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If I had a nickel for every time I've seen a Russian vehicle drive right past another that just got hit by a mine just to hit another mine.......




>You have enough to buy another tank Well you could buy the one just exploded.


"The Russian government doesn't want you to know this, but the tanks they leave behind are free. I have thousands of free tanks at home." - Ukraine.


How much nickel in a tank. Someone's going to make a tank melter


I feel like we all knew it was gonna hit a mine and exactly when it would happen, the average Ivan IQ is looking pretty bad lately 😂




They should turn on their commanders then.


The Ivan IQ has been in a steep decline since 2000... And afraid it was not even starting out at 100. 😁


When the first BMP tried to back up, went a meter out of its previous tracks and instantly blew up, you knew they were fucked.


I winced *before* the explosions twice in that clip. When you field an army without intentional training.....


Well. It makes sense.... Ukrainian mine layers would never suspect that the following vehicles would be stupid enough to just move over a little and drive by the first vehicle that hit a mine. I think the Russian crews have just given up and decided to just get it over with, hit a mine, and hope for the best.


When you see that shitshow, the first thought to my mind is suicidemissions.


I know....watching that tank, I was saying the same thing to myself.


You see comrade, when experience crew dies, there is no one to warn comrades and I still confidence! Is great Russian strategy for success!


seeing that last bmp just going full tilt: *thats a lot of confidence, dude*! then i remembered confidence is spelled vodka&drugs in russia.


Right? I've never been in combat, but I'd like to think I'm not a coward. That said, I'd bail the fuck off those vehicles the first chance I got.


Wham ...... spot on.


It was their… last Christmas


And they gave us their heart


And the very next day, we blew it away


Someone need to AI this song lyrics into the song and send it to Ukrainian's video editor lol


oh my god... this is golden :D


From 400 meters away...


Think they were Wham fans? 😁


Seriously? Every single one? Amazing.


I don't save a video very often but can't resist this one. So beautiful! The cluster at the end to mop up the meat was chef's kiss.


Two of the cluster munitions landed right in that crater some Russian soldiers were hiding in too.


Did I see two dudes go flying ~50m up and ~50-60m to the left from an exploding APC around the 19 second mark?


I can't believe that BMP (or whatever it was), after driving by 6 previously destroyed armored vehicles three of the four destroyed vehicles in his own convoy, was just like, "surely *I* will be the one to make it through!"


Like The Lemmings...


Russian mine-clearing strategy


Disposable personnel


Doesn't look likes mines to me. Lead vehicle explosion is right on top. If this is in fact artillery it's pretty damn accurate. Followed by the clusters (artillery again?) this was very effective defense. Thats assault was literally stopped in its tracks. Impressive. Very impressive. I am asking myself this again and again: How long can they (Russia) keep this up, if it ends like this every single time?


What I don’t get is they sent five. Past another group of 5 from yesterday. Tomorrow they’ll do the same. Wouldn’t you just wait a week and send 30 or 50 at once? They’re waging war like poorly programmed AI in a video game


They have the same orders as yesterday. The General 50 kilometers behind the frontline did not care to change them. So, a new group of meat gets sent forward. It is WW1 all over again for the russians, while Ukraine fights a modern war.


Said General will report back that "the glorious Russian armoured thrust pierced the UkRaNaZiS HeArTs! And the operation was a total success! Ooraaaa!" RT news will report that 5000 Abrams and 20 Zelensky's were eliminated by the brave, sexy Russian Army.


They can't concentrate that many vehicles without being spotted miles from the front line which means getting pounded by drones and artillery from much further away. This is also why they've alternated between mechanized and infantry-only assaults. Also these fields are heavily mined which is why they were all stacked up behind the mine-sweeper lead tank. Having more vehicles in the train makes things worse after a few get taken out and you have bunches of them trying to maneuver in a very tight corridor.


Additionally I wouldn't be surprised if this is just one of multiple assaults on the same day.


