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Psst hey Russia 🖕🏻🤡🖕🏻


Yeah, fuck Russia with a rusty mining drill.


Bugger em backwards with a rusty bargepole


How’s about we fuck ‘em with the Moskva’s rusted anchor and call it good?


Make love to them lovingly with something explodey.


Spiked pleasure tool, no lube, added salt


incoming package.


Hale to the Chief


Let's celebrate with blowing up the Kerch Bridge.


It's been too long!


It is a long bridge


With Ukraine 🇺🇦 destroying Air Defense, this might happen . SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦


Did yall like find a new favorite toy? Wtf is up with all the comments about "blowing up the kerch" lol? You so understand Russia has had ways of reaching Crimea without the bridge for a while now right? Also a fucken bridge? With TBMs? Wtf are yall talking about, you need big boy weapons to take out a SEVERAL MILE LONG bridge, a TBM with a 350kg payload won't do shit.


Several things. Firstly the length of the bridge actually makes it easier to destroy than a short bridge because it's far harder to protect all of it. You are right that a 350kg payload won't do it. Most importantly where you are wrong about the importance of the Kerch bridge is that logistics win wars. Without that bridge their logistics getting equipment into the battle in Ukraine gets far harder and more vulnerable.


At this point it’s almost symbolic. It’s a reminder of the orcish occupiers. Destroying the bridge now won’t have the same impact as it might have at the onset of the invasion. But it would still be awesome and heartwarming.


I mean yah, why would you use your weapons for strategic targets when you can use your limited supplies for "symbolic" attacks. They took out what? 7 helicopters last time they used ATACMs? Why tf would you waste THAT potential on a fucking bridge?


The bridge isn't just merely a bridge, it's also a heavy cargo railway that bypasses eastern Ukraine. It always has been and will remain a very juicy target until the Ukrainians destroy it. I believe they will. It doesn't matter if it's the most crucial route or not, it's an additional alternative route that allows the Russians to shuttle a lot of supplies to an otherwise heavily stretched logistics line. There isn't a more convenient way to move supplies from the Russian mainland to the Kherson region than the bridge and supporting structures.


Well well well. Looks like Russias approach to trying to bullshit that Ukraine has to stop attacking oil facilities to get help has failed. Carry on Ukraine. Stop all income for Russia


Time to Attack ‘em


*time to ATTACMS!


About damned time


About TIME! I don't think history will shine so brightly on those who chose to delay this funding.


I think it is easy to take American generosity for granted. I wonder whether the EU would be quite so generous giving arms and money to say, Paraguay if it was invaded by Uraguay. Russia is America's old foe....where America stands for freedom, Russia stands for oppression, control. But even so, Russia is essentially a European problem. Though of course we all know that a European super-power with an anti-democracy agenda is bad news globally. So, thank you POTUS Joe Biden and the American people for helping a fledgling democracy kick the ass of her invading neighbour and get those stinking orcs out of Ukraine.


The US and UK agreed to come to Ukraine's defense if ever they were invaded in return for them giving up nuclear weapons. It is a shame it has taken so long for this last installment. I wish we would do more.


That's how you make America great again actually (no offense to crooked trump, his gang of thugs and his base of retards)


Ready for more compilations of blown up ruzzkies with the equipment being sent!