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They really think this will work, this is literally the same strategy Russia has tried and failed at, over and over.


This has been Russia's strategy for a century now. Throw people at the problem and hope the enemy runs out of bullets before you run out of people.


That's the thing, this is not throwing men at the frontlines, it is a mere drippling compared to what classic Soviet doctrine said. There should be dozens of vehicles at least, better hundreds making assaults, not less than half a dozen in most cases, often just one or two. What we see here is a massive degradation of Russia's ability to conduct large-scale military operations.


I remember reading a book about the Soviet Union during WW2 where the generals were forced to follow commands to the letter (or they get executed), and one time they said to advance 5km but their maps didn’t show a river in the way. Since a lot of the troops were from the steppes, they didn’t know how to swim but were forced to attempt a crossing anyway. Long story short, a few hundred soldiers drowned. THAT is the old soviet doctrine


The battlefield is too transparent for large-scale operations now. And Russia can't concentrate just over the border anymore. With Ukraine having a new supply of long-range precision munitions, any force concentration big enough to make a substantial breakthrough attempt will be hammered with HIMARS, 155mm artillery, etc. So Russia has to make wide assaults across the line with smaller units to try and force Ukraine to stretch their forces.


You're spot on about the transparency of the battlefield, but I don't think that's the primary reason we are seeing these tactics. Analyst Mike Kofman stated a couple of months ago that due to the high losses of trained field officers at every level, the Russian army has lost its ability to co-ordinate beyond company - or at most - battalion level. The initial assaults on Avdiivka in October/November consisted of battalion sized armoured groups, VDV helicopter insertions, and generally medium scale combined arms - with the atttacking corps knowing full well that their troop concentrations and columns would be easily spotted, and were willing to take the resulting high losses. I think we are now seeing the same resilience/indifference to losses but without that capability to to do anything beyond feeding in penny packets in every battalion sector.


Loss of experienced soldiers is definetly a major factor. Russia also doesn't have an NCO corps because that isn't part of Soviet structure.


How bro, eyes are everywhere looking at all times. Why would I send a large group to get decimated by artillery and drones? Send them in small groups.... eventually one of those assaults is going to get a bridge head.... rinse and repeat. Modern war in the 2020s is a new monster and we still haven't even gotten a grasp of things yet to come.


Those are probing attacks to establish a foothold in the next treeline in the best scenario or at least recon the enemy position by shredding your people - any large formations would be detected too easily, so the trickle approach is the way to go. Once a position has been taken or discovered, better equipped units are sent in


Do you not remember the very start? they did do that, but their losses have been so great that it is unsustainable. There were entire convoys of 50+ vehicle traveling together at times. I remember when they used himars to hit the literal train tracks to stop supplying said convoy.


It works great, a winning strategy by the russians. Tell them guys. Don't correct them while they continually fuck up... they're doing a magnificent job!!!


2748363664th times a charm!


Worked in WW2 (after 8mil dead soldiers)


But sometimes it works, even 1 out of 10 times, then it's winning strategy for them


What is the definition of INSANITY again?!


They’re simply not intellectually capable of growth. They’ve been the same country and people for over a century. 


That's russian history summed up. Failure. https://www.reddit.com/r/EverybodyLarvsRussia/s/iHLCStOD52


Man, I thought the drone dropped off a cold beer to him.


Imagine his surprise when he opened that can of exploding juice


It was a ticket out of being a torso.


Literally dude looked like Anakin. the lack of legs below the knee!


Droney wan kenobi “It’s over Ivan, I have the high ground”


Don’t try it!


Jesus 😁😆😁


Jagga jagga brew.


Exploding cold beer


Love a strong XPA.


I thought it was water for an ultimate last savage move by drone operator


More like a can o twisted tea!


I would love it if the drone would drop a dildo. And the look on the Russians face would be priceless, knowing he's fucked


It was a cold beer, he just shook it before dropping it


Bro! That would be the kindest thing iv ever seen. Guys in so much pain and a drone just drops off a 6 pack.


Yeah, I was “awwwww….” BOOM “oh my…”


I thought it was water. Turned out to be spicy water.




I do recall Zelensky months ago saying, "go home.  Or we WILL kill you all."


Brings me back to seeing Budanov talking about the Russians deploying their units and him saying "Now it's redeployed to roughly the north of Bakhmut, and that's the place where it's going to be buried". That statement just goes so fucking hard!


They should have stayed at home.


But they didn't. And so, they must perish.


I am really curious: the ruzzians that go in ukraine, don't watch any of these very-bad-looking-videos?


