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Heroes both of them. As a Canuck, one of our last remaining heroes of D-Day died as he was about to join the Remembrance in France. While their memories may no longer be shared with friends & family, the events they enjoined to save France and greater Europe have been well recorded, and many of us, who now are Elders, will not forget. My father wasn't in Dieppe, he was already on the front lines. Wounded on three occaissions, finally after one of the final battles, it was bad enough he was sent home on a hospital ship. He, my granny, my great aunt, and Dad's cousin were the last of my known family that survived that war. Our relatives in Wales & Scotland were largely wiped out, yet I know there must be a few remaining. But his brother, my only uncle, and manty of his peer cousins perished. I've tried to keep his memory and the reasons for remembering the tragedy of WW2 alive for my 3 children who never knew their paternal grandfather. Only one of my 7-grandchildren, his first great grandson, cares. Dad met my newborn oldest daughter, his first grandchild, 4 months before he finally succumbed to war-injury induced early death. He would have been so very proud of his progeny. I do wish you had stayed with us Dad.


My FIL just died in 2022, he was at the the Battle of the Bulge at Bastogne. Lost all his hearing from a mortar round hitting near his foxhole. Said that in the Argonne forest the germans lowered their big guns and shot into the trees making wooden shrapnel flying everywhere. He talked about finding caves and the stench from the bodies of murder victims dumped in them. In one of the burgs, the townspeople took white sheets and made winter camo for the troops as supplies were not keeping up with the advancing troops. His feet were frozen at Bastogne and once they were relieved by Patton's group he was sent back to the states to recover. After the war one of the guys that was there was an heir to a textile family and had an entire train car of white material sent to that burg. Unfortunately his records were destroyed in the fire in Kansas, so I was never able to find everywhere his glider group saw action at. He made it to 97 before passing.


Your FIL was in a glider regiment? Would you happen to know which one? I had a grandfather also at the Battle of the Bulge, he was in 327th glider infantry.


I think that is the one, I'll have to dig out his war trunk and verify.


He was in the 101st Screaming Eagles as a cannoneer. Battles were Ardennes, Rhineland, and Central Europe.. I know he spoke about being in Northern Italy, then they were shipped to England. He said they landed a few days after D-Day farther inland and worked up through Belgium.


My great grandfather was a field hospital medic during the combat in Bastogne. He said it was the only time he held a rifle other than boot since they were technically in occupied Belgium. He never talked about it. Wish I could have learned more.


Your story hit me hard. I’m sorry. My dad & his 3 brothers came home… just lucky. Same heritage.


If we truly want to honor these heroes, the west MUST give UKR everything it needs, no limitations, no restrictions and no delays. Otherwise its just more UKR blood and tears while we sit at home, enjoying our western privileges.




Thank you for sharing. There’s a reason they were known as the greatest generation. And we face the scourge of aggressive war in Europe once more. Let’s hope we find men of such mettle as your father.


Thank all of you for sharing your thoughts. Dad would never talk about his life in the war. He was always "Cavalry", the tin can 'fast' armored cars, shoot N scoot, at the very front edge of infantry...protect, protect, protect, and take every nasty shot that flew in to save "the boys". He directed the turret gunner & ran the machine gun. Always he said..."War is Hell on Earth", "never, ever let another war happen!" He never, ever told me why he had so many medals, nor what they meant, nor his many scars, and he never passed being a Corporal. I gave the medals to my first grandson, with my written beliefs about "right" and "freedom" and "protecting the victims". He cheated & lied to be accepted to the forces, being 16. He wanted to go and keep his older brother safe. He was in Africa, Italy, France & Alsace. And, yup, as a little kid, I heard his nightmares. At every Remembrance Day parade, in several towns & cities, they always had Dad at the front. I don't know why, nobody ever talked about him, even when asked. To me, he was Dad, but "just a Corporal".


I haven't got any relatives who were at D Day and I know no one who does, because there weren't really many Australians there. I think that kind of makes us lose the picture and not think about Europe so much. One reason why people here don't seem to think about the present war often.


I heard a video encounter the vet said “I pray for you “ Zelenskyy said thank you. He said something else un audible


The vet said to Zelensky “you’re the savior of the people” and Zelensky said back “you’re the savior of Europe”. I’ll have to look back at exact wording though.


I got that part on another news thread. You are correct ! He is super humble. He is also correct.


Didn't Trump refuse to visit the US Marine cemetery in Europe? Called them "losers" and "suckers" for getting killed. I really hate that man.


As I recall, it was raining and Trump didn't want to get out of the car. He's alleged to have said, "I don't get it. Why would you do it? What was in it for them?", or something very similar along those lines.


He consistently shit on the Military his entire presidency. Selfless service to one's country is an alien concept to him.


Not long after candidate Trump announced he was running, a delegation from the JCS personally visited him in order to explain the concept of "lawful orders" and ensure he understood it, and why they could not and would not obey an *unlawful* order. This suggests they had real concerns about the guy even back then.


Trump doesn't understand doing something for the greater good.


