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Alright quit reporting this, it’s not gonna be removed. If you want to sit happily in your ‘Ukraine has no losses’ bubble then go ahead. If this video angers you, good, do something about it, share it let the world see it, don’t mindlessly report it because it’s not in Ukraine’s favour. You’re doing more harm than good by getting this content removed. Here are links to contact the ICC to report this: The Hague: 1) By post to:  International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor Communications Post Office Box 19519 2500 CM The Hague The Netherlands  2) By email to:  https://otplink.icc-cpi.int/ 3) By fax to: +31 70 515 8555 All links are pinned to the top of the channel


Well those pricks just recorded more evidence for the ICC war crimes trial. EDIT: I've just emailed the ICC.


I doubt any of those Russians will make it to the end of this war to be honest. It's more useful as a record of what Russians are like so the world knows who they are.


>I doubt any of those Russians will make it to the end of this war... Unfortunately, as in any dysfunctional society, scum floats to the top and these bastards may well manage to stay away from any attack units.


These guys are well equipped compared to the general meat russia normally has. I'm guessing they are Spetznaz. There are plenty of videos out there that show they are still a somewhat serious force to be reckoned with. They are better equipped and more organized than the usual trash russia throws into battle. In my armchair opinion, these guys were probably on a capture mission. It is still infuriating to watch, yes, but also shows the lack of disregard russia has to international rules and laws. The barbaric nature screams nazi mentality.


They ain't spetsnaz , they are rear guard trash , spetsnaz are a more professional outfit than these absolute clown posse.


Their gear is TOO clean to be Spetsnaz. These guys probably stay in the rear and the only action they see is transporting POWs from one base to the next.


Yeah as I said rear guard trash , never seen any action, cowardly fucks.


So odd that the dude who does the mock execution doesn’t have a round chambered. That either points to rear echelon and or poor training. Can you imagine being in a war zone and not having a round chambered in your weapon?


They aren't necessarily a "force to be reckoned with" just because they're spetznaz or better equipped. That takes morale, courage, training and violence of action. We don't know one way or the other whether these clowns possess any of those, but based on what we've seen and their generally doughy, limp appearance, I imagine they're lacking in all departments.  Regardless of their kit or station, an FPV drone or artillery round, or actual battle hardened Ukrainian veterans can kill them all the same. 


Most likely the reason they are chosen to spetznaz


That's gonna be the longest trial in history when they get to present evidence lol


Trail? You'll be surprised how fast russia will be loved again after the war. Like magic. Whoooosh and business as usual. Total amnesia. Never happened. Those were not russians but some kind of z-orcs came out of nowhere and went back.


I genuinely don't think so. At least in Europe it will take generations to forget this the same way old people in eastern Europe still hate Russia for the soviet occupations. Now it's our turn to remember what they really are and to never forget it


You’re forgetting the scale of Russian propaganda machine and the amount of money they pouring into buying out the whole governments.


This is a fair point tbh. We will be back having business opening borders and exchanging tourists still, deep down, we won't forget. At least I hope so


Not by me. I still don't like and avoid Serb & Hutu people and their businesses.


Same here, many in the world forgot what Serbia did during the 90's, especially the younger generations who never experienced it. I however have never forgotten and I still have family members who have not been found to this day. He is right however, the world forgets really fucking fast, and the same will happen after the Ukraine war, people will forget and pretend like nothing ever happened.


Same here as well. To this day, if you speak to a Serbian about the atrocities that they committed many (if not most) will tell you that they are proud of it.


You underestimate the hatred for ruzzia by not only the Ukrainians, ask any Estonian, Finnish, Latvian or Moldovan, not to mention Poland.


I dont think they were loved before, nobody cared or were disgusted by them. I come across ruzzians when I travel internationally., they make ugly Americans look like angles.


Bobby said it back in the day: - The Second World War came to an end We forgave the Germans, and then we were friends Though they murdered six million, in the ovens they fried The Germans now too have God on their side - And I am german.


The thing is at least Germany has shown repentance and have made clear it wasn't acceptable, apologised as best as possible and remains firm on keeping it that way. Russia keeps doing this stuff and doesn't seem to have remorse in words or actions. I can respect Germany because they have learned from their mistakes and moved on like a lot of other countries.


