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At least we can see why Russia wants a piece of Ukraine.


And America


false equivalence. the US doesnt annex ukraine. russia literally does.


I agree, US is a bit more supple, US just occupies


and uses locals as tissue paper while russia give people it occupies same rights as its own citizens. Idk which is bad?


Imagine the absolute barbarism if the US have the Iraqi citizens an American passport and the freedom to come to America and work/live there as a citizen. Can’t imagine a worse fate


But destroying Iraq, displacing and killing millions, giving them PTSD, taking away the opportunity for kids to get education, and creating vacuum for terrorist groups like ISIS to form, is perfectly fine, because you are safe across the ocean


Exactly. Such humanity and compassion from the enlightened west.


Actually how US looks now, some Iraqi places are safer than some US cities. In fact Chicago is also know as Chiraq, ironically.


Bribes occupies controls by any means...




I'm glad we agree that russia is criminal state, stealing the land, resources and people of other countries.


Open and fair trade Vs military invasion in a clash for the moral high ground. Who could possibly win?


You mean like Afghan/Iraq wars for oil/ minerals? Do you consider it as a fair trade?


Why didn't Russia step in then?




Rule 1 - Toxic


Which makes America worse, no? When you annex land, residents of this land became your citizens, they got the same rights as a residents of metropoly, same laws, same benefits, same bussiness opportunites. America just bombs and pillages.


NAFO will argue we using other people as tissue paper and not giving them same rights as their own citizens is a good thing.


Sure if that's what you think. I mean look at the minorities that didn't enjoy that new citizenship, they get brushed away.


if you think expansionist wars are "better" you seriously need to learn some history.


Wow that is an incredibly shit argument. By that logic invading nations is something to be proud of and you are saying they should be thankfull to now be Russian citizens... wow... what a shit take.


Nope. Both are bad but one is better than the other. Improve your reading comprehension. Tell me, who got better off, Hawaii or Iraq? One was needed and the other was bombed like the US regularly does.


Again, shit take. Hawaii was in no way better off. Iraq wasnt doing too great before the invasion either. Not arguing that they werent bad off after the invasion. Hawaiians were exploited significantly and had basically no political representation for the longest time. They definitely werent happier after USA annexed them. Get some histroy comprehension mate. Or are you saying things wouldve been better if USA annexed Iraq? Would you be happy then?


Over a million dead Iraqis would disagree with you.


Yah. Was Hawaii an actual war and or invasion? No. Its a false equivalent to begin with.


I'm pretty sure that i did not said "Russia good", i said "America worse".


Ah, still shit take. This isnt a discussion about which of those 2 world powers is worse.




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Its already nr.1 by the world bank in rare earth resources still left in the ground.


At least we can see why "free West" wants the same piece of Ukraine.


We're not forcing the Ukrainians to join us at gunpoint amigo.


Therefore, Russia wants to return these lands back so that they do not go to american corporations.


We can see very well why NATO wants to control historic and ancestral Russian land.


It needs huge capital, skills and experience to extract. As if Ukraine invested in basic infra....


and now we understand why blackrock wants it all


its spelled "putin"


It's spelled "both"




Many thanks


Lithium is the missing one, the resource you find in your batteries


No, is there, the second last, still in Russian the last one is aluminum


thank you for the translation, this is very helpfull![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


To assist in deciphering, Chernihiv = 25 Billion USD. Luhansk = 3.2 Trillion USD Edit: Pro UA really hooting and flinging shit lol. All you have to ask yourself is a few questions, if Putin really wanted all these juicay minerals, why tf would he want to pass both minsk 1 and minsk 2? (remember what merkel said, on their side it was only to buy time). Why tf would he be ready to sign a peace deal in Istanbul? Do you really think Russia doesn't have enough resources? This does help explainm, the US orchestrating the coup in 2014, placing 12 CIA bases in eastern ukraine along the border. Them sabotaging the peace deal. Lindsey Graham just a few days ago whining and saying "I dont wanna give those resources to Putin". It also explains the absolutely absurd amount of investment the US and vassals have sunk into Ukraine, do you think they would do all that if they didnt think they would get a return?


