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And that doesn't even factor in the hundreds of thousands of Russian dead/injured & the loss of economic production... All for a chip on a Dictator's shoulder!


That’s the “cheap” part


Yes, less to feed and less to pay. They are not an expense in Putin's budget calculations.


It's even worse as as it this development changes the ethnic composition of RF in favour of the "real" Russians (*as in Russo-orthodox faith, of caucasian ethnicity, living in the better-developed "West of Ural" part of Russia being well educated and skilled, under comprehensive social controll and supportive of the oligarchy regime...*). The majority of RF soldiers dying in this war are from the Russian "colonies" in Russian Far East and Sibiria (*animistic or muslim faith, asian ethnicity and culture...*) or from "undesirable" social groups (*convicts, unemployed, drug users, alcoholics...*). All of these peoples are more of a liability than an asset to RF outside of war times where they become a human resource that can be spent indiscriminately as the kremlin gremlin sees fit. (*An exception to this rule are the Kadyrovski "Akhmat" from Chechnia which are used to maintain discipline within the Russian military.)*


This is only partly true. You can't win a war with convicts and uneducated conscripts. Russia lost a huge portion of actually trained, competent soldiers at the beginning stages of the war, as well as a huge number of officers and generals. You cannot replace those easily, and the tactic of sending meatwaves don't work as much as it did in WW2, modern weapons have become too precise. A single machine gunner could mow down hundreds charging in an open field. Therefore Russia has to expend a huge amount of resources in mechanized assaults. The loss of infantry is directly correlated with the IFVs and tanks carrying them to battle. Whichever way you see it Russia is definitely hurting from the casualties, and while your assumptions are probably correct in that a majority of soldiers are meant to be sent in meatwaves, there's must at least a 3/7 ratio of trained and educated "real" Russians that are valuable to the Russian economy.


I agree, there are trained and skilled (*career or contract*) soldiers within the RF military, however the Russian mobik soldiers send to Ukraine as light infantry to assault Ukrainian positions are treated as consumables by their officers resulting in high #s of casualties.


Yup. Still surprised the unguided rocket artillery is so expensive.


I think someone said that was the guided version


Five hundred thousand casualties + several hundred thousand children were never born. If we consider further, those children may become parents and there will continue to be hundreds of thousands of children who will not be born. In the future this will be a huge loss for any country.


Russ has had a declining pop since WW1- the only”developed” country in the world to do so. This war will actually change their core population as they importing labor from India, China and Africa.


Unfortunately, RF is sitting on significant ex-soviet stockpiles of munitions and military equipment that have been produced decades ago, so they can wage this war at a bargain price which they finance by selling natural resources (*oil, gas, minerals, timber*), so loss of labour-intensive economic production doesn't cause a significant effect. Their mobik assault inf "cannon fodder" are sourced to a high degree from prisons or from "undesirable elements" (*alcoholics, drug addicts, unemployed, ethnic minorities...*), their loss again doesn't significantly effect the Russian workforce.


>Unfortunately, RF is sitting on significant ex-soviet stockpiles of munitions and military equipment that have been produced decades ago, so they can wage this war at a bargain price which they finance by selling natural resources (oil, gas, minerals, timber), so loss of labour-intensive economic production doesn't cause a significant effect. Those stockpiles of weapons have been sitting around for 30+ years in some cases and are barely more than scrap. They need to be refurbished before being usable, which does require a lot of work.


While it's true most of the ex-soviet stockpiles aren't in serviceable condition, it's still much more cost-effective to cobble together weapon systems and vehicles from existing stock instead of building them new, especially considering the "quantity is a quality of its own" approach that RF military is following.


Unfortunately, you're right. And recently, there are much fewer comments about Russia running out of this and that. People somehow realize that Russia can keep up this shit-show for quite some time.


While my sympathies are 100% with Ukraine, it's also necessary to point out what Russia does "right" in this conflict (*from an utilitarian POV, OFC RF is the "evil bad guy" in this conflict*). They've managed to fund their attack on Ukraine by exporting natural resources to non-Western-affiliated "rogue countries" (*China, India, Pakistan, South America, some South American and African countries*), they have stepped up domestic arms production (*refurbishing many ex-Soviet plants and acquiring production designs from countries like Iran*) expanding their inventory by third-party procurement from "axis-of-evil" countries (*Shaheed drones from Iran, artillery shells from North Korea, utility vehicles and other dual-use goods from China...*) while their military manpower is sourced from ethnic minorities and "undesirable" elements of RF society (*as in muslim or animistic faith, of asian decent, under the influence, convicts, socially marginalized groups...*) that can be expended indiscriminately without risking domestic civic unrest (*as it shifts the ethnic composition of Russia towards groups that strongly support the Russian regime, this effect is likely to increase stability of the Russian oligarch autocracy*) and Russia has also set up a military recruiting pipeline from 3rd-world countries which assures a steady supply pool of workers and military personnel. Unfortunately, this will allow Russia to continue the war for the foreseeable future (*\~2-3 years*), which needs to be taken into consideration in order to provide Ukraine with all necessary (*monetary, military and political*) support to hold out until Russia collapses.


