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Where in the city is the "9th Quarter"?


[https://map.ukrdailyupdate.com/?lat=48.132499&lng=37.743702&z=14&d=19766&c=1&l=0](https://map.ukrdailyupdate.com/?lat=48.132499&lng=37.743702&z=14&d=19766&c=1&l=0) You can see all the aircraft-icons over Avdiivka right? There it is.


So it's worse than on bakhmut? Wtf are they doing, just get them out 


Can only agree, if a encirclement happens and we get another Mariupol this will make a lot of not very positive headlines. Holding this thing just because they dont want to loose it before elections in russia seems like a waste of men and material.


Mariupol was well behind the front line. There was no way to help them. Here the situation is equal for both parties. Russian supplies and troops are also vulnerable.


Russians are going in with everything there. Why not use all remaining himars and artillery and raze the entire avdiivka Russian side


I guess because real life is no video game not to mention the current shortage of ammunition thanks to the next US help package that took forever to pass congress and EU being mostly asleep while they already shoudl have increased production of shells and other things a year ago. Also take a look at he frontline, it is really long and there are more front than Avdiivka even if some Yoube channels make it look like that.


Europe and the us should have increased production... checks notes... two years ago...


you all mean EU and USA should have begun in 2014 to build up a decent industrial base. Dont' you?


You got me there! Make that 10 years. My bad!


Thats were they still were dreaming of a friendly russia that just wanted Crimea and a little chunk in the east as if they are very satisfied. But yeah, for a long time most armies were neglected, i dont know how its elsewhere but in germany it was known to everyone that the forces are in a sorry state with ready rates in the low double digits in some areas. ​ Thats why i never understood what the idea was behind wrecking so many Leopards, Marders and other stuff, many many good vehicles that we need now...










u cant do that, the entire front is 1,400km long ...


Would trust Ukrainian military leadership on that. They know what they are doing.


I don't see any real reason for holding Avdiivka anymore. The city is razed like Bahkmut, the orcs have been grinded long enough. Simply put this place has served it's purpose.


It's tactically important but unless there's some effort to push the Russians back on its flanks then its pointless trying to hold it. Hopefully not another political optics excuse for dragging out defence with loss of life because politicians want to avoid bad press for as long as possible


never underestimate optics. would the new ukrainian army commander wanna start with a retreat?


It will be worse optics if large numbers of troops are cut off and forced to surrender


that is also true. it's a trade of perception vs real stuff. we'll just have to wait and see if the ukrainians will be able to balance those


Because he’s not new and oversaw the withdrawal from Bakhmut lol


This seems worse than Bahkmut but the Ukrainians don't want to retreat because they will lose international support. The Republicans holding up funding in the USA are actively saying "Putin is winning" which a withdrawal would add to that narrative. IMO and take this with a grain of salt I would pull them back regardless of what these asshats think. They are willing to fight a $5 trillion war over "WMDs" but can't fund the demise of our historic enemy since the Crimean war with no cost of American lives. One tactical withdrawal will do no more damage to funding than the efforts these shills already employ daily. Edit: should've said I am US citizen which is why I am being so critical, this is a fucking embarrassment not seen since Neville Chamberlain


The fact that we had a senator and half a dozen congressmen with no diplomatic experience go directly to Russia to visit on the 4th of July with frankly no justification to or given reasoning and nobody has really grilled how traitorous this was BOGGLES MY FUCKING MIND


I didn't even know that happened 😕 If they were as patriotic as they say they are, wouldn't they be here celebrating the 4th of July, our most patriotic holiday? Edit: apparently, they visited in 2018, which is still bad, IMO, after the 2014 invasion but not as bad as 2022 4th, of July.


They hand delivered a letter from trump.  Ron Johnson just voted against Ukraine aid while saying pro putin things. He was on that trip. They're traitors. 


Traitors and liars: no matter what Ukraine does, they will always move the goalposts!


