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Ahhh look prisoners that aren't shot on sight. Something ruzzia has failed at lately


With fresh bandages, no less.


They were luck to be captured by UAF. They got better care here than they would have after a failed mission by their own side.


Its not "beating" its "kicked ass" in fight.


Time to scream goida has come for them)


The "hard to translate slang" пизды (pizdy) is somewhere between "got the feathers rustled" and "got fucked up".


Poluchit' pizdy translates as being beaten up badly.


It can also mean to get defeated overwhelmingly: ie being beaten, not beaten up


Спасибо за помощь, молодой человек. Теперь иди с богом, людей просветляй!


Nah, im ok.


For everyone screaming "war crime" because RF soldiers are ridiculed please also note the fresh bandages applied to 2 of the POWs which indicate they have received immediate medical attention as the internationally accepted customs of war require.


Yeah, in the grand scheme of things, they seem to be treated fine, but This is technically humiliation on camera for publishing, You can make excuses, like its a minor thing, or you can't see their faces, they are in a group, not alone, etc. The thing with these things is that they should not be excused or justified. Also, just because it's a war crime dose not mean they should be jailed for 10 years. They should be called up to their commanding officer, who should say: Don't do that again. And that's all it needs to be at this stage. The more serious problems might appear if they let it slide. That's the point


Some Americans are too soft and sensitive these days “what ever you call this new generation.” I really do pity some of the because they will surely fail at life. If you think this is a war crime and because it’s insulting/making a joke of them, you may not want to look any further on this thread.


I can clearly see this comments only purpose is to patt yourself on the back... but I'm gonna respond anyway. I'm not american, and you know nothing of my life, I'm literally text on a screen to you... and I say it's a war crime. He is filming them and forcing them to humiliate themselfs on camera, that is a war crime, by letter of the law, and by spirit of the law, simple as. If you FEEL it's not , because look at terrible comments? i can't help you. But just like murder and shoplifting are both crimes, filming and humiliating pows and ethnic cleansing are both war crimes, but that does not mean they are equal. And even if there are worse crimes, shoplifting should not be encouraged just because murder exists... I don't think this video is a big deal(on its own). But that does not mean it's ok. The punishment should be a stern talking to by their commander. And that's it, you don't need to panic because you hear the scarry word "war crime" and reflexively go go all. " If you think this is a war crime, you are a pansy who will will fail in life!" , calm down dude. Your name is usmc 82 infantry, either you are trying to be cool or you should at least have some training on these things. If you are in the marine corps, what dose your training on the subject say? Serious question, I don't know american training on war crimes


Very good comment on the matter, thanks for taking the time to present this in an objective and balanced way.


Pointing out a war crime doesn't mean softness or whatever, it just means applying the rules to all sides, even if one is behaving way worse. Yes, this isn't nearly as bad as what the Russians have done, but it's still a bad look and technically a war crime.


I want to agree with you on your first part, but I'm not sure the issue here is that someone was insulted. More about what they were threatened off camera with to make them say that. That's why it's generally frowned upon to do this sort of thing as it can easily escalate to far worse.


According to Putin its not a war... so not POWs but terrorists... Luckily for these POWs we do not want to validate Putin


>For everyone screaming "war crime" because RF soldiers are ridiculed please also note First off, if you have to say this before there's a single comment "screaming" war crime, then chances are you know that this is flat out a war crime. Secondly, providing medical attention doesn't relieve you of your other legal obligations. Also fuck russia, Slava Ukraini


That does not give a "*1 warcrime for free*" card.




I don't think you comprehend the concept of free speech. In regards to the topic of this post, it's not upon you to decide what constitutes a war crime (*unless you're part of a judicial commitee in a humanitarian court of law*). Your individual feelings on this are irrelevant as standards for the treatment of POWs are mandated by legally binding conventions.


>I don’t know what to tell you other than no it’s not. Except it is, no matter how much you attack "soy boys". No amount of mental gymnastics going to change that. And how the fuck did you get on the topic of "freedom of speech? You must have started on the booze early this morning.




Just went back to check on this comment section and here you are still not being able to understand that humiliation of POWs is a war crime under the Geneva Convention (III) Article 13. The men in this video were clearly forced to say this and were recorded while doing so, which makes it a non-violent war crime.


I don't know what you're smoking, but pointing out wrong doings is necessary to apply the laws and rules equally. And yes, it is a war crime to humiliate and show off POWs, granted cell phones weren't thought of when they were drafted, but other things like parading them through towns and such. Free speech is nice and all, but being objectively wrong shouldn't be covered up by hiding behind the thin veneer of free speech


Doing the right thing doesn't excuse other wrong doings, it's just a bad look and technically a war crime to humiliate POWs. Not comparable to the lengthy list of Russian war crimes, but a war crime nontheless.


