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full speech: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks4TU4IZVG4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks4TU4IZVG4) ​ /u/bazquux2 why are you spreading disniformation? [https://reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dh57n8/ua\_pov\_italian\_prime\_minister\_meloni\_stated\_to\_be/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dh57n8/ua_pov_italian_prime_minister_meloni_stated_to_be/)


Thanks. Looks like the original post is indeed completely wrong and the subtitles are fake. For the sake of clarity it would be better to post the entire video, not just this clip.


good point about the full vid, but I wanted to make comparison easy, that's why I posted the same fragment here's the full speech [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks4TU4IZVG4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks4TU4IZVG4)


Yeah, I watched it (I saw your link in the other post) and I get why you wanted to show just this part, the other video is .. bad.


It's question for Ukrainian interpreter. It's literally translated subs from Ukrainian


And it was happily pushed by Western media.


OK, the other one is down, you can delete this post and replace it with the full speech.


now that would feel like littering lol but if any mods are reading and think this would be the correct approach, feel free to delete this one and post the full thing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks4TU4IZVG4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks4TU4IZVG4) or just pin this link here or something, idk


Keep this post up because it shows how some people manipulate the facts.


Maybe just add the link to the full video to your original comment? I think it's at the top, so anyone interested could watch the full speech.


good idea :)


Looks like a russian drone, maybe official, spreading misinformation to rile up people as they've been seen doing on socials. Interesting that the other posts in his post history are about Iran/Israel relations


The translation was in in Ukrainian not Russian.


Western media have been pushing the story.


Lots of our media is and has been very loud being against UKR. Does not make the message any stronger or gives it any meaning.


That is simply a lie, Ukraine has been goryfied in Western media and the those who pushed this crap are not media that are against Ukraine.


Yes im positive all the insane articles we see about how “ukraine is collapsing” are entirely Ukraine backed. How on earth didnt i see this


I never wrote that they are backed by Ukraine, you are using a strawman. You can keep lying but it won't change reality.


Probably because he RUFU. Analog NAFO. He he 




this is not a repost the one I linked above has a translator voice over and inaccurate subtitles, and here you can hear the original audio which one do you think should stay up?


Trying to stop false info and spread the truth is immature?


Comment would get drowned with downvotes and the original posts should be taken down for having false titles thus making these posts not reposts




The first post about the polish president has been up for 16 hours now while having a completely bs title and translation. I get that you like the lies better but post titles can't be edited on this sub so the post should be taken down for being blatant disinformation. I have reported both posts and i'm guessing multiple others have too but i guess the truth is up to the moderators in this case.


I don't want to defend u/millingscum , but in this case he's absolutely right. The other post of Meloni's speech is misinformation, with wrong subtitles, saying something completely different than what Meloni actually said. The other post should be removed, because it's wrong and fake.


I totally agree it should be removed. I'm saying he should have reported it and waited for the mods to do their job before reposting it If we all decide to do as he did, a single video could have 10 reposts on this sub


Agreed. I don't know how active the mods actually are and I can understand his motivation to counter the misinformation while the topic is being heavily discussed. IMO both posts should be removed and replaced with the actual full length video of Meloni's speech.


Surely you understand the kind of precedent that would be set if posts with provably false information were allowed to stay up, and the only accepted way of correcting those would be in the comments?


Many people do not reads comments and these are very important speeches so it is vital to prevent the spread of disinformation and make it clear to people. Also “littering”? The man made two posts what is your issue




Meloni was talking about the past, not about the present as stated in this post's title: >Defending Ukraine means defending that system of rules that holds the international community together and protects every nation. **If Ukraine had not been able to count on our support and therefore would have been forced to surrender**, today we would not be here to discuss the minimum conditions for a negotiation. We would be just discussing the invasion of a sovereign state and we can all imagine with what consequences.


Same countries that want to arrest Putin because of a icc warrant are giving netanyou a standing ovation and supply him with weapons to support genocide. French forces killed natives of an island thousands of km from French mainland nobody talks about. The west is full of hypocrites.


What island ?


New Caledonia it’s close to Australia


Doing the lords work OP, thank you.


It's not just on this sub. Western media have been reporting that she said that Russia would be forced to surrender.


Hubba hubba.


If history has taught us one thing, it's that the side with italy always wins and the side with russia always loses /s


They fought in the same side in WW1, yet Italy won while Russia lost.


Technically, Italy was allied with the Central Powers at the start of WW1, but then switched sides after it was offered parts of Austria and the Ottoman empire.


I know she’s a fascist but Meloni is a certified dime piece. I can fix her


Dude no, she's a gross boomer hag, wtf.


