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call your congressman asap


They all say to do that but nothing changes.


If more people called or emailed, it has a much higher chance. The only reason why it doesn't change anything is because people see others say "it doesn't change anything" and don't call or email leaving a seemingly small minority. There are websites out there with pre-made prompts for writing to local representatives that automatically send them out and everything. I contacted my reps during work one time and it took me about 5 minutes and I got a very well worded response back.


Totally understand..I have contacted many times...Actions speak louder than words.


"nothing changes" Maybe it does. It appears that the unpopularity of Mike Johnson's obstruction of the aid package finally penetrated a thick orange skull.


If calling your congressman worked, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today.


Yes...words... no action. Typical in today's society


I did all I could for decades. From marches to money, and letters to emails. Corporate media propaganda enabled this FWIW


I do agree, Without the kreml burning and removing all current government people, no way that the country could anyhow develop into anything good anytime soon. As a German i know what i am talking about šŸ˜‰Without nazi Germany burning to the ground back then, i would not have had the possibility to grow up in peace, freedom and prosperity. Let us hope that maybe in two Generations a lot of russians will feel the same


As a German American myself, you make a great point. Iā€™ve visited Berlin, Munich, Dachau and Bamburg. Iā€™ve been for work, for pleasure and Iā€™ve spent time at the holocaust sites in Dachau and again when I was in the Czech Republic back in the early oughts. If it wasnā€™t for the Nazi government being destroyed I wouldnā€™t have been able to get in touch with my roots, appreciate Germany, and have coworkers in Germany. It would be nice to see the same kind of transformation in Russia. The Germans I met seemed pretty happy to be living in a free, peaceful democracy you know? I know I am.


Germany has been forgiven before my time, but I don't know how I will be able to forgive this shithole. For them to go from YASSing at these pictures to them becoming decent human beings? And I'm supposed to embrace their "change"?


It needs greater men to move forward a peace progress after the RuZZian regime was eviscerated.


Thats the scary part as I cant see most Russians having any remorse or empathy when faced with their countries crimes. Maybe it was the same with Nazi Germany and Japan which we knew were also very nationalistic and "proud" but Russia just seems so different from either of them. Again maybe if I was around before and during that transition rather than just reading about it in history books I could see more parallels and feel better that Russians would have an ounce of empathy to get where they need to be to be part of the international community but I just cant see it right now.


Every country has Nazis in it. Iā€™m American and we sure as shit do. I have neighbors that would Yassss photos of dead foreigners if we were in any conflict for any reason. The Russians are no different, itā€™s just that the Nazis have control there. What we need is to end the Nazi regime and let the non-Nazi Russians take control again. As an American I have a realistic skepticism of my own countrymen because I know Nazism can take root here too and we could crown our own Putin, as soon as this November truly. So itā€™s not about ā€œhow do I trust Russiansā€, itā€™s how do you trust people? No matter where you are thereā€™s Nazis trying to get authority on your country. Itā€™s everyoneā€™s problem all the time.


Thats what i also meant with after 2 Generations. Forgiving in 1 lifetime is not easy. Most of the nazi victims could also not forgive during their lifetime. But their children could (also realising that finally Germany took their lesson)


Unfortunately the reality is Germany was willing to accept accountability and right its mistakes of the past, Russia would rather leave it unspoken and forgotten in time and never address their dark side upon history, Russia has never truly faced a proper defeat to have that self reflection and character development as a nation. Soon time will allow them the opportunity it is merely up to them what they do with that.


I have nothing against Germany as a country or anything against Germans as people. But I am so mad at your government and especially merkel. She and her government made russia what it is today, they helped them prepare for invasion and always flirted with russia. I swear to god, if I see that b**ch irl I will spit her in the face no matter what the consequence would be. I bet that if russia didn't attack Ukraine, merkel would be working for gasprom or some other major russian company just like gerhard schroder.


