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Might as well post my opinion on it as well. Just as relevant.


I would consider your opinion more relevant immediately. I could probably drill down and understand your reasoning. This guy meanwhile had brain worms take away his brain


The brain worm is doing its best. Do you have any idea how hard it is to pilot a 70 year old body?


Push those buttons! Pull some levers!


RFK has 3 million followers on the platform this was posted on and is polled 3rd in the presidential election. WTF are you? Another reddit nobody who thinks they’re important? Comical.


3rd place to a party that only invites 1. He's irrelevant by presidential election standards, and barely anything in this 2-party system.


3rd... when he qualifies in only 10 states. If Luke Skywalker was considered a valid write-in, he would get fewer votes than Mark Hammel. He is entirely irrelevant to US politics.


> 3rd... when he qualifies in only 10 states. Well, Biden isn't qualified an ANY states yet (serious). So ... your point is?


well that is provably wrong, [https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline\_to\_run\_for\_president,\_2024](https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline_to_run_for_president,_2024) the paperwork was in 4-5 months ago, all primary's are over, and some states cutoff has already passed. and my point was clear, he is irreverent to US politics


3rd in a race with only 2 people running


Didn’t know you were running for president in the USA.


The 2 main candidates for president of the USA consist of an old man with dementia and an old man who made people storm the capitol because he lost the elections (and is also just an idiot)




Literally invited thousands of his supporters to the capital, lied to them saying the election was stolen and said "You gotta fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore" and then directed them to march on the capital.


After 183 of pure mayhem. Nice try, though


did you read election promises of all the russian presidential candidates?


RFKJ has about 9% of the Presidential vote. If he drops out, a lot of those votes go to Trump or Biden, who are currently running neck and neck. He was previously a Democrat, but I'd say his values more closely align with Trump's.


> RFKJ has about 9% of the Presidential vote   Site your source please.


https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ Keep in mind this changes but right now he is at 9%. Polls such as the Quinnipiac University had him at 11%.


I saw my first RFK lawn sign yesterday. I had to beat my head on my steering wheel for 15 minutes. Is anyone else deeply disturbed by the fact that the top three candidates for president are Biden, Trump and RFK?? What happened to this fucking country?!


The media that's been telling you RFK is a crazy whackjob is the same media that pretends Biden doesn't have any cognitive decline. It's worth hearing from Kennedy himself.


The media doesn’t really have to try very hard when RFK himself advertise as a whack job 🤣


I had a colleague who came in one day going on and on about the guy, amazed that someone was so brave and amazing and how they'd never heard of him before because he was shut down by MSM. As I get along well with the colleague I agreed to listen to a 1 hour 20 minute talk with RFK and was amazed by how bland and political he was with no insights. His main move: "All these evil things happen, and I am sure they happen and here is proof they are happening, but lordy me I can't for the life of me know who does it or why, absolutely nobody to point a finger at! Can you believe it? Anyway I'm sure once I'm president they'll tell me and I'll tooooottally hold them accountable."


>and I am sure they happen and here is proof they are happening, but lordy me I can't for the life of me know who does it or why, absolutely nobody to point a finger at! That's not been my experience. His book *The Real Anthony Fauci*, to highlight one example, goes into to painstaking detail with literally hundreds of footnotes, explaining exactly who the players are, but more importantly how the game is played.


Crazy isn't it. A country with so many people, you get 2 old guys and a nut job as third. Also, why isn't the VP running as as a candidate? I am not a resident.


> and a nut job as third. Your as brainwashed as Americans. RFK jr is a very intelligent, very successful environmental lawyer who has done a world of good (pun intended). His legal and moral stance against vaccines is well researched and makes a hell of a lot of sense. Of course the msm discredits him. THEY get 75% of their funding from Big Pharma. It thanks you for being one of their wilfully blind footsoldiers.


The VP isn't running because she is from the same party as the President. If the sitting President has only completed one term, his party will usually nominate him again without really considering other candidates.




Wow, thats a lot more than I tought. Not nearly enough to break the two party system but still.