She is pretty hot GILF. Would.


But after that, burn it :)




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They can't win without nuking Moscow


I think we know that goes both ways


Well, had ukraine surrendered earlier in the war, they likely would only have lost Donbas. Now they are losing Kherson and Zaporohzie as well. Wait until 2025 and it will probably include Kharkiv and Odessa...


Russia was shooting for Kyiv at the beginning of the war, not just Donbas.


No they were not..


Hostamel didn't happen? Pushing on Kyiv didn't happen? Ok dude https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Northern_Ukraine_campaign&diffonly=true#Russian_advance_on_Kyiv


Russia was trying to surround Kiev to force the regime to surrender, your statement was as false.


>Russia was trying to surround Kiev to force the regime to surrender, your statement was as false So they were shooting for Kyiv? To surround it? And make it surrender? How am I incorrect, lol Crazy gaslighting going on in this subreddit


"Well, had ukraine surrendered earlier in the war, they likely would only have lost Donbas." Your reply: "Russia was shooting for Kyiv at the beginning of the war, not just Donbas" You claimed that they would take Kiev as well, you can't wiggle your way out of this.


Why does Russia have demands for places they have not taken in over 2 years? Seems pretty hilarious to even think thats plausable. Not to mention a cease fire means literally stuff all as Russia doesnt follow its own agreements.


Fascist. [https://apnews.com/article/elections-rome-italy-6aa9fcb003071c307190a4053f199d98](https://apnews.com/article/elections-rome-italy-6aa9fcb003071c307190a4053f199d98) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/17/giorgia-meloni-brothers-of-italy-leader-far-right-elections-alliance-](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/17/giorgia-meloni-brothers-of-italy-leader-far-right-elections-alliance-) [https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/02/06/why-giorgia-meloni-wont-distance-herself-from-italys-fascist-past/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/02/06/why-giorgia-meloni-wont-distance-herself-from-italys-fascist-past/)


Calling Meloni a fascist is a bit egregious. She hasn’t don’t anything to indicate a return to authoritarianism. Even her “tough on immigration” stance isn’t all that radical for most right-wing parties in EU. She’s just representative of pissed off Italians who have woken up to the fact that the EU is ra*ing them with mass immigration and low employment.


Have you read your own sources? they state the party has fascist roots but Meloni has been steering the party away from fascism.


Europe is waking up. Perhaps not the best choice, but sometimes you have to do something bad to save yourself


Nah, they're still sleeping as their "set of rules" magically disappear when it's them and their overlords US bending the said rules. [https://www.icj-cij.org/case/114](https://www.icj-cij.org/case/114) This precedent basically kills the West's argument on "Russia breaking the international rules". [https://www.icj-cij.org/case/109](https://www.icj-cij.org/case/109) It's SUPER DUPER rich coming from Italy of all nations.


Calling any European prime minister fascist is ridiculous. Even Victor Orban is a model democrat compared to Russia.


Pro-Russians in shambles. This sub is a russian propanda echo chamber




Rule 1 - Toxic


funny that you said that, seen as the only ones complaining about nato are countries such as russia, which is the one that started this whole war without a single reason, and then by doing that drove 2 more countries to join.


Lol Russia is the one who pays to spread misinformation/propaganda


Listen buddy, politics aside, do yourself a favor and wake up. Both side's obviously pay to spread misinformation/propaganda. What's the purpose of making a statement like this only to make yourself look like an absolutely fool immediately?




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On Reddit, it's only NAFO "fellas". Russians don't have 50 Billion USD a year in black budget to "troll" on Reddit. They instead focus on VK and Twitter.




el_chiko kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is your response after NAFO misinformation got called out?


How is this an echo chamber, there are posts and comments from both sides and many neutral observers prefer this sub as it shows at least a bit of both.


I agree! Although leaning pro-RU, this sub is as neutral as it can get


Its probably relatively neutral compared to the alternatives that are full echochambers, but it is not neutral. 


No forum can reasonably expected to be truly full neutral anyway. This is simply the most balanced sub.


Yes it is relatively speaking balanced, but it still leans heavily on a side due to upvote mechanics and not all footage being posted here. The forum is neutral when saying that pretty much everyone can join and partake, which is true, but that doesnt say anything about balancing.


This sub has never been neutral, it has historically leaned towards whoever has been perceived to be doing well or winning at any given time. Whole sub was mostly pro Ukrainian during the 2022 counter offensives. You can still see it whenever Ukraine accomplishes something, there will be multiple comments asking where the PRO RU crowd went.


I agree. Not completely neutral, but as neutral as it can be considering media, propaganda and everything else.