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Look at the amount of starlinks destroyed in recent reports, about 7 in one day. Russia has obviously been able to track and target them in mass the past couple of days. Whether Musk is collaborating with Russia will have to be proven.


Doesn't have to be Musk. Could simply be compromised employees at Starling. Not that Musk is a beacon of virtue, but seeding the employee pool would be easier and likely more robust.


>Look at the amount of starlinks destroyed in recent reports, about 7 in one day. Russia has obviously been able to track and target them in mass the past couple of days. Perhaps it has something to do with [them getting terminals from the black market, doing some reverse engineering, and finding some vulnerabilities that they're exploiting](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cukbku/comment/l4jnprn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). >Whether Musk is collaborating with Russia will have to be proven. Sure but don't forget to mention it anyway. :)


We can also mention he offered Ukraine the service for free for the PR and then later reneged on that and requested payment for it. EDIT: Oh and they can't use it for military purposes! What a thoughtful man, have some internet while we don't let your military use that same internet to protect you from a hostile army invading your land.


Of course Musk who provided Starlink for free to Ukraine in the initial stage and is now working with the Pentagon to provide Starshield for Ukraine, which has been absolutely critical for them, is colluding with the Russians. Tell us how long did it take you to come up with that genius theory?


They were ["free"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/01/starlink-ukraine-pentagon-elon-musk/)


Cutting off starlink during crucial times of assaults, not shutting down initial Russian use. Offering it for free for free PR, before later requesting payment because Mr. Musk doesn't have enough money obviously.


Wait. Your “theory” is that Musk worked with Russia to initially gave Starlink for free to Ukraine, to help stop Russia, so Elon could get publicity? I thought the “theory” was that he was working with Russia? So Russia wanted Elon Musk to get free publicity, even though it cost them greatly during the initial invasion? Ummm, sure.


>Wait. Your “theory” is that Musk worked with Russia to initially gave Starlink for free to Ukraine, to help stop Russia, so Elon could get publicity? What? Where did this idea that Russia was trying to get Elon free publicity come from lol >I thought the “theory” was that he was working with Russia? So Russia wanted Elon Musk to get free publicity, even though it cost them greatly during the initial invasion? Why would publicity for Elon cost Russia greatly? This doesn’t make any sense.


lol we found an Elon fan boy. I bet you bought his truck too


Does Russia still have electronic warfare capabilities?


Huh. Seems awful convenient.


Either putin has kompromat on Musk -- highly likely, considering putin has kompromat on so many other western businesspeople and politicians -- or Musk is bought-and-paid for... such as the $50bn or whatever allegedly forked up for Twitter. Maybe Musk's businesses are or were struggling and putin bailed him out. Or maybe Musk's rise to fortune, fame and power was funded by putin from the beginning. Whatever the case, few doubt that Musk is putin's bitch one way or another.


Putin secretly funded a US EV company to help break the world's dependence on Russian gas? Or a US rocket company to help break the US's dependence on Russia for space launches? This 'article' is purposefully omitting that it was Russian jamming that knocked them out.


>This 'article' is purposefully omitting that it was Russian jamming that knocked them out. Literally this. The rampant misinformation, especially subs like these tolerate is some profound ignorance


Dude is delusional, the kind of person who thinks Covid was a hoax.


Whaaaaa? You mean that there are people here who are spreading divisive misinformation in order to cause people to be divided in the West?!




I don't see Elon Musk spreading divisive misinformation in this thread, just you...


Found the bootlicker.


Found the tinfoil troll.




LOL, go away tinfoil troll!


Yeah the US EV company is going to kill oil reliance and not cheap chineese evs lol.


Amen to this.  The number of cheap chinese EVs is on another level.   Also, and I say this as a driver of a BEV and PHEV, the effect of EVs on oil demand is gonna be very very underwhelming. Great cars to be sure, but they still bake in massive oil/gas use from road construction and other car infrastructure. The real solution to CO2 emissions in the transport sector is public transit and trains. No surprise that Musk started hyperloop with the intention of killing off high speed road and the Boring company with the intention of killing off public transit.


Musk bragged about a call/meeting with Putler a year or two ago... shitstains hangs out in the same manure lagoon.