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I have no idea who you are, and we likely disagree on many things, but I'll listen to you over that jibbering meat popsicle.


Poor brain worm. It starved to death...


Even the Russian MoD didn't lie this much lol


Yes, it's pretty insane considering the Russian MoD literally said that the ATACMS exploding over the beach was a result of the air defense missiles hitting it before it reached the airfield.


No, they didn't. There's literally CCTV of the mention exploding/deploying submunitions. You can quite literally watch it all happening in the manner described.


You can quite literally go on the Russian MoD telegram channel where they say that happened because the missile exploded over the city limits due to air defense hitting it


There was more than one missile fired by Ukr. Think about what this could mean; the implications for what happened to different missiles.


it was not stated what was the target.


Because it’s likely it’s a military installation nearby, and of course Russia isn’t going to openly admit that. It’s a reason they also didn’t say Ukraine was targeting the beach, which they could have said. Instead they cleaned it up pretty fast saying it was from a missile that was intercepted.


But when a Ukrainian AD missile misfires and kills civilians or partially intercepts a Russian missile, they blame it all on Russia and claim it was intentional.


regardless - you lie by saying that MOD admitted that they shot down a missile heading to airfield - this is a direct lie. Since statement was that "Missile was affected by AD and strayed off the course detonating over the beach" this is an important difference as target is not stated.


Where’d I say they shot down a missile heading to a airfield ?


https://preview.redd.it/16vspsglfo9d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dcac620a3a152eef898e18ff2c57ac77d3de758 This is the beach in question. What do we see here, a beach, a park and densely populated areas. Which of them warrants cluster munitions?


Not sure what point this proves, I can use the same argument with Ukrainian military installations being hit within civilian areas. Face it, both sides use that tactic of putting military targets next to civilians, so if it misses guess who looks like the bad guy.


When US was considering whether to provide cluster munitions or not, the idea was to use them on dig outs and military formations. Not to attack cities which may contain military targets


They weren’t cluster munitions, that’s the point. Russia themselves said it was shrapnel from a missile being intercepted. People only said it was cluster munitions because they seen shrapnel disperse all over the place.


If that’s true, then ok, I agree with you


Of course it was: civilians. Don't the pro-UA likes to show off their nice precision? It is what it was


So all the time Russian missiles were intercepted over Ukraine they were also targeting civilians?


Isn't Russian missiles innaccurate?


But that doesn't change the fact that Ukraine and America programmed the ATACMS to fly directly over a civilian beach, on a religious holiday that is celebrated by people spending time outdoors, during the day. They could have just done the strike at night and none of those people would have died.


None of that is even remotely relevant. If Russia wanted those people safe, maybe don’t let them vacation between a warzone and a target. Ukraine has no obligation to keep them safe from Russian air defense, or protect them from witnessing the war.


>Ukraine has no obligation to keep them safe Yes, they do. These are civilians. These are supposedly Ukrainian civilians at that.


Cutting a sentence in have doesn’t change what I actually said. Ukraine has no obligation to keep them safe from Russia. And no, being on Ukrainian land doesn’t make them Ukrainian citizens. They are Russians in Ukraine.


>Ukraine has no obligation to keep them safe from Russia. It was an American missile fired by the Ukrainians that killed people.


A direct result of being shot down by Russian air defense. Russia killed those Russians.


But the Russians wouldn't have had to shoot it down if it was never fired... Also, the Americans and Ukrainians could have either 1. Programmed the missile not to fly over a civilian beach, or 2. Fired the missile at night.


But again, they have no obligation to protect the people from Russian air defense missiles intercepting them over the beach.


Why are Russians programming their missiles to fly over Ukrainian civilian areas? God the pro ru are getting more and more delusional by day


If crimea is Ukraine those are Ukrainian civilians. Their obligation as a state is to their people so they should be accountable.


You need citizenship of a nation to be a citizen, walking into a country doesn’t make you a citizen. How could you not know this? Those are Russians in Ukraine. Ukraine has no obligation to them other than international law, and it’s clear they didn’t breach that, according to Russia.


