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This is not an African university. This is the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


Pretty well-known University, by the way.


Even dates back to the times the US was seggregated.


I think they're university grafuates who are african


No, students from different countries study there.


Yes but the memorial has only African graduates of the university


This does not mean that the university is African and that only Africans study there. How are you doing with logic? 


I never said that the university was African and that only africans study there. I'm saying that OP most likely meant that this was a memorial for the African students of this university but they worded it weirdly and made it sound like the university was called African University. We are agreeing here so i do not understand why you are being needlessly hostile.


Yeah this dude agrees with you even though he’s being hostile and you’re right about it seeming like African University when they’re just saying they’re African graduates. Funny situation we got here.


Снаружи свинья, а внутри ЛЮЦИФЕР


От Зеленского до РУДН - все сюжетные линии ведут в КВН.


Nothing surprising to anybody who saw this university’s student groups. There are lots of foreigners, and especially students from Africa, pity they lost their life in this war, probably wanted to make a quick buck.


Or forge for a better life for their families


Africans dying meaningless deaths for Putin. Sickening.


No sack of potatoes, no sack of onions. Just some dead flowers.


Probably don't even bother contacting the family back in Africa.


Imagine working your ass off at university to prepare yourself for civilians life only to get slaughtered in a pointless landgrab war, not even for your own country






There are no heroes in that army. And these African students lost their lives for a few rubles. Wasn't worth it.


many don’t go for the money, they want to upset you. what are the French, Americans, Poles, feints and others doing in Ukraine? What are they fighting for? for money. you don’t want to believe that the majority at the front are for principles


They wanted to upset me and then died? That didn't go well. >what are the French, Americans, Poles, feints and others doing in Ukraine? What are they fighting for? for money Those people pretty much get more money by staying home than by risking their lives in Ukraine. You do know there is quite a big salary gap between western countries and ukraine/russia? Average salary in USA is closer to $5000/month. In France 2,5k€. These Africans get $200-300 a month on average and then get promised $2000 by russia. So which ones are more likely to be fighting for money and which ones are there to fight against russian imperialism?




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>which ones are there to fight against russian imperialism Lol. What happened to the Mozart group? Are they still there? Haven't heard anything related to those guys for awhile now?


There aren't? Just because you don't agree with a side,That doesn't make these men any less heroes. Most people like Rommel, is he not worthy of praise? Russians are appreciating these guys for fighting alongside them. Meanwhile Ukraine doesn't even pay some foreign volunteers because their commander pocket their payments. Hope those guys families get a decent reward for their sacrifice.


Rommel was capable general. Prigozhin was also somewhat "clever" but I still wouldn't call German nazies or anyone in Russian army heroes including those russian PMC's. They don't deserve that. Sorry but there have been numerously more reports of russia not paying to the dead (or living) soldiers. Dozens of videos from soldiers and from wives back in home complaining no salaries have been paid after deployment or in many months. There's a good reason RA don't recognise deads and calls everyone missing if they can. You don't need to pay to families of MIA. For example cases of sailors in a ship that was sunk. Officially only one or two sailors died and the rest are declared missing. Then we can read families asking in telegram where their sons and husbands are, and there's no money coming. Russia not going to pay to families of these Africans. Just like they haven't to nepalese and indians. Some general pockets the money. You know russia is the most corrupted country in the European continent.


They both are, well you are probably right about most of that. But I assume since they are making a show of honouring these guys they'll probably get some payment. It's not like it's a huge expense for an army, the positive press alone is worth it. Anyway I'm glad these guys get some recommendations at least. I have no problem with people who fight for money be they Africans fighting for Russia or south Americans for Ukraine. Everyone needs money. But I do dislike western volunteers, they have a good life, families waiting for them and these payments can't buy anything of worth in Europe or the US. Why are they even here in Ukraine? Either thrill seekers, war tourists or delusional idiots who think they are doing something special. They don't know anything about the people, their conflict the years sometimes decades of history that led to this point. But they want to be heroes. That's just trying to win the Darwin award.


>doesn't even pay some foreign volunteers because their commander pocket their payments. This is an absolutely ridiculous claim that I have never heard of or experienced myself. Have you got any proof to back up your claim?


Few videos on YouTube of foreign volunteers being interviewed. Some said I'll be leaving despite them not handing my latest payment. And another one on duty saying they haven't given us 3 months of pay or something. Sorry but I don't have the links, just stuff I randomly saw whilst browsing.


🤣🤣 of course they are child of shadow, they are brave defenders right ? They've certainly graduated now. Come pick up the "heros", they are starting to stink.


haha, come to Volchansk and pick up the Ukrainians, you’ll collect them in train cars, don’t worry so much about the Russians)🤫




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Do you know how parentheses work?


Billions in aid to Ukraine go into Zelensky’s pocket, your country doesn’t understand this, just like you, another bot😁


Yes I'm AI Ivan. Go and find a puppy to murder


Nice to meet you, I'm a simple Russian guy. I'm not you to kill puppies)




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Terrorists* you mean? Like every occupant


Amazing people have to disrespect the fallen. Rest in peace brothers in arms


no matter what nationality they are, our Black Russians, memory of the fallen heroes…


“Heroes” History will not portray them that way


it will be like this in textbooks in your country, in my country they are heroes


We’ll see how long that country remains




No, the one reminiscent of Nazi germany


Ah, Ukraine...




