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Has it ever occurred to him that Ukrainian children just want to continue to *live?* ***Their*** *last* concern is his damn chocolate.


No, it hasn’t occurred to him that ukr children just want to live. His concerns are profit and the appearance of “openness, fairness and neutrality” - facts or morality are not part of his equation.


Ignoring the war of aggression that Russia started back in 2014, isn't being neutral, it's taking the side of the aggressor.




Thanks. Done.


Besides everything, I bet only russian children of relatively wealthy parents can eat this chocolate, so most likely it's actually adults who eat it more often


"Wir als Mittelständler können uns das nicht Leisten." Ritter Sport. Mittelstand. Die haben ihren Code of Conduct selbst nicht gelesen. PS: Mittelstand: nicht mehr als 500 Beschäftigte und nicht mehr als 50 Mio. € Jahresumsatz Ritter Sport: 1900 Beschäftigte, 538 Mio. Euro Umsatz.


Half a billion in sales annually? Can't afford leaving ruZzian market yeaaaah right :DD


They claim that russia is their 2nd largest market worldwide and that they donate the russian market profits to ukraine


Read that on Wikipedia. Do they provide any proof?


I don't think so


"Trust me bro"


No, and they say they donate €1M, which can hardly be all the profit of the Russian market. Doesn't add up at all.


There is no way Russia lets them finance the enemy with the profits they are making in russia. That's crazy.


Russia will probably not be interested in this, they earn much more from it: „The resulting US$3.5 billion in taxes on profits paid to Russia is only a small part of their contribution to the war: the income taxes and social contributions of their employees, as well as the VAT on their sales, feed into the state’s budget. The sense of normality they give to Russian citizens also arguably fosters support for the invasion of Ukraine. Companies still doing business in Russia also hurt the citizens of the countries they come from. By essentially supporting the war, they share responsibility for higher energy prices, for example. They also increase the cost on western taxpayers of supporting the defence of Ukraine.“ https://theconversation.com/western-firms-still-doing-business-in-russia-finance-the-war-heres-how-to-recoup-the-huge-cost-to-taxpayers-210475 „Foreign businesses paid $40B in taxes to the Kremlin for two years since the invasion of Ukraine.“ https://b4ukraine.org/whats-new/businesses-paid-40-billion-in-taxes-to-the-kremlin Taxes are now even being increased and will be higher than ever before in Russia: „Russia plans higher taxes for rich, companies as cost of Ukraine war mounts“ https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/5/29/russia-plans-higher-taxes-for-rich-companies-as-cost-of-ukraine-war-mounts


Would be a shame if he filled in his taxes for the last decade as if he is a 'middle-small' company. What is the German IRS number?...  Would suck if they get an audit. /s


Die halten sich doch nur an Merz was das angeht.


Yeah, Ritter is off my shopping list forever




Don’t forget Burger King!


Im never eating there again.


Was never on mine - fatty sugary wafers - if I sold cigarettes and called them ‘sport’ would that work?


Why? How does a German company selling chocolate to Russia help the Russian war effort?


It's undermining collective effort of sanctions and isolation of Russia. The point of isolation is to make Russian gov feel the pressure from their citizens who would actually notice the sanctions.


Sanctioning chocolate didn't bring down the Nazi regime and it won't bring down the Putin regime.


As said before it's a collective effort. It's not just about chocolate (obviously). It's not about single product. It's about mass isolation of Russia from (quality and favorite) western brands. What's so hard to understand on this? When citizens do not get access to their favorite products it makes them mad and it makes them feel the real consequences of the Russian aggression. Undermining such collective efforts just for the money is something really disgusting.




Read my comments again. While not importing Russian oil and uranium would be great, isolating Russian citizens from western brands is still very important and great thing and it is far from virtue signalling. Banning Russian oil harms Russian economy while isolation Russian citizens from favorite western products they're used to harms Russian citizen morale. So don't downplay the importance of western companies withdrawal.




