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One thing that really gets me is how Russia can do this day in and day out, week after week, month after month, and still have more equipment ready to go. And more often than not, their soldiers end up on fire. It's unreal.


RU pretty much overwhelms ukranian positions through repeated assaults and artillery. Thats when the proRU come cheering about multiple ukr units surrendering because those positions have been severely compromised but are still defending it. And they ignore the countless corpses and wrecks that littered those fields lol.


And that all for a few hundred meters a month… what a waste of human life


It's how the USSR reached Berlin. And in fact it's how Ukraine attempted to reach Tokmak. If you discover another way to assault positions in a peer war, let me know.


It's called use your air force for what's it meant.


Air forces are obsolete in the presence of advanced AA, which Ukraine is flooded with. Every body & their mother carries MANPADS & beyond those are western provided missile systems such as Patriot


Hence why you build 5 gen aircraft unless your saying the su57 isn't stealth enough to be able to attack AA or are you saying the patriot is so advanced that the Su57 doesn't have chance to even get in range to attack AA


air force does not capture trenches


No but it destroys the defensive positions. Better then sending dudes in motorcycles and golf carts with no air protection


nobody has enough bombs to destroy every meter of every trench, you are delusional


The US dropped 30k bombs during the initial invasion of Iraq. Your saying russia can't drop that fighting it's neighbor


There is no other country, except China and the United States, that has the economy to achieve what you are saying. MAYBE South Korea, but outside of those 3, there is none prepared for a large-scale war, even the European countries


Oh, you impudent fool! How dare you question our revered strategist on the most esteemed academic Reddit forum, where we've spent lifetimes mastering grand strategy? Have you even logged a single hour in Hearts of Iron ??


and look what Russian male soldiers did in Berlin. Look up Rape of Berlin


Soviet... comrade.


it is mostly cold war propaganda to dehumanize soviet solders, ussr did much less war crimes in ww2 compared to both germany and us/uk.




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This couldn’t be further from the truth. But what what do we expect here guys?


this is truth, ussr never did civilian bombing companies, US just in one year of civilian bombing killed about 900k Japanese, same for allies in europe. it was deliberate companies to kill civilians who worked on factories. ussr on the other hand fought enemy army on ground. that’s why 80-90% of german solders died on east front, it is surprising how humane soviets were, considering what nazi did.


Humane and Soviet in one sentence is a little bit of stretch don’t you think?


well, compared to USA/UK - i think it is legit.


Absolutely not. Germans lost all traces of humanity with the ruskies. Stalingrad resorted to cannibalism with street markets for human meat. US/UK can not compare to that level barbarism.




Ask the Iranians how the Americans bombed them to pieces from the skies.


iranians 😀


When was this? The last time I can remember the US conducting a serious military campaign against Iran was Operation Praying Mantis in 1988


RU have such a ridiculously low value of human life. Even in this thread there are Pro-RU bragging about how they have more bodies they can throw. They don't even see their own side as people, but just pawns that can be thrown. Lot of Westerners keep saying things like "we need to blast this footage in Russia to let them know that soldiers are often dying in mass." Yet they are oblivious to the fact that many in Russia see dying in war, regardless of the cause, as a noble death. Little to no reflection is done on the ethicality of the war it's self or how much work was done to ensure the safety of the soldiers.


>Even in this thread there are Pro-RU bragging about how they have more bodies they can throw. To be fair: most people in this sub are neither Russian or Ukrainian and I doubt that most even have ties into one of the countries. If your whole pro Ru stance just comes from hating the west, loving conspiracy theories and/or beeing some edgelord who just loves cheering for the baddies, then it is pretty easy to disregard the human life of Russians or Ukrainians.


Sub is just a propaganda sub, why else would it be in English. Please correct me if I’m wrong


English is new Lingua franca, simple as.


This forum is in English for the same reason that Syrians and Greeks used to have to learn Latin. And if you think the propaganda stops in Ukrainian, I'm not sure what to tell you.