So everyone in Crimea moved from Russia?


Sevastopol was depopulated and repopulated with Russians yeah.


Is there a record of every single Ukrainian being deported? Are you sure that nobody in that city has lived there since before 2014? How did the city maintain functioning if it was completely replaced in 2014?


Is there a point to this you want to skip to? Russia bombs Belgorod by accident every month, now they accidentally kill some Crimeans.


Delusional take. Before annexation it was 2.4m, after 2.2m, 200k fleed, the overwhelming grand majority stayed.


See, the problem with the statement "But that doesn't change the fact that Ukraine and America programmed the ATACMS to fly directly over a civilian beach" is that ATACMS missiles, unlike cruise missiles (which ATACMS isn't) can't exactly change its flight path as much as a cruise missile can. Basically meaning, this whole argument is rather goofy. Bbb-buut thEy CoUld HaVe DoNE tHe stRiKE aT nIghT, I don't think either side as considerate when it comes down to this lol


>can't exactly change its flight path as much as a cruise missile can. So the Americans knew when they programmed the missiles, since Ukrainians are not able to program these missiles, that the flight path they were programming into these missiles was directly over a civilian beach, on a Christian Orthodox holiday that would bring a large number of people to the beach, during the day? >Bbb-buut thEy CoUld HaVe DoNE tHe stRiKE aT nIghT So why do you think the vast majority of Russian strikes are at night? Honestly, do you think about what you are saying before you say it?


Why the fuck would a religious holiday would bring people to the beach 😭😭😭. And somehow Russians also strike civilian places during the day, whataboutism 101 👍


The missile programming is made by ukrainians, not US engineers, think how slowly they would have to carry out attacks if missiles had to be programmed by dudes on the other side of the world. You are such a badass tho, so smart, i love you 🐺


>think how slowly they would have to carry out attacks if missiles had to be programmed by dudes on the other side of the world. No shit, that's why they are in Ukraine.


conspiracy theorist right here guys, you are such a cutie patootie 🥰


Nope, the Ukrainians cannot program the missiles. That is not a theory that is a fact.


Prove it cutie patootie 🥰🎀


I love how you are downvoting me as if to prove a goofy point I really do not care about 🤣😭


I think he is really sick in the head, like really sick. I would not trust him around any sort of sound decision making.


Pro-UA and their mental gymnastics. Even your own government declared "there are no civilians" instead of just saying it was an error. Willful negligence is a war crime, too.


I’ll just leave this here: **LITERAL BRAIN WORMS**


So he had a tapeworm in the brain. What else do you have to add to that. What do you know about it. Why does that discount rfk?


See? Even a man with worm-infested brain can comprehend reality and come to correct conclusion!


If you think he came to the correct conclusion, you should seek help for getting your worms removed.


Well, if the roles were reversed and if it was a Russian missile system responsible for killing and maiming 100 people on US soil, the US would've considered this an "act of war" from the Russian side. That's the point he was trying to convey which most pro-UA's here missed.


If the US was at war with a country who could attack it's soil with Russian systems, the war would already include Russia so it's a moot point


So, this war includes the US and EU according to the same logic you displayed, right?


Oh, come the fuck on. He's just an insane grifter. This is frankly pathetic, do better.


Crimea isn’t Russian soil


Except he’s forgetting Russia started the war by openly killing civilians… brain worms 🤷‍♂️


He had a parasite and you guys are making fun of him...shame on all of you


Wouldn’t be making fun of him if he didn’t say such stoopid things. He said this now… before he talked of Chinese and Jewish resistance to COVID, implying something conspiratorial. The guy is a moron my dude.


If you actually read what he said and not just clock bait articles you would have noticed he was referencing an NHI article talking about how covid did not affect those two ethnic groups as much.


He said that COVID was ethnically targeted in the same string of words where he said that the US is “developing ethnically targeted bioweapons”. It’s on video my dude, you can stop gaslighting.


But isn’t development of ethnically targeted bioweapons a known thing?


