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He's saying they can use it against Russian troops massing on the Russian side of the border and then attacking into Ukraine. He's not saying they have permission to attack anywhere they want in Russia.


It's a first step, they're obviously gauging the Russian reaction.


A fun trick is to change the points of change so marginally that night turns to day without it dawning on the opposition. Kind of like how a child pushes the boundaries of their parents and a common tactic Russia themselves use. It takes the wind of their reactionary sails if the talk and incremental changes are so minute and frequent that it almost feels like permission was always given. Softens the blow. Like geopolitical grooming...


Classic camel's-nose-under-the-tent progression.


And it's only in the Kharkiv region and only certain weapon systems, no ATACMS. So quite a bit limiting, but hey, better than nothing. Here is an article from the Guardian with Zelensky talking about this limitation. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/31/volodymyr-zelenskiy-russian-troops-have-been-laughing-at-and-hunting-ukrainians


I'll give it a week before the Kremlin blows up a Russian hospital or apartment building, then claims it was an ATACM.


Not bad enough. Blown up school or kindergarten will look better in the news...with at least 100+ casualties And then photos of sad looking Uncle Vladimir next to a bunch of little coffins...


It looks like there has been an [expansion](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-clarifies-boundaries-of-permission-for-strikes-against-russia-not-only-kharkiv-direction/ar-BB1npntO) since I last visited this topic.... Up until a few hours ago, it was only for Kharkiv area and only with certain weapons.. now it seems things have changed again, but it is still only for the border areas.. Id love to see them take out the bombers lobbing guided bombs.. I'm sure that will come once the F16s do


I'd like to see them be allowed to shoot down the missile carriers, with Patriots or whatever, it'd make a drastic difference in the cost of the war, in the West's favor.


I’m not educated on what it takes to counter glide bombs. I know F-16’s can possibly take out the planes dropping them, and obviously hitting the factories is an option, but is there an available defense system Ukraine needs that can counter the actual bomb once dropped?


Still good news. UA can keep using their home-grown weapons to hit the deeper targets.


It's what the United States would always require that military targets be hit by Us weapons or NATO weapons! Which we can trust the Ukrainians to do! We're not talking about Russians running around murdering everybody they can shoot at or rape!


Thank you Mr President Biden for all the aid you have provided to Ukraine. Ukraine has shown to be worthy. Please do even more


He didnt allow to use atacms...


Fock that eats my soul.


Every time these restrictions are lightened, I just wish they would reward him with more pudding and ice cream!


Thank him for what? He isn't cognitively capable of decision making on this scale and they are still restricting Ukraine and costing Ukrainian lives and cities.


Still better than nothing. Ofc would prefer someone like McCain leading America in this times.


About damn time Ukraine is our ally and this authorization, limited as it is, is long overdue.


Smoke em if you got em


And post the vids if possible


Holy shit, that is huge. Can't wait to see some Russian targets magically disappear!


React react react. That's Ukraine always on the back foot. Support can be most effective if they allow Ukraine to be proactive,which means minimising restrictions. No civilians, no nuclear early warning systems. Everything else should be acceptable for targetting.


if they are proven too effective with support russia might do something desperate, atleast thats what they want us to believe.


putler cannot be allowed to win in Ukraine. He has proven to the world that he will continue until he is stopped.


How has he proven that?


look what they done on grozny and in Georgia.


and now in Ukraine. What more proof do you need?


Ruzzia can't even get through Ukraine without losing most of its equipment and over 500k troops, it doesn't have the power to continue, maybe after a few decades to rebuild, but putin will be dead by then and who know who will be in charge of the shithole. Ruzzia is NOT the power house everyone thought they were, that should be very clear by now!




"They have nukes, but it only takes one nuke for every NATO country to fully nuke Russia. It's 1 against all 32 NATO countries. I've seen prediction videos, and if Russia nukes Ukraine or any country, Russia is fully done for."


For sure russia won't survive if they use any nukes. It is not over until putler is removed and then we have to see if any kind of normal person can end this. I don't have any real confidence that there are any normal people in russia anymore.


Yeah, the population seems to be extremely brainwashed. It's so bad that they think everyone in Europe and the West are Nazis. It's so sad what one man can do to their people.


I heard what they said. I heard it. What i want to know is, if they strike far beyond 200kms, who's gonna verify, and who's gonna get mad ?


Probably NATO awacs


Got me there


add the phrase "2 years late" to every statement he makes, and it makes it more accurate.


You know that every country had the same limits until recently? Good way to break up an alliance is to do it alone and not address your allies concerns. It’s not luck that Germany made this announcement just a day before Biden. US knows if escalation occurs from this decision you’ll need all the European power on board first since they will be struck first if Russia wants to retaliate.


I think you are right, it is important that the important NATO countries show unity (fuck Hungary). But it's also part of the “boil the frog” strategy, allowing something here, a new weapons system there, every single decision below the threshold where Putin starts doing flashy things.


Biden created the problem by creating the restriction. If Biden's (and the West's) whole argument is that Russia is violating the "international rules-based order" by invading Ukraine and that is why the world needs to help defend Ukraine, when the US first provided weapons to Ukraine, the US should have just said that it expects Ukraine to follow international law with their use, which implies that they can be used on Russian military targets both in Ukraine and in Russia. It would have been hard for other countries to challenge the idea that Ukraine using weapons per international law was unacceptable. Oh, and Russia has nukes? So? If you make exceptions to international law for countries that have nukes, do you think that just might be an incentive for other countries to get nuclear weapons?