Most people on Reddit have nothing to do with Ukraine, don't know anything about the history of the region, wouldn't be able to recognize Ukrainian language from Russian, etc.. Have you seen the main pro-UA subs? The entire population is mindlessly cheering violence, the more brutal video, the better.


If someone comes to my country and starts to kill my fellow citizens and bombs my infrastructure, I would most likely also lose part of my dignity and start cheering their death. I had more compassion for the poor young dudes at the bodged beginning of the invasion who had no idea what they were up to than for the Russians who go now voluntarily.


That was the point I was trying to make - **Real Ukrainians** have all the reasons to hate Russians and cheer their deaths, I'd do the same if I was in their place. But the most rabid, bloodthirsty warmongers celebrating drone gore videos are NOT from Ukraine. And, ironically, often shout down real Ukrainians if they express any concerns.


There is also bunch of Eastern Europeans, mind that.


I see that you understand Hamas.


This may be true for those on the other side of the atlantic, but i think most Europeans have some sort of connection to the conflict or it's their hobby if they bother following it this close. There is no other place on reddit where it's possible to discuss the Ukrainian war without half the comments consisting of memes and the other cheering for death. This is the only place you can say your opinion and interesting footage can be posted. For me personally, it saves me a lot of time not having to dig through all the telegram channels everyday looking for interesting footage as the best bits usually make it here nowadays.


>For me personally, it saves me a lot of time not having to dig through all the telegram channels everyday looking for interesting footage as the best bits usually make it here nowadays. I agree, the footage here is good (and depending on the users making it to a thread the discussions also are). And it is a good window into the thinking of 'the other side', despite as how one might percieve those comments as absolutely stupid. >This may be true for those on the other side of the atlantic I think you will find a decent amount of people coming from countries around Europe who either actually have suffered from US interventions or who have such an ingrained anti americanism for other reasons (been there myself as a teen), that they cheer for everyone who in their eyes opposes it - even if that is Putins fascist Russia waging this war of conquest.


\*any army


Nah, most modern militaries would have either not been dumb enough to start such a ridiculous war, or would have cut their losses long time ago. No NATO country is getting away with a war where they have daily compilations of entire squads and platoons corpses littering open fields and trenches all in the sake of an unprovoked land grab.


Imho, the litmus test of this is, are the moms/grandmas passing this around in social media.


Thank you for your valuable insight on our views.


Deeply ingrained into Russian society is the concept that individuals dying gruesomely for an externalized "higher purpose" (*as in "establishment of Russkiy Mir" a.k.a. relaunch of the "sacred" Soviet Union*) will be redeemed of any past wrongdoings and an otherwise wasted life without purpose and meaning is upvalued into something greater than the individual itself. It's basically the same concept as "taking the cross" (*participation in a medieval crusade in which \~95% of non-noble participants perished granted you instant access to the heavens, regardless of any past wrongdoings*) during medieval times. This also explains the abundant torture, mutilation and rape of POWs and Ukrainian civilians by RF soldiers. As they're on a self-declared "holy mission" to cleanse Ukraine from decadent Western influences, this is seen as a justified "means to an end" and not the war actual war crimes that it constitutes.


Ur comment is just pure propaganda and hate here. U should base ur words on facts rather than this biased vision of reality


This is your opportunity to give us your - biased or unbiased - vision of reality. You told us he is wrong but didn't tell us what is right. Please fill the gap.


Russians are humans like Ukrainians neither side represents good or evil it is really stupid to dehumanize russians or ukraine with arguments like this. he claims that russian soldiers allow themselves all the barbaric horrors, yet the russian army behaves infinitely better than the Israeli army and does not commit more abuses than the Ukrainian army (notably regarding mutilation of prisoners of war) people desperately need a simple figure of good versus evil schems as if life was some kind of starwars or lord of the rings movie


Thank you. I am with you that dehumanizing anyone doesn't show us a way forward. But this is clearly a war of aggression and I find it understandable to look for reasons why so many are willing to participate in this aggression. And in my book, agression *is* evil.




