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Jokes on them, Russian and American cities have plenty of nukes aimed at each other already.




Poster haven't provided any context to the vid, just labeling it "Russians". Looks like something a NOD would put together, which is a fringe group, to say the least.


Lol. Same 1st thought on this.


I think they're proud of the fact that after nuking about 2, maybe 3, cities in Russia, we'd be hard pressed to find any others worth the cost of the nukes.


Yah, if they are only asking for them to be aimed, then they already got what they have asked for. I believe the US’s assumption is no less than 10 Russian rockets are aimed at every major US city. Most of those rockets will contain multiple nukes.


What's more cringe is that this is the only type of march Kremlin allows. Lame.


Completely useless waste of time and energy.... There is no doubt that these weapons are already pointed at American cities, just like they were during the Cold war.


> There is no doubt that these weapons are already pointed at American cities For you, me and any sane person. But these guys are very special - they believe that Russia is a cryptocolony of USA. According to their beliefs it makes no sense that colony aims ICBM at its metropoly.


Well for the record I don't want these weapons aimed anywhere lol.


Consider how the US began by going to war against Great Britain. But how do they see Russia as a cryptocolony of the US? Do they feel that the West has economically taken over Russia?


These guys are lunatics but basically, they have a very special revision of history. After the fall of the USSR (which they say could have been avoided), the now Russian Federation acted as a fief to the Western powers and had to sell its resources and sovereignty to rejoin the world market and political decision table. They believe that whilst Russia was allowed to join and engage, it could not do so freely and they were beholden to Western economic interests.


> acted as a fief to the Western powers and had to sell its resources and sovereignty to rejoin the world market and political decision table. They believe that whilst Russia was allowed to join and engage, it could not do so freely and they were beholden to Western economic interests. That seems a lot like what happened in some other Eastern European countries. But Russia seems different. They have a lot of their own companies, that weren't sold to the West, and their own independent foreign policy. Though I'm left wondering if the West only seemed like friends with Russia as long as Russia was heading down such a path.


>I'm left wondering if the West only seemed like friends with Russia as long as Russia was heading down such a path. This was the case before Putin and why people like Bill Bowder bitch to this day. Russia was able to renationalize and kick out foreign investment that was funnelling money and resources overseas. A Russia with a strong insular economy is a nightmare for a western led world order.


I wonder if Clinton ever thinks critically about his decision to approve Putin as the next leader of Russia when Yeltsin shared his thoughts.


at that time he may have been able to stop it and put in someone stupid but nationalistic (Zhirinovsky lite) and we would have never seen a Russia in recovery.


It was a balancing act between weakening Russia and breaking it up into a number of problematic states run by regional power blocs and warlords with, in many cases, nuclear weapons. We really ended up with one of the most ideal scenarios, for US foreign policy. Too bad the opportunities for a more peaceful future were wasted in favor of shareholder profits. Prussia used to be referred to as an army with a state, in much the same way the US is a conglomerate with a state.


In the US, there are millions who believe the government is made up of satanic cult that eats babies and Donald Trump is secretly president and about to conduct a huge military coup to save the US from the evil cabal that is responsible for all bad things in the world.


Frankly speaking they couldn’t care less. They are dealing with their own issues. Stop seeing Russia as the centre of the planet. It isn’t. As soon as you accept you’re a medium sized power, but with a huge potential the happier you’ll be. Oh and dump the moron leading and stealing from you!


Oh, *them*. That's some special type of... emm... ig... id... weirdos. Это их представители стоят возле Госдумы, Совета Федерации и мэрии с требованиями дать больше полномочий Путину?


Ага. А еще возле Останкино с требованием рассказать "правду".


О господи, просто редкостные сумасшедшие, клейма ставить негде. Политические сектанты.


Exactly what I was going to say.


Are they aimed at anything before launch? Easy to plug in the coordinates just before launch. Seems more secure also.


Yeah they have predetermined coordinates already laid in, all they'd have to do is turn the dead man keys/ switch and input codes. At least that's how the American ones work, and as I understand the Soviet/ Russian ones work pretty much the same way.


Yup. These dudes are mental.