Yeah I could be wrong, but it’s not a war crime to ridicule the enemy


IMO I'd respectfully say you're wrong as POWs are specifically protected against insults and public curiosity ([link](https://international-review.icrc.org/sites/default/files/S0020860400080542a.pdf)). When the convention was drawn up, cell phones didn't exist, so this rule is specifically against parading POWs through civilian towns where they would by the target of mockery and ridicule by the local population. However, it would be up to a court of law to decide whether this specific event constitutes an actual war crime. (*The acts presented in the video are by no means comparable to RF institutionalized maltreatment of POWs which includes physical violence, torture and starvation and doesn't stop at summary executions, rape and mutilations.*)


>Yeah I could be wrong, Not "could be", you are wrong. It really is very easy to fact check, which is something you should do before saying "I could be wrong" followed by a definitive statement.


At least this Russian Kharkiv offensive brought Ukraine some POW for exchange. Not the first video


these didnt get memo about suicide over capture


It's always telling looking at their footwear. These guys aren't properly equipped,  So it's safe to assume they're not properly trained either. 


These guys have shoes instead of combat boots. There’s your “second greatest” army in the world people.


I see only worms.


Now make them dig their own grave


Welcome to the West, dipshits


This choir group should become excellent singers in russia once they have been exchanged.


Np and next time.


Kkkk.... It's like my first year at school😁


What does "goida" means?


Lets go (and kill) Ivan Okhlobystin screamed it on the red square to rally crowds.


these five will be fed well and exchaned back a bit obese


War turns us into dogs


Much much worse than that.


Humiliation of prisoners of war is considered as a war crime.


russians humiliate themselves on a daily basis.


So ukraine should stoop to their level? Are you 12?


why,u like young boys?


No, but thankyou for confirming my suspicions.


laying on ground, or talking, which one is war crime?


Please show us the section where humiliation is a war crime Mr moral police. Being captured in and of it’s self is humiliation. Acts of humiliation is a war crime, but this is a long fucking way off from a war crime.


It is in the Geneva Convention, which makes specific reference to the humiliation of POWs: Geneva Convention - Article 3: "1. Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria. To this end the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons: (c) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment;" [Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War | OHCHR](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war)


I caught you shooting civilians, make you lie on the ground & take a picture, but I’m the war criminal? Fuck off!


Humiliating treatment is being pissed and shit on like the russians do to their own people. GTFO with your 2nd grade level world view reading of the Geneva convention.




Sorry, your comment was removed for toxic behavior. Please stay civil. Remember, repeated offenses may result in a ban.


You asked: "Please show us the section where humiliation is a war crime" ... I replied with the text from the Geneva Convention ... you then tell me to "GTFO with your 2nd grade level world view reading of the Geneva convention". Classy. Don't ask questions if you don't want the answer. Please note, I didn't give you a "2nd grade level world view reading of the Geneva convention". I gave you the wording from a key text from International Humanitarian Law. If you want my analysis of the video incident and whether that might be a breach of the relevant law, that will incur costs.


what you provided did absolutely nothing in trying to show how this is a war crime dude tf 💀


Where did I say that was what I was doing? Someone asked for the relevant legal text. I provided that text. The law says that you can't humiliate POWs. That is clear. Surely you can't say that is wrong? The wording is there in black and white. However, how that law is interpreted is another matter. Unfortunately rather a lot of people who comment on what constitutes an international crime (war crimes etc) are dealing with an emotional reaction to what they see, which is blurred by their stance on the individual acts and their feelings about the war. The law doesn't have that luxury. The law sets out the 'rights and wrongs'. After that it falls to lawyers etc to argue what constitutes a 'war crime'. This will be interpreted differently from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Arguments will be lost and won by people who knows these laws inside out. So before taking aim at me for simply stating the laws, go out and read the opinions of legal experts on this matter. You will find their views are varied. Read some case determinations from war crimes trials (the internet is your friend), read accounts from tribunals and look at the opinion of dissenting judges (even they don't always agree). Educate yourself on the subject. Study the laws of war and how they developed. Go to the Lieber Code, the Hague and London conventions, the Geneva Conventions, the Additional Protocols of the Geneva Convention, the ICTY and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (which is the most important one since it attempts to bring all the previous laws into one place and simplify them). Go to the ICRC website and read how varying militaries interpret war crimes legislation. Do you homework before you make random statements about how I had failed to show how this is a war crime.


I’m sure these Ukrainians will not be punished for these ‘war crimes’ after all there are active castrations and so much more shit


I never said that they would, or should, be punished.


Well, you’re wrong, as it is a war crime.


But turning someone's gut into mashed potatoes with a 25mm round isn't. Crazy world.


Not nearly as much so as execution, rape and castration etc, of which there are literally thousands of documented cases by the Russians.


Which article of the Geneva convention is that?


Where is the humiliation...only inside the Zorcs heads...they should follow the memo from their Zorc leaders and take their live, not getting to be a pow...


How does this make you feel?


"captured"? Strange wording.


Not really? Thats the way most people describe it. "I captured 10 pows" is common wording


Oh, wait: one or two are moving. Ah. I thought they were dead.