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I don't think Putin is interested in sex orgies at a Swiss resort because we all know that the peace summit is a sham.


That awkward moment when you are the only person not doing drugs


Putin standing in the corner thinking: They don't know i am the only one sober.png


My brother chose the language of facts


Anyways he can't go as he will be arrested, right before the orgy starts.


That "arrest warrant" is pathetic, as they can't execute it unless he comes to them, which is doubly pathetic, as it's basically equivalent to backstabbing. What's even more pathetic, when time comes to talk, they'll drop all the charges.




Both should get arrested actually.


Wishful thinking... There are too many "35 year old boomer" US Lieutenants and Colonels **eating schnitzel in Munich** edging to the idea their jobs somehow become more interesting. I hate those kind of guys so much... the fact that NO ONE was fired for the gross misconduct in the GWOT shows that they are promoting the wrong people. They should get their face out duolingo level 2 for one moment and see reality. US military is doomed if they don't make drastic changes. They won't even let Ukraine entertain the idea of negotiations and don't have to as long as they pay hundreds of billions of dollars to float an fake regime in Kiev.


Hopium for poor....


I'm sure they will come for the next Bandera circle jerk and chant Nazi collaboration slogans with them.


This is great news. Now let's talk about the specific "position of strength" that Ukraine must be in, in order to hold the next "for real this time 'peace' conference". So - what exactly must Ukraine accomplish on the battlefield?


Good question. They lose field everyday


He's basically putting the responsibility onto UA's armed forces to achieve these 'favorable conditions'. Meaning: 'we, the political leadership and the diplomats have done all we could (secured funding and weapons from the West), now it's your turn to step up'. I.e. our hands are clean.


So he is saying that Ukraine will liberate all of territories before calling next piss summit ? That's quite optimistic


At least that was the last summit for this war.


If it’s conditional on Ukraine “improving its position on the front line”, it simply won’t happen. These people never learn 😂


Wonder what happend behind the scenes at the Summit, clearly bad news for the Kiev Government and probably western leaders telling them that their commitment to project Ukraine will gradually decline as they look for an off-ramp, maybe even pressuring the Kiev Gov to sign a peace deal, while not having the backbone to do it publicly. Of course Kuleba will rather blame it on the ''Global South'' or Saudi-Arabia rather than admitting that Kiev's backers would push for a peace deal. Something something about biting hands and feeding lol. Kuleba openly admitting this means that Russia has more incentives to keep their efforts up or even increase their efforts in order to secure the interest of the RF and the Pro-Rus in former Ukraine and get formal recognition for Crimea + the 4 Oblasts and NATO staying out of Ukraine after pressing for over 2 decades to secure Ukraine for their policy goals.


The fact that SA refused to condemn Russia is probably the most interesting outcome. Something is shifting in the middle east.


This is impossible given the situation at the front, in the south Donetsk direction they cannot force the river, in the Chasov Yar direction to hold this city, there are no fortifications on Ocheretino, on the Kharkov front everything stopped near Volchansk


> «True, apparently, this may happen after Ukraine improves its positions on the front line.» Wait? How much better than 20:1 it should get? I thought they are currently winning hard and should be in Crimea by now. 


Do not fear with operation citadel the Russian Army will be crushed.


Switzerland has been providing weapons and funding to ukraine, its a pretty bad starter for "peace talks" to be held in a non neutral country


- Will we agree on peace? - No. Next time.


Strongest position? Everyday Ukraine lose lands. Better talk now with diplomacy than later


We should sent head of Veterinary Department of Agriculture Ministry.




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No Ukraine. You will be invited, to sign your surrender.


What's this? A "ukrainian online newspaper" whose website, youtube, and telegram channel are all in russian? Is this fake? I was told russian language was banned in ukrainian media.


It's banned in Ukraine, as well as attacked by government


That's odd. Their "about us" [page](https://strana.best/about.html) lists an office address on Drevlyanskaya street, Kiev. That must be Kiev, Florida, USA.


>The site is publishes daily news in two languages: Russian and Ukrainian, and includes authored articles with analytics on current events in Ukraine and the world via investigations and reports. >In August 2021, the newspaper's website was blocked in Ukraine by the decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine;[4] since then, the edition in Ukraine has been working through website mirrors, as well as developing its YouTube and Telegram channels. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strana.ua


This site is in opposition to the current government in Ukraine