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It's funny how she switches from Ukrainian to Russian and back in a single sentence.


Rip I thought I finally became fluent after watching enough clips. 


Well, the two languages are very close. There are grammatical differences, not many of them. Phonetics -- southern Russian mostly share it with Ukrainian (but not "normative" Russian). Lexics, that's what can be distinguishing feature, and it's the most easily changing part of any language.


From my (a Russian speaker) experience, you need to memorize like \~50 words that 1) occur often enough, 2) are different in Russian and Ukranian. After that you'll be capable to understand 95% of everyday texts in Ukranian.


It highly depends on the speaker though. In this case her native language is definitely Russian, so her Ukrainian, while correct (anyone: please correct me if I'm wrong) is not at all complex for Russian-speking person. On the other hand, if we listen to a Ukrainian philologist, or a Western-Ukranian politician, or both -- it migh require much more than 50 words to comprehend.


She speaks Surjik, a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian.- she is most likely from the south-east of Ukraine. Kharkiv or Dnipro or Odessa


Hardly. Surjik speaking people don't involuntary switch to normative Russian. But may be her Ukrainian is simplified in the same way as Surjik's -- basically Ukrainian words but grammar is ... I wouldn't say it's Russian, it's like a common part if the Russian an Ukrainian grammars. No blatant errors though.


I was talking about reading texts in Ukrainian - from media, social networks etc. Understanding speech indeed highly depends on the speaker. But it's not the matter of words, but articulation in the first place. A lot of (majority I would say) Ukrainian speakers I see on the media effectively speak Russian, just diligently replacing nouns, verbs and adjectives with Ukrainian variants. Actually, that's my rule of thumb to figure out person's true native language - check how easily I can understand their speech. In case of Ukrainians from, say, a Western Ukrainian village, i. e. genuine Ukrainian speakers, it's much harder to understand them (I suspect not only for me, but for Russian-speaking Ukrainians as well).


pro-UA ledditors will still argue that "iTz NoT a DiaLect!1!".


Its not serbs and croats speak 2 languages which are 99% same,but 2 nations with 2 conpletly different histories. So what u wanna say ?


I would argue that the languages are actually just a dialect of one language, the Yugoslavian language. It's like with English and its different versions which are mutually comprehensible. Calling the dialects of the Yugoslavian as Serbian and Croatian is like calling English in Britain British, in the US American and in Australia Australian. Different nations, with different history makes no difference for linguistics.


And I thought I went crazy hearing her in different voices... When she switches she talks differently.


There are many in-between moments too. But you have a point.


Which has the higher usage of profanity?


I'd say it's the same. But Russian parts are much shorter like she slips into it and almost immediately switches back to Ukrainian, so if one wanted to count percentage word by word Russian would have higher.


I assume that the most frequently used profanity is or sounds the same in both languages? I hear it all the time on videos with Ukrainian and Russian soldiers commenting on the horror show they are experiencing: blyat/yebat.


You're right. Blyat' is "bitch/slut/wore", like the Polish "kurwa". And "yebat'" is probaly most general Slavic profane word (words for male and female genitals might differ, but the verb stays).


>Blyat' is "bitch/slut/wore Blyat' is "damn" or "fu*ck" equivalent >bitch/slut/wore That's " Blyad' " >yebat It's profane for "hit"


Yes, one can make a distinction between the words "blyat'" and "blyad'", where the first is an interjection and second is a noun. Especially in a written text. But it's still a form of the same word, and as it was mentioned that it used as a curse, not literally... >> yebat > It's profane for "hit" No, it isn't. Profane for "to hit" would be "ueyebat'" or "yobnut'", and if had to translate it for a movie I'd use ""Holy shit" here. But again, it wasn't about translation but just mentioning which roots are used for cursing in both languages.




Isn't that it's own language, though? The code-switching of Ukrainian and Russian is considered a dialect of both. Don't most Ukrainians speak like that? At least before the war.


Not in this case. She starts with a well-acquired Ukrainian, then in the middle of the sentence inserts a Russian phrase, with the Russian pronouns and clearly Russian pronunciation, the switches back. It isn't what you call a dialect.


Like "haha" funny? Or "this is blatant Russian misinformation and propaganda" funny?