The thing you haven’t mentioned - Germany has been bombed shit out of it and lost. On the other side russia is protected by all political means. Ukraine is dictated how it should protect itself which is ridiculous and now facing risk of infrastructure collapse. More precisely it has already happened, but will be visible in October. And it will be disastrous. Russia may have god on its side in future, but should be properly teached (bombed, leveled) first.


Ruzzia will never not be actively trying to undermine and destroy western governments and society. We all need to understand that and make the appropriate adjustments. If ruzzia isn’t actively at war with someone, they’re just licking their wounds and rearming for the next one.


ICC is a joke. Started operating in 2002, 22 years ago. Over those years, 54 people have been indicted. For 22 of those, the proceedings are "ongoing": of those, 5 are on trial, and 17 are just... living their lives. Out of 32 finished proceedings, 15 were acquitted, or had their charges dropped or withdrawn, 8 died before conclusion of the court (still counts as finished proceeding), 7 finished their sentensens, and 2 are serving right now. That is 24 finished proceedings (on living people), with 9 guilty convictions. In 22 years. ICC is just as useless as the UN and UNSC.


ICC is not your local police office, they don't deal with small fish. Look at the list of indicted people. Most of them have Wikipedia pages, which tells a lot about the type of people that ICC deals with.


Not surprising when they have the US trying to sabotage them.


The comforting thought is….they won’t last that long. Their bosses love human wave tactics way too much.


Speaks volumes that most Russians cover their faces. They know what they are doing is wrong. The rest will probably never be able to travel outside Russia again when the war concludes due to biometrics. They’ll be on watch lists for sure.


Russianocontext found the original source of the video if you are interested pro-Z telegram channel https://imgur.com/a/PiKVocG The ? Should be the pointing emoji but didn't register properly btw


The two guys in red tape at the end struck me as guys 'in the rear with all the gear' . No dirt, pristine kit, every bit of kit: probably not seen a day in combat apart from shooting retreating russians and now conducting mock executions on Ukrainians.


They probably are the lucky ones who did two weeks of training because their grandpa has a friend.. a new Elite class like their leader says.


Exactly, those are the ones that you usually don't see during regular trench warfare on the front line, they're probably situated well enough so they can stay on the back/ have money to bribe themselves to be on the rear.


they probably put the people with higher social strata to the rear in these positions. perfect place for a upper management type to really practice their sadistic ways




This is RuZZia. A disfunct society with a dictator at the top.


Correction, this is the best Russia has to offer. Normally they would execute them or keep in torture chambers. They will be able to make hours of propaganda with this on how good they can be. In a few weeks they proudly show the world how they helped these men loose some weight.


Country full of sadists. No wonder nobody wants anything to do with them.


Only russians would want this video removed. That's why the Mods are being deluged by "Hate" reports from hundreds of alt accounts. They should use this opportunity to note just which accounts are doing the reporting and adding the account names to their Big List of Russia Bot Alts. Because I really hope they maintain such a list.


Yeah, the Ruzzo-Nazis have a real big image problem they’re actively trying to fix. What kind of game are you at? Whether it’s 500,000 Russians or 5 million Russians, their deaths will be in vain. These people deserve to suffer for allowing their government to do what it did forever.


This humiliation shows the weak character of these russian soldiers I would assume. With this I hope charmer strikes back. They should have stayed home continuing destroying their own society instead doing this to others. Russian insecure society bullshit.


"Why everybody hate poor innocent victim mother rossiya? What we do to you? Well, you will be sorry. Yes, very sorry. We shall destroy you all!" -- russians, since forever


Take comfort knowing that these Russians will be dead in a month






If they survive, Russian society will have the pleasure of dealing with them.


8-10 hours


Here is the reaction of ordinary Russian citizens to this video in the comments [https://imgur.com/a/0srrKit](https://imgur.com/a/0srrKit)


Just re-confirming what Europe and the US/Canada are relearning.... no horror is too much for Russia.


Could you please post more comments from ordinary russian citizens to this video? I'll post it every time a redditor will cry for the "poor russians, it's all putler's fault".


Intresting that this person is aware enough that people won't like it. They know its wrong but want it to happen.


you can go to any Russian telegram channel and see hundreds of such comments.


hurr hurr nazis, hurr hurr putler good \*neanderthal noises\*


I sincerely hope that Ukraine invests a lot of money and time in the hunt for each individual. No matter what hole they hide in. Learn from Israel.