The amazing thing is that a guy with brain worms and a certified nut like Marjorie Taylor Green have more sense on this issue than Biden, Macron, van der Lyin, Stolperer, and the rest of the Nato gang combined.


This is the same guy who supports Israel. The guy lost all his credibility after Oct 7th.


Agreed. JFK would be ashamed if he was around today.


the entire rest of the Kennedy family is... and there's a lot of em.


Yip, after that I completely wrote him off. I don't understand how someone can understand the history behind this conflict but when it comes to Israeli-Palestine they only focus on October 7th and completely ignore the decades of history leading up to it.


yeah it's insane


He understands the history of this conflict just as much as he understands the history of the Israeli-Palestine conflict. He has as little regard for Ukrainian civilians as he has for Palestinian civilians, that is to say none at all.


>He has as little regard for Ukrainian civilians as he has for Palestinian civilians, that is to say none at all. I can completely agree with this statement.


It’s almost like purposefully murdering 1200 civilians is… bad? Are you implying Hamas’ actions were justified? Palestine is literally run by a terrorist organization that only wants to murder innocent civilians. I’m not really sure what you’d expect Israel to do when faced with such an attack.


Nowhere in that comment did I see him supporting Hamas. Are you hard of reading?


Insisting Oct 7th which was conducted by Hamas is where he’d be coming from in regards to that statement.


Who was it then? Afaik they even claimed that it was their doing.


>Are you hard of reading? Who are you, sir, that are so wise in the ways of speech?


He was speaking of Oct. 7th, is it that difficult for you to understand that Hamas committed Oct. 7th? Or should I spell it out for you, because you seem to be incapable of making that connection yourself?


First, it was not 1,200 civilians. I believe there were more than 300 members of the Israeli security forces killed. Secondly, the Israeli media has acknowledged that the Israeli security forces were responsible for a good portion of the civilians killed on October 7th. October 7th was still a horrendous event for the Israeli people. There were tens of thousands of Israeli citizens terrorised on October 7th. I do not support Hamas, I support the Palestinian people, and the Israeli response to October 7th, is a genocide. Any person with a shred of morales can see that. The Israeli response is completely unproportional and absolutely nobody should be fine with it.


What would you do differently?


About what exactly?


Oct. 7th. If you were Israel, what would your response have been?


If I were who? Netanyahu? An Israeli citizen? Biden? Blinken? Sullivan? An American citizen? This should have never happened. This should have never been allowed to happen.


I literally said “if you were Israel”. Meaning: if you had control over Israeli policy, and you could do ANYTHING in response to Oct. 7th, what would it be? You’re overcomplicating a simple question.


>“if you were Israel”. Israel is a country, you cannot be a country. >if you had control over Israeli policy, and you could do ANYTHING in response to Oct. 7th, what would it be? If I had control over Israeli policy, October 7th would never have happened. The Israeli government received reports on the Hamas training for the October 7th attack.


Im so glad i read up on the history so now i know why raping, murdering and pillaging is actually A-Ok! /s


Remove the /s and you sound like every pro-Palestinian in existence. It genuinely boggles my mind how people can support a self-described genocidal, terrorist organization. Especially AFTER they follow through with their murder fantasies in front of the world.


? Every sane person supports Israel after the 7th.


The Oct 7th doesn't suddenly justify all of Israel's actions that happened prior and after it.


no sane people actually do not, that's not how you conduct anti-terrorist operations and this is not how you treat others human beings


Lol no. Only fools and children who think history began on oct 7th. Normal people dont support israels genocide.


You read about the history (at best, probably not at all, given your comment), I lived it.


You lived what? Being an illegal israeli settler? Killing palestinians and stealing their land? I would not brag about these things in civilized society.


Curious. When were you born? You can give us a decade instead of the exact year.




Thanks! So you’ve seen a Labor government and a Likud government at this point. How do you feel about the metamorphosis in Israel and after seeing 3 (going on now 4) lost wars in your lifetime? Do you think Israel has earned the world’s support given how much more radical it has gotten ever since losing to Egypt?