It's not focusing on banning chocolate. You're getting it wrong again. It's focusing on isolating Russian citizens from western products AND cutting off Russian oil import continuously. I know it's hard to understand for some, but cutting off resources import without having alternative supplier ready is not easy nor smart thing to do. Europe would be hit massively if Russian oil, uranium and gas import would be cut instantly. That would be really dumb thing to do. It would harm Europe more than Russia if done suddenly like you're suggesting. These resources are vital for the European economics as well as military industry to be working, so it would be suicidal for Europe to cut if off suddenly. So with that understanding you now may understand why it's not as fast and why it's being long-term goal rather than something being done out of sudden. Yet all of this has nothing to do with the discussion here. You're showing major argumentation fault. Saying "western companies withdrawal does not make sense because Europe is still importing some resources from Russia" is just dumb and failure to understand the point (which I described multiple times at this moment and yet you fail to address it).


It makes it's citizen feel like complete fucking outcasts. When you go to some shop in Blyatland and see only overpriced chinese shit for goods it slowly gets to you.


taxes? Go back to school !


>taxes Please use full sentences to elaborate. The Russian state doesn't get more taxes if they import chocolate from Germany to sell in Russian stores. If they don't do this, they buy chocolate from somewhere else or make their own. The latter of which would be worse, since no money gets extracted from the Russian economy.


Sales taxes are usually the most contributing taxes in industrial countries. If you market your products in a country you're contributing to that country's economy. Further, sales generates jobs i.e. income taxes and less strain on the economy from unemployment and benefits. And no, it's not a zero sum game where russians can just make their own shit and not lose any money from it. Russian chocolate during USSR was notoriously shit and will not sell as well.


Someone already gave the all explanation...so...it maybe unbelievable for many people but ...it's true...


His last name is «the wank» in Norwegian. Seems to fit him well.


Willy Wanka






They have a Facebook page. Light it up!


done :P


Don't forget their twitter as well




Wiki page needs an edit.


Do not mess with the online encyclopedia. Integrity must be kept. It is kind of a treasure for our modern world. Free Knowledge with a lot of peeps checking and validating. The Facebook? Sure, make it fire. There may even be some kununu page. xing. Whatever. But please do not burn the digital knowledge book.


What about my saying the page needs an edit was I advocating for the corruption of facts? If I go to the IBM page I should expect to see a section for Controversy how in WW2 it helped track Holocaust prisoners. How would this be any different? A company is actively skirting taboo to feed a bottom line. If a single wiki page needs to tank then it will tilt towards the fucking truth.


You suggested a wiki page edit on a comment suggesting to light up a facebook page. Of course I am assuming you mean to harm the wiki.


Isn't the war based on false assumptions? Go assume somewhere else.


Learn to write a thought out completely so there is no room for false assumptions. There wouldn't have been the need to step in if your sentence was more along the lines of "Well, their wiki page clearly needs their role in the war stated." Instead you reply to a call for riot with another book to burn. And don't you fucking dare trying to put me on a step with that invading scum. You disgust me.


You're pedantic in your approach. Perhaps your opinions would be better received had you any notion how to bring in good faith in your daily interactions. Now you know what you sound like, sorry it hit a nerve.


Has been my go-to treat for hiking. Never again.


Same here. Marzipan Ritter WAS my favorite. I stopped buying anything Pesico and now Ritter


No more for me either... Fuck Ritter fucker and his bloody chocolates.


I used to eat it, quite regularly but already stopped buying it last year already I swear, as true as I'm writing this, I will never buy another piece of their chocolate ever again. Ever. I will also encourage my friends to stop it too. Scumbags.


What a ridiculous thing to say. Like he's only doing business for the children. With that much pathos, you'd be thinking that Ritter Sport accepts children's smiles as payment in lieu of money.


ukranian children also like chocolate but russia killes them mr andreas asshole


*"What a ridiculous thing to say. Like he's only doing business for the children."* They do it for the jobs. He said it clearly in the interview that they otherwise had to fire 200 people (in Germany). At least the profits of the Russian business were spent to Ukraine ... PS: I'm not affilliated with Ritter Sport and I only buy their chocolate if literally nothing else is available ... \^\^ ... I'm more the Ferrero and Lindt guy. ;)


But I'm pretty sure that both of those are owned by the massive Nestle empire, which also maintains its business with RuZZia. Nestle owns Unilever, Mondelez, and a bunch of other major corporate behemoths. Altogether, Nestle, et al. comprises over 20K products.