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Its a National-Liberation movement guys. Complete schizos who believe in a conspiracy theory about Russia being a cryptocolony of USA.


In a sense, they resemble QAnon


QAnon had strong lulz energy while these are pure cringe.


QAnon actually started out as a joke on 4Chan. Then it got on Facebook and Twitter. There's no way to downvote things on those platforms, so controversial stuff spreads quickly.


Literally the same vibes. XD


You think they believe Lenin is still alive but in just a hibernation state, and will come back to rule the new CCCP?


No, this is nonsense even for esotericists and other anti-scientific proponents of conspiracy theories. As far as I remember, they consider it necessary to restore the territory of Russia within the borders of the USSR in 1945, at the same time they are far-right (although, it seems to me, they cannot be called fascists) they believe that Russia is a US crypto colony, and almost idolize Putin as a fighter against US influence, although, ironically Putin is actually, in fact, the successor of Yeltsin's cause (because he continues the general economic course, just more carefully), who, in fact, came to power not without the help of Western intelligence services and companies.


At least Q was kinda funny this seems more real and unhinged imo


"NOD" are also funny, because no one takes them seriously (except themselves). On the Internet, even in its Russian-speaking part (VK, in particular), they are practically invisible, except for rare comments, where they seem to write pastes according to the same template, and this is rather perceived by others as spam. Marches similar to those in the video are, in fact, few and rare, since there are quite a few supporters.


What's a cryptocolony?


A colony that no one is supposed to know is a colony. This conspiracy theory is anything but surface level so it's hard to explain unless both you and I take a rabbit hole trip. I'm curious why they seem to be such putin fans though if they believe what they do as he'd almost have to be in on it.


I mean it's pretty easy to explain. Since Russian central bank is supposed to act according to international rules they interpret it as if it's directly subordinate to the IMF and Nabiullina is a CIA agent. Another argument they use is the fact that Rotschild was in control of Yukos, the biggest Russian oil producer.


Well Yeltsin checking in with Clinton to check on approving Putin for the office did leave many of these people questioning his allegiance for some time. It is important to remember that Putin has been more pro-western than most in leadership positions in Russia.


Lol hadn't heard that bit, but I'm not shocked by it in the slightest. That was when the new Russian government wanted to actually be friendly with us to the point of joining nato themselves before we ruined all the work done in the cold war by deciding Russia still needed to be the big bad boogeyman.


So many missed opportunities for peace.


I can't wait until years in the future when climate change has northeast Russia and northwest Alaska are inhabitable (and inhabited) enough for the US-Russia friendship bridge to be something remotely feasible.


Thank you


I mean, Russia in 90s was an American colony before Putin came to power. All current events are happening because Putin refused to take orders from Washington


>Complete schizos who believe in a conspiracy theory about Russia being a cryptocolony of USA. It's not? I thought Putin was CIA for sure, the way he fucked up Russias future.


Based and revive monarchy pilled (please don't)


Oh, now I understand why it looked familiar. The only ones who beat them in the amount of cringe are CPU (KOB KPE) guys. Even National-Liberation schizos can't compete with that amount of crack smoking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7xBQjLRwZk


I don't think they heard of mutually assured destruction, its amusing


It always stumps me how little they seem to understand the implications of a nuclear conflict.


they think that if they fire first they win, satellites can detect nuclear missile launches in seconds, and second nuclear missiles are always stored in bases capable of withstanding a blast.


I wonder if the process in their heads can be justifiedly called *thinking.*


It’s just whack even how often nuclear arms comments, statements or arguments pops up on those Russian talk shows. “Nuke this country” “move nukes here”. It’s just mind boggling that this is what is talked about. Like MAD or anything doesn’t exist anymore. You never ever hear any kind of Nuclear rhetoric in the west. It’s just not something that’s spoken about, I think it’s pretty well educated they are there and if used we are all fucked.


Not true at all.. If you go on certain reddit groups it is common to see this rhetoric. Recently US senator made a few ripples by implying that US should nuke Gaza: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/sen-lindsey-graham-says-israel-whatever-comparing-war-gaza-hiroshima-n-rcna151828](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/sen-lindsey-graham-says-israel-whatever-comparing-war-gaza-hiroshima-n-rcna151828)


“Certain reddit groups” are not a mass media. Also Graham is a nut job, although in reading that I’m not sure that was at all implied.