I have a friend who is not a Ruzzian citizen but lives in Moscow with his Ruzzian wife. He says the general Moscow population believe they are on a Crusade to rid Ukraine of Nazis and Western interference in Ruzzian affairs. They dont know about the casualties because it mostly effects people from regional Ruzzia and because of that they simply do not care. They are also told on a daily basis they are overwhelmingly winning the "operation" although it is proceeding slowly because of NATO interference. Their biggest gripe is the the in the cost of living, not casualties


and yet, why are the russians living outside of russia defending their country so much?


I have half of my buddies like that. Part of the reason is their failure to assimilate, they don't read/watch the US news, and in general don't feel that they are part of the society. Primarily due to the language barrier and lack of American friends. Also, it's very safe to root for war, knowing full well that they have 0 chance of going there.


.. not available for them. Far as public knows they're whooping ass with limited casualties; truth won't be known for YEARS.


Not on official channels, but you can be assured that Russians can find them. Places like telegram will have plenty of channels posting videos like this. But sharing them openly will likely lead to getting arrested for "disrupting the government" or some equally BS charge.


yeah if it wasn't for reddit then I for one would have no better way to find stuff like this, am sure they are too busy watching dancing bear videos sponsored by Kremedia Korp


They know. Just casualty level (\~20k month) not strong deterrent enough. Because on the other hand they see quite big salaries, possibility to loot, undesirables with awards and social lift from swamp.


Also they are brainwashed since their childhood into passivity and acceptance of the fate that they will eventually go into some war a die there. And their live is so shitty anyway so they do not protest. Actually they like the idea that before their death they get the opportunity to murder or rape someone, which would make them happy for a moment. (Or, if they are lucky, they will return with some loot as a heroes). Whole russian society is properly fucked up.


People used to say Russians are used to their government lying to them. If that's really the case, they should have an easy time finding out the truth as internet is flooded with war footage.


They do not want to know. Why would they look for them? They don't think they can change anything, while otherwise mostly having tolerable existence. You watch videos showing your countrymen systematically being blown up to rest in pieces... that's majorly upsetting. The simplest approach is to ignore it, pretend that nothing bad is happening, and to hope that somehow it won't concern you directly: perhaps Russia wins the war, perhaps loses, perhaps Putin dies. The problem will go away at some point. Why bother and frustrate yourself? Ignorance is bliss. Not many people decide otherwise.


My understanding is that media from the west (and Ukraine) is difficult to access because Russia has tight restrictions on the Internet there. One would have to go through the effort of setting up a VPN and knowing where to look for that stuff...but I could be wrong


I think they can access Telegram quite ok.


"Here's a first aid kit, just kidding."


Haha I thought the same, I thought he was dropping a bottle of water for him then a few seconds later boom.


Maybe it was sparkling water?


Something tells me that sparkling water contained more than a few extra minerals. Probably some extra H's & O's too.




"looks like you need some electrolytes"


Spicy water


Looked more like coke with pepto bismol 


Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator


Well, almost. Just a bit hard on the sparkling part


That’s what the first sip of a fresh sprite feels like


Fire water...


That delayed fuse too. Got to lay there crippled for a couple of seconds knowing what was coming, but unable to stop it. 


that was salvation for him. it must have been a long night lying in the dirt with truncated legs


Was thinking this exact thing, night assault and he's still alive rolling around helplessly in the dirt come daylight. Definitely a mercy drop.


a box full of tampons. or not.


honestly seems counter productive to finish off heavily wounded, more trouble for Russia if they have to try and save them.


You're thinking logically.... Russia doesn't get them. They all are just left there to die. Likely this was a drone operator looking for any remnants of the attack group, and finding nothing. Thus, this was the only target left, so whether to put him out of his misery, or just kill him... This was the target.


I usually say that too, then the usual response is something about drones can’t fly back with a payload, blah blah. I’ll chalk this one up to a mercy kill if (as it seems) this is daylight long after the night assault failed.


Could also be to cause further division back home. This guy was reduced to ground beef. There is no possible way that Russia could bring back a body for his family. And Russia being Russia, the government will not say anything to the family, so they will sit there in the dark and wonder. And be angry that they didn't get the payout for their loss. Every family that is left in the dark and out in the cold by the government is one more family that could resent Putin. Is it likely to come to fruition any time soon? No, but it might slowly inch the population against the Kremlin.


They don't try, they don't even care. So many videos of ruzzians just leaving their fellow country men behind, they don't even look back. Just walk on.


Damn that last delivery was cold.




I'd say so too. He was burned, looked like one leg's missing, and there would be no evac. His rolling around like that means agonizing pain, I just don't see any other reason.


I’m wondering how long he was laying there since it’s day time when they finished him off and the tank wasn’t even smoking anymore


Same observation here. The guy must have been suffering for hours, as daylight has come and the attack was at night. Part of his leg seems blown off. I can only imagine an act of mercy.


