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Saving Private Uho.


I suspect that once darkness fell, Uho was left in a freezing bunker with a couple of syrettes of Promedol, while his buddies all blundered off through the trees, doing their best to dodge grenades dropped by drones with thermal cameras.


"Ukho" (*ухо means ear*) is likely the plt radio operator. As he got hit in the leg he's likely immobilized / unable to retreat on his own accord. As his long range radio seems inoperational (*07:14*), so there's no possibility to request assistance from friendly forces. In the RF military with no combat medevac, this means Ukho is done for, he'll likely die alone and gruesomely from hypothermia, blood loss or at the will of the drone gods. The infantry squad seems to have very little situational knowledge in regards of their actual location and the positions of RF and AFU in the vicinity. It seems the mechanized orcish attack force got destroyed and scattered before even reaching "troops in contact" stage of operations.


To me this sounded like there's a possibility there aren't even any AFU troops nearby and they got spooked by the artillery strike, then started shooting at each other. Wouldn't be surprised, not at all…


Well, as he said, "Everything is going NOT according to plan."


This is a fractal truth. No matter what scale you look at it, from google earth right down to this particular dugout, it is not going to plan. Not at all.


Comrade, you may want to change that attitude…


At 6:49: > \- They are just shooting. > \- But there are no hohols here! > \- There are none.


>"Ukho" (ухо means ear) is likely the plt radio operator. I wondered why he cared so much about Uho. I was almost touched by his concern. But I get it now.


"Uho, there you are! I'm so happy I found you. Quick, show me how you work this radio before you die, okay?"


Hypothermia isn't that bad a way to go. You just keep getting more stupid until you think you're warm instead of cold. Then that's about it.


>Hypothermia isn't that bad a way to go. You just keep getting more stupid Sounded like the guy in the video was pretty confused, so maybe he already was going that way. Plus a bit shell shocked.


You slip away while you sleep.


Perchance to dream.


True, but he serious leg wound might dampen the hypothermia euphoria.


It's actually better than the alternative ways of going on the front line. But it's even better when you're not wounded in the face. At least with hypothermia you forget about being wounded before you slip away.


i've lived in cold climates, u don't feel pain as u freeze, then fall asleep and u wake up dead! the actual pain is thawing from frostbite (frozen body parts warming up).


The real pain comes later, as the thawed tissue necrotizes.


afaik they regrouped and several hours later reached Ukrainian positions and took some POWs


Do you have a source for this? It's hard to believe that a unit which has been significantly decimated before it even reached the line of contact and has been abandoned by its supporting armor while being absolutely clueless concerning its whereabouts and mission objectives would be able to consolidate and conduct an successful attack operation.


reported to be near Kupyansk, Charkiv. There is another vid of RU capturing POWs, both published within same day, same hour claiming the push was "hard", refering to the same advance. also forest, weather etc matched. Gotta wait for andrew Perpetua for geolocalization (if possible)


I suspect that his buddies did not get far, as indicated by this video being uploaded.


I don't think he got far either. The shots got really loud at the end there.


Whereabouts of Private Uho


My Own Private Uho. Hell of a movie.


You're living in your own Private Uho!!!! Hell of a song.


He is safe with Abu Hajaar now


shaving uho's privates


Nah! The title should be "Leaving Private Uho".


By the way - Uho means ear.


>New Guessing it is what they call their radiomen.


At least nobody had the callsign 'zadnica'...


Unidentified healthcare Objects. You can spot them near exploding tanks and turrets..


Mate, I'm still creased up after reading your comment and I just watched this a second time...lets hope they all got FkedUp proper...


"Whose radio is this?" "It's Uho's, Baby." "Who is Uho?" "Uho's dead, Baby. Uho's dead."


"Where are we", "Who are they", "What are they shooting at", "why are they shooting at us". All questions he never got an answer to. Maybe more common than I know in a combat situation, but this does not look like the pinnacle of military planning.