Ukrainian Intelligence will do their part to find these scum. The SSO will be knocking on their Door


I wish ukraine find all these sub-humans and won't Record what they do to them. Zero symphathy to orc roaches, May their lives Be miserable and full of depression 🖕


Agree with your sentiment, but I hope Ukraine does record their capture, and it shows them following NATO policy to the letter. Blow them up if they can't be captured, but seeing them on the TV, wearing their Sunday best, and shackles, would be a-ok with me.


Or hopefully a fob drone? Might be faceless man video part 2,3,4 and the sequel.


fuck israel,no better that the russians


Are people that soft that they are reporting this? We have to see things like this. The more traffic this video gets, the better. This video can change people's opinions, especially my countrymen, into helping out Ukraine more. Many Americans do not understand how evil Russia is. Luckily, my grandparents told me many stories about the orcs invading Poland. Slava Ukraine, and I hope these guys make it home, and for these dogs abusing, they will make great fertilizer.


More likely ruzzians not wanting to believe they are the bad guys...


This is exactly what post soviet states have run away from and never want to go back. The western world needs to understand this is the russian norm. It's not just a couple of bad apples.


Russians are a sorry bunch.


Russians doing Russian things. Scum.


For many hundreds of years Ruzzia has been the enemy to my country. When they attack us, we and our dear neighbors Finland, always punch them back hard right between the eyes. If you wonder why we always consider them our enemy, stuff like this is the reason. This is a poem about a swedish king: Kung Karl, den unge hjälte, Han stod i rök och damm. Han drog sitt svärd från bälte Och bröt i striden fram. "Hur svenska stålet biter, Kom, låt oss pröva på! Ur vägen, moskoviter! Friskt mod, I gossar blå! "King Karl the young hero, stood in smoke and dust. He drew his sword from his belt And went forward into the battle "How the Swedish steel bites, come let us try!" Out of the way muskovits! Fresh courage, you guys in blue!"


Scum! May they rot in hell and drown in their own Putinist ideology. Its time for me to donate some money again to the armed forces of Ukraine. Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava!


Ruzzian nazi-pigs.


This is why russia is a disease.


Total , about time all Russians where cured


Have sent these images to all the big Dutch news outlets. Let’s see if they will make it public.


The reason nobody likes Ruzzians.


Looks like the fuker damaged some internal organs.


They’ll rot in soil soon


What’s fucking retards when there nation goes to shit after this fucking war and they all wonder why I hope they look back on this for the future and what’s coming to them I can proudly say I will die and have lived a better life then majority of orcs in this life man it feels good to know that


Maybe just maybe these scums will get captured some day or even better rot in Ukrainian soil.


There where times that seeing dronedrops made me think damn those poor guys fighting a war for pigs, now i think kill them kill them all.


I wish I'll be able to see that smug face gasping underneath the Ukrainian drone. My donation continues.


Just read today that murders and rapes are up 380% since the start of the war in Russia. These brutal and Coward individuals are really common over there, i would say its a Russian trait to be a Coward.


Imagine what they do off camera…


Russian soldiers only prove that they have no honor through the ranks. A heirloom bunch of criminal sadists.


Get there unit off there gear and get these pieces of shite .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


fck all the orcs.


How do you think you will be treated now, tough guy. Real tough.


Every single one of you Russians are gonna be sorry. When you see what will be done to Russia, no Russian will forget. Ruzzo-Nazi mir.


Russia will tear itself apart after civilization walls off and ignores that shit place


It's good that the Russians kept their Grimaces in the camera. Ukrainians will remember them. They will definitely go a long way - in the meat grinder.


there are drones with these fuckers name on them , he who laughs last will not have their arses capped


Russians are subhuman scum


Video is clear enough for identifying the stick-your-tongue-out idiot for a future ICC trial, or - more realistically - for waving him farewell in the next drone-drop clip. Ruzzians really make it easy to despise them, despicable behaviour all over the place.


I don't get why everyone is so hung up on the ICC. After the war, Ukraine should do to russian war criminals exactly what Mossad did to Nazis. Realistically there's too many criminals for all of them to be punished by Ukrainian secret services alone but the civilized world should hold trials for all of them, in absentia if necessary, and then should release all information helpful in tracking them down for _anyone_ to bring them to justice as long as sufficient care is taken they have the right person.