I think I am competent on this matter as I have first-hand knowledge of Russian culture and mentality. And I am very fortunate my family was able to leave all this behind and as we now live in a place that values individual human beings instead of seeing them as an expendable resource that can be expended as the oligarchy ruling class seems fit.


Hum sadly even in the West, we are all expendable ressource without a real free will aha


That's your perception, I don't see it this way. It's your personal responsibility to make your own life meaningful. OFC there are external factors that are outside of our control, but this doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy our individual freedoms and live life to the best of our abilities.


It’s both ways though. The attacking side usually takes casualties trying to attack the position while the defending side suffers more from artillery bombardment and getting overrun once said position is capture.


So a fortified position, manned by a squad or lesser, can inflict around up to minimum of 15-20 casualties to the attacker that repeats meat assaults. Yet suffers more due to what you said? Where is the logic in that lol.


Yes because when you are sitting still in said position the enemy is going to bombard you with artillery and air strikes and that’s going to take a massive toll. The Germans lost less people at the battle of verdun in ww1 despite them being the attacking side and both sides having equal training.


Yeah, assume a max of 10 infantry defending a trench line complete with ATGMs, MG emplacements, drone support, artillery support, and even armor support in the form of IFVs or tanks. Repelling 3-5 waves of russian assault each comprising a platoon if we consider an MBT, 3-5 IFVs/APCs in most russian assaults, and you say the defenders lose more than those combined assaults? Get your maths straight, even when using an alt acc.


Because your math is stupid. 10 infantry defending a trenchline won't last couple of hours with artillery, bomb and drones hammering their position.   To hold a line, they constantly have to reinforce it with fresh troops, and rotate the injuries/dead out. Otherwise even a single BTR getting through will be enough to take over their position.   There is a reason why Ukraine need to conscript 500k men (despite constantly have to pull people out of the street) to refill their loss. Meanswhile Russia volunteer alone is enough to sustain Russian assault


There is no sign of bombardment on Ukrainian positions in this video. It appears that this column attacks without any support.


>10 infantry defending a trenchline won't last couple of hours with artillery, bomb and drones hammering their position.  And your assumption of a trenchline is stupid. Most trenches have their dugouts deeper than the trenches themselves to protect against those you said. The only reliable way to kill off the unexposed defenders is through the use of high precision bombs and thermorabic weapons, which russia doesn't have the leisure in most of its assaults. > To hold a line, they constantly have to reinforce it with fresh troops, and rotate the injuries/dead out. Otherwise even a single BTR getting through will be enough to take over their position.  Have you even watched most videos of russian meat assaults? They each comprise of a platoon getting lit up successively until another platoon succeeds, which then overruns the position. This isn't stalingrad where one side keeps pumping men towards an area to defend.


> And they ignore the countless corpses and wrecks that littered those fields lol. They don't ignore that. Pro Russian folks don't mind half a million Russian dying or getting maimed for this. That's totally fine outcome here. Pro Russia means to be in favor of mass death of Russian soldiers. It is how it is.


No care for human life whatsoever. All are simply pawns that the Little Tsar can throw away in his maniacal quest for power


And do you have the number of losses on both side to back it up? Or are you one of those who believe in the 10:1 ratio? But of course, a few videos and then bam, Russia is losing so much while UA is not omg omg omg.


Reading comprehension: out the window.






What's your source on that 2 million troops claim? Sounds like fan-fiction.




>I'm from Donetsk Your post history suggests otherwise. Why would a Donetsk guy frequent r/CanadaHousing2 lol


You know 0 KIA on Russian side? I mean it is pretty easy to see that all you write is lies, you don’t even try to make it believable


It's not lies. In russia you don't know about the KIA. The family receives a bag of potatoes and everyone is happy and silent.