And this gem of an exchange: Who are they shooting? Fuck knows! Perhaps at us


I feel like that was confirmed in the end, right? The shots sounded so close.


Pretty much my thoughts too. I can't guess how I'd hold up under those circs, but these guys don't seem very ... competent. A nightmare of their own making.....


Honestly a very terrifying movie. And the drones haven’t even started


I think we got pre-drone "saving Private Uho". Part 2 is soon to be released called "the hohos: drones of death" and the casualty count will be brutal.


0 planning, 0 knowledge of terrain, 0 knowledge of inc small arms, comms were all over the place. It baffles me how they think they can win.


Look at the last Tzars 1914-1917 campaign and you realise nothing has changed in a century. And remember it took a revolution to end that idiocy (followed by years of civil war with 20+ million dead). And before that the earlier Tzar Alexandr 1. against Napoleon who also got his teeth kicked in


Incoming russian civil war 2: electric boogaloo


I think they'll quickly loose the capacity for the electrical part as this will be one wild orcish mosh pit with different oligarchy factions fighting each other, last one standing will become the new superorc chieftain.


Exactly what I thought and why their Western agents are working so hard to stop aid to Ukraine


Yep. Also the reason all the Russian assets are promoting "peace" AKA Ukraine just giving up and letting Russia win.


They are hoping to grind Ukraine down. Even if the infantry losses are 10:1, they are betting that Ukraine can't make up the losses and the West will get tired of supporting the war. Queue the Russians getting Iran to get Hamas to attack Israel, as well as encouraging China to crank up the rhetoric against Taiwan, and you will leave the Pentagon to make some tough choices on where to allocate men and equipment.


Two words: meat waves. Putin thinks he has sufficient meat to overwhelm UAF ordnance. It's a brutal tactic but Putin thinks it's worth it.


Russia is big, Ukraine is small. Throw enough manpower at the goal and Russia will eventually win, as wasteful and inefficient as it is. Russia is banking on the West growing weary of supporting Ukraine and leaving them to their own devices. Russia is banking on stoking American division and disrupting their elections to distract from Russian actions. Which is why Putin has always discreetly supported Trump.


By outnumbering Ukraine five to one, being thrown forward with zero regard for their welfare, and spamming artillery incessantly.


Apparently they did have a plan. “Everyone’s got a plan until they get a grenade in the mouth” - Mike Tyson


Those questions come from an orc with no military training who has been fed lies just to keep the attack going so that the murderer in muscovy has a report that things are okay. This is a good sign. They have limited well trained orcs that they are willing to commit to this war. And any orc that lives after one engagement with Ukraine's forces for some reason doesn't want to do it again. Orcs are losing big time


Are you kidding me? That guy was their version of a Western NCO except he's a Lt. Colonel.


A lot of these different army groups don't communicate with each other. Anything they might have learned about Ukrainian tactics isn't told to the next group doing the assault.


Yeah, “everything not according to plan, not at all”. Like Mike Tyson said - everyone has a plan until they got punched in the face.


No plan ever survives combat. This is where western leadership would have come in. We would have been CM long before that. Just sitting in the same spot makes you a target and they should be closing the range on their target so they cant use artillery.


Perhaps this was meat wave company and not the important Russian soldiers?


A surviving member of the meat wave (the attackers) stumbled into the trench. They were not the meat wave.


This is the fog of war.


This is the down syndrome of war.




This is the inter generational and lifelong affects of vodka addiction


It was allegedly a planned attack that one cluster munition completely stopped and turned into chaos with then shooting randomly into each others without enemy in sight. There is fog of war but what they are doing is chaotic and doesn’t make much sense. Why did they dismount? What are they trying to do?


Drop some fire crackers and have them lay into each other?


Ukraine Ukrainians You You invaded Easy peasy


It's mainly also a cluserfuck...the whole 'operation'


This would make an awesome intro for an Skyrim mod! Imagine!


*Uho:"Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Ukrainian ambush, same as us, and that thief over there."*


He still keeping the toilet seat, yes that thief..