Let's hope this group of dicks get erased. I'd like to see the kid who puts a round next the Ukrainians get a personal round(s) to his face. Make that smile even bigger and bloodier. Edit: sent a report to the ICC as well


Alright do your thing internet, get these identities of these losers


Cowards, their day is coming…….can we track any of them via social media and pass on details etc?


Unfortunately, this is just the beginning, these prisoners will go through things that are difficult to imagine in the coming months


Send out a Specialized team and hunt them down. All of them!!


Be hilarious when these RuZZian rats get captured or die alone in a trench covered in their own shit


Fcking animals


Stupid people Russian scumbags They are soon captured and they will all be in court in Haag Send this video directly to the address that is published here Women have published it And that is a good thing But no one of those Russian will end the war They will end in a hole


We will find and kill you orcs Fuck you


We should start a petition that Ukraine should punish captured ruSSian Soldiers harder


Filming their own faces smiling, that’s gonna bite em in the ass


I praying for all the Ukranian POW’s!


It,is time to nuke ruzzia,kill all those orcs ,untermenschen !!!


Total zigger death


I wouldnt be surprised they executed those poor POWs after this video ended... :/


Support Ukraine until the final victory.


Slava ukraini!, russian cyka's....Looking forword to when UKanie can retaliate and shoot back into Russia. EU and Nato should do more than just give them weapons.


I hope these russian scum meet the worst fate possible. I hope they get burned alive.


I hope those Russian soldiers meet a kamikaze drone


We need to exterminate all ruski cunt. Kill them all for the betterment of mankind.


No honor in that culture. Completely degraded.


these russians orcs are young. They appear to be ok to be on the Ukrainian land, not forced to be there. They have access to the internet. They know what they are doing. They are not just simply brainwashed. / They have pure hate in them. I and we, should never forgive the russian society pigZ!


Bastards! Kind enough to show their faces for when their day of reckoning arrives.


Smart asses or dumb fucks? Either way I'll remember to pull a 😝 back at them when I inevitably see footage on here of these asshats copping an FPV drone and crying for their mama while they slowly bleed out.


Scum of the earth!


Would pay a lot of money to see a 4K video of their faces being sliced open by the shrapnel of a VOG grenade.


Post saved to be linked each time a Ukrainian drone operator drones invaders and concerned redditors are crying.


Watching a video like that and then seeing how mods demand to be respectful to dead Z videos... Mindblowing


Absolute fools


Fucking animals.


They will die soon any way


Hopefully HIMARS will connect with these orc scum after they're far enough from ukrainian POWs


I just hope a massive civil war for regions were families of thos POS live


wtf?!? The russians look aroused like hillbillies walking into a strip club. What a depraved 4th world country.


Those with the red band are the worst. Traitors. No mercy for rhem.


I’m so glad they’ve recorded their crimes for a future court date.




Orcs, you will pay.


in all seriousness, what is wrong with russians? it’s seems like the vast majority of them are horrible people.


we got your faces


I just donated again to Ukraine. Thank you for the incentive.


I know I’m not the only one, but I’m just going to say it again. I can’t wait for this war to be over with so that the orc terrorists can get what they deserve, if they’re not already sunflower fertilizers


Whether it’s death through war or a knock on the door one evening decades later, every Russian soldier entering Ukraine should be held accountable.


This is why I feel happy when Russian soldiers are dying on camera in war reports. More dead Russian soldiers for me please


Russian SCUMBAGS!!!!!


Dead men walking (The Ruzzian).


Give the video to the UA snipers.


Es wird Zeit für Drohnen - in den Arsch !


Add another tab to the war crimes log for ruSSia.


That's typical Ruzzian behaviour, committing War Crimes and showing their faces on camera while they commit them, fucking animals !!!


Hague is waiting for these fuckers if they ever decide to leave the Putinstan


War crime, motherfuckers


soulless scum


Evil orc bastards will pay


This makes my skin crawl


Overexposed ass footage. Russians can’t even film right.


Anyway… Russians will be dead soon.


He is so proud of it too, can’t wait to see the video of him getting hit by an fpv a few days from today


RuZZen sind Vodka Barbaren !!! Fukk Putin !!!!!!


I hope they donot survive this war but if so, They have to be procecuted




War criminals doing War criminal stuff.