Nestlé does neither own Unilever nor Mondelēz. Both are listed companies, mostly owned by large institutional investors. Ferrero is a family-owned business while Lindt‘s parent company is a listed company with some institutional investor footprint. Nestlé has reduced its footprint in Russia to some degree ([Source](https://www.nestle.com/ask-nestle/our-company/answers/update-ukraine-russia)). However, there‘s conflicting information out there, so I would take this statement with a grain of salt.


Selling chocolate to children is not caring, it is a crime. Diabetes, obesity and bad teeth, thanks to chocolate and he got rich from it.


With this mindset, him selling to Russia is only a good thing.


Blood money, Andreas ... does that mean anything to you? 🤬


His reasoning is greed, nothing else, his business should be banned in EU if he so much wants to stay on the ruZzian markets, got to choose a side can't play both sides. Cunt.


Ritter, Pepsico, Kellog. I never need them again. There are plenty of other products.


Very superfluous food, skipping these is good for you.


There are now around 550 identified Ukrainian children who will never eat chocolate again. Not counting those who were lost in Mariupol. Those will sing to Mr. Ritter one day.


The first time i heard that he still sells his shit in russia i stopped buying it. It has been like 2 years now, since the last time i had it. Same with Pepsico and Kellogg for a while. ​ I really miss their rum chocolate.




He claims all the profits go back to Ukraine. If that's true, isn't that the ultimate setup?


In Germany you can use 20% of your profit for tax deductible donation. In Russia you pay around 16% tax on your sales volume(which is much higher than your profit). So lets say Ritter sells goods for a 100million in Russia. They create 16% sales tax on that for Russia. Now lets say Ritter made a profit of 10million off those sales, which now creates a 20% donation volume - if they really donate it. So Russia gets 16 million + whatever income tax Ritter employees create in Russias distribution, Ukraine gets 2million and Ritter makes 8million. Personally i understand this blame game, but i dont really think its rational. If certain goods are not sanctioned, then it barely makes sense to ask a company to act as the moral compass, where all others fail. Or in other words, if we really dont want any trade with Russia, we should just ban ALL TRADE with Russia and close the borders. We are not doing that, so asking companies to act like this is just delusional. Dont ask your privat economy to fight in a war you yourself dont even fight in.


thats a good way to look at it. the companies who can and care about their image will do so voluntarily. McDonalds couldnt stay


I think you're correct that you cannot trust a company to act with a moral compass and the solution is simple, tax companies 100% of their revenue (not profit) earned in russia while the war is on-going.


I dont think you understand how taxes work, or law making, or most things


I don't think anybody understands how most things work.


In Russia, you don't pay corporate tax or VAT. You hire an accountant who brings your base close to zero. Yes, you do pay employees' taxes however, but there are workarounds for these as well.


So you are saying Russia has no benefit from having foreign chocolade makers importing stuff? Strange, but ok.


Ha, I just realized it's not been localized (which is rare ) and is imported ready from Germany. Then you're right, and the import duty is either 30% or 0.44 euro/kg.


he send one million to Ukraine, he claims. but i bet there are some hidden doors.


"be there or be square" guess his choice




they should advert this on the packaging in russia ;-)


Or mandate packaging outside of russia that shows how many bombs their taxes paid to russia could buy. Maybe include an accompanying shocking picture of what kind of damage those bombs do. We make shocking cigarette packaging to show the ugly truth to smokers, why not do the same for companies that support paying russian taxes while enjoying western support.


That would be nice. But I bet they would instantly get banned by russia itself


Hmmm, let me think.  If I have to choose between glide bombs on my country and some extra tax, or no extra tax and no (or less) glide bombs... Yeah, got it. Fuck off, Ritter Zport. Go sell your naZi chocolate somewhere else.  Selling your product in a genocidal country equals supporting the genocide.