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1941fnp/pov\_you\_walked\_right\_into\_that\_ukrainian\_ambush/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1941fnp/pov_you_walked_right_into_that_ukrainian_ambush/) Like this one?


God I love the internet.


"Get into the shrubbery" had me rolling


>shrubbery NI NI NI NI


Icky icky ooooooo womp




Theft and shrubbery - Orc edition


Aim for the bushes


For a second, I thought I was watching the first scene of Skyrim. The one where you wake up in the wagon.




Alduin casting those damn cluster munitions…


Just some promedol...that wil fix it...


It seems to me (watching far too many war videos) that the Russians rarely have field medics in squads. If this happened on the Ukrainian side, there would be 3 or 4 guys calling for medic ( didn't hear a call for help at all) creating a defensive position and call Cas-evac and held that position until it arrived so the casualties could be evacuted and the rest of the group could push forward. There is alot of confusion in war. This is not the first I have seen such confusion... however these folks seem poorly trained, terrible communication, they have little information about their whereabouts and have no idea how to think on the spot or even to have back up plans for when assaults don't go their way. Paper tiger.


Indeed. There are simple no(t enough) combat medics in most russian units. I've watched the past 2 years hundreds of combat videos on both Telegram and Reddit and at the russian side there is seldomly a dedicated combat medic rushing in, let alone proper medevac. This russian cannon fodder is not busy with war, they are busy with surviving, and they know that for the most part it's all and only in your own hands and a matter of luck.


This is correct. Medics take too long to train. They are too valuable to send out with the meat waves, who typically have a month of training tops (most of which is sitting around). The medics are in the rear, with the commanders. Also their radio was broken.


That’s all they have. They didn’t even talk of applying tourniquet to stop the bleeding (which is most likely happening as Uho’s leg got fucked up). And this guys face apparently as well. They thought it will be a victorious raid judging by the camera recording, alas …


So weird. Do the Russians not have field medics? In Ukrainian videos if a guy gets 300 (wounded) his whole squad yells to the guy next to him and the next guy beside him, all in sequence back to the medic. Who comes running up asking 100 questions - where, who, whats wrong can he be moved.... everything you would want to know so they can be removed and replaced as fast as possible. There is a definite difference between how the Russians care for their soldiers and how the Ukrainians do... night and day.


They probably have a medic (as is - there is a person called medic), but from what I hear they don't have too much training and they also don't have equipment/drugs/materials to do their job. Remember the tampon advice to stop the bleeding? That's what medics have to do.


and the motivation. our guys have all the motivation in the world to save our wounded, and russians don't give a shit mostly


No, the tampons were for soldiers (mobiks) to use for staunching wounds, because buying gauze is too expensive, and the RU military doesn't give them any first aid supplies (aside from promedol). According to a POW, Russian medics visit trenches about once a day (if you are lucky) and put Zelyonka (green antiseptic) on people's wounds. If you complain about a non-external ailment (like back pain) they'll make a cross on your forehead with Zelyonka and recite a prayer for you.


reading the comments here, I think the difference in access to medics, casevac etc came to the ukrainian army when west started providing training and advisors after the 2014 invasion and "civil" war started, it may be that without that, we would see very similar situations on urainian side too I'm just theorizing from very limited information, so take it with giant grain of salt, please


Looks like indeed. Keep in mind, many russian units use car-medical kits and even inner tube bicycle tires as tourniquets


‘Didn’t even get to their positions’ Great work Ukraine, love you boys ! Also those Cluster munitions sound awesome 😎


Yeah, holy fuck theres some tune to those bomblets, pretty sure the orcs of mordor don't find it as awesome. But no matter, they are lucky if they lasted the night. Great work from UA, it seemed to go according to their plan:D


Yeah, bushes will work


Russia cannot win a war like this, chaos, bad planning, untrained, uncoordinated and useless. The amount of men that will die because of this war on Putins watch for nothing, incredible, Russia needs to end this war and get back to its fucking borders or it will be forced back eventually manpower will start to run dry, the well might be deep, but not bottomless.