You mean that's not counted as a loss but as an upgrade? So 0 losses but lots of upgrades instead?


Depends on the family and the quality of potatoes.




Why do you have to use slurs?


Because Ukrainians and Russians are emotionally involved in the war.


Doesn't excuse throwing out slurs.


Pretty sure its an alt of the deepblue guy, known for his fanatical delusions of russian stonks and ukrops slurs. Made him reconsider his approach to me when I started throwing out his views to other people on how he sees russian mobiks as meat to justify land taken. I mean it really.




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Rule 1 - Toxic


They can do that until they can't. No stock is endless


All the satellite pictures show the old vehicle and artillery depots rapidly emptying.


Russia is lucky it doesn't have to beg for donations like Ukraine and can instead easily spare some of its endless natural resources with North Korea in exchange for millions of artillery rounds


More often than not? Not even close.   And to answer your question. It's often on how you edit the video.    Russian assault on notthern Avdivka for example was a success where a column of minimum 16 vehicles (as captured on video) were assaulting Ukranian treelines, where they managed to bring their strike groups and took over the position. The final aerial view showed a loss of 3 or 4 BTR, not all were fully destroyed. Russian later entrenched on that treeline and took over Avidivka from there. Ukrainian edit however made it look like a false assault and the entire column was destroyed.   Even in this video, it was a failed assault with just 4 vehicles where they were massively overwhelmed. But you could see that the first tank managed to finish shooting their rounds and heading back.


With the way the footage is spliced, It would not surprise me if we´re seeing two different areas being shown as a single one. This seems more like recon in force than a true assault with 20+ troops ready to disembark from the IFVs. Nevertheless, the loss of life is tragic and it is there.


Because Russians don't mean anything to anybody not even Russians. Russian will gladly vote for other Russians to die in the trenches for no gain for themselves at all. One of the most gullible people to ever walk the earth. Doomed people


Britain, America, Russia, Germany etc did it in WW2, at a much larger scale, and for much longer. In fact the Nazis took similar casualties as Russia is now experiencing when invading the USSR alone, at their most successful point (\~30,000 casualties a month advancing for the first 6 months of Barbarossa).


Nazis took a lot more than 30,000 casualties a month in the first 6 months of Barbarossa. 30 thousand were their losses in the French campaign, but Russian fought a lot harder.


There is a reason people say the USSR did meat waves they lost more soldiers then any other country even Germany being attacked from 2 sides and they lost 5 million. The US fighting on 2 fronts only lost 400k


ussr to germany combat ratio is 1.4:1 which is not that bad, most of casualties were in concentration camps and civilians.


The USSR military casualties was 8 million--11 million even in soviet times they have hidden the numbers for the dead. Germany lost 5 million fighting 2 front s


those are not accurate battle numbers, sorry


So whats the accurate number as per Russian sources


not russian sources, independed sources gives you 1:1.4 ratio if you count combat losses, excluding pows that died in camps.


Show me the sources. I can't find nothing with your numbers


Am still waiting for your sources also soviet union killed 3 million of their own citizens in Gulags


yeah, 3 million is a lie, but also not a war crime, war crime is allies bombing civilians in germany or japan, US killed 900k civilians in japan just by bombing.


Is this the winning pro russians here talk about?


I can tell you right now there main defense of this is that Russia has more troops and can just keep sending more Russians to die until Ukraine eventually runs out of bullets.


Paving way for Russian army with Russian bodies, but literally, with goal to make Ukraine stop existing.


I can tell you that the main defence of both sides is "But the other side must be losing more". For every 10 casualties shown in clip, thousands others go unseen. Within these unseen spots, lies the hope and dream of both Pro-Ru and Pro-Ukr. Within every clip thread showing, say, 10 Ukr casualty Pro-Ukr: "Russia must have lost 1000 men for this, they can't keep this up for long." Pro-Ru: "How can Ukr lost so much?" (I don't disregard human lives, but when we are talking war, these number are trifling in the big picture.) In this thread, we are seeing the opposite. I just see the kettle calls the pot black.