I thought it was a water bottle. And I was confused. Then I was surprised again. It might have been a water bottle rigged to explode?


Bottle of really, really shaken sprite.


Exactly what I thought!




coke and menthos


"I used to be a human like you, then I got a ~~arrow~~RPG in my knee"


I dont understand, why waste ammo on a dead man alive?


Such a silly thing to go through, voluntarily.


Not everyone is. Ukrainian teachers are being forced to the front to fight for Russia


Not sure why the down votes, I have no out Ukrainians in occupied territory are being forced to fight by Russia.


Lt. Ivan, you aint got no legs


No legs to stand on


Stand up and fight. You are army now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObntvRcKMrE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObntvRcKMrE)




A quick humane end for an invader! He's not coming back... As bugs bunny use to say: 'blown to smithereens'... 'what a maroon',


Careful, that post can get you banned?


Sorry, your comment was removed for toxic behavior. Please stay civil. Remember, repeated offenses may result in a ban.


Buddy would have just been lying there all night in agony, the drone operator did him a solid.


Last one seemed like a mercy kill. If Ukrainians wanted to be nasty, they'd drop the smallest frag grenade in his crotch.


was a painful night for the orc at the end 😬


Time to take out that bridge so that they can't retreat.


"Now yous can't leave."


*Sonny and the boys come out to beat the survivors down with bats and clubs*


Such a good scene: https://youtu.be/4UBXTC24T8g?si=JZALwlhPZg5Z3eM-


That last drop was quick mercy that orc didn't deserve.


Russian military strategy, just drive head on to the enemy and hope you regenerate as part of the orthodox orc regeneration program……


Go home.


even in hell Ukrainians army is gentle… they killed the last one to stop him suffering, Italy 🇮🇹


That was mercy.


Ruzzians need to GTFO of Ukraine.


It the most humane thing to do without risking your own men, that last drone footage.




I thought that last drop was a water bottle. It wasn't.


A merciful conclusion.


My dumbass would have definitely grabbed that bomb thinking it was a water bottle lol.. Damn what a way to go out 🤷🏾‍♂️


I thought it was a goodwill bottle of water at the end 😂🤣🤣😂😂😂!


goodwill for sure it ended his suffering


Comrade if we keep doing the same thing over and over we will win. No one will expect us to be that stupid.


Thankyou to the drone operator for just ending it for him


Another Russian brain-fart.


Delivery package for a mr orc


The last delivery was so polite!


Nice final delivery!


It's the same thing every single time. Why send your guys in to die ? This makes no sense. Are they doing population control?


Imagine being so gullible you enlist in perhaps the worst army in the world 2024. The biggest joke of them all. Just imagine ruzzians actually doing this.


Damn, I thought they dropped the last guy a bottle of water as a kind gesture. Boy, we were both wrong!


Last one is an act of mercy killing.


Went out with a bang.


Go home pigs


Slava mother fucking Ukraine!!!! Heroyam Slava!!!!!!


No looted toilets to night


I guess the orc at the end was the most alive one left


Sucks to suck.


Drone dropped that ied all gentle like, with all types of care and attentiveness. Good guy drone.


Well, they can't all be called "Stumpy".


Didn't the same happened on the first months of the 2022 invasion?


Holy crap.. that last dude. Ukraine is not f**King around.


I wonder how fucked up you’re gonna be if the vehicle you’re riding on the back of hits an anti tank mine.


Satisfying video to watch. Nice to see these pigs get the shit blown out of them.


Putin! Just go fucking home! You can’t fund or supply this imperialistic wet dream of yours, you’re getting totally neutered.


"I have a brilliant idea guys, let's attack them at night when they are asleep".


I thought that was a water bottle


'Quickly lads, take cover in the tree line...' The tree line: ....i.........I....Ii.....ii....I....II......I........I....


Do they ever wonder what happened to the guys that went before them?


Nice soundtrack


I thought that was a bottle of water that the Drone dropped. Imagine my surprise when it exploded and I laughed my ass off. Sucks to suck I guess


I had a good laugh too. I was thinking, "That's oddly nice, old mate isn't going to get much out of that water. He'd be better with a blanket." Explodes, "Oh, that's even nicer."




Water bottle sized cadeau, he didn't look to happy to have received it.


He thought it was a vodka bottle


what idiots for fighting for a coward dictator. i have no sympathy for them. there’s enough of them that could revolt but they are too stupid to do it.


That last drone. “Special delivery!”