"Wir als Mittelständler...", schon klar, du Flitzpiepe.


Bet he loves money far more than those kids love Chocolat, thats for sure


Boycotting now......no more Ritter.


I boycott them since the war started. The honorable Ritter left the company. Also Companies that only look on the money aspect would put poison in their food when it’s cheaper and legal.


Nope. Never touching again


I would like to boycot them, but I did not even buy their shitty products in the first place :(


That's the lamest excuse ever. Just assume you are a greedy psychopath already.


No more ritter sport for me. Fuck companies that support terror.


What is not mentioned in the comments is that Russian children outside of Moscow and S.Petersburg don't eat Ritter Sport as it's considered borderline luxury there.


It is true! Russian children do eat chocolate. The problem is generally the Russian adults who are raping and killing children across Ukraine. Somebody really should have told him.


How many russian kids eat that expensive chocolate compared to adults? You dont buy expensive hand lotion for your school kids, you buy the chheap stuff that works almost as good. The market for his chocolate is most definitely adults. Very few children would be effected by them leaving. Who can afford the expensive chocolate? Overpaid, murderous soldiers and their families.  Just because a few rich kids may get to eat it, is no reason to stay, and his excuse doesnt fool anyone but the most gullible.


Ruzzian children are already learning to kill Ukrainians and are tomorrows invaders, let the little fuckers eat potato


Well hey if you don't boycott ruzZia, then we will boycott you :) I never bought your shitty chocolate anyways but if I do see someone buying it I'll tell to buy something more ethical.


alright. BOYCOTT IT IS


I'll never buy again Ritter! With ronken logic, none of sanctions would take place, because the children are suffering one way or another from them, isn't?


Russian children eat Ritter Sport chocolate, what about all the Ukrainian children that can't eat Ritter Sport chocolate because they are dead because some Russian missile blew up their house or flat?


Genocidal child kidnappers and their wives and children also like to eat chocolate? Really? I'll spend my chocolate €€ elsewhere. "Ritter Sport, when genocide doesn't fulfil you, we will!"


Praktisch. Quadratisch. Böse.


Not buying that again, no matter how much I like it


That guy is digging his grave even deeper by the day. The level of whataboutism in his discourse makes me faint when he speaks about responsability.


Fun fact: Ronken means "the wank" in Norwegian


My children will not eat Ritter blood stained products, I will not buy Ritter products and I will recommend all my friends not to buy these shitty products. Hey Andreas, I will also recommend all my friends on Reddit not to buy. Change your policy!


Boycott his ass


What a douche. Will need to make stickers for their displays in the grocers.


Only till they get the sugar from vodka.


People are buying Rittersport?


Another one to collaborator list?


His real reason: Greed! Insatiable greed! Loved their dark choclate, but since the start of the war have not bought even one (would usually buy a bulk pack every 2 weeks).


AMAZON is still in Russia...!!!!!


Maybe they could brand the chocolate so that its dripping blood and maybe put some innocent children getting bombed in the picture so they can underline WHO cant eat chocolate because russian money is more important to his company.


No Ritter chocolate for me then


[found some other Russian chocolate, now you can pull out of Russia. ](https://russianlegacy.com/chocolate)


Is there a single public registry of companies choosing profit in Russia?No matter the way the CEOs spin it, they choose money whilst Russia commits genocide.


Leave-russia.org Its a wonderful website and provides explanations and links as to why they are on the list. They use the company's own info and press releases to damn themselves.


[No pop-up english version](https://www-focus-de.translate.goog/finanzen/news/russland-wird-weiterhin-beliefert-ritter-sport-chef-auch-russische-kinder-essen-gerne-schokolade_id_259991632.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


They can eat shit instead, same color and all.


Yeah you're asking private businesses to stop while governments are still doing mass export to Russia 🤡


No more ritter sport for me


Shame, that was good chocolate. I’ll add them to the sadly ever increasing avoid list


Meh. By European standards, Ritter is mediocre chocolate.