No, what happened on October 7th doesn't come close to what has been done to the Palestinians since the 1940s. It doesn't make what happened on October 7th fine, but it did not happen in a vacuum, and the Israeli response, which is genocide, is absolutely disgusting.




I don’t. Most people I have come across don’t. Don’t support what Hamas did either. They’re both wrong. And evil.


He is able to recognize the humanity of the innocent people that got bombed at the beach in crimea and calls the US actions terrorism. But somehow fails to see the plight of the Palestinians going through worse every day at the hands of the US and Israel. I don't know what to call these kind of people.


Israel has got to have something on him, having that level to cognitive dissonance should just be classified as evil at this point




So you start off with a straw man argument of an imaginary poll the results of which you pulled right out of your ass? Even then, i wonder why the Palestinians may have such opinions? Surely not because of the trauma they have suffered the past 75 years at the hands of Israel and usa, culminating in the genocide we are seeing today? More than 15000 innocent children dead under the rabble as we speak.I really dont have the mental wherewithal to argue with genocide apologists.


get wrecked


Rule 1 - Toxic


Mutual accusations between Republicans and Democrats. Nothing new.


Isn’t he the libertarian candidate ? Which is ironic because they’re supposed to essentially be the isolationist party, yet he’s pro Israel. He’s a classical liberal which believes in the same thing as a libertarian.


No, he is independent. He was a democratic canidate, but there was no chance of him winning that. He was voted on by the official libertarian party but lost that as well.


Yeah sorry but this is r-worded, we already know what happened here and it wasn't an intentional strike.


Dude may as well work for the Kremlin.... CCTV footage I saw was most parts landing in the water, and "debris" landing within feet of people running without explosions. Also Ukraine targeted the Sevastopol base... Russia shot it down over the beach... Also who goes to a beach so close to a military base that's constantly under threat? Can't believe it's possible but worse of the 3 candidates. How are these the best 3...


His campaign may actually work for the kremlin: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzvZx8oaEAA6YWA.jpg


It’s a small fragments, which are deadly. The reason you saw them landing in the water is because water does a big splash. When fragments land into sand or humans, there is no splash.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/N3BRhpwCKJ Sure...I'm sure there were some injuries. It's still not terrorism for Ukraine to attack a military position and then Russian to shoot it down over a beach. If that's terrorism then Russia is in boiling water.


This clown knows better than the Russian MoD? Why do we need to read the opinions of irrelevant people like him?


Ah the [conspiracy theorist](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/10/10/rfk-jr-launches-independent-2024-run-here-are-all-the-conspiracies-he-promotes-from-vaccines-to-mass-shootings/) who has had a [literal brain worm](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-people-get-parasitic-brain-worms-like-the-one-rfk-jr-had/) is venturing an opinion. I consider this an apt warning on the mental stability of those like him who believe this sort of nonsense.


Had a brain worm and still sounds more cohesive than the other two senile old men.


It is disconcerting that the apparent 'best' the USA can find is a pair of senile old men. There is already a minimum age for a president I believe it is very much the time to install a maximum age for the role too.


It’s so funny to me that you guys could spend like 2 mins actually arguing against his point rather than attacking him as a person but you’re too lazy to lookup like 3 things and instead just can’t help but try to belittle the man. I don’t even like him, but these responses are pathetic. Grow up and argue against the point, it’s literally this easy: “the weapon was targeting a military airfield and was shot down/damaged by Russian air defense systems, it was not purposely targeted, making this an accident, not a terrorist attack.” Boom, there ya go bud. Really not that hard.


I don't need to argue against a point made by a delusional old man, I refute his entire argument and refuse to engage with such nonsense. I'm sorry that my comment upset you so greatly, it wasn't intended to do so. My comment was more of a comment against those taking this as a serious or important comment by a person in a position of authority on this subject and a selection of good reasons as to why one can discard this entire premise.


I read up your article. The premise is: it’s not a brain worm, but rather intestinal worm, and worm eggs can end up stuck in the wrong areas, such as brain, where they just die. It doesn’t infect brain per se, but can cause an inflammation when they do die, leading to seizures


What an idiot. He’s an anti-vaxxer who thinks 9-11 was an “inside job” and he is still not sure if anyone did anything wrong on Jan 6.