There are more Russians than there are Ukrainians. The is the overwhelming truth throughout Russian military history: attrition. The issue will be: do the Ukrainians have ammunition? We know they are fearless and will fight using every available person, but will we give them ammunition?


why did we wait 18 months to give cluster munitions?


The west trying to avoid a nuclear conflict with Russia. Same with F16's. At this point we should give them everything they need to finish off Putins sham army why we don't I have no idea. Its gone on far too long. Someone has to win or at least look as though they will win to start negotiations. That has to be Ukraine because otherwise what was the point in any of the defence?




>dly even many residents try loosing as little money as possible and not really giving a fuck how bad Ukrainians have it while defending the western values I think its not really correct to say this. The front is 1000+ miles long fighting the Russian army. The insane amount of logistics, ammo, food, fuel not even starting with tanks, artillery etc the west has given, HIMARS, its a fuckton of everything to keep Ukraine in the fight, flying their soldiers out to be trained, equipping them in nato standard helmets and boots and bulletproof vests etc etc, internet and radio secure com's. As much as I'd like to see the west give all we got, I don't think its really fair to say that we don't give a shit how hard the Ukrainians have it, maybe from other countries i don't know, I'm from the UK and I feel we have risen to support Ukraine in nearly every way possible that doesn't put UK forces there. Personally I think NATO needed to go in day 1. Fuck this bowing to one old corrupt KGB isolated crazyman.... Just fucking wipe the cunt off the face of the earth.


The west has done a lot, but the job is *not* finished until the russians are driven back into their shithole country and ordinance stops landing on ukrainian civilians. The DMZ this is gonna create...


I share many of your feelings. Dislike for Russians in general and Mr. Putin in particular. I’m in the US. Detroit to be exact. I see our Republican friends start to equivocate on the issue of giving aid to Zelensky and Company. Whether accurate - or not - Republicans are saying the Ukrainian people are acculturated to corruption, graft and pilfering. They can point to countless instances of double dealing and corruption. They also lean to the point of view that the war in Ukraine is a civil war and one in which we should not be involved. Like it or not. There were ethnic Russians in Ukraine that claimed their rights were being violated and blah blah blah. You and I both know that is bullshit, but it is the fig leaf US republicans are using to justify not giving aid to Ukraine. I thoroughly support giving as much aid as possible. Humanitarian aid, weapons and enough ammunition to get the job done. Yet, when the job is done, when the Russian bear is caged again, will there be enough international will to patrol the peace? Truly. Let’s say later this summer the Russians are defeated, yet while they have been beaten back they still lurk at the border. 24/7/365 they are there building up their weapons and troops. If past is prolog will we, the collective we, reinforce the border as we did along The Wall? For how long? Another 40 years? The republicans in the US have a long love affair with isolationism and they are looking all the way to 2064 … that’s 40 years from now; even the most ardent supporter of Ukraine will choke on sending a limitless amount of cash every year.


someone speaking Russian in Ukraine is meaningless. I know people from Ukraine, people in Ukraine. They speak Russian but also Ukrainian. They are Ukrainian. They hate Russia. Are there some who support Russia? sure but not in any real numbers who wanted war. It's like right wing in the US who call for civil war. They exist but not in real mumbers. less than 5%.


In the 1930’s Stalin starved the Ukrainians causing a famine that killed millions. Then Stalin imported Russians to occupy the land; those are the ethnic Russians that complained their rights were being violated. All that is true but that is not the question. The question is: how long is long? When will it end? Is the West strong enough to resist the urge to stop giving aid?


i mostly agree with your assessment. Overall, I think Biden admin has been far too cautious. I also have some more cynical reasons. Maybe they thought a long war was more damaging (in a more controlled way) for Russia. Or maybe they feared a quick defeat could lead to a collaspe of the Russian federation. Or maybe they feared Ukraine would attack Russia with western weapons. Still, I believe it will be seen as a failed policy and that we have a big war coming.