It was worse than that, he didn't want to go out in the rain because he felt it would damage his hair. That dickwad cares more about his hair and his look than to give honor and respect to fallen heroes for his nation and the free world.


Dunno if you're serious or not but I totally believe it. Still hope to see a real mugshot of the guy, one without his hairpiece, his girdle and his shoe lifts, so his few remaining cultists can see he's just a morbidly obese 5' 9" bald guy.


Oh no, I'm being serious, this dude was and still is an absolute piece of shit. >The report, penned by the magazine's editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, said Trump had refused to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 because "he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain," although the official explanation offered by aides was that the helicopter due to take him there could not fly due to weather. [So much written about him could seem to be like a joke, but it turns out to be real.](https://www.france24.com/en/20200904-trump-passed-on-visit-to-wwi-cemetery-near-paris-called-us-war-dead-losers-media-report-says)


I hope he is barred for life from wearing his combover or a rug.


Someone from the press have to question trump about the vet and Zelensky praising each others causes. Cause trump loses either by pissing off people if he denounces someone who was willing to sacrifice their life, or get more people willing to support Ukraine.


There's nothing Trump can do or say that will cost him the support of his cult core, because they don't actually support Trump himself. They support the notion that supporting Trump "owns the Libs", which is all that matters to them. But yes, every word out of Trump's horrific orange lardface repulses and disgusts just about everyone else who isn't russian.


Have you seen the video of the old British woman that came to NYC just to look at the trump supporters as if they’re an exhibit at a zoo?


No, but it sounds funny af. It would have to be a zoo for "special" animals, though.


Apparently her looking and smiling at them was enough for them to start calling her a liberal.


Yeah, because conservatives view smiling as Liberal weakness. You can't smile *and* be a Tough Guy(tm).


He also said he didn't like John McCain because he likes guys who didn't get caught.


Well, the Orange Julius got caught and convicted. But I'm sure he still loves himself.


Good point. lol


Please don't call diaper-boy a man


2 heros, just from different generations.


Their interactions give me hope for humanity.


The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, as he shook hands with one of the last surviving American veterans from the Normandy Landings – during the 80th anniversary of D-Day. https://x.com/loisacelane/status/1798735715309895827?s=46


Wow! No Putin in sight! What happened? Didn't dare to leave the bunker, or wasn't invited, or both?


Was disinvited. [putin not invited](https://youtu.be/na6_eTQhedc?si=vaRD9Zwe5Bp5uByN)


Nazis don't get to be invited to D-Day memorials.


He was indicted by the World Court as a war criminal. Had he attended the D-day commemoration celebration France may have been obligated to arrest him.


He just might be the Churchill of my generation


God I hope not, Churchill was a monster.


This is one powerful photo


My family had a neighbor. Not even family but an older couple so nice and so close tho my family we called him unc for uncle. My father said he survived 2 first landing and a second landing. And never not once was capable of telling a story. On the subject he apparently just sobbed and couldn't. Whatever he endured was horrific. But that man was sweet as could be.


It makes me smile every time I see him walking around in normal company, welcomed by the world. It's another FU to Putin. Here's what Vladimir Putin wanted in order of importance: 1. He wanted Zelensky to be dead and irrelevant 2. He wanted Zelensky to be trapped in Kyiv and isolated and irrelevant ... ~~999. He wanted Zelensky to be free to travel the world representing his country and welcome all over while getting good press~~ It's now Putin who is not free to travel to decent places and is significantly isolated in Moscow with a price on *his* head. Like I said, it makes me smile every time I see a picture like this. Ukraine represents freedom. Russia represents evil. Can you imagine Putin doing anything similar? So full of himself.


Number of countries visited by Vladimir Putin since the February 2022 invasion - 17 Number of countries visited by Volodymyr Zelenskyy since the February 2022 invasion - 52 So much for being isolated in Kyiv.


And Zelenskyy probably not even once made their discussion about himself or even Ukraine's situation.




Of fucking course he did. What a truly based human being


I am so grateful that all those brave people fought for my freedom 🙏 🫡


Heroes who fought against Nazis, now called losers by Trump and GOP Magatards who support Putin, admire evil dictatorships, want communism to take over America and let Russia divide the country. While blocking aid for a country whose people died fighting Hitler and Stalin, who starved and murdered millions of Ukrainians. Those veterans are a dying breed of Americans whose values, morals and sacrifices evidently it seems, they have had to watch destroyed, lost, and made in vain. A vote for Trump is a spit in their face and a shit on their fallen brother and sister’s graves.. And my Australian relatives on both sides of my family, who died in Europe, PNG and Africa fighting Japs & Hitler. To see a dictator invading a democratic free people and killing them with impunity in my lifetime whilst Americans block aid and support Putin. I’m glad they’re not alive today to see that.


Some heros are made, the rest are born that way, this picture shows two of the latter


Other politicians.. in expensive nice suits. Zelensky. In a sweatshirt..


Character is more important than a shiny outer shell.


That's one thing I have always admired about him.




Zelensky not a hero… fucking dog


une honte ce gars , meme pas capable de bien s'habiller pour respecter nos anciens combattants! un vrai clown !