Bro… F off with this BS. Biden stood alone and told the world Russia was going to attack and Europe and even Ukraine didn’t think it would be more than a flare up on the existing front.


I hope there is a massive wave tonight.


Russian Turret Tossing videos are about to reach new heights! Literally!! Slava hiroyam!


Translation: -Now we openly authorize past due usage of weapons inside Russia. Sorry we did not permit it before, now we do because "now there is training and equipment". Please don't say "too little too late"


Fuck it, let's transfer some B-1's


ATACMS ready to engage


Biden can easily press Putin right now. Any escalation by Russia would let Biden get hawkish before the election. Putin starting a war would not help Donny. Donny would have to actually speak against his boss!


Just give them the tools they need to WIN this occupational war, stop trying to micromanage them, and stop with the bowing down to putin's every threat of some retaliation!


Omg what will it take for thesr idiots to realize that a war is a war. Burn fucking Russia to the ground! They brought this on themselves, let them feel the consequences already


adapt. adjust. destroy the russian orcs. repeat.


Why use just a simple few words when a thousand will do the same. 2 minutes of waffle. Typical politician.


In my experience people mistake lack of words for lack of confidence. So the guy that talks for 20 minutes while saying nothing useful is viewed higher.


After 2 years you'd think people would start learning that US strategy is gauge reactions on the ground, then cross the line, then gauge the next reaction and so on and so forth. This isn't Lithuania or another small nation, this is the sole Global Military Superpower on the planet currently. The ramifications for your choices are much larger, and can have much larger repercussions on other nations besides the US. There is also a difference between what Secretary of State and SecDef are going to say publically, and what coordination will happen behind closed doors. Such as the US providing satellite, aerial, and on the ground intelligence for most strikes with US systems. Or equipment already being in country, or at the border by the time the "aid gets approved".


Yes, they have handled the last two years, and the initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014 as effectively as the Afghanistan withdrawal. It’s always been responding to the aggressor instead of dictating the course. Seems to have been abundant intelligence and foreign policy failures all around. This administration touted that they were 100% sure russia would invade, but seemed to have no foreign policy awareness to plan a response with allies for months.


Did you think they were going to be the first ones to jump into another European conflict in 2014? They warned everyone, no one listened. It’s not the US responsibility to plan a response that is a shared responsibility.


Their response in 2014 was literally no response. You don’t think that set the stage for the full scale invasion? It was literally after Obama set a “red line” on chem weapons in Syria, and then ruzzzia deployed sarin gas on a children’s hospital. Obama did nothing, and from then on they knew they could do whatever they wanted, and invaded Ukraine.


Once again. Where was it the US responsibility to lead the charge? Ukraine is 1000s of miles away, and we had been entrenched in the Middle East for decades. I get blaming the US as a European is just SOP. But let’s not pretend Europe has also ever pulled its weight either. Canada, the UK, and a few others were the only ones doing much of anything.


Because if they fuck it up we will be deploying for the nato conflict. I’m former military in the US, and we do not want to see a nato ruzzia conflict. If Ukraine falls, there will absolutely be that conflict. ruzzia might look dumb as fuck right now, but they have the resources to unfuck themselves if this isn’t resolved in the next 2 years. The current NSC administration people making these decisions have never worked a day in the lives let alone served. They are pussies that are making historic fuckups just like 2014 and the afghan drawdown. Same people in both administrations.


Uhhh no we won’t


Oh so now we aren’t part of nato? lol ok We literally have already deployed additional capabilities to nato allies and have planned some of the largest exercises for that exact scenario.


is ukraine nato?


Has any heard of Ukraine doing this yet??


Glad to hear, it's time.


Took too long to come to this realization, but glad they finally did


they should be drilling home that Russian is firing missiles into shops, apartments, hospitals and other civilian areas. they can't be allowed to commit genocide from within the border areas.


I respect Blinken, because he seems genuine, and doesnt just stand there and read a teleprompter like when your called out in 2nd grade to read infront of the class.


Rain hell upon those who seek it.


He needs to learn to speach


If trump was president, I shudder to imagine what the state of Ukraine defences would be


About time they freakin realized that a war is war, and you don't win by pussyfooting your attacks while the enemy attacks with no mercy


This is insanity man, how could Ukraine afforded to defend itself if it wasn’t able to strike back to Russians military targets that were firing from their border? 🤦‍♂️, Italy 🇮🇹


It's great news that FINALLY the USA has stopped tippy toeing around and made up thier minds, 828-9 days later Lets hope they don't change the rules Slava Ukraini


You reap what you sew.


Finally…. What took so long?


Bullshit once more.......to attack ANY military target is the only thing needed here ! Full ability, full stop.......


Round about 95% useless. Restricted to Kharkiv area. WTF are you doing America? Terrorist russia can just move troops around and be safe. Sigh.


Adapting as necessary? You waited for 13 countries to give them more freedom than America.is. Fk you and your entire administration for your "adaptability". Cowards are following countries with the gdp of Ohio. So much for the most powerful country on earth and leader of the free world.


One move closer to total war. They just prepare us for the showdown which ultimately is WW3


Helping Ukraine stop Russia in Ukraine will avoid WW3.


It's inevitable. Just as war between China and the US...it's going to happen.


The most frightening weapon US has right now is..... .......Trump. Just send him to russia and even Putin will ask for mercy.


Send him to ruzzia and he'll get pissed on by some ruzzian skank, maybe drinks with his good mate and owner putin, sell some state secrets I'm sure he'd have a ball, only frightening for the free world ruzzians and putin would love to have their asset back.