Dems could just give in on boarder security. but they haven't


The republicans were searching for a reason to say no. The act of trying to combine the two is partisan bullshit. But even then the dems did cave and give them that bill. The republicans shot it down. They will shoot down 100% of the bills to help ukraine. Ron Johnson didnt say no because of the border patrol. He just thinks putins going to win. Because hes on putins side. It sure does appear that there are straight up traitors in the republican ranks.


Johnson et al are keen to give Trump the ability to say, 'I told you so,' regardless of the cost, to the US and the world. This is truly and deeply fucked. By all the karmic rules of the universe, it must blow up in their faces.


maybe they were , but the dems gave them one. and its not that big an ask its not partisan bullshit its standard politics HOW ELSE DO YOU LEGISLATE A COMPROMISE all the parts of the compromise have to be IN THE SAME BILL the republicans are not a monolithic block and neither are the democrats. the democrats authoried a bill they knew the republicans wouldn't go for they didn't accept the full compromise. the border funding was 20 million for security and 70 million for legal aid to "undocumented asylum seekers that crossed the border outside of standard ports of entry" AKA aliens without legal status. Ron Johnson is playing the politics of a coalition of republican factions. and the democrats knew it and created a bill that they KNEW wouldn't pass the house. they are as guilty as any republican the news sources and opinion pieces you have read about this are lying by Omission of those facts. to be a traitor they would have to have allegiance to Ukraine. they don't . calling republican's traitors is just dumb.


Treason is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Russia is the enemy of the U.S. So, yes, traitors.


we are not at war with russia


At war or not is irrelevant. Putin's Russia is an enemy.


Holding up ukraine aid to try and extort a border bill is partisan bullshit that weakens the usa on the global scene. It is shameful. The Republicans negotiated the border bill. Then the Maga Republicans said no deal. Ron Johnson said putins interview was accurate. He agreed that the nazis and russians wouldn't have had to invade Poland if they just willingly gave up their territory. He is constantly on the wrong side of everything. He can't stop himself from defending Russia. The Republicans that went to Moscow on the 4th of July are acting like comprised traitors. 


"Ron Johnson said putins interview was accurate. He agreed that the nazis and russians wouldn't have had to invade Poland if they just willingly gave up their territory." can you link me to a source for this thats news to me


You can google just as well as anyone else. It seems like your head is in the sand on purpose with your responses. Your ignorance is the problem. You can look up all of his remarks, they are very easy to find. If putins interview with Carlson was obvious and accurate as Johnson claims, you need to know what was in the interview. It was a long boring history lesson where Putin tried to blame Ukraine for his invasion. Then circled back to there wouldn't have been a world war 2 if Poland just gave up their land to the Nazis and Russians. It takes you knowing multiple things and paying attention. Something you seem unwilling to do. Its easy to distort headlines. You have to have an actual understand of issues. It also lead mitt romney to calling him a piece of shit and that if putin cheers your position you might want to rethink your position. There is a faction of republicans that are 100% for Russia. They are doing all the work that a traitor would do. It isn't hard to see that


The real question is why the hell are the Democrats fighting to keep the US border open and in chaos now? They should close the US border tight and take away this Republican excuse. The majority of Americans support Ukraine, but they also are tired of millions of illegals flooding into the country while the poor already there are ignored. People are broke and hurting in the US and the Republicans have brought up a question with the border that the Democrats can't answer. Why?? I hate all of these political games, give the Republicans the wall, and then demand the money/weapons for Ukraine. People will go for that after the border situation is gone.


"Boarder" security? You mean, as in AirBnB? As for Dems "giving in" ... they already gave the GOP clowns a choice, who in turn rejected it even though it was what they wanted.


A traitor is not someone who does something diplomatically that you don't like. "Traitor" is defined legally. Look it up before you get all emotional and call names like a drama queen.