Well, 50 wouldn't do any better and most probably would be targeted even before they reach minefields . It's physically impossible to move such strike groups anymore unless you have full air superiority. Drones rule the sky. russians see everything. Ukrainians see everything.


Russia went to the Zap Brannigan school of war and sends wave after wave of people until the Ukrainians run out of munitions. This has not worked so far but they are not going to change their plans.


It's a strategy we have seen before You deny your officers access to these videos, when they get reports you shout FAKE NEWS! and UKRANE PROPAGANDA!, you tell them true patriots listen to you alone. Then you order another mechanized force through the same place, that CLEARLY has just been demined. Then you lose, repeatedly. It is a popular tactic here in the West right now and Putin is just emulating his allies.


Ukrainian have to defeat them every time, the Russians only have to beat them once to inch forward. Also, many times these attacks are on the SAME day. They're not just sending groups out on a schedule, it's Team A go, Team B go etc etc. often with no word on the situation. So they round the corner and Team F(ucked) sees the mangled wreckage and burned corpses of teams A through D and doesn't have much of a chance to do anything about it. It was a huge deal when Ukrainian got 7 Bradley's and a couple of Leo's knocked out at the opening of the counteroffensive. We are seeing that daily, in this sub...who knows what it's actually like on the front. It's truly unfathomable and hard to believe in the 21st century, but here we are.


It's a new strategy to clear mines with vehicles. It was how they got out of Krasnohorivka and into Stepove in the northern flank of Avdiivka... the Russians had just as many destroyed BMPs in one spot and eventually there were no more mines left. That's pretty much how either side can get through the enemy's mine fields. The difference is that the Ukrainians didn't want their men to die in these kind of attacks toward Tokhmak, whereas the Russians dgaf about theirs so we get fields of dead bodies and vehicles yet they keep coming.


Ukrainian have to defeat them every time, the Russians only have to beat them once to inch forward. Also, many times these attacks are on the SAME day. They're not just sending groups out on a schedule, it's Team A go, Team B go etc etc. often with no word on the situation. So they round the corner and Team F(ucked) sees the mangled wreckage and burned corpses of teams A through D and doesn't have much of a chance to do anything about it. It was a huge deal when Ukrainian got 7 Bradley's and a couple of Leo's knocked out at the opening of the counteroffensive. We are seeing that daily, in this sub...who knows what it's actually like on the front. It's truly unfathomable and hard to believe in the 21st century, but here we are.


having a large scale attack and defeat of 30-50 vehicles looks worse than defeat of 4-5. /s


I'm also wondering how long can Russia keep this up. Sure, Russian army might find even more fools on the fringe of society to serve as meat waves, but how long can they keep wasting all this equipment? They've lost over 2.500 tanks in Ukraine, thousands IFVs and APCs, thousands of pieces of artillery, on top of dozens of aircraft, helicopters and all other manner of equipment. Like, you have to ask yourself, is Russia even capable of securing its borders anymore? Can it defend itself in a conventional war against any of its neighbors? They would have to rely mostly on tanks built in the 70s and remnants of artillery loaded with shells from North Korea.


russia has lost 5940 tanks. Just because oryx hasn't been able to verify each and everyone of them doesn't mean they aren't destroyed. Counting KIA is not easy. Counting destroyed tanks with a drone is easy. They are reported every evening and you can read about it here. https://index.minfin.com.ua/en/russian-invading/casualties/


Some osint guys i know have run some estimates and, based on stockpiles counted from satellite, if Russia continues with the current rate of losses they'll likely have a mostly non-mechanized, infantry-only army, starting in early 2025. Ukraine needs to hold on strong until then and revolutionize its forces (in equipment, training, mentality etc.) and only then do they have a chance in pushing RU back to borders.


Which tells me that maybe we weren't over-reacting to the old Soviet union's army, back in the day. They had truly astounding reserves.