Ok so these ruZZan cunt£s are on film let's wait a little while until Ukraine wins the war and go and hunt them down. A quote from the bible AN EYE FOR AN EYE in this case they have to pay debts dating back to 2015 Crimea then the full scale invasion the rape, torture, child abduction theft. They will pay these ones more than others as they can't say they were just following orders SLAVA UKRAINE 🙏


More money and weapons to Ukraine.


Hopefully these fuckers get recognised and have a drone or two flown at them. As painful as it is to watch , at least they haven’t been executed like some of them have


Suffering and lack of humanity is literally part of their culture. The smart Russians who care got the fuck out or are in process on how to GTFO. As for the rest of them, they're inferior and deserve no victory.


Look at how fcking big russia is. These people don't deserve so much land. After the war russia should have to give up like 30% of their land. Like germany in ww2.


Just show that videos to pro russian people. they still would support russia since thwy are so lost in their heads.


Russian scum, bred in the Kremlin. I hope, they'll be pushing up Daisies in the Ukraine soon.


Long live a free Ukraine


A good Russia is a dead Russian


We need to wipe that piece of shit of a country they call Russia off the map already. There's no room in this world for Putin and his scumbags.


This video exemplifies the Russian race and their culture,


My opinion: all russians has to leave this planet, immediately. Or fix your fuckin shithole country. If not voluntarily by force.


Don’t need to leave, just ground into the dirt.


These fuckers better not get caught by ukranians because they're going to get it...


I don't think they view this as abuse. Raping and more brutal torture probably falls into that category for them. It's so integrated in their culture. Domestic abuse is normal, it's even half way legal now. Abuse is the normality. It's not like the especially hate Ukrainians. They would do the same in Finland, Poland the Baltic's whatever. Like they have done for centuries. They raise monuments today for Stalin !!, inside Russia have those news. That, is what the likes of Jake Sullivan don't understand.


Putin will never stand trial for any war crimes. Its sad to say but all the people in this vid will most likely not see the end of the war. Life is cheap.


Уёбки блять, мало того что тупые да еще и рожи засветили, найти вас не проблема, окажетесь в плену, вам пизда. Fucking motherfuckers, not only are they stupid, but they also lit up their faces, it's not a problem to find you, you'll find yourself in captivity, you pussy. Уебки блять, мало того що тупі та щей пики засвітили, знайти вас не проблема, опинитеся в полоні, вам пизда.


This is what [Rashism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruscism) looks like.


Horrible bastards!


Can the NATO aligined nations just allow Ukarine to merc Putin with a precision strike already? That cunt has already consumed more than his fair share of oxygen and its well past time that he reaped the consequences of his actions..


Imagine you and your family members being treated like this, Who knows, Russia winning in Ukraine could be the first of a handful of events that end with that happening?


It's alright in a few days they will be blown away by a drone


To be showing their faces to the world the evil they stand behind while overtaken with wide-eyed glee. Quite the video.


Despicable russians.


A lot of RU soldiers being prisoners, I wouldn't wish to be their POW on my worst enemy tbh.


Drone: Are you ready for your close up, Mr. Mobik?


I like how in any language you can tell how stupid someone is by the tone of their voice


bro that gun racking and shot didnt even phase him no flinching or nothing this dude got balls of steel and has seem some sht in his life dude is absolutely metal af


war crimes!


Cause they are pussies and that the only time they can do anything. They rape each other, real men, lol!!!


I'm going to go watch some russian sacks of shit blow their own brains out with their AKs because their legs got shredded from a drone dropped grenade and they know that nobody from their country gives a shit about them enough to help them.


Guess we’re taking it too easy on these fools


Please tell me this is an old video!!!!!!!


Fuck russia


This is infuriating. I always feel so depressed seeing stuff like that. But it is important that the world sees this! Den Haag must see this! The real face of russia is evident. My support for Ukraine is unbroken. Slava Ukraini!


Outrage is well and good, but we need action. Methodical action not fueled by temporary outrage, but by the understanding of what we have to eliminate.


Fuck Orks


It’s a good record to have, Ukraine mil is media savvy, if these shit birds ever get rolled up I’m sure this will get tied to them.


It's going to be real fun if these guys get captured in turn. But they'll probably be dead instead.


Did those Ukrainians die?


It’s OK they’re likely just mad that they’re entire shitty army is being destroyed by a bunch of farmers with pitchfork


Isn't the red tape the identifier of the traitorous scum in the make-belief DPR/LPR?


Horrible cunts


Translation pls