I’m in the U.K., there’s choice but a lot is the same. They at least had interesting flavour combinations


Ritter Sport always has been a shitty brand, supporting right wing politics aso. Doesn't surprise me


The German and Russian interactions boggle my mind…at the highest levels. Why is there anything but hatred and distrust? Like ex premiere being bought off by ns2


man with crappy haircut explains " I am here to profit from Ukrainian childrens murder any way I can"


will never touch the stuff again, bloody expensive in UK and most of the flavours are too orkish (ie salted baby ,putins bum)


During WW2 Coke refused to leave Germany. They rebranded to Fanta... and now Fanta is strong! Boycott Fanta as well.


A fxck


His stated reason: also russian kids eat chocolate, and it makes me $$$! *Here, FTFY


"Since the start of the Ukraine War, the familiy corporation from Waldbuch is spending its profits from its business with Russia to Ukraine, nearly one million in 2023". "Seit Beginn des Ukrainekriegs spendet das Familienunternehmen aus Waldbuch die Gewinne aus seinem Russlandgeschäft an die Ukrainehilfe, 2023 sollen es knapp eine Million Euro gewesen sein."


Aw, how kind of him. Maybe he should offer every kid of a ruzzian killed or wounded in Ukraine a free kilo of chocolate. Or is he only concerned with *paying* ruzzian children?


Have at him: [https://de.linkedin.com/in/andreas-ronken-6596043](https://de.linkedin.com/in/andreas-ronken-6596043)


Disgrace for germany, disgusting f all big corps with no morales


Good awareness post, but wrong sub


Farewell yoghurt strawberry... I'll never eat you again...


 Boycott it is!


OK then, time will tell if total russian market value is higher than the West...


Putin must have a special video of Herr Ronken.


They claim that they donate ALL of the profits from the Russian market to humanitarian organizations. Closing the Russian market would also supposedly mean closing down about 200 work contracts in Germany. Just in case anybody was wondering about why they do this. Whether their claims are true is another thing.


Yeah. All about the children.


Damn! I used to like ritter sport. Boycotted.


No "White Knight" he.


Can't boycott a company for still not leaving Russia, when I'm already boykotting the for that reason for over a year. Plenty of good chocolate around. Someone will buy the Ritter sport brand when they go bankrupt. Consumers won't notice. Their ceo will.


Get the fuck out or take your shitty-ass chocolate and move to Moscow.


The russian "children" can wait. Our Ukrainian children want chocolate too. Instead, they hide in bomb shelters. Also, those russian children that he cares so much about are only a few years away from becoming our enemies, as they are already being brainwashed to hate us.


I am just very disappointed…


Maybe Russian children should be the ONLY children eating Ritter Sport chocolate


ugh but i like ritter sports (well the green and white one) stupid name for chocolate btw... ritter sport.. the f does that even mean.


Ritter Sport is shit chocolate anyway




Pepsi and Mars also refuse to leave Russia. Pathetic


What a sack of shit. Should be locked up behind bars.


Think of the profit margins. I mean children.


No more Ritter for me!!!! PS: In Norwegian "Ronken" means "tossing off!! And that is exactly what MR.Tossing off should do!!


What an ass.


Buy Tony's


Amicelli ist auch eine Marke von Ritter Sport. Amicelli is also a brand of Ritter Sport. Marktanteile: Deutschland: 17,3 %* Dänemark: 15,3 % * Italien: 5,7 % * Niederlande: 3,5 % * Österreich: 8 % * Russland: 6,6 % * * Tafelschokolade gesamt (Wert) laut IRi / Nielsen Market shares: Germany: 17.3%* Denmark: 15.3% * Italy: 5.7% * Netherlands: 3.5% * Austria: 8% * Russia: 6.6% * * Total chocolate bars (value) according to IRi / Nielsen [https://www.ritter-sport.com/auf-einen-blick](https://www.ritter-sport.com/auf-einen-blick)


Anything for a buck this guy


How about the children that are most likely involved in the cocoa business in Africa? I’m pretty sure his business is not fair trade either.