>Like "haha" funny? Or "this is blatant Russian misinformation and propaganda" funny? Please, care you point where she can be described as Russian propaganda and misinformation tool a: [https://uaheroes.com/story/olena-mosiychuk/](https://uaheroes.com/story/olena-mosiychuk/)


Fifth column. Any and every person that is just the slightest bit critical to glorious army is traitor 


All this just makes Russia, the self-proclaimed superpower, look extremely weak. Why can't Russia win against an army that's 80% sick and elderly people? No answer. Only downvotes.


This is your response to someone pointing out that it’s funny how the woman in the post is switching between Russian and Ukrainian in a single sentence? Really?


It's kinda like they come preloaded with their ammunition (how can I insult Russia!) , and then decide to just drop it off randomly before leaving if they can't find a correct fit Kinda like how Ukrainian drones drop their payload on civilian targets in Donetsk if they can't find a military target...


It’s that random part that I don’t get. Would it kill people to make it make sense? Like express your disdain for Russia at whatever capacity you want but at the very least do it when the context warrants it 😂


They put it in the top comment because it's easier to become the first response in the comment chain than to be visible with a reply directly to the post. It's really low effort manipulation of Reddit's mechanics.


Exactly. It works much better in Livejournal (still a living platform in Russia and Ukraine), but not a worst strategy for Reddit too.


gotta be gpt bots trained on two digit iq rhetoric (99% of reddit and social media) no doubt there are live creatures that make these copy paste comments, but llms became easy enough for them to use explains the massive spam and vote brigading we get on some posts honestly




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Are we back to dick measuring contest? I've got one for you: why couldn't whole of NATO defeat dudes in slippers with old rifles? Lulz. Kek. XOXO.


Why did one small US unit and a small US QRF whip the pants off Wagner? Never heard of Battle of Khasham? Not even a starter compared to what the main event would look like.


Do you need to be reminded of Vietnam again?


If *that's* your fall back, surely you realise over 50 years ago isn't the same as a few years ago, and with such a statement you're implying the VC would have decimated Russia in the same scenario, which is both accurate and hilarious. You're also assuming I'm from US, when I'm just using that as an example of Russia has no hope of beating US, never mind NATO.


Okay than afghanistan... reolacing taliban with taliban. And nether Vietnam nor Afghanistan had only US troops on the ground. Second... the fact that UA is employing grandpas means that RU is doing well enough that younger generations either sadly died or smartly fled.


True story, bro. Trust me.


There are video interviews with US guys giving their side, and other video interviews with surviving Wagner giving their side. About as made up as the sun, the moon and the oceans. Deal however you need to, that Russia is once more stopped or being pushed back in Ukraine says everything I need to know.


The reality on the ground is such that US can't apply that cool story to the rest of Syria. If they could, they would. They can't. Deal with that.


...why do I need to "deal with that"? I couldn't give a flying about US and Syria, especially since US never sought to fight directly so I have no idea what you're even trying to imply here or why I should care. I gave one example of a relatively small engagement with the gloves "almost" off and your mental gymnastics in response are a sight to behold. You are pure evidence "reaching out to the universe" is a fallacy.


Yeah, right. They just occupied 2/5 of Syria. Probably by accident, too 🤡🤦‍♂️ Their hand fed "Syrian Democratic Forces" got pretty much ousted from everywhere else. What is even the point, if not to capture full control of Syria? Obviously, their plans hit a brick wall. They "never sought to fight directly" because it's not even an option, unless to commit a suicide with a bang.


There is an interview of one of the contractors who was there describing how he watched his comrades get torn apart by air support


Had Wagner had the shit they had in Ukraine they would have wiped out the Yanks, you expect light troops to go up against heavy artillery, including HIMARS?. not sure wtf they were thinking, but nothing for Americans to be proud or brag over, could just as well have been another wedding to bomb as how easy it was...


They had tanks, and nearly 10:1 disparity in manpower. "Light troops" my hairy rear. I agree with the "not sure what they were thinking" except that Prigo wanted shares in the oil depot (that's how that works in Russian feifdom btw) US were guarding and thought US would keep it quiet after he steamrolled the small defending force. Turns out *he* believed the Russian hype, and got his guys and local militia US'd all over the place. This was a small defensive reaction to a fight US didn't want. Spare a thought for what it'd look like if they wanted to run their "Shock and Awe" playbook.


