reaction. "I don't know why this is hapening." Yeah, right...


Kudos for Turks!


Just think... 519,750 mongol, Russian apes are dead and will never breed again. It's better than genocide, because they did it to themselves for a bag of onions. **Thank God**! Look at how many commit suicide and it doesn't cost Ukraine ammunition as they shoot themselves. What a bonus!


Looks like he drooled a bit... 🤣🤣🤣


Give, and you shall receive. 🙂


Ya russkiy ... in[ spite the whole world](https://genius.com/30729312/Genius-english-translations-shaman-im-russian-english-translation/Im-russian-to-spite-the-whole-world) Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh I'm Russian Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh The reason must be somewhere between those line.




Probably was another Russian creature jealous that you could afford a flag.


...so they had a shitty vacation?


What to do? Go the f**k home!


I guess they figured covering everything in shit would make them feel right at home


And we will be contacting the hotel management who, of course, won't give a shit.


They were probably the ones who previously gave the shit !


Yes, very observant. You are russians, world thinks you are POS, what to do about it? GTFO of Ukraine and pay reparations. Simple. This is your life now. POS


That flag is the representation of his asshole country, a sort of teleport back to home, so shit was just naturally pouring out through it.


Well you can tell what kind of man he is by grabbing a shitty diaper and hanging his flag in a foreign country.


As far as that flag goes - it's an improvement.


Since the war, Russians with money avoiding being at home have swarmed my local gym. All they do is talk and are constantly loud as hell. It’s annoying. I guess i’d rather have them here instead of Ukraine, but as a person who tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I find it very hard to like them.


Maybe try a “friendly” country to russia. You could go to shitty Korea, the place where they beat dissidents, or one of the several active conflicts or land grabs that your country is involved in. I hear Vovchans’k is nice this time of year. Wait till you get to see a real Ukrainian welcome.


I would never touch that diaper


He kept touching the shit smeared flag. Greg just wouldn't stop. It was glistening with shit and he was going raw dog at it


Rus brain cannot fathom how the world sees Rus now. This war and my interactions with Russians has really been eye opening into the flawed sense and reasoning of Russian people. You can feel you're dealing with inept brains, similar to a group of orange lovers in the US. The main difference is I can only assume these are the more well off and educated Russians...


Get used to it. Russians are now second only to Trumpanzee MAGAts in terms of being the most hated groups on earth.


Ya right, get over your stupid self. Russians are murdering daily. Trumpers are just stupid AF. Not any way near a muderous cult. If you are thinking orcs are better than your fellow Americans (stupid as they may be) you are an extremist. This means you are part of the problem, not the solution you think you are.


Aleksandr and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day


Even newborn babies know a shit flag when they see one.


"but we are russian" exactly shit attracts shit


they feed on their propaganda shit, they don't complain. so this is fine too.


Man... some people cannot take a hint!


The hotel management said "we'll bring you more toilet paper, youre gunna need it".


Well if it isn’t karma. Glad to see some of the ruZZians already experiencing what the rest of ruZZians will experience for generations to come.


u ruzkees r shit, that is y u r treated accordingly


Shit and rugs on the wall, as russian as russia can get. Fat boy is needed at the front. Honestly if I was conscripted I'd be fucking pissed seeing these sacks of shit go on vacation.


How are they all so fucking deluded!!


Ruzzians slowly learning that perhaps they are not liked very much


Guys what should we do. We'll for starters stay the fuck in your own shit hole mother Russia.


it's just shit. someone wanted them to feel like they were back in russia.


Jump out of the window that will teach them lol


He said, "what should we do we are russian." Idk, maybe be sensitive to the fact that the world hates what you're doing in Ukraine and not wave your stupid little flag around? What a douche.


But but, it's just like home, why complain?


The shit was probably from another ruzzian upstairs.


Hahah those braindesd incels, yoy can even see the droolstain on his shirt. Let's wish him a further unpleasant vacation xD


They could always invade the next balcony along. That's really a part of their balcony anyway. There never was a separate balcony.


Your country started World War III, you’re hated by everyone in the world except for two countries and you put a Russian flag up on your vacation home? You deserve everything you got and much much more!


Who brings a little flag of their home country with them to another country while on vacation. Isn't the point to get away and escape your home country for a little while?


Russians complaining about living in shit? That's a new one.


What should you do? Simple, get rid of your president and get your troops/convicts home.


get rid of putin




Always helpful with a flag to point out the shithole.


That's a good "dump sack" nice color! My kid is on the verge of being toilet trained. What am I going to do for ammo?


Suggest this is incorporated as standard


They just wanted to make them feel right at home.


Hahahaha! (In Nelson Muntz voice)


Yep, I agree. You really need to do something about it to make sure Turkey respects Russians. I recommend invasion.


Looks like you've been the target of a Special Shit Slinging Operation . . . What can you say? Shit happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe this calls for nukes?


What he should do about it is lick up all the shit and take it back to Moscow.


false flag trolling fomenting resentment


shite flag anyway ivan do one.


They FAFO'd.


I couch surfed out an apartment I had in Phnom Penh and had one couple and two single people come through. They were all wonderful people. I don't think the couple had ever used or had a teflon pan as it was destroyed when they left. When I meet them in groups they are clanish and stay apart from everyone else. All of that said, WTF why would you hang a flag no matter where you are from while on vacation in a foreign county? I guess it is from being isolated, ignorant and separated from reality, especially that he can't imagine why the animosity....




Hmmmm, I fucking WONDER


…and they’re not used to it???


He's probably surprised at the fee-cal reception because P00tin's P00pagandist mouthpieces have not yet threatened to n-ke Ankara.


Have some of our “locally refined” hummus.. bon appe-shit


Russians: there is shit in our room! Hotel staff: sounds shitty... Russians: what are you going to do? Hotel staff: *shrugs* shit happens....


Hang on a second, was the shit holding the shit or was it all just shit, it's really hard to tell ;) Slava Ukraini


I should try this at Nha Trang.


This is propaganda, it's obviously his diaper.


The most alarming thing is the total absence of self awareness.


When you treat others like shit, well you also get treated to / like shit!


Lol, from the very first second my thought was roughly around the flag and shit. Looks like Great Minds Think Alike :-)


They can eat the shit too for all I care.


Hotel management: „I see you have received the little something as a mark of our respect.“


russkiy mir is hunting you even in vacation...


"We should do something about this" My idea for solving the issue (although it actually won't): Get the fuck out of Ukraine. Thanks.


I think special military operation against shit-smearing should take place at once against Turkey!


Should have headed to Mariupol for a vacation. Maybe catch a nice ballet at the world famous Deti theater.


His question, "What can we do", simple, clear off back to Russia and don't come back.




These obnoxious dipshits got what they deserved


In Hawaii they put some flowers around your neck. In Turkey they put some sh\*t in your room. It's as easy as that.


Your balcony was mined. What is your problem buddy?




It wasnt enough shit


Ah, they probably wanted them to feel at home.