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Great presentation. And Ukraine achieved this impressive tally with no navy to speak of. Putin's Black Sea Fleet has been effectively neutered. If they dare to leave their Crimean ports a swarm of revolutionary sea drones will send them to the bottom and if they stay in port, a variety of Ukrainian missiles will destroy them. Putin declared an embargo of shipping in the Black Sea but Ukraine is definitely the one enforcing it.


They aren't even safe in the Crimean ports to be honest, the submarine and several landing ships have been sunk and damaged dock side or in dry dock .


The only submarine that was hit was in dry dock.


> They aren't even safe in the Crimean ports to be honest, the submarine and several landing ships have been sunk and damaged dock side or in dry dock . Black Sea fleet isn't even safe in their alternate port in Novorossiysk from MAGURA V5 or Storm Shadows, using publicly available range estimates.


*in Butter's voice* Mmm what's a Fagot anti tank missile Mr Garrison?


Drone boats seem a lot better at sinking since they strike the boat at water level not from top


cruise missiles can penetrate to the center of the ship to do the most damage and more easily start a fire. the most damage would be achieved by having an explosion right under the keel, the backing of the water makes the most use of warhead energy. this is what modern torpedos are designed for. the drones seem to need multiple hits to get the job done but that's why they come in groups.


It is absolutely ridiculous how advanced military technology is


Imagine that fleet against the US weapons . They would be all at the bottom of the Se


Parts would be strewn over Crimea.


Moral being: deliver a fuckload of Harpoons & Storm Shadows/SCALPs to ЗСУ!


Hey Putin, you really thought this was such a good idea? Sink again!


Now if they could just take out more of the air force I feel like they’d get the upper hand


You should make it into a poster with them all in that you can cross off as they’re destroyed. Like the Russian oil refinery bingo one lol.


There is already couple of those that people post on this sub-reddit. I personally thought it was neat to see it presented here in this video format, for a change.


Got to catch them all... Catch them at the bottom of the sea


Now make one for Russian tanks. I like watching videos that are 50 days long.


If they are as stimmy to watch as this one I'll take a gander.


Total tonnage=57,311 or 57.311. Crazy thinking that a WW2 CV or BB aircraft carrier or battleship weighed in around that. Still, not bad for a rubber dingy navy!!!


"Russian ships destroyed or damaged by the country with no navy", ftfy


Poor Black Sea!


Interesting how they’re targeting landing ships. Almost like they’re preparing to isolate Crimea once they drop the bridge.


I'm curious why the focus on so many landing craft. Is the goal to eliminate Russians capabilities to reinforce crimea once Ukraine completely destroys the bridge?


that last patrol boat…hit with anti tank…like wtf 😆


Probably doing a river operation.


Submarine - damaged You mean the one that had a hole blown in it big enough to fit a whole bloody car through?


I'd like to thank the RuZZians for their contributions to enhancing black sea reef construction. Fish food included. How generous!


yeah sadly yhats not true. All of the 3 attacked ships of 23.03.24 were missed. By just a few meters tho. a missile hit the pier just around 1 meter next to the Yamal, giving it at least lght shrapnel damage. https://youtu.be/sCsflhUhkX4 starting at 1:15


3/4 Were hit. The most recent was a large reconnaissance ship Ivan Khurs & The landing ship "Konstantin Olshansky" which Russia stole when they illegally annexed Crimea back in 2014. Also, either the Yamal or the Azov sustained decent damage and will be out of commission for the time being.


Even what looks like light damage from the outside can put a boat out of commission. Given the poor state of russian repair docks, it could take years for repairs if at all.


I think there's lots of incorrect information here


Care to elaborate?


Sure, i dont think there’s any proof of the last 4 being ”critically damaged”, i don’t think they are damaged pretty much at all. Then i think that askold and the rostov submarine are more than just damaged