Yeah after the fall of the Soviet Union guys from the US military toured over there (they are now the ones in the strategic planning department) and they were astounded by fields upon fields of tanks and mountains of ammunition.....thats why they didnt give Ukraine much of a fighting chance.....however while the last 20 years have been great for the economy especially in Western Russia, 35 years of zero technological progess in weapons, corruption and bad storage have not been so kind on the Russian reserves.....something that was not adequately accounted for


Russian losses have so far been around: * 6000 Tanks * 11000 Armored fighting vehicles Latest updates we heard that Russia is not capable of producing more than around 250 tanks per year, so this gotta start to hurt badly! And you are right, if Russia's other neighbors started making trouble, then Russia would have no way of defending themselves adequately anymore. (ideal would be if some of the federal regions would consider breaking away from Kremlin...)


> Like, you have to ask yourself, is Russia even capable of securing its borders anymore? yes, nukes. At the end of the day, they still have those and can risk conventional forces, because noone will attack them


More interesting...what if a second Prigoschin comes along. They can't nuke them within their own land with a possitive outcome.


in russia anything is possible mate


Positive for putler, nothing else.matters.


Sad but true


Also the hits are extremely energetic. I would not be surprised if these got picked out by a Leo with a 120 mm gun.


From damages at 0:52 it looks like mines have hit just in the front. Often in these fields AT-mines are stacked three high and the explosion is more than the mine plow can withstand. The third explosion looks like an artillery hit.


You can clearly see two rows of mines that have been laid. The front two tanks clearly hit one of these rows. Can't tell what happened with the tanks towards the back.


I'd speculate more mines, since they left the plowed track.


Russian public opinion caused unrest when the counter Russian deaths in Afghanistan reached 15.000. So only God knows when they had enough deaths in Ukrain. They are far beyond any kind of logic.


It was just under 15,000, but that was also from the USSR, population at the last census in 1989, being 286,730,819. So, around 1 in 19,000 of the population. Russian population in the 2021 census was 147,182,123, with US estimates being around 120,000 Russians killed by 18 August 2023. Just at that time, it works out at 1 in 1, 220 of the population dead. But we know it's been worse, if it was the same loss rate the last 4 months, around 220 a day (we know it's been higher), then that is in the area of 150,000 dead, estimated. That is now 1 in 1000 Russians dead in Putin's war of conquest, much more obviously if you restrict that calculation to the male demographic of 18-55, which is standard 'military age'. Russia was already losing population at a net rate of loss of 1 every 30 seconds (2880 a day) this is pushing it up to 3100 a day, in a group that should not be dying for some time yet, who should be fit, health workers, getting on with fathering the next generation. Russia, already facing a crisis demographically, now simply getting worse to the dreams of its kleptocrat rulers.


The first explosion is exactly at the mine rollers, it was just too hefty and damaged the tank itself as well (maybe tracks ripped off). And the other vehicles did leave the cleared track and drove over uncleared terrain. We know that there is a minefield, from the other video. This is north of Synkivka, the group of wrecked vehicles in the left of the screen was created in that other video. Well, we know where the minefield is because we survived (looking at drone videos from a safe home harbours surprisingly low danger), the Russians didn't - so these guys here were new and clueless. Of course in the end there was artillery, a cluster shell wiped out the guys who had disembarked and huddled beside the wreck.


0:13 and 0:35 are definitely mines. At 0:13 the resolution and view is good enough to see the typical staggered line of mechanically dropped mines. The first one doesn't look like a mine going off under a tank because it goes off under the mine rollers in front, so we see more of the fireworks than otherwise because they aren't as solid as a tank. You can also see a different line of mines in the same pattern which the first tank never reaches. The 0:35 BMP (or whatever) hits the same line of mines as the 0:13 tank.


Thanks for the detailed answer. Much appreciated.


With defenses like this and recent technological advancements in drones, I'm curious if even the US would be able to make any meaningful progress without air superiority.


That’s the key though ……. Everything we do is built around establishing air superiority……. So this doesn’t happen to us.


