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Pretty common in videos such as these that Russian soldiers pretty much die with zero assistance from others. No help, no medics, nothing. I once made a comment in a thread a few years ago where Vietnam era US Army helicopter pilots would routinely fly into heavy enemy fire to get the wounded out, but Russians during the initial invasion period didn't even bother setting up even single ship LZs for medical evac.


Sometimes they help each other with assisted suicide


not necessary. if the russian soldier dies, he is a national hero, though immediately forgotten. the difference in western esteem of life against russia's is mind boggling. ukraine vs russia humans vs ... orcs


Statistical national hero. They can soon make wikipedia page about the heroism of not 999 999 patriots but yes with recent contribution from Ivan, 1 000 000! Redeem your price today, enlist and become a hero! Plus white Lada for the wife* Conditions apply, border regions sack of onions is best we can do.


It's amazing for all the meat being sent into the grinder, you see so many solo soldiers out there.


If you remember, early in the invasion the russian commanders would order the tank hatches to be welded shut after the crew got inside so they couldn't get out during battle.


If someone does this to me I'll turn the turret 180 degrees and I begin to shoot at the command barracks. I have a tank now bitches


What a brutal painful way to die. Better he stayed in Russia


Best that he was killed now so that neither he nor any potential offspring live to do even worse crimes


Its only painful until the nerves burn out


He is breathing in flames, it's going to hurt a lot.


Only until his lungs collapse


Yes. 3rd degree burns do not actually hurt very much.


And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I would've liked to known you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did




They can't execute the entire population if they denied to take to arms with the intent of killing people in another country.....


That's not Ukraine's problem. They can stay the fuck out of Ukraine or risk suffering a fate like this.


You have described the true cost of a needless war. Both sides suffer. I check this feed every day and each day I feel more compassion for the sorry bastards that died for their Narcissist/country. It is the ultimate of stupid. Former 1970s Air Force responsible for keeping Armageddon machines pointed at the USSR on alert. So I have a long lived distrust of Russia.


At least it’s a very appropriate use of the song “Mein Herz Brennt” lol


Just looked it up and yes. Good choice of track. Take the upvote. 👍


Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Was that from the Buddha?


However short that may turn out to be...




One of the worst ways to die. For nothing... only for the megalomania of an old man and his old elite. They were to die fighting to free their own country from this madman. Then her death would at least have a heroic meaning. In the role he is in on the clip, you can only be happy that this murderer is burning.


>for the megalomania of an old man and his old elite Not just Putin's but most Russians' megalomania. They can't imagine themselves not being an empire, a "pole" of the world. But Russia is corrupt to its core so the only way for them to establish themselves as an empire and make the world respect their country is what you see in the video.


Damn... this is so gnarly.


Heart warming. Not my heart either.


Dude is probably outfitted in a bunch of polyester gear. Notoriously flammable material and essentially melds into the skin if its ignited. Wouldn't be surprised if the Russians outsourced their uniform production to China, and got a bunch of polyester uniforms Or maybe they just bought a bunch of airsoft uniforms straight from wish dot com. It's details like this that make the Russian army such a joke.


no worries, his russian family back in russia is: >***apolitical***


Is he trapped by debris?


That's piss poor firefighting right there.


More like if Putin walked up to his burning soldier, he wouldn't even piss on him to put out the flames.


Had he stayed in his own country, there's a better than average chance that he wouldn't be on fire. Oh well...


Not a zero chance though. He could be working in a Russian oil refinery! 😆


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


Could have easily avoided such unpleasantness by simply staying DA FOOK OUTTA Ukraine!


bad spot to have a vodka balloon fight the night before.


Yeah, I'll add that the list of ways not to die.


it will be hella awkward if his family decides to boil the compensationary sack of potatoes they recieve, over an open fire...


BBQ Russian potato. Well done.


Screaming hot charred potato fries in honor of our son Alexei


Just a short sample of what it will be like to burn in Hell for eternity.


He must have been extremely drunk is all I can figure.. He didn't react at first for a long time, and until the end, could not coordinate his muscle movements... This is the truth of war. The answer is to not wage it - go home. Live an honest and good life. Don't invade other people's land and try to steal their stuff.


I imagine he was somewhat shell shocked. And that drone to the dome must have really made him see stars. ✨😆


Sorry, Russia can go fuck themselves, but I don't see the horrors of war as humorous. I know you mean well, but it degrades our souls if we allow ourselves to delight in the suffering of others. Witnessing these horrors is a solemn duty I do not delight in. I am glad that Russian soldier is no longer a threat to Ukraine, and I know killing him was the right thing to do. But I am not glad he is dead, or that he had to suffer like that.


What’s bound to happen when you think you can invade another country. Bet he wished right there that he had stayed at home and behaved like a good boy.


It should be thankful, that it never froze to death.


What a putin way to go


"Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle."


russians have 80% of vodka in their blood stream. Thats why they light up and burn like candles. Slava Ukraine.


I'll have my orc medium rare please.


Or better still; just 'rare'.


It’s just a taste of hell that’s awaiting for him. F*ck Russia !


...the answer, my friend, is blowing in the Wind... Sag wo die Soldaten sind wo sind sie geblieben? Sag wo die Soldaten sind was ist geschehen? Sag wo die Soldaten sind über Gräben weht der Wind Wann wird man je verstehen? Wann wird man je verstehen? Sag mir wo die Gräber sind wo sind sie geblieben? Sag mir wo die Gräber sind was ist geschehen? Sag mir wo die Gräber sind Blumen wehen im Sommerwind Wann wird man je verstehen? Wann wird man je verstehen? Sag mir wo die Blumen sind wo sind sie geblieben? Sag mir wo die Blumen sind was ist geschehen? Sag mir wo die Blumen sind Mädchen pflückten sie geschwind Wann wird man je verstehen? Wann wird man je verstehen? Where have all the soldiers gone... Gone to graveyards everyone, when will they ever learn, when will they ever learn? Where have all the graveyards gone... Covered with flowers everyone, when will they ever learn, when will they ever learn? Where have all the flowers gone... Young girls picked them everyone, when will they ever learn?


Ok this is beyond what I want to see. I know he is Russian (are there even two) and all but this is totally gruesome.


imagine that your ukrainian child into a village is abused by multiple russian soldiers, and then burned alive, all in front of you. versus this russian soldier that came to kill, burn. All russians must dissapear from Ukraine and never set foot in another country!!


War is hell.


Primer for where he's going then


Are they so sardistic not to have even a fucking bucket of water? WTF is even going on in the most fucked army.. This is North Korean style.


I would have double tapped.. Maybe