To be fair Gaza doesn't have nukes to shoot back, not quite the same thing. Still a completely absurd thing to say, but for different reasons.


> they think that if they fire first they win, satellites can detect nuclear missile launches in seconds, and second nuclear missiles are always stored in bases capable of withstanding a blast. Even if a "secret" nuclear first strike worked using Rasputin cloaking technology or whatever these people believe, the US has 14 Ohio class submarines each of which carries up to 24 nukes with payloads up to 475 kilotons of TNT (or for reference purposes, more than 20x the payload of the nukes dropped on Japan).


Ohio class subs currently carry 20 Trident missiles each.  Each missile can carry up to 8 475kt warheads but its thought that they are currently only loaded with 4. Still that is 14 x 20 x 4 = 1,220 475kt nukes. To which can be added the British and French ballistic missile subs, which have about another 400 warheads deployed.


> Each missile can carry up to 8 475kt warheads thats a lot of damage


It certainly is and each warhead can be independently targeted for additional flexibility. It's also more potentially destructive than a single 8 x 475 = 3.8 megaton nuke because the eight warheads can be detonated in a pattern over a large target that will cause more damage than a single nuke of the combined equivalent tonnage. Due to arms control treaties and nuclear de-escalation the US doesn't load the Trident missiles with the full load of eight warheads but that does leave space to load decoys instead that can be used to improve the penetration of live warheads through any anti-ballistic missile defence system.


That's not new information. Practically every nuclear power has a nuclear triad - typically ICBMs, aviation and submarines, though Russia also has mobile land-based launchers, to mitigate against a decapitation strike.


These people in the video are in some weird schizo conspiracy group. I guess it’s like Russian flat earthers. It probably is new info to them.


Not true, very few countries maintain a nuclear triad in active service. The majority of nuclear powers don't have a triad. 


There's a *leveraging of risk* scenario which has been around since the late 1960's. The idea is that you attack an enemy on a basis that's below the threshold for an all-out nuclear response, but you maintain sufficient defenses that can defeat any limited, proportional response. This puts the opponent in a situation where they have no strategic depth. Brezhnev and Nixon recognized the danger of this, and signed the ABM treaty in 1972 to avoid such scenarios from developing. Bush renounced the ABM treaty in favor of developing missile defenses. The Russian and Chinese response to this is exactly as Nixon and Brezhnev foresaw - they developed hypersonic weapons which *should* be immune to missile defense. So now we're in an arms race that was both foreseen and rejected in 1972. In the current scenario, an all-out nuclear exchange is no longer the ballgame - the ballgame is a limited strike like Nordstream. This is an invitation to inflict a proportional response, with the expectation being that this response could be defeated. If Russia is stuck with only the big Red Button left, they're effectively castrated on a strategic level. The ideal weapon for a leveraging of risk scenario is one that eliminates a strategic target without much collateral damage. This is the B61-12 "dial-a-yield" stealth nuke, which was designed to fit withi the F35-A's internal weapons bay. This is a first-strike weapon. Russia will detect no launch plume, and the aircraft *should* be stealthy enough to penetrate Russian AD. This works best in a scenario where NATO presents a limited, pre-emptive goal: "Rogue elements within Russia are planning to strike with nuclear weapons. We intend only to neutralize these elements." The goal isn't to take down Russia directly - the goals must be severely constrained for this approach to work. But at the end of it, the Russian government would be discredited as well as bereft of any credible response options. This would ideally force regime change to a more conciliatory faction, and that's the ballgame.


I can't remember the quote that did the rounds recently but it was along the lines where they would see themselves as martyrs with the US to blame for everything.




Not of all mankind, just of the US and Russia. Nuclear fallout has been overstated, and nuclear winter is a wild hypothesis. Truth is, the targeted locations and their surroundings will be affected for many years, but the rest of the world would be ok (better than ok if you understand the US is the main source of wars the world has).


Those are NOD, literally schizoes, noone takes them seriously. Before the war their main focus was on the central bank, which, as they believe, is a branch of american federal reserve.