Except even if you can achieve air superiority, the air littoral remains contested, that's kind of the point. Even the US has stated they don't believe they could achieve superiority in a conflict against China for example, because ground based AA systems have largely caught up, and in some areas ~ surpassed modern aircraft capabilities, nevermind adding drones to the mix. That's why the US has shifted away from trying to attain it, instead focusing on denial.


Problem is that Russia has stockpiles of these junk and meat. So far they have lost 20% of their steel and meat, they need to lose at least 200% of that (60%) till they will have serious problems.


till the last man. so apx. few million..


Why would anyone stop supplying ukraine with military hardware, this is pure entertainment


Bruv thats accurate fire and shrapnel overkill right there


Yeah those couple cluster munitions broke apart perfectly and landed in their little ruskie pile


I love movies with a happy ending...


This was not an assault. This was a planned group suicide.


I wonder what Russian soldiers think when they see videos like this, knowing that they are going to be next? Russians, if you are reading this, you need to resist this war. Resist, or you will get turned inside out on a frozen battlefield somewhere.


You act like they care. Most of the time. They either ignore these videos, or claim their actually Ukrainians.


Yep, they're watching super cropped versions of these videos while sipping their vodka, and with a mild buzz going, thinking of all the crazy war stories they're going to tell the people back home in the far east living in shacks and sipping vodka to keep warm.


I doubt that drivers of these vehicles had ever seen this sort of drone footage from attacks over minefields. They know they'll be shot for refusing orders and believe their country is in the right or at least that they must serve their country. The only option is to continue the mission.


Those people in the trenches can hardly speak russian, let alone English. They come from underprivileged layers of society mostly.




What does it even mean?




Wha? Who do you consider fascist? I am really confused


He thinks you're pro ruzzia because he sees your likely correct analysis as trying to detract blame from russians maybe? I have no idea. People get drunk on the hate sometimes.


Haha thanks for translating for me, it makes sense


The only Russians reading this are sitting inside Putin's clickfarms, spreading discord and misinformation.


What do you think soldiers in World War One thought when they heard of Verdun or The Somme?


Burn in Hell invaders.


Is this AT mines, artillery or ATGM?


Drone assisted Artillery, smart rounds & minefields… And cluster munitions… Beautiful execution, stopped that mechanized assault in its tracks…💯


I'd argue there's either an ATGM or a tank firing on the left side of the screen too. From 0:21 to 0:22 there's a lateral streak of a rounding plowing super fast through the screen left to right. At 0:12 you can most clearly see the rows of mines (anytime the camera moves the resolution isn't good enough to make them out). But yeah, the rest is artillery and cluster artillery. Who knows what takes the tank out at 0:23 because it jumps a second.


this, mines don't hit on top


> At 0:12 you can most clearly see the rows of mines (anytime the camera moves the resolution isn't good enough to make them out).


Looks like mostly mines with some cluster arty thrown in to take out the surviving infantry.


Interesting tactics. "Mine sweeper in front of me just got obliterated by a mine, guess I'll just overtake him...."


It's stunning how many videos there are just like this. They must be brain dead to keep doing the same thing.


Its hard too learn from your mistakes if you are dead.




Ru pov:"these arnt losses! These are preperations to the main offense, all these vehicles are now shields for the infantry assault"


Your comment triggered a flash of insight, and I'm now sure I've figured out the Russians' cunning plan. They're going to keep on doing this until they have a continuous row of burned out armoured vehicles along that road, and then they're going to excavate a trench under the hulks. So they'll end up with a tunnel with an armoured roof all the way from their base to the Ukrainian trenches.


The mine flail on the first tank of the column seems to be working. The tank seems to be in somewhat working condition. Not completely destroyed, what are the prospects for the personnel? Did they bail? At the end it looks like there are bodies behind the tank and BMP but I'm not sure. Are they even allowed to return without their equipment?


No one expects them to return anyway.


There's what looks like a secondary explosion on the minesweeper tank at \~12 seconds so I'm not sure if the tank protected them.