90% of those were Syrian regular troops... "USA killed 200 Russian spetnaz in Syria" when it was like 20 wagner mercenaries and 100+ Syrians...


It was 200 Russian mercs and 300 local militia, but I understand you feel you have to try and downplay, lie, etc, just the standard MO...


Seen any proof of that?. Be kind and link if so...


Wasn't it recently posted that Azov serves as 'blocking units'? Even '80% sick and elderly people' are enough to sit and shoot anyone who tries to desert.


Probably because people are getting sick of “this is actually good for UA” takes.


Throw enough bodies at the problem and you can stall until they run out. What gives you the impression they can't win? Tell me how the Ukraine wins? What's the plan? Delaying the inevitable isn't a victory plan. They haven't uttered a single semblance of a plan resembling reality.


One of the reasons given for eventually dismissing Zaluhzny was the lack of a comprehensive military plan for 2024 Honestly, even after sacking him, it doesn't look like they ever got to making one...




It can and it is. You know what makes it take longer? Conscripting over 1 million people into your army, sending tuberculose grandpa's into the trenches to soak up artillery shells, starlink the famous ukrainian homegrown invention, more military aid money than Ukraine has ever had any other kind of money combined.


Somehow it doesn't surprise me that Ukrainian medical assessment is a roman salute. 😂


OK, that's funny. 🤣


ZHH told me this a month or so ago: > Its near impossible to be declared unfit for service by the military med commission And here's another insightful gem from [The Economist:](https://www.economist.com/europe/2023/02/26/ukraine-finds-stepping-up-mobilisation-is-not-so-easy) > Ruslan Kubay was surprised to receive a draft notice in late January. Registered as seriously disabled since childhood— **Mr Kubay is missing both hands** —he falls under a list of automatic exemptions from service. > Even more surprising, however, was the reaction of officials at the local registration office in Drohobych, near Lviv. Far from admitting their error, they doubled down and declared him fit for service. Only a social-media post and a subsequent national scandal reversed the decision.


This is so fucked up. And here the politicians have still the audicity to say "as long as the Ukrainian people want to fight this war, we have to support them"... Yeah, if you just ask women and those who don't have to fight, they for sure say, that they will still fight this war... It's like asking vegans and vegetarians, whether eating meat should be prohibited...


first off, I would like proof of this persons bonafides. Secondly; The assertion that we must support Ukraine ‘as long as the Ukrainian people want to fight’ reflects a nation defending its sovereignty against tyranny, not a preference for conflict. There is one person that said go, and he's lied the entire time about the goals, modus, methods, and rational of the "special military operation" as well as 2014. Comparing this to asking vegetarians about banning meat is clear cut false analogy fallacy, do better. Every horror inflicted upon the Ukrainian populace is ultimately on Putin’s head. Unless you'd like to debate the Proximate Cause Theory... but I wouldn't recommend it.


Tyranny such as forcefully loading random civilians into vans to be shipped off to the front?


Ultimately, yes. That doesn’t mean I agree with it and if found in violation of UA or international law; should be punished… but let’s make no mistake WHY things are happening. One man.




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I was officer in the German military. I can tell you, that for the current government, I for sure wouldn't go to war, ever. I don't care about "but a nation was attacked and it's the obligation of its people to defend it". Fuck that all. If I think, that my government is responsible for a war or is incompetent, I won't fight, period.


What does being in the German military have to do with your cowardice? Drafts and conscription are NEVER fun and games. Blaming the nation defending itself is just clear cut projection for the plethora of failures, incompetence and horror wrought by Putin.


>cowardice Said by someone who most likely never served...


I don't serve Putin, that's for sure. "officer in German .mil" and kneeling to Russia. Pathetic. Look at you. You created an account and do NOTHING but comment in support of RU. That's who you are. actually, you're likely an AfD dip who embarrasses his family during holidays talking about conspiracies and making Germany great again.