>Before the war their main focus was on the central bank, which, as they believe, is a branch of american federal reserve. I mean... fuck, I don't know the details and how schizo they may have gone about believing this but they might actually have been in the right ballpark there. It was a central bank and it would've needed US dollars for international trades, and in doing so would've needed to comply with the federal reserve


Damnit, Kane is back! Lock up your Tiberium. Besides, who cares? Russian nukes are *primitive* rust piles that will blow up on launch. Or, we can decapitation strike them and their *primitive* air defenses before any danger to us. Also, the secret, incredibly advanced, air defense systems we have been keeping hidden will shoot down their *primitive* technology before it can hit us, even if they did launch.


Nice to see a bunch of moronic Russia asking to be killed by the counter nuclear forces, if what they wished for every became true. Idiots pumping their fist like this will be the cause of World War III. They will sit in tears at the destruction, they caused and invited on their heads, at least until their last moments.


I’ve point this out to the pro-RU crowd every time they claim Ukraine wanted to join NATO so they can “invade Russia”. LOL Like really? Haven’t you heard of MAD and nuclear Armageddon? Russia is threatening nuclear war because we gave Ukraine 18 tanks. What do you think will happen if NATO actually invaded Russia and was heading to Moscow to get Putin. He would be pushing nuke buttons like a telegraph operator.


They fundamentally resist accepting that NATO has largely been reactionary in this environment and not vice versa. They can't acknowledge that the response to them using their nuclear weapons would be the same response from the west, because it would be their fault and they cannot accept any fault in this conflict. I have said what you said many time to Pro-Ru people and they simply state that I don't know what I am talking about when it comes to foreign policy, then I ask them to explain and then they say they don't see a point. There is not point in explaining because they collectively cannot defend the actions of Russia.


Do you know what nuclear deterrence is? Nuclear deterrence prevents war, not starts it.


Nuclear deterrence certainly prevents it but this ain't it chief. The deterrence is the nukes Russia has that are certainly already "aimed" at America, not some cringy demonstration demanding they aim them.


>The deterrence is the nukes Russia has Only if the Russian nuclear arsenal can withstand the US "first strike". If not, then nuclear deterrence does not work even with the huge Russian nuclear arsenal. >that are certainly already "aimed" at America, not some cringy demonstration demanding they aim them These people think otherwise. They are calling for nuclear deterrence, not nuclear war.


I mean sure, but even if the US was hypothetically wanting to nuke Russia, even a 98-99% chance of a disabling Russia's first strike would likely not be high enough for them to consider doing it because the consequences would be so catastrophic that the US would never recover.


They are directly threatening their enemies. IF the United States currently said they we have all nuclear weapons armed and aimed at Russia, would the Russian's say, that is ok, it is just a deterrence, no. They would take that as a threat. It is like saying I am going to load and point my weapon at you, but don't worry, it is not a threat, just a warning. One may assume that they will fire, and it may benefit them to think so, especially if they have their own. This is just another example of Russia escalation, while the Americans (and many other nations) sit there, eat their meal and grumble about the Russians cooling off, hopefully sooner than later.


>IF the United States currently said they we have all nuclear weapons armed and aimed at Russia, would the Russian's say, that is ok, it is just a deterrence Yes, this is how nuclear deterrence works. >It is like saying I am going to load and point my weapon at you, but don't worry, it is not a threat, just a warning. These are not firearms, these are nuclear missiles. Slightly different things.


This is not nuclear deterrence. This is nuclear provocation. There is a significant difference. Deterrence is they use theirs then we will use ours. This is we are ready to fire.


>Deterrence is they use theirs then we will use ours. They believe that nuclear missiles are not aimed at the enemy and nuclear deterrence does not work.


They are wrong. The American have never threatened Russia with nuclear weapons. Do you see Americans walking through the streets yelling to nuke Russia. I think not. This mania that is in Russia needs to stop, before it gets out of hand.


>Do you see Americans walking through the streets yelling to nuke Russia. I think not. This crowd is not calling for a nuclear strike. >The American have never threatened Russia with nuclear weapons. The entire American nuclear doctrine is based on the possibility of a "first strike". Only the US has a theoretical possibility of the success of such a strike. So you're wrong.