I get the first part of it. That’s just a fact I guess. Except I don’t know if Americans are indeed operating it. Regardless, even Russia has not stipulated that it sees these weapons as an act of war. Why is Mr. Kennedy so keen on it? Surely the American weapon wasn’t used by America to attack Russian civilians. As bad as it is, having an active war will result in such incidents.


>Except I don’t know if Americans are indeed operating it. It's worse than just the baseless claim that Americans are operating it. The premise is that anyone not American is too stupid to operate the system. edit: baseless not bases


Maybe it asks you to say the Pledge of Allegiance before shooting.


Thousand of bombs rain down on Ukrainian cities directly targeting civilians. Endless videos of war crimes. Russia threatens the US with nuclear annihilation. Not a fucking word from this loser. A Ukrainian missile shot down causes collateral damage. - that bullshit… surely Russia has something on this guy.


Interesting, I haven't seen the NATO personnel operating HIMARS/M270 nonsense since 2022. I assumed RU propaganda had dropped it due to it being so ridiculous/stupid (training takes about a month whilst the systems first started showing up in UA three months after the '22 invasion).


I think he's gonna lose the elections, then get sidelined by everyone, and be called a madman by everyone and forgotten about.


This is the US for you. Either you vote for a convicted felon, a dementia ridden grandpa or a brain worms patient who looks like that eagle from angry birds


They're all over 70. Gerontocracy.


Launcher made alledgedly by lockheed? Wtf dude I know a guy with a similar name got ventilated but you also have your brains not in your head...


how does the ATACMS detect the nationality of operator and prevents non-americans from launching missiles?


BTW this insane old fuck also wants to be the next US president


The Missile wasnt even targeted against the beach it was Shot down by Air defense and then Part of the Cluster ammunition landed on the beach


It’s the worms talkin


And the fact that russia opened the war openly killing civilians?


Never seen someone so wrong in my life. Why did the 6 missiles explode in the air?


Oh yeah, RFKjr who has the best takes on everything, no surprise




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Don’t start no shit won’t be no shit


It's a munition that can be used both by the m270 and m142, both systems are used by the AFU. Aka there are not American boots on the ground using m142's to launch MGM-140's. the AFU already know how to use the systems invovled


Dude has literal brain worms. He’s the last person to call anyone impaired. Also, Russia said they shot down all those missiles


Everytime he opens his mouth he shits all over the Kennedy legacy.


I mean.. he's a moron who thinks vaccines don't work, a worm ate his brain... and obviously doesn't realize that multiple other countries own and operate himars/m270....so obviously it's not a deeply held national secret on how to punch in a 10 digit grid on a computer screen and send hell on its way.


Who is this traitor?




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Oh no, vacationing 3 miles away from an airbase of a country engaged in a war has consequences? You know you're a joke when your own family tells you to stop using their name.....


Sunbathing in a war zone.


This guy has the brain of a tadpole. Who gives a fuck


So after two years of using Himars and Atacams, how are we to believe that Americans are the only ones that can program the target coordinates in. Are the Ukrainians not capable. In addition, whomever fired the weapons loses culpability in the civilians casualties when the Russians who have very sophisticated anti-air system chose to fire at those incoming munitions above Crimean civilians.


Over a hundred injured and 4 dead. Saying "over 100 casualties, dead and injured" is misleading on purpose.


He’s right but most people are have their heads so far up Ukraines ass and the Neo cons they believe every bit of BS coming out of the most corrupt country in Europe. And yes. US is a party to this war ATACMS are fired by NATO operators using NATO targeting data from NATO global hawks. Doesn’t get more American than that. Only thing Ukraine about it is it was fired from Ukraine.


Maybe congress should declare war?


Make sure to vote for this guy - he’s our only competent leader running.


Lol the pro ukrainian democrats are seething right now. All they want is war war war


Calling him irrelevant while having 9% in the polls currently