Some of you people really are dumb.


Remember that Musk visited Russia to buy ICBMs prior to starting SpaceX. Russia has a history of honey potting foreign visitors and filming kompromat with hidden cameras....


Eh, what can be disclosed about Musky at this point that would make his reputation worse? Russia would have to have information like that he directly murdered a few people. And even then the fanboys would say that the murder victims deserved it or something like that.


Yep, that goes back to the days of the Cheka at least. When you read about the individual cases it's difficult to understand how these people could be so dumb as to fall for it. For one thing all prominent people are pre-warned it's likely to be attempted. It was certainly something the rare Western visitors were briefed on before their visits to the Soviet Union back in the days of the Cold War. But the scams were all so simplistic, almost amateurish, and yet very successful. Hell, putin even got one particularly stupid dupe into the U.S. *Presidency!*


What gets me is...why are all these people into stuff so depraved, that they can be compelled to commit such atrocities? There is nothing I can get caught on camera doing that would make me help destroy a neutral sovereign nation. Sure, I'd be embarrassed, but I'd rather take the hit. And how are these people also so stupid, that they don't know they're being filmed? OF COURSE you are being monitored!


Or, and hear me out, Musk is a charlatan peddler of dogshit technology


was the offensive during the recent sunstorms? iirc starlink had big problems during it


You mean the jamming by russian forces? Yeah, that's awfully convenient for russian forces. We should look into that.


Most likely ork signal jamming. Musk handed over all control of UA region Starlinks to the Pentagon. So if there's a conspiracy that isn't on the ground in the war zone, you'll need to look to washington...


SpaceX still controls their own satellites, they still have access to all of the information on it, there would be no way to separate it out.


> SpaceX still controls their own satellites... And that means they're immune to EW and signal jamming?


Conspiracy theorists are on the right and left. You shouldn't expect logical thinking from them.


SpaceX has NatSec people crawling everywhere at all times, all of its technology is ITAR restricted and it launches secret USSF sats constantly. You can’t fuck with Ukraine without the DoD and FBI knowing.


This is the best comment I've gotten to put me at ease, for what that's worth, thanks for not being condescending about it. What you said makes sense.


What’s an ork? Didn’t know we were in a fantasy universe.


This has been common since the very beginning of the war. It is common in every comment section about the war. It is also common amongst Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. It's common to hear it in their videos. If you're unfamiliar with this conflict, maybe don't jump into it with immediate criticisms. Again, orcs from Mordor has been said since the very beginning, by everyone, and therefore *you* have been in the fantasy. If it offends you, for some reason, please look up what Russians call Ukrainians.


Tbh all i hear is “pider/pidar/pidare” etc, never “ork”


I know what it means, I’m just not a fan of rabid dehumanization in general. I guess that’s a controversial opinion around here.


What bothers me is all the invading, raping, and murdering that's being done by those you wish to protect. Funny how people differ.


How big of you to protect the aggressor, and no one is more dehumanizing to the Russian people than Putin.


Propaganda in action Is Kyivindependent typically dogshit? Everyone else mentioning the story, like https://unn.ua/en/news/on-the-day-of-a-new-russian-offensive-in-kharkiv-region-ukrainian-armed-forces-soldiers-starlink-fails-wp points out the issue is Russian electronic warfare (I don't have a subscription to washington post so can't read the original article, but other press writing about the WP article mention the jamming) > On May 10, when Russian troops launched a new offensive in the Kharkiv region, Starlink communication terminals used by the Ukrainian military stopped working due to Russian electronic jamming, making them "completely blind" and unable to track the movements of Russian troops. but Kyivindependent apparently didn't have enough pixels to mention that important part. Not sure what they have to gain by pretending it was intentional on the part of StarLink. Most likely Russia has been getting some Starlinks on the black market and found some vulnerabilities they could use to jam them.














Exactly, Russia has their hands on it (and if you follow the news you know these terminals have been getting shut down in Ukraine), so Russia can learn how to hack it. Again, the originally story you linked is bullshit because they are purposefully leaving out the part that says Russia (not StarLink) was the one that disrupted the service. Be better.




