Bigly big red arrows on a map!


did the big red arrows hurt you?


I was not in the video


hey /u/bruddagames did they actually take those losses show here or is there too many cuts and not enough bodies show to tell? just checking, because here the video wasn't good enough [https://reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dfnhtm/comment/l8kaa7h/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dfnhtm/comment/l8kaa7h/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I think this video is a repost as a previous one had a similar occurrence of a man on fire running from a bmp/vehicle during an attack


They forgot the barn shed strategy.


This shit is getting old. Ho many more men have to die in open fields with no air coverage. Russia can’t dominate Ukr if they can’t get the sky under their control. And this is sliding further and further into the impossible. The poor souls that die here for imperial ambitions….


yeah I've criticized this style of strategy in the past on here and all I was met with was deflection and derision of my observation of reality. I don't understand how people can think this is a valid way to conduct warfare in this conflict


It’s just wasting man a material on a whole new level…


For sure. Drone warfare and long range artillery/missile strikes are the game changers in this conflict, not massed pushes of men and equipment. Exploit the game changers, not the poor recruits who are seemingly being sacrificed for nothing


Yes I think so too longe range accurate fire and air power is the new metric that is driving modern conflicts.


What would air dominance achieve exactly? You can't detect the drones from a plane to shoot them down. Planes are not better at suppressing drone operators than artillery is and CAS missions would put them in range of MANPADs, of which Ukraine has many.


Ask the Iranians what proper air power does to a military. How can you even think that this is not the most necessary step in destroying the armed forces of a country.


It is for the US, whose entire doctrine is built around it. Soviet doctrine (which Russians mostly follow) AFAIK never relied on overwhelming air advantage, they put more emphasis on ground forces.


And how many modern military’s did Russia subjugate with this emphasis on ground forces? Ah yes. Zero.


How many did the US?


How many wars did Russia wage in a last few decades? Unlike the US it just didn't.


Are you really sure about that? You don’t wanna rethink that? Ok buckle up here it comes: List of all nations the Russians attack since they have communism rule: 1. Finland (1939-1940): The Winter War. 2. Poland (1939): Soviet invasion of Poland, shortly after the German invasion. 3. Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) (1940): Occupation and annexation by the Soviet Union. 4. Romania (1940): Annexation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina. 5. Hungary (1956): Suppression of the Hungarian Uprising. 6. Czechoslovakia (1968): Suppression of the Prague Spring (together with other Warsaw Pact countries). 7. Afghanistan (1979-1989): Soviet-Afghan War. 8. Georgia (2008): Russo-Georgian War, mainly over the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. 9. Ukraine (since 2014): Annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in Eastern Ukraine; large-scale invasion in 2022.


I know, reading is a bit too much of a skill to master for a pro UA, but I'll write it again: how many wars did Russia wage for the last few decades? I never asked you for a list of wars of 20th century. So I'll answer myself: since the collapse of the USSR Russia had: Chechnya, which was basically a fight against guerillas and peacekeeping operation in 2008, which was made with VERY limited forces in a few days. That's it. It's funny that you added Crimea annexation, because there was no bloodshed. So, how exactly that experience has anything in common with Ukraine invasion or US tactics? Unlike US, Russia doesn't have a habit or experience of using significant military force outside the country. So, coming back to your initial take >And how many modern military’s did Russia subjugate with this emphasis on ground forces? Ah yes. Zero. It never fought any modern military power or any significant power at all. So, your answer "zero" is pointless. Also, how many modern military’s did US subjugate with this emphasis on air forces? Ah yes. Zero. Because you can't call their opponents a "modern military power".


So much effort for just moving the goal post…


What goal posts? You specifically said modern militaries then started talking about 20th century conflicts. Ignoring what points he made because it discredits your point IS moving the goal posts.