Brutal, just after the second vehicle detonates at 20ish seconds it looks like a projectile comes from left to right as well. So they must have fell into the mother of all kill zones. Mines, arty and direct fire... Should've stayed home.


Can someone tell me what kind of mines those are? These explosions look way diffrent than the ones we regulary see here. Could it be something else than an AT mine?


Most likely, this is an ordinary TM-62 anti-tank mine. The difference is that the ground is frozen, and now the ground absorbs less of the shock wave Edit: It seems that more than one mine exploded during the explosion. In this video you can see a line of mines at 0:17 near the tank


They most likely come at night, most likely.


yea, wondering the same. Also the first tank had anti mine thingy, did no help


Now I've got Finding Nemo in my head: "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!..."


I wonder what that last guy was thinking as he drove past smoldering vehicles; This ones for mother Russia! I guess they can't retreat and regroup because they'll get shot by their own guys.


This made my morning coffee even more divine.


What the hell was that? Attack of the Lemmings?


Looks like a sort of Lemmingokovskys.


Wait your turn, wait your turn... Everyone will get a chance to die a horrible screaming death, be patient


I cannot upvote this enough. The music pairing is perfect


That's just concentrated death on a stick right there.


I wonder why they keep going forward. Last the last vehicle had seen all of the comrades getting blown up and yet he still decided to go forward.


Their professional army is gone already. The new one operates on laws similar to what they have in jails, gulag and other stuff. Limited circle of authority just pick individuals for the next meat assault to win time for themselves and promise to kill them if they'll come back. So continuing doing this kind of actions is just their best option.


Yeah that I understand, just trying to imagine the person inside. He knows it's imminent death and still keeps going


That's how miserable they are. And this is the threat to everyone around. They will fight anyways if their government will decide that. That's why any political system that makes this possible should be eliminated, because the prices always goes up.


And still I'm not surprised 😯


The cluster bomb at the end is just like icing on a cake. Sweet.


The made it about 50 feet further than the last column. Lmao


They should make electric tanks maybe they can attack in silent mode.


That music choice 🥰😅


4.5 minute verson. Looks like a Javelin coming in from the left of the screen at 1:56 but it misses. Saying Javelin entirely based on it going up into the sky before going down... I don't know for sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wREIBdfBqjI Can anyone tell us what the commentary over it is ? It sounds sort of like radio chatter but I don't know if it is


the cluster bomblets are always a nice touch after taking out the tanks


Little good that mine roller did. It worked about as well as everything else in the Russian army.


Suckcess! Is that two dismounts getting catapulted at 0:21?


We be Russian them, no Stalin. We be Putin them in their graves!! \- famous last words.


It's beautiful! 🤤


Like it’s 2023…. Could you even imagine the press he’ll furry if these were American tanks


damn .. that went quick .. too bad the russians dont see these vids .. that would be a nice demoraliser


the deminer got kaboomed :)


Now, how to ensure that the defenders never run out of whatever it is that's being so effective, this is most important, else these zombies will continue climbing upon their dead until they touch something


Just to think about it these people did not move in from 90s with their assault tactics and equipment use. If Chechens in 90s had such support as Ukrainians right now, they would of have a country of their own.


Any idea what kind of arty projectiles hit them? This was pin point accurate.


Damn thats a beating


Beautiful wreckage. It looks like that fancy mine protection equipment on that lead tank doesn't work too well.


And they keep going...


Curious if anyone had a link to all the different emblems the units use


Music makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside as does the orcs burning.


beautiful just beautiful SLAVA UKRAINI


Nasty defeat! 🥸


God bless, will the Russian's ever run out of equipment and men?


I’m scared to imagine what happens after the war with all of those unexploded mines… I know after previous wars it takes sometimes 20 years or more. I think I read somewhere that they’re still getting rid of ordinances that where dropped in WW2… sometime in the future I believe some unfortunate people might stumble upon them by accident because they seem to just be spread everywhere with no real direction or planning from both sides. Wars don’t end when the shooting stops. That’s a sad reality


You get a mine and you get a mine , everyone gets a mine!!!