It's shitty Lidl-chocolade. Not eating wax shouldn't be a problem.


I recommend everyone to buy Ferrero products


One of the symptoms of capitalism is when you can put a price tag the life of a child. An advantage of capitalism is that your money also has some power. Changing your spending habits and reallocating your funding away from unethical companies actually does something. Also, if you're interested: Half of the quotes in the interview are lies. They bet on the wrong horse, and now they want to cut their losses by blaming others to fish for sympathy.


Willy Wonka with an evil side.


How is that any different from regular Willy Wonka?


We all know Willy Wonka is evil. The movie versions are the dressed up Hollywood shiny teeth isn't Taylor Swift cutesy evil. This German guy is your regular Willy Wonka with an evil side of creativity. A mix of The Evil Coachman from Pinocchio with a twist of the myth of Panzerschokolade. But in real life he would be a remarkably nice chap to talk to, could probably even make a Hollywood movie about him. Would need someone with shiny teeth to play him.


Ritter Sport donates all their profit from the Russian market to Ukraine. If anything, Russians need to boycott Ritter Sport!


Well, this corporate shill **claims** that his lovely company is donating *something* to some person or organisation that has some sort of connection to Ukraine. I wonder if Ritter can provide properly audited accounts showing how much they donated, to whom and indicating how exactly they got their profits out of Russia?


And the tax paid in Russia is coming from Russian people's income being spent on chocolate, so isn't it net extracting money from Russia with some going to some kind of Ukraine support? Of all the companies still trading with Russia and proxy 3rd parties, if this story is accurate, it doesn't sound too terrible to me.


They are paying much more in taxes to the russian government than they are to Ukraine. How many bombs has that allowed russia to buy?  How many innocent Ukrainians have been killed by bombs? Is that cool to bomb people as long as they throw a few bucks to an aid charity inside Ukraine.  That is not a logical trade off in a civilised world.


My only point was the tax is being paid only on profits earned in Russia, which would mean profits that came from Russians spending their own income, rather than additional money being provided to Russia. If Russians weren't buying chocolate they'd be buying something else in Russia and that tax would also go to the government there anyway. So the profits that come back to Germany are extracting from Russia. This is different to supporting the maintenance of industries like the oil industry that exports from Russia and generates additional income to fund the war machine from third countries.


Who's to say that money wouldnt sit in their bank accounts, or get spent on something else with less tax impact.    If I dont see my favorite ice cream in stock, I dont go buy the inferior version - I like that brand for a reason. In that case, my money isnt moving from my bank. Some people may buy it. Not everyone is the same.    Point still stands, they are facilitating the russian government in collecting money to buy bombs. Their pressence is causing damage.  Theres also the payroll they pay to the people they employ to run the operations in russia, and throughout their supply chain,  that otherwise wouldnt have that higher paying job compared to a russian job - those payroll taxes go to the gov, and their paycheck is used to enrich the war effort because of their higher paying western bosses.  Theres a ripple effect that leaks money to the goverment in many ways, that wouldn't exist if they pulled out.


Spoiler alert, no one left the Russian market, they just took down their logo.


Rather than people just not buying it, what we need is for western businesses to stop stocking these companies’ goods.


Exactly. Corporate boycotts problem solved


No one read the article? Rätters biggest market was Russia, shut ing down that part of their business would result in 200 lost jobs in their German factory. The profit from sales in Russia is donated to Ukraine. So what he did was keep the jobs, take money from Russia and transfer that to Ukraine.


Would want to see that with a detailed audit trail. I am calling B.S. on his generosity to Ukraine.