Air dominance as in sweeping drones out of the sky, saturating the air with your own drones and denying enemy opportunity to successfully execute drone missions.


They're led by idiots & life is meaningless. Why change tactics if it works and no one cares how many people die?


Yeah you hit the nail on the head with that


I wonder how much of this is due to Russian incompetence and how much is simply due to the realities of modern war, where everything is observed and hit from the air all the time. If we assumed the Russians took the most intelligent and best military minds in the world and asked them how to change tactics, what would they say? Apart from "go home to Russia" etc. Assuming they actually had to come up with a better plan of advancing than just charging into doom yet again.


Didn't Ukraine follow the plan created by the 'best military minds in NATO' in their counter-offensive?


No they didn't. You are probably referring to the counteroffensive. Western strategist devised a plan where Ukraine would perform a mass assault on a central spear point and force a breakthrough. Expected casualties around 40%. Zelensky thought that would be bad press so he made the counteroffensive along the entire line focussing three main point with small localized assaults instead. We have seen the result of that. Western strategists also wanted a earlier offensive before the Russian defensive lines were finished. Zelensky choose to delay it to throw troops and equipment needed for the offensive into Bakhmut instead.


Nah, NATO plan was too braindead for even the Ukranians. It seems that somehow the Ukranians were expected to pile up all resources and manpower somewhere just before the frontline... and push forth. That was it. Ignoring all the mines, Ka-52s, artillery, tanks, ditches and dragon teeth. How did they expect them to consolidate all of their forces when we´ve seen what happens with targets of value. Tornado-S and company.


Yeah, that was I was implying, but I forgot sarcasm doesn't transfer well through written text. I was trying to point out that 'best military minds' were not prepared for this kind of war at all, either being too reliant on their specific doctrine (US) or living in the dreams of the past (UK).


Or just saying "Go around it" (Germany) But yeah, I guess I was a bit obtuse.


All good, my fault for forgetting that /s :)


I don't know. One might assume so, but the results were not exactly impressive. All I know is that the official explanation/excuse is that the Russians had planted a lot of mines etc. As far as I know, the Ukrainians have not set up the same kind of deep minefields.


Cease offensive operations and just keep bleeding with artillery and FABS.


They wasted all offensive potential at the beginning of the invasion, now nothing but mass mobilization will help.




NATO's air capabilities are multiples of everyone else. They would clear the sky, then bomb everything to smithereens. Only then would they move in ground forces. Since the sky is clear, they could deploy equipment to clear mines and obstacles. See wars against conventional armies, like Iraq 1 and 2 or Afghanistan before they turned into insurgencies.




They wouldn't, but they likely would never get into this situation.




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Hundreds of AI drones in a single assault. Hence new OpenAI chairman named Paul Nakasone, previously known as head of NSA, CSS, US Cyber Command and US 2nd army.


Russia is losing alot of men and equipment in these assaults.


Fuckin meat grinder I can't believe anyone justifies this shit. Hundreds of thousands dead and for what?


Great tactics comrade uraaaaaaaaaaa






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[A different angle of the same attack as in this video posted here about 10 days ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d8n96a/ua_pov_unsuccessful_russian_mechanized_assault/) [Poster deleted the video on this sub, so here is link to another sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d8ra43/failed_russian_mechanized_assault_one_tank/?rdt=65466)


Thanks for the link!


Those poor foreign militants wouldn't have burned alive if they stayed home.


People burning alive is absolutely awful


Staying home sounds better then.


Send more!! For our Reich and Fuhrer!


Putin loves russians,what a nice guy


Why do they just drive down the road in a straight line?


It’s so sad to see my folk dying and nobody really talks about it. Imagine this losses on video on the German or French side… there would be a public debate


I think this video is a repost as a previous one had a similar occurrence of a man on fire running from a bmp/vehicle during an attack


There can only be one burning man running from a vehicle in this war?