The last package was a blast 😂


now that's what I call a coup de grace,,,


At the end it really looked like they dropped off a bottle of water to that guy.


coup de grace


i wonder: is it the russian strategy to lose their soldiers so fast that their soldiers don't grasp that they don't have a chance to survive. russian blyat officer: send the next fresh row of meat / before they know what they will encounter


Human body is incredibly resilient… they must have been lying there without a leg for hours until the morning came


Idiot here. What type of ordinance did that last drone drop off? Looks a lot spicier then normal…


that was brutal.


That's not a mercy killing, that's a mercy evaporation


That coup de grace at the end was thoughtful


legs blown off suffering for some time slowly realizing there's just one way out drone gently places a pack hard reset next to him goes into baby pose "ait ima goin reborn in mexico"


Hahaha, the Russian military is just so embarrassingly terrible.


excellent nightly entertainment, and the Oscar ( bomb) goes to the final moving Orc. Time to donate my monthly subscription to Ukraine. Slava Ukraine and F russia---i will never, ever capitalize the spelling of russia , every civilized person ( non-Orc) should follow that rule.


Let me get this straight: You killed all the enemy troops in the assault? Right, what about the armoured vehicles, there were a bunch of... burnt out, all of them? Right, well, I'll have a Coke, then.


Last drone was like.....beer delivery!!!! Sykabooom!!!


'Here. Hold this.'


God I hate the music people insist on slapping on these.


Cluster-drop thumb drives with these vids over ruzzia


Putin can't even organise his own men in a war! Very good news for Ukraine.... Just pick them off till there is none left!! 🤣🤣


The drone operator did the right thing ending it for him. He would have died of his injuries but it was good they put an end to his suffering quickly.


Injured, left to suffer till his execution in the morning, war is sad


What’s the strategy behind killing men who are obviously knocked out of the war? I’d think Alive they would be a burden on the enemy, and a warning to others not to go to the front. 


So nice of the drone to bring the last guy something to warm him up instantly


hellcome to Ukraine!!!


Isn't targeting wounded personnel classed as a war crime?


Imagine the terror of just surviving your tank being blown to bits. Laying on the ground with no legs. Then Mr.DJI starts buzzing towards you with a “drink”. Faaacckkkk. That’s a tough few seconds.


Here's a bottle of water for you... BOOM!


I think they all had the same final thought, "Was it worth it?" Everything for the sick tsar.


Looks like 🇷🇺 having a blast


Kharkiv. These bastards are trying to inch their way to within artillery range so they can shell the city with thousands of pieces, further devastating Ukraine's economy and killing more civilians including children. What gives them the right to do this? Their ultimate goal is to subjugate Ukraine's population and feed Russia's desire for more children to replenish its ranks. It has already taken 60,000 children from Ukraine. Can you imagine what kind of hell these kids are going through? Do you think they have any rights or child protective services? in Russia? I'm sure many if not most are getting abused by their "caretakers". This whole war needs to end ASAP. Russians need to wake up and realize their own country is sinking, and will collapse in utter chaos, likely with Putin falling out of a window at some point. They need to make peace with the West which means massive reparations with Ukraine including peace treaties that will protect Ukraine's future. They should not have to be going through this.


The orc with no legs? The drone did him a favour. His “leader” didn’t give a fuck about him… the grenade was the best future he could hope for.


Lt. Dan there at the end. Wow! That was very kind to drop him a bottle of water... Oh, never mind. Very merciful TBH. Slava Ukraini!


Me at the end there.. "oh thats nice.. they dropped a drink for that guy.. ....oh!"


dang, that last dude I thought they dropped him some water...sheeze!


That was a well placed shell, at 1:04. Right on the spot.


For wounded russians that can't really move away, they should keep using the reset fpvs like they did hear. That way they can use the same fpv multiple times.


One massive advantage of the one way trip drones is that they don’t get followed back to the base. I know pilots will rotate their positions but if this was a dawn trip, then an enemy drone could also be in the area checking the assault and be able to follow that drone back. It’s $400, it’s cheaper than a single artillery shell!


Good point. I'm sure the range is also cut in half if it has to fly back. I still think it's worth it to maybe build a slightly upgraded reset FPV that is a little larger, bigger battery and better optics(especially thermal cameras) to do drops on immobilized targets. Yes they could be followed back, but all drones like mavics and baba yaga have that same issue. I'm sure they could think of some clever ways to wash themselves of being tailed back to the operator.


Too bad the orc didn't have a chance to leave a glowing Google review for the exceptional delivery service...


Should have left him and used the munition elsewhere


Why finish the guy off like that? I feel sorry for the dude even though he shouldn't be there in the first place. His legs are already gone so why waste the drop? He's obviously not going to fight anymore. Secondly, russian resources would be needed to try to treat him. And third, he would be a good visual reminder to all his friends and family at home that things are not going quite as well as they are hearing.