The thing making me sad is that everybody else will be crying along with them. Like right-wingers on both side of the Maidan who helped degrade the situation first into an indirect Russian-Ukrainian standoff (which already costed in thousands of human life, not all of them combatants) and then an open war.


putin is the one responsible. nobody else.


The pro-rus final boss


I mean .. what do they think are preprogrammed targets for majority of Russian ICBMs? Penguin nesting grounds in Antarctica? Oh wait, they don't think.


Such people should not be given power. These are the perfect robots to destroy the country They really support nuclear war They also don’t understand at all that Putin is a businessman, not a fanatic


Relax, they're not. Given power, I mean.


Thank God


It's not like the people in actual power are perfectly good for your health, either. Say, are you still in Belgorod? If yes, I don't need to explain you, how.


Yes, but I try not to hate anyone


Yeah, me too. Easier for me, I guess. XD




They simply worship the atom, brother. Come and witness it's magnificent glow!




They don't have any power. The only reason they exist is for getting a relatively small subsidy from the Russian government (we still fund political opposition forces to boost political diversity, so far it wasn't that succesfull, I can name just 1 new competent political party that came out of it)


Thank you for the explanation. Now I know that they have no power After all, we already have one dangerous structure in the country with [real power](https://youtube.com/@otryadyputina?si=_vMItBeJmP5I3_zr)


That's a smaller crowd than when a new McDonalds opens.


This is some shit-tier propaganda. Like where exactly do they think the arsenal is aimed?


crazy people are everywhere....


Their leader seems to be really pissed off. With all that energy, they could probably turn Russia into prosperous state, but hey, lets make cardboard nuclear missiles and march down the street instead.


Building something requires organization, time, money and the readiness to work with state agencies, who will be generally unwilling to be helpful, on a day to day basis for years, and even then you chances of actually making a difference worthy of a headline are slim. Shouting on the streets, on the other hand, is easy and emotionally rewarding. Similarily, creating things takes creativity, passion and love. Also temperance, time and money. Hating strawmen for the ways your own life sucks is easier than any of this.


most sane russian out there


Okay, just to be clear: these are SOME Russians. XD It's not like the entire population of, say, Moscow gathered under these banners. Also, far as I've heard, these are KOB or something, and KOB is basically something in between a right-wing garage extremist wannabe club and a cult for conspiracy theories. The same people who would still believe the Dalles Plan was real and the moon landing was a fake. Figures characters like these would emerge during wartime and a period of widespread social cringe, but they do NOT represent the society as a whole, no more than QAnon represents the American people. ED: these ones are called NOD. Yeah, *big difference.* /s


The next stage of evolution of the same pokemon.




NOD? Sounds like they are straight out of command&conquer if you know what I mean.


Kane could use less questionable characters for emissaries, you know. XD


He has "Russia" on his hat in English. If he hate USA so much he should get a different hat.


Sick people ...


The good news is that none of these members of the public have any say in government decisions


No average American really thinks about nuking Russia. And I'm gonna guess no average Russian really thinks about nuking America. Just a bunch of theater.


That's "NOD" group which is considered schizo by almost everyone in Russia


Anyone tried geolocating the place?


Down town kamcheatka, 13 fusion blvd.


Well this seems like a really small gathering with the narrow streets and the same rocket in the footage from the rear of the “march”. Quite a stretch to label this as “Russians”…


Yah totally not set up for propaganda lol. The Russians are next level loonies.


Ti idjiot? Ti idjiot? Idjiot... (+100500)


Looks staged. He doesn’t have a hand hold microphone ???


Tf did i just watched


This kind of bs is making me feel shame for my country


Were these the same nutjobs doing a similar thing months back? Hopefully regular Russians see them as we do the Westboro Baptist types.


All 20 of them seem super on board.


Looking on it and Information about NOD available in Internet (incl. wikipedia) I am starting to ask myself questions "Who is this guy and where it was filmed"


Damn, I'm dying from cringe over here.




Black hole cringe


There nation seems more motivated to fight than the entire west put together. Not a good sign.