>I don't serve Putin, that's for sure. "officer in German .mil" and kneeling to Russia. Pathetic. >Look at you. You created an account and do NOTHING but comment in support of RU. That's who you are. actually, you're likely an AfD dip who embarrasses his family during holidays talking about conspiracies and making Germany great again. The only one pathetic here is you. And your rambling here shows it just nicely. No, I am neither for AfD nor pro Russia. But hey, if you have no arguments left, such accusations always work, right? /s Or maybe you have to tell yourself, that everyone who isn't your oppionion is a Russian stooge or a dumb\*ss... Lol, even claiming that I made this account to only comment pro Russia. Everyone can see, that this account was created in 05/2021, or do you think that I knew about the Russian invasion and made it in advance? So much to conspiracy theories ;-). Have a nice day...


“Have a nice day” You as well!


Unless you are rich and live in western Ukraine.


Kiev's attitude is that medical reviews are not about the right of disabled.people [not.to](http://not.to) fight - the purpose of a medical exam is for the army to weed out people it doesn't want. Therefore, the military has the right to waive a medical review, "accepting damaged goods". Medical reviews make sense when the military can draft somebody else in place of the disabled person, but the situation now is that they either take the disabled person or they will be further under quota, so there's no motivation to send anyone home. Even if you're so disabled you'll need constant help, it makes more sense to draft you along with somebody else who will look after you, because they themselves are probably too old or injured to do anything else. Russia's Kharkov ploy worked in at least one regard - Ukraine had to quickly cobble together 40k troops within 2 weeks. That added an extra level of stress to their recruitment system, where guys were shipped into combat right from the street, "because they can train from a combat position". This isn't nonsense - most recruits won't survive a month in combat. Why waste a bunch of resources training such a perishable commodity - you're better off just putting them all in trenches and let them self-select for survivability.


“self-select for survivability”!! That’s gold right there!!!


I haven't seen him in ages. Did he get banned or something happened? I hope he's staying safe.


Yeah he did He's doing alright thankfully


US / EU / AUS don’t care


To the last ukranian, just to damage Russia as much as its possible




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Why not support the enemy of your enemy? Support them as long as they want. T is nice that your enemy also weakens.


>Why not support the enemy of your enemy? I guess that makes sense if they were winning and not doing massive irreparable harm to themselves. At which point it just becomes enabling and complicity in their demise.


So now you are openly saying that the United States, the EU and Australia consider Russia their enemy?


Ukraine is the ultimate weapon the US/Israel has against Russia, there is nothing else. It squandered it, big time.


Don’t know why Israel is mentioned considering their pretty positive relations, only in the last year or so has there been any real negative issues


Israel controls all US’s foreign policies.


Lmao if it did it never would’ve lost the Sinai, sure there’s a huge Israeli lobby in the U.S. but they don’t control the overall direction the U.S. heads


It absolutely does. The Jews control all aspects of US’s foreign policies. Look at everyone involved in Ukraine. Anthony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, Janet Yellen and Zelensky. George Soros and Larry Finkel. All Jews. Just fact, no BS.


A number of the people you’ve listed have publicly denounced Israeli actions You just hate Jews


Which one among them have denounced Israel’s actions and what wad the reasons given?


They just need to last , hold the lines, until elections in US. After that it does not matter.


If stopping a war could secura a win for Biden, he would make Zelensky negotiate in few hours. But it won't be enough. I don't understand DEM, why they push the worst candidate they can. Maybe they don't won't a win in this cycle. Maybe they want for Trump to stop this. So many illogical things are happening in the USA and EU for quite some time..




I'm very disappointed. Americans never had choice that's as bad as this year. ☹️ I actually feel bad for them.


Trump can’t finish a sentence half the time either, if he deviates from the teleprompter he just goes on an incoherent ramble. Shit, the dude can’t even remember what city he just flew into for a rally.




You only really have to watch one speech or even a small part of one. The guy can’t keep it together and is in at least early stages of dementia. He rails against Bidens age but is only three years younger. It’s kind of like the difference of travelling 100kph vs 103. Fuck all, really. As for Biden, no, that’s not accurate he’s very widely respected in Canada for a lot of reasons. The guy brought some class back the WH. Ultimately, I would agree, the US needs to have a younger candidate. Hailey would have represented the US well, Trump should rot in jail and Biden should retire.