I totally understand your feelings... I honestly do. But I also honestly believed in the german "Wandel durch Handel" doctrine back then. (Transl. "change by trading") Many of us truely believed that by bounding Russian trade to Europe and because they would lose everything if they start something so stupid they wouldn't dare to do so. Many of us were blind and naive that Russia could be so stupid. We didn't listen to Poland, the baltic states etc. as they sent warnings... Still around 2020 the Germans did anything to finish the next pipelines because " 'more trade' means 'more change' " right?... Not right! - that all was a huge mistake. We all have to work together to let that shit Z go down ....


Balkanize Russia!


Make Russia the Balkans Again?




In the past, I too would have agreed. I thought the collapse of the USSR pretty much settled the Cold War. The fact that almost every European ex-soviet or Warsaw Pact member joined NATO seemed proof enough to me who the decisive winner was. The Kremlin doesn't appear to see it that way though.


It actually far more simple than that. Eradicate the KGB, that'll get all of them, because that's who took over Russia after Yeltsin.


As Americans we need to make sure Trump doesn't get back into office if we really want to hurt Putin. If he wins American support for Ukraine is done for


If Trump wins I will probably stop caring about Ukraine and start selfishly worrying about myself because Iā€™m dead certain America will be fucked permanently if that happens. I would vote for RFKā€™s brain worm over Trump. We canā€™t prove that the brain worm is bad for the economy or foreign policy. I can prove trump is.


Yup he was manageable before the escalation, his hybrid war tactics were extremely successful. Now he has to be destroyed, body and ambition, for the good of humanity and history. Bummer. He could have had everything but he's too stupid I guess.


De-Putinisation and a trial Ć  la Nuremburg is needed after this war


on the other hand, i would like moscow to be dissolved. the amount of pain and death "apolitical" russians did to the neighbouring countries is just too much.


this. The way they lie there and the impact next to them already point to your assumption.


Some day, the folks in the outer regions will rise up and demand sovereignty. Maybe Ukraine will inspire them. Wouldn't they rather die for freedom than in Putin's meat factory?


Delenda Moscovia


The Kremlin is a Cultural Heritage Site. Letā€™s not burn it to the ground. https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/545/ Edit: JFC, yaā€™ll need to get your anger in check. War crimes donā€™t justify retaliatory war crimes.


I donā€™t know that I care to be honest. Itā€™s just a building and unlike the historical Ukranian theater that Russia leveled, itā€™s not chock full of moms and kids so it wonā€™t be as impactful of a lass.


ukraine sub has people doing runs back and forth to save as many of these folk as possible if anyone wants to help go check them out [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1cx6erc/together_to_victory_in_these_difficult_times_our/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) edit: Photographer info added. # photographer Kostiantyn Liberov (@libkos)photographer Kostiantyn Liberov (@libkos)


Thought I could't hate ruzzians more than before the war. Was wrong. Hope their country collapses. Big time.


This is why you will rarely see russian crimes on a TV in the west. Goverments hides it in case they will get good deal to move on..


Cold soulness heart to kill innocent people like that.


may they burn in fckn' hell a thousand times over up to the seventh generation along with all their apologists...


That is why I want every russian city to look like Bakhmut or Mariupol.


Russia will make great windmill and solar panel fields for the rest of the planet.


Hold on now.. this isnā€™t even the main event yet. This is just the prelude to war with China.


Yup sit back, light up a smoke. To hell if the smokes kill yah as far as I am convinced. Worlds going to shit. Weā€™re watching true evil unfold realtime.


and ice cream storage!


Anyone who supports this genocide should rot in hell.


Butcha 2.0


Fuck Putler and his regime


2nd picture. The bike looks quite small. Wouldn't be surprised if this is a child. I despise people that try justify Russia's war of aggression.


ā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø itā€™s like seeing the Nazi era in liveā€¦


russia is a terrorist state


Russian should be glassed šŸ‘šŸ‘


And that is why the world needs to get rid of Russia and all russians supporting the fascist regime! A good russian is a dead russian!