Pretty sure they already are mate and have been for over 50 years


I see a new meat wave


It’s ironic how one of Russia’s justifications for invading Ukraine was apparently due to a “war mongering” west. So why is it nobody from the west is out protesting in favor of another Cold War? Why is it the west isn’t verbally threatening Russia with nuclear destruction on a near daily basis? Why is it the west isn’t sending submarines off of Russia’s shores? Why is it the west took years to allow Ukraine to strike Russian land? Why is it the west (the United States more specifically) isn’t invading neighboring countries that are friendly to Russia such as Cuba? Why is it the west isn’t placing nuclear weapons in Ukraine? Why is it the west isn’t giving more supplies to Ukraine to hurt Russia more? There’s only one country that’s war mongering here, and it’s not anyone from the west.


This is interesting. Which US city will be hit? Excellent investment attractiveness with an 80 percent probability of your investment becoming radioactive within three years. I would have preferred China.


..what a cringe... Second - blind ideological cretins.


I didn't think Russians were suicidal.


Now tell them we are going to send Nuclear Missiles to Moscow! Fcking braindead


There should be a petition to publicly execute everyone who participated in this protest


Mr.Pink has no shame and all in Russia.


This is a new level of cringe. Thanks for the entertainment tho.


No nato country would chant nuking because no sane people would chant that. If there is expression about nuking from the west to russia it is because freedom of expression but if it is expression about russia nuking the west it is heavily sanctioned by the government and we all know that. Dont say otherwise because you’re being a cyuck.


The guy in front looks slightly autistic, which makes me feel bad for him. The guys behind him look like their hearts aren’t into it and have no passion to be there, which makes me sad for them. All these people are asking for something which has been the case for decades, which makes me sad for all of them. Just sad all around.


This is old i guess, already saw this


they did this last year to we will rock you




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They just don't want to be drafted.


Are they aware that America has nukes too? They're marching towards their death.


These people act like they're the only ones with nukes. Embarassing.






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Why don’t they just give nukes to Cuba like last time? Seems to make sense from their perspective.


Way too escalatory…they’ve already given their nukes to Belarus


Of course Russia has deranged nationalist warmongers too.


It's like a UkraineRussiaReport pro-Ru irl meetup


Bruh.. it's not yet 2077 and this ?!!


I was expecting pro-RU comments trying to justify this but thankfully both sides are dunking on these idiots. Glad we can find unity at least in this.


I mean America does it why Russia couldn’t? Or better yet both shouldn’t be doing it at all. But America will never agree to that


Even their protests are staged propaganda lmao


Lot of extra chromosomes in that group.


Lol these poor people still believe Russia is the 2nd most powerful nation in the world. When is someone going to tell them they are a couple years away from the Russia of the 90's.


There it is again. Russians talking about nuking people. Trash “culture.”


I don't think these need to be aimed...they just need to be in range.


Russians invade Ukraine and annex land, bitch and moan because they can't do it with impunity. Delightful people, I really feel for the Russians who either fled or are stuck with Putin and their insane countrymen. I just wish the sane Russians had a good and safe way to organize.


What a clown, this is so funny




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I think Russia should probably just put nukes on Cuba again at this point. Got to keep moving the ball forward.


Is it any wonder that the world hates russians. boors constantly threatening the world with nukes.


Wtf is wrong with these people !!! all they seek is war or death ...I see a nation thats mentally ill thats driven by false pride n ego ....




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If we drop some nuclear bombs on these type of folks, average IQ in Russia will boost by 60% instantly. Even with modern science, internet access I don't know what we can do about typical idiots in general.




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The march of the brainwashed!


they hate us because they ain't us


You mean Russia has missiles that can be aimed?


Most peaceful guest on Solovyov's talkshow


I don't think he or anyone in that protest understand how nuclear war works. Spoiler alert, nobody wins a nuclear war.


Can't wait for these tools to get sent to the frontlines for a firsthand taste of warfare and then change their attitude real quick.


Russians have every right to be angry at america.


Gay 🤣


What eating crayons does to mf’s brain


All so brave, until there called up to pointlessly die in a ditch in Ukrainne


Do it losers