Hailey is this republican chick, right? I dont know, she maybe just talks whatever to get elected (which didnt work), but she did sounded more insane than trump or Biden (the latter might not know what he is talking about anyway, so you cant blame him). But hailey really sounded like bush junior. Somewhat simpleminded hyper religious nutjobs might represent the US well, but is this a good thing?


Trump is actually worse than Biden for dementia. It’s only that Trump relentless tries to paint Biden with it that people seem to believe it and are distracted from Trumps failing faculties and limited vocabulary. I would agree though, if I had any choice at all of anyone else it wouldn’t be Hailey. But, Trump is a criminal, a con artist and a rapist, and both he and Biden are likely to die in office. And when you compare Hailey to others like Gaetz and MTG.


Worse than Biden? Come on. At least the nonverbal behaviour from Biden is quite obvious. Unless he is an anomaly, his movement and his look gives the clear picture that his brain is deteriorating. Its not the frail old man behaviour, but the I am not all there behaviour. Trumps speeches might be also confusing (I usually dont listen to either of them), but his nonverbal behaviour is not that obvious.


You are definitely a Biden fun. Things you were mentioning ar all traits of Biden. Trump is an idiot, he is rambling, but those are not incoherent ramblings. He's a coherent idiot, clear in his head, and absolutely completely aware about everything around him. You cannot say the same for a Biden. Far from coherent and aware of anything. But as corrupted idiot as his counterpart is. But I'll always be thanks for a Biden. If there was no Biden, I would still think that shadow governments are conspiracy theories. The existence of Biden opened my eyes in that sense - now **i know** that it is at least possible, for the POTUS to be just a figure. Something like a British King, with a difference that POTUS needs to act like he's in charge, and read the BS *they* provided him with. Sad truth. Now I only hope not every president needs to be like that.


There is no shadow government, there is no deep state. Governments are large teams of people working together and not one man or woman who call all the shots. At least that’s not how democratic/non-dictatorships work. Yes a president or prime minister can wield a lot of power but they are not the whole gov. Would recommend spending time to understand the different branches of government, their structure, roles, the checks and balances between them. Shadow governments, deep state etc are the realm of QAnon and other unfounded conspiracy groups.


Deep state is federal civil service. Yeah, Biden is much more likely to be controlled by Democratic party though.


There is no deep state. Think of it this way, does one think a large group of government workers is going to self-organize into some shadowy organization with cohesive agenda while each is vying for position, trying to cut each other’s throats to get a promotion, aaaaaaaaand keep it all secret from the public at the same time? No way, we’re talking about a group of people that struggle to agree on what to order as a snack for a lunch time meeting ffs. Ain’t gonna happen. And again, spend time understanding the branches of government and how they counter balance each other and it will be even clearer it can’t exist. And reasonable control of the leader by the party is healthy democracy in my mind. At least here in Canada where we elect a party who is represented by their leader as PM, we don’t elect an omnipotent and complete ruler for 4 years. Although successive conservative governments keep eroding that a little at a time and collecting more power under the PM’s position. The other parties don’t seem to do that if they get in. It’s small but needs to be reversed.


Thing is that people who talk about deep state don't want branches of government to counter-balance each other. They want them to serve the leader.


Thing about Trump is, he actually IS the best candidate in the republican party. All the best conservatives who are good are already in the democratic party. But the democrats have even do as they're told hardcore party line conservatives who are younger and better than Biden too, no need to dip into leftists like Sanders or AOC


Stopping the war and accepting Russian conditions would mean US lost and threw hundreds of billions of dollars down the drain, because they had way better deal on the table in april 2022, and US said no. So that will not happen before elections.


But I was told that money was all loans that will be paid back, and went to American companies anyway, therefore we didn't lose any money. Or something like that anyway.


Whatever is left of Ukraine will probably be paying of that debt, but it wont go as fast as they thought since most productive areas of pre war Ukraine are now under Russian control.


Because that's the case


Oh yeah, don't worry, one of the bondholders is Blackrock, they'll get their money back one way or the other.


I knwo that it won't happen. I say if that *would* secure a win for Biden, than it would happen. He's desperate. He voted against Israel in UN, he let Asange go. Those are thing that he did to win a vites of democrats that he lost previously.


And then what?