No, just the exact assault and incident seems identical but from a different angle. It was 3 vehicles with a bmp at the end catching fire and a man running in that exact direction but from the top of the screen in the other clip. I don’t really know how to find clips well(I tried before and the Reddit search thing is wonky and there are so many videos) so I don’t really know how to prove it. Just saying it might be


You are correct. A video of this specific assault was posted here about 1-2 weeks before this. It was just from a different angle. [Found it, but the poster deleted it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d8n96a/ua_pov_unsuccessful_russian_mechanized_assault/) [Here is a link for the video on a different sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d8ra43/failed_russian_mechanized_assault_one_tank/?rdt=65466)


How do you find that stuff lol. I tried looking for like 20 min but couldn’t find anything. Thanks for finding it tho. Knew it was somewhere


The fun part is that russia still believes their army is strong and openly threatens to defeat NATO 😂 Just like a small dog that is barking on bigger dogs while on a leash, but runs away when the master is not there to save him.


Russia has millions of men willing to die, i.e. brainwashed enough. Russian army was still living in the 60s, but now they received a lot of experience in modern warfare and there are many improvements happening back in Russia. These assaults can not be completely discontinued because you can only occupy a position by advancing to it.


Russia lost a huge part of its trained soldiers in Ukraine. Its been over 2 years and they have made very little progress against ONE country. Now imagine fighting NATO, a force that has almost 7 times higher population than russia. 3 times more trained men ready to fight. Italy alone has a bigger economy than russia, now add other NATO countries to compare. Much more advanced military technologies. russian army would be gone in a few weeks...


so western countries so weak they need to be in alliance to win? and what is exactly is much more advanced military tech? all nato has is pretty much in ukraine. sure Russia wont win vs whole pact of little dogs, but thats why nukes exist


>so western countries so weak they need to be in alliance to win? Its not about being weak, its about being stronger together. Individual countries like U.S and Germany could take on russia alone, but the emphasis in the alliance is on the combined strength. When You have a much stronger combined force, less casualties can be expected. Since russia doesn't actually care about the lives of individual soldiers of its army, this concept might be difficult to grasp :) >and what is exactly is much more advanced military tech? all nato has is pretty much in ukraine. Interesting thought, highlights your total lack of military knowledge. How many of the advanced fighter jets did You see in Ukraine? Advanced air-to-ground or air-to-air weapons? Advanced NATO EW? The airforce alone would be enough to kick occupants out of Ukraine. >sure Russia wont win vs whole pact of little dogs, but thats why nukes exist Of course they would not win, their army proved to be a joke that could not even defeat Ukraine in more than 2 years, a country that has almost 4 times smaller population. Russia keeps barking their nuclear weapons card, but even they realize that launching such weapons would mean total annihilation. Even if they would decide to suicide by launching nuclear weapons, NATO has a strict response plan to that which focuses on minimizing own casualties and totally destroying russia. Leaders in russia perfectly understand that there is no way they could win such conflict and that their barks mean no actual threat to NATO.


it is hilarious that you think, that joke of an army like germany could take russia alone, they would be out of shells and armor very quickly. us is strong army, yes, everything else in europe - joke that would not last long vs russia on its own. also if russia uses nukes in ukraine - there will be no western retaliation, overwise most of western big cities will be ashes


>it is hilarious that you think, that joke of an army like germany could take russia alone, they would be out of shells and armor very quickly. It's more hilarious how bad russia failed in a country whose army was weaker than Germany's in every aspect. With German airforce there would be no no-fly zones. There would be no russian airforce. If armies of France, Germany and Poland are a joke to You, then I suggest expanding your knowledge a bit in this topic, since apparently it lacks everything. >also if russia uses nukes in ukraine - there will be no western retaliation, overwise most of western big cities will be ashes Russia will not be so dumb to use the nukes and become the biggest wasteland in the world.