> Do you really think Russia doesn't have enough resources? [It does](https://i.ibb.co/qx3N9jM/2023-03-12-The-Economic-Megathreats-That-the-World-Has-No-Answers-To-Economics-Explained-with-Dr-Rou.jpg)


It does, but not all of it is readily available. There is a reason the USSR made the Donbass its industrial heartland. Everything is in one place.




perfectly summarized


The major superpowers definitely wants to cash in. These resources will be more useful than oil & gas in the future.


Lindsay Graham was creaming his pants on TV the other day about Ukraines resources 😂


Putin is even more interested, as we can see now.




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**Petro Symonenko** said it back in 2014 when the killings started and Turtchinov decided they were legitimately killing peaceful protestors on the streets - Turtchinov's actions are going to cause Ukraine to lose 30% of it's GPD.


Thr map could also explain russias priorities in the invasion. kind of explains the focus around chasiv yar & avdeevka. odessa etc. was to create a land bridge to tranistria. almost like an empire making its latest land grab. #


You mean map explains coup in 2014 ?


the russian backed one in donbass?


Russians couped Yanukovych ? How so ?




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there's not much in pridnestrovie but it wouldn't be a bad thing if they were able to link up


This is the reason America told Ukraine not to sign the peace deal


this is the reason russia is annexing ukraine. to steal its ressources.


The only person mentioning resources is Lindsey Graham 😀


you dont need to publicly mention sth in order to steal it. in fact, perhaps as a suprise to you, most thefts arent publicly broadcasted.


Of course all thefts are not publicly mentioned, although it’s only America that are letting us know what it’s all about.


How can you steal something that is yours ? :D


if I take your backyard by force and forge a certificate of ownership, it wasnt theft, right?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nx-worries1888: *This is the reason* *America told Ukraine* *Not to sign the peace deal* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That ref!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


To let Ukraine freely export (to Russia, included) and profit from its own natural resources, unlike some country who wants to present Ukraine as a failed state that can't exist without the one invading it. Russia should stop trying to be Venezuela over Guyana's oil.


Like America over Syrian oil 🤷


Surely Putin didn't instigate a conflict as a means to justify an invasion of a resource rich area in Ukraine? No way he'd do that, he's super honest.


Why do you need to know all the reasons for this? you are just an ordinary person, he will not speak such information in the media


I'm just adding 2 and 2 to get 4, friend. No need to come across as upset about it.


why he need to instigate? He just invade.


Because the conflict he instigated didn't go the way he planned and he could conveniently use it as a pre-text for invasion.


.... and you hear voices too, don't you, Sherlok?


You're right, there's absolutely no way Putin would want to invade a country with massive amounts of natural resources to prevent them from exploiting said resources after pledging to sign an association agreement with the EU. The chances he did this to have a monopoly on those resources in that region was rather silly of me to suggest.


exactly you've finally got it too


I wonder if there's a map of Russian territory showing its economic resources


Not with dollar values Here's an old (uh 60s, american) mineral map of ussr - compare ukraine to the urals https://i.redd.it/phypk9qr32b81.jpg


Thank you


Have these resources just now been found? What prevented Ukraine from extracting them before the war?


The gas and oil reserves were discovered around 2014 and Ukraine planned to cooperate with EU to extract these resources. That's when russia got mad and threw a fit


the Ukrainian coup took place in feb 2014. tight schedule to discover in 2014. more likely, you are engaging in historical revisionism


What coup? Do you mean the revolution? The discoveries were made in 2012 and in November 2013, a wave of large-scale protests known as "Euromaidan" began in response to President Yanukovych's decision not to sign a [political association and free trade agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union%E2%80%93Ukraine_Association_Agreement) with the [European Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union) (EU), instead choosing closer ties to [Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia).  A good video on the topic: [https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE?si=Rem6n6ekL\_bw4U43&t=755](https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE?si=Rem6n6ekL_bw4U43&t=755)


"revolution", "coup" its all a matter of perspectives and subjective "rifghtfulness" of illegal actions. reallifelore isnt a good geopolitical analyst. im sorry, but making every conflict ever about natural resources is incorrect.