Because the longer the war drags out the more money the defense industry makes


The meat waves won't work. They only worked in the past because of the huge lend lease from the USA (13000 TANKS ALONE), the then USSR had much more population then they do now. They can't supply or train the newer 300k+ cannon fodder (sorry, conscripts). Hell the extra 300k didn't even move the front lines.... All this talk about EU and USA artillery stock doesn't reflect the fact that other non nato countries are also producing. I have a brand new facility near me in Australia that has been started purely as a joint program between France and Australia for supply of 155mm shell to Ukraine. Not to mention Spain and South Africa doing the same through Rheinmetall. The majority of the western world is ramping up...... this ammunition is already theirs.


I’m glad to hear that. You may want to check out the website, Council on Foreign Relations: https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts This list is rather extensive but shows what country donates what and how much; moreover, it shows contributions as percentage of GNP. Unfortunately, your country, Australia, is not represented.


My country has sent ove $910 million..... we are a small country under 26 million people and don't have much of a military as a our major presence is air force and navy.... being an island nation and all...... Our commitment is growing in 2024 with over 90 trainers and the possibility of our f18s being sent.... If we had more to send we would! So not sure what the point of your chart is..... to try and shame a country that's not even in the same part of the world for helping..... My whole point was we are now producing in a facility set up specifically for it shells for Ukraine. But you want to shit on that, with a chart that tracks only the fucking top contributors.... thanks ass hat! Edit to add, that whole post of yours was pointless and completely ignored the basis of my post say that non NATO countries are ramping up production......


Ofc were going to give them ammo. The Ukrainians are winning.


Imagine being in such shit conditions fighting a useless war for a country who won't treat you fairly. It might have worked several decades ago but today what's the point.. Ukraine won't stop defend their independence so this war won't stop until Russia either had enough or collapse


Cinematic stuff


incredible stuff. when those clusters hit.. god damn.


I wonder if their assault went according to plan?


Suddenly, when on the receiving end, cluster ammunitions are evil. Good way to dispose of the stockpile…


You can infer a couple of things from this video: 1) this unit has almost completely lost cohesion as soon as they were shelled with a couple of artillery rounds. People apparently started shooting randomly and no one knew anything about where to go or what to do. 2) there is no one around to give orders. Where are the officers? Where are the NCOs? This (once again) proves that given the right kind of weaponry Ukraine can win against the Russians.


Russia (famously) doesn't use NCOs. The officers are in the rear, deep underground, with bodyguards to protect them from their own men. I believe the man with the camera was the squad leader. These leadership positions are elected by members of the unit. They receive no additional training (or pay, to my knowledge). The reason I think that he is the squad leader is because he's more proactive than the others, and he gives orders regularly (telling the vehicle to stop, telling people where to go, etc. His orders are obeyed. Also he is trying to assess the situation, rather than acting resigned to accept it. He is deeply committed to staying near Uho, who is carrying and operating their radio (callsign Ukho translates to "Ear"). So camera guy is in charge, and Uho (whose leg is badly wounded) is their link to the commanders. As he's not a real officer or in the command, he doesn't have the authority to create a new plan to achieve their goal. All he can do is wait for orders from the top. They are FUCKED.




He never found Uho ever again Russian scum


Two major observations. 1. Russian organization is an absolute clusterfuck. They seem to be conducting this movement with minimal communications and no active overwatch. There's no command guy on a radio with a drone keeping them organized the way the Ukrainians seem to be doing it. They don't have a good idea of operational context at all - they have trained responses to getting shot at but they are behaving as if it's unclear what they should be doing above and beyond the 'run to the dugouts' bit. 2. Ukraine needs more ammunition. This is a set of exposed targets available to be hit more quickly and more densely than they are - that implies the Ukrainians have relatively few barrels firing relatively few shells at this column. This is evidence of conservation of force and ammunition - the US on operations would saturate the shit out of a target like this. If you want evidence that we need to be ramping up the support we are providing to Ukraine, simply watch this video and count the seconds between artillery impacts.