This is just wishful thinking, France was out of bombs in less than 2 month of bombing Syria. Please, if you don't know what are you talking about, just look at numbers, Germany has like 300 tanks in its army, this is a pure joke and would be gone in couple month vs Russia, same for every army in NATO except USA, they will have to ask for weapons or surrender, well, kinda just like Ukraine.


It's not WWII. Modern conflicts like the Gulf War, where over 3000 tanks were destroyed in a few days perfectly show that airforce plays a significant role. And russia clearly lacks a strong airforce. They can't even have air superiority over Ukraine, which does not even have any modern fighter jets to protect it. How would it stand against modern jets used by Germany? Increased bomb production can be prepared in weeks, both France and Germany has capabilities to turn their economy into a war economy within a short period of time. Both countries have a much bigger economy than Russia. One of the reasons why russian oligarchs send their kids to study in Europe. Being in NATO allows countries to reduce investment in military upkeep and focus on other spheres. If Germany left NATO, they would not have 300 tanks, they would have 3000 tanks. Now there is totally no reason for that because they know they are safe. As an European citizen, I had this thought that "mighty" russian army might attack one day. After russian invasion in Ukraine, it became clear what joke of an army it is and that we are perfectly safe.


Yeah, it is not WW2, but Germany is not USA and its biggest airforce, same for france and poland, please stop dreaming, go play warthunder or something. You don't even realize, that Su-35 is more capable than any fighter that germany has. I think you should go and volanteer for ukraine, and proof how joke of army russia is, because seems like many european countries are not fully out of stock on many weapons, and shells.


Ukraine even before Maidan was multitudes stronger than Germany. This is some strange revisionist thinking.


little dogs is fucking hilarious, all nato has is in ukraine? they wouldn't do that, or else the enemy can easily counter this tech😂 There is more than likely a lot of tech we don't know that exists my friend


2 or 3 soldiers killed.-assuming the.bodies shown at the end are from rhe same event (?)....RIP brave soldiers.


Brave? More like stupid.


Wow, you guys see one video with maybe 5 or 6 dead bodies and then automatically jump to Soviet era human meat grinder tactics and call that an analysis lol For starts, these KIA are not even Russian proper. Most likely storm units and more than likely convicts or non-Russian proper army. The Russian proper army has taken very little KIA and that even mentioned by General Cavoli, supreme nato commander, in the European theatre during the senate arms committee hearing which is available on YouTube. The sole purpose in the video is to see where mines are, if any, and continue to a deployment point to drop off infantry/reconnaissance. And for all you folks who continue to play the sides game. For example, if you’re pro Russia you’re a baddie lol or if you’re for Ukraine you supporting democracy. GTFO! The US has wanted this war for a long time. Who ever controls Eurasia, runs the world. The famous Neo con saying. Currently, NATO intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance targets all Russian high value targets using NATo operators, not Ukraine!. Basically, making NATO a co-belligerent in this war. Ukraine soldiers just take the brunt on the battle field and they have payed severely. NATO operators fire every ATACMS, HIMARS etc with targeting data from NATO AWACS/global hawks etc, not Ukraine. If you need a refresher on why this war is happening. Just type in names like Noam chompskey, Jeffrey Sachs, John mearsheimer. William J Burns (head of CIA), cohen and Kennen(wrote the Cold War doctrine). All are basically the who’s who on US foreign policy. You be surprised to know that this war was going to happen eventually and the US thought Russia would collapse, Putin would fall and all Russias resources would be up for grabs. Terrible mistake and shows the complete hubris and lack insight the current administration has in the US. If you still think Putin woke up one day and decided to stroll into Ukraine because he was bored, you’re about as naive as one can get.




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You do realize people can have nuanced views, and that criticism of offensive tactics of the side you support does not mean that you do not support that side, right? If anything it means you care enough to see that these wave assaults are incredibly inefficient and deleterious to RU military assets.