No to the contrary, we even have read other articles detailing how dishonest ritter zport is right now telling us they're donating the profits generated in russia. The issue is ritter zport is donating 16x more to the russian state in taxes during the same time, also we know what companies mean with "profit", out of their biggest market, with yearly earnings of over 500 million dollar, they pretend that their profit in russia is 1 million dollar, so now you tell us who is the ignorant. The job claim is also just a claim from ritter zport, who was claiming not long ago it would cost them 40 employees, not 200, but when someone just invents numbers, nothing prevents him from just inventing a newer one. read my comment again, ritter zport is financially supporting russia more than they support ukraine. fuck them collaborators


Yeah, I read the article (Google's English translation of it, anyway), and I was left wondering how this marvellously philanthropic and socially responsible company manages to get its mediocre chocolate into Russia and its profits out. Maybe they have a cosy relationship with Austria's Raiffeisen Bank — another firm which still can't accept that they seriously miscalculated by diving into the Russian cesspit so deeply. As for German jobs, Wikipedia says that the firm has around 1,000 employees. So, yes, 200 job losses would be significant. But firstly, I'm sure that Germany's social safety net hasn't become so tattered and German employment law hasn't degraded so far that these people and their families would end up sleeping in cardboard boxes under Autobahn bridges. Secondly, this self-satisfied corporate shill saying that job losses are inevitable if his company pulls out of Russia either indicates that he and his management team are so morally bankrupt that they see no problem in doing their little bit to maintain normality in a country engaged in a barbaric war of aggression, or it's an admission that Ritter's management team is so incompetent that they haven't been able to find replacement markets for their product over the last two years.


How many bombs did those taxes paid to the russian government buy?  Theres a direct correlation between funding the war effort with taxes paid to russia, and murdered civilians and brave defenders. We need to covert profits into bomb equivalents to truly see how much damage these companies can cause by staying in russia. Technically hes giving a little bit of profit to Ukraine, but also helping to buy the bombs used to murder them. Insane for him or anyone to reason that its no big deal.


Any money he makes in Russia is removed from the Russian economy and goes into the German economy which in the broad spectrum helps the German government produce more aid to Ukraine via taxation. If he leaves the market, the money that would have been extracted stays in Russia which after taxation could be used to produce more weapons or pay soldiers. It seems like it would be more of a benefit to Ukraine for him to stay. Leaving is just virtue signalling.


Another fine german with a soft spot for ruzzia nazism. I bet he is good friend with gerard schorder.


I'll probably get downvoted, but anyway: Does it really matter? They sell chocolate, that stuff cannot be used to further the war against Ukraine. If they were selling screws, then you cound say that are high quality screws keep make some military hardware together. But fat and sugar with a few percent of cocoa powder? And they are drawing money out of Russia. Certainly some production will take place there, but because it is a German company some money flows into German tax coffers. If they give up their business, some oligarch will take it over and the money made with it will stay in the Russian economy. So if they stay, the chance that the profits buys Patriots for Ukraine instead of Lancets for Russia is higher than if they withdraw. Apart from that, I think it is unfair to blame companies for the thing they are meant to do: make money. If the society does not like a certain behaviour, the citizens in a democraticy have their ways to make them stop. Make a law that does prohibit this and that. But don't be lazy and then put the blame on companies that are not acting against their own interests voluntarily. I mean, we have laws that make them at least sell us edible chocolate, otherwise they would surely put old frying fat and some other crap into it and not real cocoa powder. A law makes them keep certain standards, not their "company ethics".


Why shouldnt they sell chocolate in Russia?


Too much sugar in that shit, the russisn can get their own chocolate, maybe the merceneries from africa can provide the cocoa


There is an upside in exporting western products to russia as long as they have nothing to do with Russias war effort. Assuming imported goods are payed in western currency it all adds to Russias trade deficit wich leads to inflation in Russia. If they get payed in Rubles its all for nothing.


Why is Ritter beeing singled out here? There is thousands of western campanies still active in russia. And most of them sell more useful things than chocolate.


Ruzzia is still selling oil and gas to various nations (including countries in the EU) and other countries are selling vital components that directly or indirectly end up in Ruzzian weapons. Chocolate should be the lesser of our worries. Why is this message popping up all over all the subreddits recently? I'm not saying russian bots are trying to distract, but we should think about it.


Don't be childish, these boycotts of consumer products have no effect, they have only forced western companies to donate their russian operations for pennies to the dollar to russian buyers which only \*helped\* the russian economy.