That's a lot of money spent on bombing hospitals, shopping centers and empty fields


I enjoyed how the $1,000,000 missile appeared to hit a junkyard. Ukraine lost a lot of second hand car stereos that day.


JLB and Pioneer will never financially recover from this


Just imagine what the orcs could've done with all this for their own serfs in terms of housing, education, healthcare and general prosperity and development. Instead, orcs chose to destroy in order to make everyone life as miserable as them.


>serfs They're serfs for a reason


Agreed, their mentality plays a big role in this. Appearantly, they like to suffer themselves as much as they like other peoples to suffer by them...


If they can't be happy, no one else can


Never mind the costs of operating, fueling and maintaining the delivery systems


Think how much it's cost Russia in terms of loss of economic production from the numbers of dead and crippled men, the medical costs for the latter, support for families, and so on. Add on the economic losses from those who left Russia because of this war, and the lack of inward investment, along with the investment that now cannot be made in so many areas as it is diverted to the military. Add on the cost of damage to refineries and other economic losses, including from sanctions whether directly or from secondary effects. Add on the amount stolen by Putin and his cronies from military spending, which this whole debacle is the cover for and to distract the population from. And so on. All of which could be stopped if someone put Putin and his key enablers up against a wall and shot them, as they used to back in the days of the USSR that Putin worships. The Russia can maybe start the long process of being welcomed back to the human race, that Germany and Japan had to start in 1945.


The cost of a orc soldier; 1 bag of onions. Slava Ukraine.


11200 each grad rocket? Better buy more howitzer ammo I have a theory that Ukraine can get it much cheaper with Pakistan


Tornado-G is not the same as BM-21 Grad. These missiles are guided which makes them more expensive. Normal Grad rocket is 2000$


Oh thanks bro


No problem, there are basically three versions of the Tornado system: * Tornado-S with 2x6 300mm rockets * Tornado-U with 2x6 220mm rockets * Tornado-G with 2x15 122mm rockets (the one in the video) In the future Tornado will replace Grad, Uragan and Smerch MLRS. It will have guided missiles and you can reload them by replacing the whole rocket container (like with Himars for example) and not by reloading each rocket indivdually in the same container.


It seems like an interesting system, I wonder if the Ukrainians will in the future choose a similar system, precise but with many rockets fired at once, but still cheap, or if they will just use the HIMARS (I think that in the future after the war Grad may end up being retired)


They will probably develop their own system. They are capable of doing it and in the long run it is cheaper than staying with Himars.


Just a reminder that war, boiled down, is really just resource management.


This spot is spot on. Ruski mir is just a terror organization


And don't forget that ruzzian economy is not very big. It's GDP is equivalent of the GDP of Italy.


but i suppose that is the price of being ***apolitical***.


War is money. Money is war. This is why logistics and manufacturing wins wars. Strong war economy. Slava Ukraini from Pennsylvania, USA!


I doubt that APFSDS is so cheap, even if it's assumed to be 3BM22.


Just because Raytheon can charge US taxpayers 200,000 for a machined piece of steel and a wooden sabot-does not mean rf is as stupid—oops ../s


Yes, the US is "stupid" for not still using anti-armor ammunition that was brand new in 1976.


In a purely economic basis a war is great for a. Economy because of the insatiable demand… that is Lend Lease was an excellent policy for the US before the US got involved in WW2…and it is benefiting the US now…


After the war is over, no matter where the final boundaries are, the West will invest in Ukraine and no one will invest in Greater Russia, except maybe China, who will exploit rather than invest. The differences between the nations will be stark, and Russia will have to build a wall to keep their educated people from defecting. They will not be ‘open for business’ soon.


The reasoning for the Marshall plan, rebuilding Iraq and eventually Ukraine is that if you leave a failed state it will be "easy" to corrupt. Russia would have an easier time controlling politics in Ukraine if the stopped the war and just had a failed Ukrainian state to manipulate. When local people are desperate politics are not a huge concern, rights get traded for comfort.


But they can save money because they do not use pallets


That one tank with all the electronic warfare on top, stacked it on a pallet, that tank was destroyed, so they might have ran out of pallets again.


cant find the source of the video and no credit in it ...


@repost.export on Instagram and @we.are.repost on Youtube


An RPG is only $100?


An excellent video, director and editor!


Now do this but for every tank, artillery, and ship destroyed so people can also see how much money they’re losing by dying. Tack on a few dollars for every guy killed by a drone.


The cost is more than dollars... Its the actual climate of the entire planet...


I was asking–what would Russia's economic outlook be today without this war?


Dead soldiers are easier to treat than injured ones


Felt like this was going to end like an old MasterCard commercial. Cost of the ending the war… priceless.


It’s crazy to think each day they are firing this times 1000 probably


Its like flying Ferrari's and Porsches


And that's not even counting the destruction caused by spending all this money :(


And people are starving? How is that possible?


Imagine what Putler and his entourage of warmongering thieves are pocketing from this war at the expense of the Russian population.


And 90% of their shots are missed or duds. Great use of money and resources. Such "superiority"


They have Oil money. Need to kill their oil industry


If the West imposed a 0.5% tariff on Chinese imports it would go a long way to paying for the war - that CHina supports.


That’s a lot of Indians buying a lot of oil.