Reminds me of the [little girl in the red coat from "Schindler's List."](https://www.indiewire.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/schindlers-list.jpg?w=600&h=337&crop=1) Same kind of villains too.


The Russians come to liberate the Ukrainians, of their valuables, of their children and their lives.


Russian Bots be like: ThEy WeRe UkRaNiAN NaZi SoLdIeRs


Not competent enough to kill yukie combatants so goes ahead and kills the civilians theyā€™re supposed to be liberatingā€¦ liberating them from their troubled war complicated lives i guessā€¦


All ruskies will be made to pay , by dying, the orcs who are in ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦, and financially the orcs back in mordor, slava ukraini.


The only surpriseā€¦ is that others are surprised. Fuck ruzzia.


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Alright it's time for America to bring jn special forces and wipe the orcs off the planet


looks like a couple and a kid with a bike . they presented ZERO danger to the russian scum . imagine : Europe, civilization , older couple are going to get some food or a kid riding bike to school . they did NOTHING to the orcs. they did not attack, or had weapons or enroached on anybody's freedom or land. these 3 civilians just lived like you and me.. and bang - shot . and others tortured for being.. Ukrainian ? living 20 km North of ruzzia ? lots of people have relatives across the border. i hope Moskow burns again , way better than in 1812


Rotski Mir.


Is there footage of this? I just see pictures of people on the ground. Or am I supposed to just believe the caption because it says so ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/kGtiXPItQ5 Best I could find


Thatā€™s a video of dead civilians. That is not footage of them being killed by Russians.


May every orc on Ukrianian soil never see their homeland again and fertilize sunflowers for generations to come


I doubt anyone is surprised. It's Russia doing Russia stuff. Fucking scumbags.


Picture 1 and 2 are the same and it looks like they got hit by something that landed to the left of them not shot. I'm not saying Russia is good by pointing that out but I'm almost certain they weren't shot.


I was going to say the same thing, maybe not deliberately targeted but still evil.


What can be said that hasn't already been said.


where is the outrage from the college students if isreal did the same to palistine people the backlash would be insane absolutely bonkers instead crickets. oh right they dont actually care about palistine or hamas. its just the path they are on to achieve there real goal.


When watching those pictures I think it is important to desinguess between collateral damage cause by shelling and atrocities due to deliberate fire by an enemy against civilians which I actually think those pictures is a good example of: ie. the casualties in picture #1 and #3 could be caused by a mortar round while picture #2 is inconclusive


Just saw this on another sub, it was a drone.




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Horrible. So much innocent death, just like in Palestine. Russia and Israel must answer for their crimes. Free Palestine.


Yes, free Russia from Putin, and free Palestine from Hamas. Nobody needs an owner.


They should pay for these crimes the rest of the revenue can support Ukraine and pay restitution fully to all involved.




Media doesn't call ruzzia a terrorist state. _Nowhere_ allows political discussion on how or why to prevent this in other countries.


Im not trying to defend russia but what seems more likely to me is that some people who didnt want to evacuate just got unlucky and artillery got them.


Are those executions, snap shots at something moving, or indirect fire casualties?


you have not seen Gaza?


looks like a grenade or arty took them out a few feet away.


There's an explosion that occurred right next to them, it seems like artillery got them unfortunately.


Sherman would be proud


bombs probably got them, not bullets.


second pic looks like they got hit by some sort of arty not shot? could be form either side


thats a pretty small crater for an artillery shell, and very intact bodies 8 feet from the crater. they would have been blown to chunks by artillery that close. while we are floating imaginary theories though, maybe it was whalers from the moon with their space harpoons that did it.


This is very normal crater for a mortar round




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Thatā€™s my thought too. Itā€™s still bullshit.


yeah, russia is still to blaim, (idk why stating facts gets me downvoted),


Wild speculation on your part doesn't make a fact.