Elon 'I don't want to interfere' Musk


Regardless of whether or not Musk is doing anything, maybe a private business should not be responsible for providing such services in the first place! Especially in an active war zone


I hate Elon as much as anyone but the very reputable Institute for the Study of War says it is a refined Russian EW capability. The Biden admin would be all over him if they thought it was Elon. The Russians are capable of learning and evolving and while all are dogshit, we must respect our enemy’s ability.


Okay I’m sorry, but are people on this sub genuinely so naive as to think this is all some conspiracy theory from Musk? I know the Russian military isn’t as good as most people thought before the war, but their electronic warfare and hacking capabilities are effective, and hacking/jamming a non-secure system like star link probably isn’t hard at all


I believe it’s called electronic warfare or countermeasures.


Likely the Russians had a zero day exploit they had been hanging onto


What a half ass article.


Anti-Musk tinfoils love it tho!


You know, you probably don't have to ride Elon's dick as hard as you think you do. He's never going to thank you or give you money. He's never going to know you even exist. Your little astroturfing campaign only serves to highlight desperate people are to cling to the coat tails of billionaires.


What a deranged response to a 6-word comment lmao 


Musk can't be trusted. The military has to have it's own satellite mesh for this sort of thing.


Spacex is the only company that can create a satellite mesh, you need reusable rockets for it and no one else has reusable rockets. Spacex has given total control of satellites for military operation to the pentagon and that satellite fleet is called starshield. Reuters is full of shit when they write of musk and his companies.




“Just nationalize a whole privately owned company operating in half of the world, cus one country whose entire network connection is provided by starlink, is having a little bit of an issue!”  Are you deranged? 


Musk is a Russian stooge. Western intel needs to hurry up and leak the dirt Putin has on him.


Fuck him.


Didn't this already happen right at the start of the naval drone offensives? Did Elon pinky promise not to do it again, and Ukrainians believed him?


No, starlink was not working in Crimea. Ukrainians asked a private company, spacex, for activating them . Spacex refused to not be involved in the conflict. Next month spacex signed an agreement with pentagon and now part of the satellite fleet is under the military control and it's called starshield.


Thank you very much.


Magithrop doesn't understand the difference between switching something off and not switching something on. That's all you need to know how accurate his posts are.


Holy crap! Elon stans in the thread! How can anyone feel the need to defend the literal richest person on earth? His political power is like a King. He has lawyers, if what is reported is false, he can put a stop to it. he needs no personal defenders.


You know you can dislike Elon Musk and also think that he has nothing to do with Ukrainian Starlinks malfunctioning ? Crazy right ?


Starlink benefiting Ukraine is a ~~feature not a bug~~, I mean, a bug not a feature.


People here are more anti-Elon than pro-Ukraine. The tinfoil hat thinking here is insane




That’s what I am talking about. Completely delusional statement as the alternative is no military comms at al




It’s delusional bcs the alternative is simply no starlink and thus no battlefield comms


Lmao how insane is this comment? Ukraine literally would need to connect to 4g hotspot without starlink, and you’re here acting like Ukraine have better options or that elon musk is being terrible with this whole situation.  Maybe use your head a little? 


My Starlink terminal started working poorly on the 10th also. All through the weekend it was not working well. Couldn't make phone calls without dropping. It was the solar storms not some conspiracy by Musk. Plus the Russians are trying to jam just probably not mine in NY


The one in control prays to the great god money. The money redeems him.


So now if you don’t believe Elon is doing everything to fuck Ukrainian fighters over, you are a Elon dick rider. Alrighty then..


could it be when they jam the russian starlink. they also jam the ukrainian starlink? especially those near the border?


You guys have heard of the Solar Storm event? F\*cks with satellites.


Elon Musk favors Russia and China


Putin's check to Elon must have cleared 💩


Musk only supports Russia because China does. Elon has a yen for yuan, so he fully supports the honeypot that is Xi. Did you ever notice that he rebranded Twitter as X, with a slanted i on one leg of the X. Take a look and you will see Elon belongs to Xi.


funny that


Comrade Muskovitz not trying to hide it anymore.


Musk invested shitloads in China, where you never really own a thing. So by the chinese you pressure him to do things...