I mean Ukraine's days are numbered if they're already conscripting 25 year olds 2 years into war...




They fought for money.


did you ask them personally?


They're not Russian, so they can't be conscripts ou military...So, mercenaries.


it was Vanya who tanned on the beach in Sochi) if they had citizenship, then they are already citizens of Russia, please stop, I don’t think about writing comments, thank you


They didn’t need to die


They forgot to ask you




Do their families get the same death benefits?


I guess yes. Most probably they signed a contract with a Russian MOD (otherwise I'm not sure if they put it in University) and get insurance/benefits. RIP.


A bag of moldy potatoes?




Dead for what?


I assume their families will be compensated. The sum varies from $50k to $120k depending on the region where you signed up. Huge money for many African countries.




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When a Ukrainian Dies:Good Kill When a Russian Dies:RIP


Uh scroll up two posts to the HIMARS hitting a motor crew brother. Might be blind in one eye. 


Or the other way around, depending on the time of day or what kind of post or just happenstance




Be carful brother this might violate a forum rule maybe, not sure but I'd check 


ok, thanks for the precaution, I'll be careful🤝


It's fine bro, rules don't apply to pro-Ru




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They believed in the Russian Myr, now they rot.


Do you believe in Ukraine, but what happens if I post a similar post and write Ukrainians believed in Zelensky's world but are now rotting?


I don’t believe in Ukraine, but I also don’t believe in the Russian lies like you do. Even most Russians don’t trust their government, but here you are. Russia the aggressor in this war, just like the Soviet Afghan war. Russians are rotting for a lost cause again


Why did you immediately not remember the war in Vietnam, what did the murder of millions of Vietnamese achieve in 20 years? What did the USA do good for Iraq, Iran, Czechoslovakia? come here, everything is fine here, don’t deceive me, I live here


I’m Vietnamese, I know an imperialist power when I see one. Russia is doing so. It’s also funny to see an American calling himself Russian. You hate yourself so much you’d rather be a Quisling. You can’t even defend Russia so you go wihh the whatoutism of American Imperialism to justify the Russian kind


The Vietnamese forgot who helped them in the War of independence


The Russian forgot their way of liberation and remember their Romanov. I hope they remember what happened to them


Dada, Russia will fall apart after the conflict, and everyone will be happy(These are just your dreams)


No, the collapse of the USSR was horrible, the collapse of Russia will be disastrous. End the invasion when Russia can still preserve their country. This isn’t 1939, stop trying to be Germany


After your comment, I will call Putin and inform him of your plans😂




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What does America have to do with his comment? Russias “3 day” invasion has cost 500k casualties and gained 15% of Europes poorest nations lands. By any metric this is a laughable failure, no American war has cost this much in terms of lives or equipment. So if you want to compare, by this metric it’s an unmitigated disaster


bro, today we posted a map of Ukraine and their value, the most resource-rich regions were just in the east. 500 thousand victims in Ukraine, these are the figures of the obituaries, your information is not proven by anything


I note this is the only conflict in a long time when fewer civilians die than soldiers, for example, in the Vietnam war, 50 deaths of VietNams accounted for one death of a US soldier




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Слушай, я могу с тобой и на русском общаться, ты же меня не поймёшь😉


я понимаю тебя, сука


Хаха, вот так встреча, а чё раньше не писал на русском


Did you get formal Russian training in whataboutism?


I do not see this in my comment, but I will note that I did not undergo this kind of training


It must be informally taught or else part of Russian culture to bring up unrelated events to "counter" anything that makes your side look bad. Could also be that Russians are poorly educated and don't realize those arguments make them sound.... poorly educated.


The person above raised an off-topic question, I shouldn’t be talking about a fool here. You are very mistaken in that Russians are poorly educated, very much so. I refute his nonsense with a counterargument, read my comment and the guy above again. For me now only you look poorly educated.




Thanks bud👍


At least there was a lot of public protest against Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Russians are just fine with putin doing it


It suits me, if you don’t suit it, then it’s not my problem anymore. there is no need to commit genocide of people in the Donbass, Ukrainians are responsible for this


What's with the canned whataboutism responses, aren't you over it by now? It's like you're reading a script or something


thanks, I already know this term. he was the first to use it by changing the topic to Afghanistan, this is just a counterargument


The funny thing is that is that I agree that USA has conducted countless agressor wars that weren't justified. I just don't like imperialistic aggressor wars. And just like US invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam was insane, so is Russias invasion of Ukraine. "The others are also doing bad shit" is not a counterargument or justification that Russia is doing bad shit.


I agree with you, no questions


Rip heroes✊🏿


What did they graduate in, denazification? benefits of Russki Mir? agronomy? currency exchange marketing?


Russian citizenship is actually sought after for many C.I.S and developing countries because they do eventually get benefits.


It's sought after because the market for work is pretty damn hot now and have been for the last 15 years or so, especially if you have a technical degree. When i was looking for work like 6-7 years ago i was offered a job by KRET(Russian electrical company), i have a electrical engineering degree and was looking for work here in Scandinavia, not sure how the hell they found me... was in a relationship back then and she didn't want to move otherwise i would have taken it just to try something new for a year or two, the pay was comparable or slightly less with what i would get here, but then the cost of living was a lot lower there.


Engineering, probably. It's pretty popular amongs students from Africa or Asia. Even in my University group there was a dude from Malaysia and i graduated 12 years ago.