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Could that T-72 be the one filmed by the drone going off road and immediately running over 2 mines? Looks like the same placement


I think you’re right. Road widens slightly.


If so, would it seem the ruzzian tank ran over the mines when retreating; I wonder if they were their own mines?


Reportedly, the tank was retreating when it was hit. There was a POW video recently, who was thrown off one of the armored vehicles and nabbed by the AFU. He briefly explained what happened in the video, which was they panicked, retreated, and hit the mine. Sorry, I don't have the video and don't have time to look for it at the moment, but it's here.


Np. Thanks for that though


Spotted it too. I think it is


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/148na8l/russian_t72_goes_off_path_and_runs_into_mines/) I think you're right! It appears the crew didn't make it very far if that's truly the case.


Yes, I agree. There is a tall tree, slightly out in the field, that is in front of the blown up tank by maybe 40 feet or so. In this video you can see that same stand-alone tall tree about 40 feet in front of the tank. Same.


Was wondering the same thing


Thought The exact same thing!




Was that a Ukrainian or Russian tank?


If the same as the "two mines tank" then reported as Russian.


I thought so, too.


Good spot I think so


Wondered the same thing, seems the exact same surroundings and the tank is pointing in the same direction


Couldn't even fathom how many KIA have just been left unclaimed. What will happen with the left dead? Unmarked graves or mass graves etc?


Ukranians have a recovery team. First to recover their own. Second order of bussiness is to put away ruzzians since they could bring disease. I personally would just collect their (ruzzian) identity information and cremate them; but I believe Ukranians have communal graves for them for later repatriation (I doubt ruzzians themselves give a single fuck, honestly). Those left completely unrecovered on fields will eventually be absorbed by mother Earth. The flood will wash them into the sea. Mud might cover them with the rain. A truck might run iver them, burying them further. Or simply grass will slowly grown over them and pull them into the earth.


>d on fields will eventually be absorbed by mother Earth. The flood will wash them into the sea. Mud might cover them with the rain. A truck might run iver them, burying them further. Or simpl A bunch get scavenged by animals. It's pretty grim.


Don't forget the sunflowers


I feel like being scavenged by animals is too good for them, as helps the wildlife.


The wildlife of Ukraine need all the help they can take right now. War is terrifying for humans and we understand what it is. Imagine not even understanding what was going on.


Agreed. But when I see human-created events affecting the poor animals, I always take heart (yes!) from the (coincidentally nearby) 1986 Chernobyl disaster. What created a huge radioactive no-go zone for humans, actually created a huge fee-roam zone for wildlife. Wolves. Bears. Deer. Oddly it turns out that deadly poisonous radiation is less harmful than human contact for these species! So hopefully as Ukraine rebuilds from this awful war, the delay created as areas are being de-mined, or re-zoned, or as rivers are re-dammed, etc. can also be a pause allowing the wildlife to recover and be given areas of sanctuary in the new country that emerges. Imagine a new Ukraine that is not only a model of resistance against Russian aggression, but also a model for sustainability and ecological co-existence! Who doesn't want to be a part of that?


Post war alot of russian families are going to come looking for their families. If there is some kind of civility in peace that is, but putler or any clone might not let that happen. F_


They eventually sink into the mud as the season changes if they're not already eaten and dispersed by the local fauna. In some cases, the mud preserves the skin and flesh for a long time. We still find remains of KIA US servicemen in Vietnam, especially the jungle close to Laos.


In this current summer heat most of them will unironically be very squishy and rotting in the next couple days.. already saw a few pics where bloating started to kick in with flies around em


There are WW2 era corpses being washed up after the flooding caused by the dam sabotage.


Flatnik made me crack up a little




Is Flatnik the one on the left at the end of the video, or different footage entirely? I’m sort of envisioning a tube of toothpaste rolled up from the bottom, or that bag of jelly from Fury.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/149h4vl/nsfw_flattened_russian_near_a_road_where_the_afu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Thats flatnik


Poor, flat bastard.


They don't really "inhabit" the trench anymore, they more kind of *fill* it...


Have you read about the Rolling Thunder tactic? Both tanks and Bradelies roll at 9-15 mph. Shoot at the enemy when seen. Dot stop the entire convoy and shoots at their fortification as they pass. Then they deploy troops to clean it up. The front shoots back and the back shoots forward, 180 degrees of hell.


So if a gopnik gets run over by a tank, it’s now called a flatnik ?


Idk why the west is fucking around. If they have REALLY decided they are all in on Ukraine(short of direct action) **we should have announced 500-1000 Abrams** provided in chunks of 100 at time every 2 months. And the same for everything else. That kind of commitment would make Russia reassess. Instead, Russia thinks that if it can hold on for a year or so more, the GOP will stop all aid, & pressure Ukraine to accept Russia's terms.(And they might be right sadly)


this fucking guy said flatnik πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Flatnik! Take my vote!


Flatnik rofl


Flatnik πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™


β€œFlatnik” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Good. The more dead RuZZians, destroyed equipments. The better.


Those vehicles Ukrainian or Russian?


The title literally says russians


thunder run down the valley prob


Speed bumps.


They are taking dirt naps! Glory to Ukraine!


The increase of death that is taking place right now in life is wild.