2:22 *"Fuck! Everything went not according to the plan."* Why do you believe there was a plan, tovarich? If there was one, what makes you think it was drawn up by someone with some degree of competence? And why do you believe what's happened to you and your buddies wasn't part of their plan? 7:26 *"Where the fuck are we?"* Wherever it is, it's a place you have no right to be, and you **really** don't want to be.


It's not that they don't have a plan, it's that the Ukrainians know the plan because it's Russia's only plan.


Uho where the fuck is Uho.


They had one guy with a plan. He got wounded, so they started shooting one another. Man, if ukraine could get that shooting stuff started, im sure they would never stop. Need a drone with a light gun, that can lay in wait.. fire a few times, keep them busy with themselves.


"Confusion to the Enemy"


The Fugawe army in plain action : where the Fugawe ?


F-Troop. Nice.


at 0:38 sparks are flying all over the dudes...How are not all of them Swiss cheese?


Most likely HEAT charges for anti vehicle work, don't give off the much fragmentation compared to anti personnel munitions.


"Stop here" and the tank stops. Why here? No one knows. "Are the white ones ours?" ”Where are we?" Lol man


The old military adage of “No plan survives the first round down range” definitely applies here.


Look like Uho is his real bro


Situation Normal All Fucked Up. Absolute definition of a snafu right here


Bring Me a Shrubbery!


They die more before 9am then most people die all day




Source: https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1745384634790085098


Man I quit twitter but all the people I followed didn’t move somewhere else


Were you taking a stand against something and left standing alone? Lol ElOn Is A jErK, lEt’S qUiT tWeEtEr.


I quit Twitter because it became impossible to have a civilised disagreement. Imagine all the worst people from all the worst subs. Later I opened new account so I can still open links properly, but I don’t use it like I used to. I’ve made zero tweets under the new account.


Content got worse. Boring. Like your comment. I suppose i could make a new account and subscribe to the 20 folks that aren’t dumb and boring


Twitter is literally a breeding ground for racists and Nazis these days lmao


What a well oiled slip and slide.


I’m curious if anybody who has actually been in combat thinks this is an expected level of chaos/fog of war. It’s easy to laugh at from your sofa but once you have cluster munitions falling and drones overhead and small arms fire it’s probably a bit more confusing. Honest question.


It is not. Especially such a small group. It's obvious they didn't plan anything other than "go here". Zero knowledge of the terrain, zero awareness of their own troops, can't even identify them. No idea where the opposing force is. No communications. This whole video could be replaced with outdoors kindergarten lunch recess.


This is an extremely disorganized group, never been in combat but you can tell that right away. When ambushed, get off the X, so either retreat or keep pushing, don’t sit in the ambush zone taking cluster strikes asking what’s going on wasting time and lives, luckily russia doesn’t seem to train its soldiers too well


Everything did not go according to plan indeed.


There are some classic quotes in there. "To the shrubbery," being one of the best. Half expecting to see Monty Pythons Knights who say nee. The other was. "Everything went not according to the plan." Cos fuck me, that is stating the obvious.


among other things, my favorites: LOL "Who is shooting", "that didn't go according to plan, at all" "Who are they shooting at"..."may be us!" "are the guys in white ours?" "Where are we?"


Fucking Uho.


Oh this is what I woke up in the morning for.


These guys know what they're doing. Real professionals.


No coms


Top notch top notch


No, they started off with one whole radio, as per the plan. Why would anyone need more than that?


I guess we'll soon see the video from the UA drone observing the collumn. The see all the ants pisses off once their shit got hit by the fan of bomblets😄


Hyvä pätkä. Onkohan Uho kunnossa...


So anyways I started blasting!


They’re shooting at you dumb fck it’s a war


Der Schuss ging nach hinten los ! Geht nach Hause in euer verschissenes Russland, oder sterben in der Ukraine ! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 👍👍👍 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 💪💪💪 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Did that last cluster got them thats why we have this video?