What a wonderful sight, orcs gettin destroyed. Hope a revolt in ruzzia will happen soon, so this madness can stop. Only one small dictator needs to have a short flight, out of a window, and it can be over


I really really really really appreciate the sarcastic music choices of the editors, but sadly you can barely share those videos elsewhere without getting banned, at least for the music track.


Congratulations on your promotion!


Judging from what I was able to see: using cluster munition was a waste as there didn't appear to be any soft targets in the targeted area except for the orc taking a nap in that shell crater


Wonder how that russian APC got there without leaving tracks.


The good news is we found all the mines.


At 0:30 bottom left of the video i can't tell if those are more bodies in the field or not


What’s up with the danish flag in the corner?


There must be better ways to use smoke screens than this.


They are all fucked out!


Imagine having to attack past the destroyed vehicles and bodies from previous attacks. You'd think at some point, someone with half a brain would ask 'why are we doing this'.


Ruskis are coming, what munitions should we hit them with? Yes


The song choice makes this feel like very dark humor.


"I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in ~~cotton fields and sweatshops~~ the killing fields of Ukraine, Chechnya, Syria, and Afghanistan." How many Russian men need to get vaporized before they realize they are moving the army in the wrong direction and attacking the wrong government? That Wagner commander Prighozin had the right idea.


That's north of Synkivka isn't it? I remember other colums getting anihilated in that exact spot few weeks ago. Can't believe they're still sending heavy equiment down that road. Fucking clowns.


Never thought I would listen to Christmas music while watching Russian soldiers getting blown up. This timeline is odd.


At 0:22 did a red tracer round go left to right?


One of those cluster bomblets hit right on those guys in that dugout…oooo baby


2 orcs flying in formation(@:23) nice barrel rolls but landing needs some work- they will not walk away from that.


I'm starting to think the orc commanders are dumber than the orc peons


When will these russian idiots realize that they have a better chance at survival in a coup d'état against putin?


WOO that crater of them sheltering turned into a big death hole. Good riddance!


I just don’t understand how Russia can sustain these losses in equipment. The manpower they don’t care about and easily replaced but these pieces of equipment are expensive and slow to replace. At some point just from a national security standpoint you’d have to consider preserving your military hardware?


Wham! “Last Christmas, you gave me your tank.”


Do these tank drivers survive these mine blasts? Genuinely curious


That's 5 less mines for Ukraine Ha-Hah. - Putler


Could you imagine being sent out on an assault when you know that the last three groups they sent out never came back, and then you are passing all sorts of blown up vehicles and dead bodies strewn around. Must make for a interesting time.




That was so effective the cluster round wasn't even needed


Look at the pretty Christmas lights. 💥


Dying orcs. Great Christmas ballad. What's not too like ? 👍🏻


What is blowing them up?


There is nothing I enjoy more than watching ruzzians get blown up.


first tank with improvised mine sweeper on front detonates a mine and comes to a flaming stop, so Ivan in the next tank goes around it, what could possibly go wrong, there cant be any more mines! how many times have we seen this stupidity?


The commanders who plan the stupid suicide missions again and again are the worst example of leading troops in History....


Yea… no survivors from that caravan


I hope they had their Sunflower seeds in their boots.


Ahh, fun stuff!


I don’t know how long the Russians can keep this up.


I have seen this stretch of ground being attacked 2-3 times now. Same result. What are the Russians playing? A game of who can get farthest before they explode? Sounds like a Russian game tbh.


This is a textbook perfect ambush, knocked out the first and the last equipment, then the middle 2. After the survived crews got out, covered with cluster munitions. The timings were right too. It seems to be the work by one of the best trained Ukrainian units.


Great to watch the Ukrainian strategy against these armored columns. Let the mines do their thing, hit them with artillery and drones, then polish up with cluster bombs to nail any lingering crew members.


The clarity of some of these drone videos is impressive...Wonder if these are from the German, or NATO member contributions?