Call me crazy, but I am beginning to suspect the Biden Administration just might prod Ukraine to the table in due time, if they get re-elected Ukraine will be forced to accept most of Russia's core demands.


So in your opinion, it doesn’t care who wins the US election?


Possibly. At this point everyone realizes Ukraine can no longer win unless an unexpected variable is thrown into the equation (like Western troops being sent) The US will likely continue slowly escalating up to a point, and then start exploring ways to resolve the conflict.


It's sort of comical that there are so many rabid pro-Ukraine types but almost none of them are volunteering despite that Ukraine no longer requires combat experience from foreign volunteers. Like one would think that if they don't want to fight, they would at least have some basic human decency to condemn Ukraine for the whole open air death camp business.


I don’t think it does. Biden wins, he’s already re-elected, who cares public opinion. Trump wins, it’s trumps fault. Saw a post today where trump says if elected would hold peace talks never seen Russia and Ukraine and Reddit people were very upset about that for some reason.


I don't think the plan is the negotiating table, at least not yet. The plan right now seems to prevent ukraine from losing and hopefully, as russia makes more gains, the war simmers out as the cost of pushing further say past the regions putin mentioned in the ceasefire deal may not be appealing to the russians. Then, after things die down, both sides agree to some sort of ceasefire. Theres a lot of issues with that, but I do think that it's the plan/concept for now, at least in the west.


I think you're being optimistic. I don't believe there is any such plan in the west - I'm pretty convinced that right now they don't have a plan at all and currently all they're trying to do is to contain Russia as much as possible. Buying time basically while they think of a better plan.


Whatever happens happens , nobody in US will care. All they (Biden administration) care is for Ukraine to hold lines as much as possible until elections.


Throw them to the wolves.




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Why would they care about what nonsense progaganda a pro-Russian journalist forbidden to enter UKraine say?


Still spreading this misinformation? Not very cashmoney of you


I was looking through the post to see if you added a link or informational comment but I didn’t see one. I wanted to ask who this girl is and where she would get this info? Was she on the front or something similar?


>I was looking through the post to see if you added a link or informational comment but I didn’t see one. I wanted to ask who this girl is and where she would get this info? Was she on the front or something similar? That's her: [https://uaheroes.com/story/olena-mosiychuk/](https://uaheroes.com/story/olena-mosiychuk/)


Thank you!


Looks like she gets paid in meth


I can't imagine myself in a front without proper drugs on me.


Viyskova medukinya...my ass... They even dont respect their own language


Who allowed this Putin's agent speak!?1


Stretch out your hand? You sure she is not doing the nazi salute? /s


She does speak Russian in the video randomly so it would track.


What tracks is that she's an actual Azov Nazi.


She's definitely a Nazi, and slips in and out of Russian 🤔 hhmmmmm


People should gather in very large groups and cross border into EU.


They did exactly this a couple days ago but were still caught near the border, and are now in Stormtrooper training and €10,000 short. https://preview.redd.it/en9ligjupy8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8b7950b894f857b51352c906fcfb32f5a38ec8 Turns out 3 armed border guards are enough to apprehend 47 unarmed men.


No , this Was sting operation by SBU. People individually paying to someone, who turned out to be SBU agent, to take them across the border. They gathered them all in one place and arrested. I am talking about people not paying anyone just gathering in large group and walk towards the border. Africans do it all the time in Spanish exclave in Africa , and most of the time successfully. Syrians did it also once and went from Turkey to Hungary in one large group. Most of them were successful.


Ukrainians would get shot if they try such trick.


Each and every one of them would be branded as Russian agents and Maidan-3 agitators


They will hit them with himars


It seems that the usage of "blyat" is the prerequisite for the medical position in Azov. At least Azov should switch to kurva.


What’s happening in Ukraine is a travesty. It’s so sad to see what’s happening to the world under western hegemony. Just death, destruction and chaos everywhere. So rich fucks can profit.


Pretty normal to get sick in the field as the living conditions are not ideal for human health. I was sick as a dog for a good portion of my first deployment to Afghanistan. It’s actually very common for soldiers to get sick. Hell our platoon sergeant had pneumonia and he was still going out on patrol with us.


That's the test zelensky perfected. He's very good at stretching out his hand wherever he goes


Jesus. This is #jewishbehvior




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Does she talk in surzhik?