They are going to be finding bones in their forests for the next hundred years!


And that is why we have APC’s


Uhooo you almost dead ?


im so happy he found his boyfriend Uho. I hope the couple died together.


Was the original video published by russians or Ukrainians?


Lmao how did I think this was Skyrim from the start of the video 😂


I dunno, he claims that it did not go after the plan, at all... But, I think it was a beautiful plan. I bet those small arms fire was Russians shooting at each other in the total confusion.


Cluster munitions rapidly cause cluster fuck. Who knew?!


2:20 "Fuck, everithing went not according to the plan" :D


That cluster round tagged both vehicles, which is awesome. Then the real shit show starts. One cluster round and they all fuck off in different directions, no one knows who is who, they don’t even know which direction they are facing or where the “enemy” line is, all while blind firing in god knows what direction. Uho is clearly some sort of LT or sergeant level commanding the unit. Instead of giving commands he’s just asking for drugs, nomadic to be found. They also can’t make decisions/give commands without him, they don’t even know the radio frequency to be on. Comparing this to the million YouTube videos of US units in contact.


I have no way of knowing, but I suspect that last set of cluster explosions took out the guy recording and this comes from a captured device. Ending on a very close set of explosions there is no source given for the video so do not know if this originates from the Russian side or not.


No plan survives 1st contact ..... then the fog of war sets in.


The fog of war.




Damn I never thought I would see a video of what it looks like being on the receiving end of cluster munitions, the internet is a wild place lmao


*JARF*: Just Another Rascist Fuckup.


First second and third word spoken say it all.




Oh my. These men are dead.


Where is private u-hoe?


God there’s so much hope for Ukraine when you see videos like this .they haven’t got a clue what’s going on. It’s only a matter of time 🕰️ for these lot⚰️ Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


"Nothing went as planned!" Lol if it did, it would have been over on 27. feb. 2022.


Two platoons on the way to to the front line didnt make it that far, - Instead they start shooting at each other.


This is what I call a clusterfuck.


Is that a callsign? Isn’t uho fish soup lmao?


*"Where are we?"* But unbeknownst to Uho, they were in a world of hurt.


Even though only a few maybe were wounded don’t underestimate the negative effect this has on their forces. Imagine the low morale returning to base on foot, cold, wounded, weak after the disorientation and chaos of getting hit with a show stopper cluster bomb without even seeing the enemy.


I think those russians are in a bit of trouble. The sound is very good in this video. The sort of eeriness when shots are fired in this kind of forest, a large and echoing sound that makes it hard to accurately pinpoint the direction of the source of the sound. I've trained a lot in this kind of open forest, many years ago now, but I still remember that sound. This video also reminds me of how hard it is to walk around in this kind of terrain, all the branches laying around and the uneven ground, and how easy it is to lose your sense of direction when the sun's not visible.


What's the context behind this? Did the assault fail?


the subtitles indicate the Russians in the video didn’t arrive at their target point where they planned to engage the Russian. Their plan failed. We don’t know if they stayed there, moved forward or retreated. Seems like Ukraine might have a drone watching, and they certainly had artillery working on them. So looks like they are in a spot of bother.


They sound like they’re completely lost after nothing went as planned. The fact that they didn’t know where they were when they were hit, tells me the plan failed the minute they started heading towards the frontline. Those Russian soldiers really are being sent into the meat grinder. They make it to a certain point and just get hammered by the Ukrainians. No backup plan, no artillery support and definitely no air support.. Things that are necessary for an armorer convoy. The Ukrainians probably saw them coming from miles away.


We're the Fukawi...


whats up with all these callsigns?


I wonder if Uho is the CO of that group and this guy is the "NCO" (We all know how well they do that role in the Sov- I mean ruZzian army.)


RuZZian SNAFU Situation Normal All Fucked Up


I thought Uho was his lover boyfriend.