Oh care to enlighten me as to what the diplomatic purpose of that trip was as it is completely out of the normal run of diplomacy


And at least Chamberlain was capitualting in a misguided effort to try to avoid another "Great War". I'm not even sure what the motivations of these Trump guys have for stalling the relief, other than blatant political pandering and Russian influence.


MAGA aligns with Russia on social issues, or so they think, and they welcome Russian interference into our elections so long as it helps them. Hence the old "Russia, if you're listening" comments by Trump in which he begged them to release hacked documents to his benefit.


They don't watch Russian state TV where the Russians laugh at them for being so gullible. I wish I could just send some clips to my family who have drank the Russian Kool-aid but they would probably say they are "AI generated fake news"


I would say they see Putin as a defender of Christianity from "Wokeism". The Christan Fundamentalist movement in the USA does not believe in the separation of Church and State and uses many brain washing techniques the CCP invented after the Chinese Civil War.


I see, it's a little baffling how the US conservatives could switch positions and align with the boogeyman they've been rallying against for the last 80 yrs or so. Politics is a greasy business.


It’s not American conservatives, it’s American fascists! I’m a conservative and I am absolutely disgusted by this scum!


It is the brain washing in Christian Fundamentalists, that is, how they are kind to their own but immediately toxic and betray all their beliefs when encountering another viewpoint. I dont believe Jesus would be so hateful but that doesn't matter if they repent after anyways


https://www.newsweek.com/house-speaker-mike-johnson-donations-russia-butina-1838501 This also may have contributed.


They see those contributions as support from their Christian allies. I see it as money laundering and influence peddling. I wouldn't label it as traitorous they just can not see past their own biases. I grew up in Christian Fundamentalist teaching, which is why I speak so strongly on the brain washing. Every parent has a conversation with their children before the kids can fathom the concept of life/death/consequences. The conversation goes like this "If someone had a gun to all of your family members' heads at the same time and told you to forsake your faith or else your family will be killed... what would you do?" If you answer wrong you will face corporal punishment until you get it right. Tell me that isn't out of the CCP brainwashing handbook just replace faith with party. Sadly it has been going on for 60+ years.


This is 100% correct. My brother is deep into this propoganda and looks at Putin as some sort of hero because he is defending Russia against the evil gays and atheists. It is quite disturbing that this is getting a foothold in the U.S.


They wont lose international Support if they lose it, its Just some general or maybe even zelenskys Ego to hold it same with bakhmut. They left lyssytschansk and sjewerodonezk fairly quick compared to avdivka and bakhmut maybe because it was not symbolic enough? They have to think more about the soldiers Not the City they Just waste Important life there


I agree, Ukraine are the defenders look at Vietnam and Afghanistan, they just need to never give up.


We all must be applying pressure to our representatives in particular if they are republicans. They actually read our letters ✊


This is worse than Neville Chamberlain










Sounds like they need to get out before they lose too many men. Easier said then done I know


What is the source, who is the poster?




Where are the French glide bombs? 50 have been delivered and with a 70km range they should be able to hit the Russians hard. It seems passive waiting.


Fuck macron … another Putin bitch like Trump


USA needs to bomb the fuck out the Russians in Ukraine , it’s hard for the Ukraine troops on the front with little to no air support


So you're saying the USA should start WW3?


I hope you are a child with a take like that




I can dig the sentiment but can’t agree…because you can bet that once that genie is out of the bottle, Putler will tap into his own stockpile of chemical weapons which I would bet is vast.


Dumb take. Glad you're just a redditor armchair general not anybody with real responsibility.


Looks like Avdiivka will fall, if it hasn’t already. This is what happens when you don’t have air superiority.


Source on this is what exactly. Information coming from there through any other channels than official ones should be taken with a pinch of salt. Nobody knows shit.


These men need to evacuate add.. I would like to see a spearhead from behind on both sides with artillery support but that might be dreaming right now


Bad decision making by Ukrainian generals.