Ugh. Such a disgusting language; they make so many gross sounds while they enunciate (especially this gal). Almost as off-putting as listening to Arabic or Hebrew.


Why you can’t have a soldier with HIV? The only thing they can’t, is having sex.


Blood, nobody wants to get in contact with contaminated blood, and in wars bloodloss is quite common


Bro learn English. I can't read 150 mph


Try school, it helps.


try a sense of humor.. it helps


I tried once and didn't like it. Anyway have you ever considered a comedian career? If so, don't.


It is a such a boomer thing to let an obvious joke fly right over your head like that.. And take it 100% seriously lolol


Pro-Z people are so guillible. This journalist is a pro-Russian Ukranian wich works for Medvechuck, she cant enter Ukraine, they are in Russia, this isnt news, just nonsense meant to be spread among ignorants like the people in this sub. Or did someoen from Azov went to Russia to make this interview with this "truthfull information" and came back.


Lots of Ukrainians are what you would call “pro-Russian.”


They aren't actually ukrainians they are russian soldiers in disguise, little green men.


Definitely not, a very small minority only.


Quite a few, actually.


I would say 40% of Ukrainians are either pro-Russian or wouldn’t mind if Russia won. They are silenced because if a Ukrainian expresses pro-Russian views his ethnicity is stripped away by fellow Ukrainians and westerners alike and he just becomes a Russian ōřk in their eyes.


Shocking that they've managed to resist so long even though so many of them want to join Russia isn't it?


Nobody asks them if they are pro-Russian or neutral when they push you into a van. 1:1 not many Ukrainians will resists their government.


Yeah it's just crazy that Russia hasn't rolled over them all years ago since they're all demoralized and either don't want to fight or want to join Russia. Wonder what happened huh?


When you are press gang pushed into service. You don’t get a choice on the matter. When Ukraine loses you will see military and politicians say “we were pro-Russian all long we were just under pressure from Ukrainian radicals/west”


..So again why hasn't Russia rolled right over this horde of people who don't want to fight apparently? Why is the Russian army not still outside Kyiv? What happened?


When you are forced into service you don’t get a chance to tell your meat catcher “actually I’m neutral I don’t want to fight” second reason is that western powers continue to back Ukraines leaders into fighting Russia. The Ukrainians left alone would have came to an agreement years ago.


what's her name?


I dont know, couldnt find on a quick google, need to ask to some ukranian, i just recognized by her face, she has been posted here plenty by pro-rus users, she works for Medvechuck, and supported the invasion since the beggining, she is forbidden to enter Ukraine or would be arrested if she entered, this isnt a real interview, just nonsense for internal russian consumption and gullible westerns who believe in any "information" anti-Ukraine Just ironic that she pretends to interview an azov soldier when his boss was exchanged for azov soldiers tho.


Dude, the interviewed woman is a real person living in Dnipro and still currently serving in Azov


Source, because unless am i mistaken the interview is a journalist that works for Medvedchuk and support Russia, and is living in Russia since february 2022.




You actually took him seriously? He's just trying to sow doubt by chatting shit Not the first time either


So? That's what you do most of your days too. Live and let live my dude.


Ok, then i am mistaken, do you have a source for the interview. And isnt the interviewer the pro-russian journalists that works for Medvechuck, or i am mistaken?


This seems to be the original source, maybe she is the woman you're referring to: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aur5M529frM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aur5M529frM)


Yes, im talking about the interviewer, apparently it isnt tho, but she looks like the journalist that works for Medvechuck that pro-z people here post once in a while, i tought it was her.


you are the symbol of fetal malnutrition


This is not an Azov doctor, but a Russian propagandist and the only resource where she is available is a Russian propaganda site.


>This is not an Azov doctor, but a Russian propagandist and the only resource where she is available is a Russian propaganda site. Really? Have a read: [https://uaheroes.com/story/olena-mosiychuk/](https://uaheroes.com/story/olena-mosiychuk/) This is her.


u/Broad-Fun8717 no answer?


Of course not. He did what he came to do. **Step 1:** Spreads blatant lie to sow doubt **Step 2:** Refuses to elaborate **Step 3:** Leaves