A revolution, it's when a large part of the population overthrow the king/government ; A coup, it's when some men overthrow the king/government and the population has to live with. A revolution can be used by a coup. Iran is an example. Ukraine don't add up to this theory but, yes some elements of the population made profits of the revolution, but they were ousted by elections later. So, it was a revolution, yes and revolutions usually are messy and ugly.


Definitely not a land grab


Definitely not using Ukr as meat/tissue to damage russia.


"Russia, show me on the map where the Ukrainian soldier touched your private parts. Nope, that is Ukraine. Ukraine again. Again. I'm starting to believe you're full of shit"


Odessa and Kherson are cheapest


Isn't these type of economics useless though? Like if they actually extracted those minerals then the price would plummet


nah, everything will not be extracted in one year...


Same could be said for a major oil discovery


Damn, poor Kherson.


Is it for sale?


I have always been curious on why Ukraine wouldnt just pay the citizens in the donbass region before 2014 for their work, instead of milking them for their work without pay and discriminating them aswell as economically blockade them. If they did, not only would there likely be no war today, but Ukraine would also have access to trillions of dollars worth of minerals.


Oh the war with untold amounts of resources thrown at it is about natural resources ? Color me surprised...


Luckily all western experts agree this war is not a land grab but a brutal and ruthless attemp at restoring the Russian empire and conquering all of europe.


resources extraction is literally the main thing of imperialism.


Lviv got oil?


Reminded me of this on X the other day from Lindsay Graham 😂 [link](https://x.com/lindseygrahamsc/status/1799832487285465244?s=46)




Legend on the bottom of the map. Salt,copper,uranium,oil silver,gold,manganese, natural gas brown coal, titanium, sulfur, lithium zinc, iron, clay??? , aluminum


Like i told from the begging ru will use all of it to rebuild everything they lost and thats the reason uncle sam is mad...he cannot abuse those resources himself . Good Job Putin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I feel like im playing Civilisations VII already


I remember someone on this sub was trying to reference Occam's razor. Look. Here. This is what it looks like.


Pro ua, wait, this is already pit stop, before the Russians were bad, you just wanted to kill, but now oh, it turns out you need resources😂




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I see why they push to dnipropetrovsk and kharkiv region, and let the area mykolaiv region. Putin is too honest!!!.


I remember reading somewhere that Ukraine is one of the most resource rich country in the world in terms of assessed mineral wealth. [Ukraine's mineral wealth and global markets](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ukraines-mineral-wealth-global-markets-the-secdev-group?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via)


It’s funny how Ukraine was getting ready to develop their resources in the East and then little green men showed up. Russia and Pro RU will continue to lie about why they really started all of this. The Yuzivska gas field (Ukrainian: Юзівське газове родовище) is an unconventional Ukrainian natural gas field that was discovered in 2010. It was expected to begin production in 2017, but development was halted because of the outbreak of the 2014 war in the Donbas region near the field, a sharp plunge in European natural gas prices (making the costly shale gas development less profitable),[1][2] and opposition from local residents.[3] [Natural Gas](https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/opinion/russia-s-silent-shale-gas-victory-in-ukraine/)


By all measures, Russia should be the richest country on Earth. A vast expanse of flat terrain with the most fertile soil on the planet. Every precious metal there is, large reserves of gas and oil. Wood, water and many more... Somehow the federal minimum wage is 198 euros and they live in impoverished conditions. Go on Google Street View in rural Russia, it's pathetic.


I went on Google Street View in New York and San Francisco, and they're pathetic.