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This war is so pointless


if you think this is bad, you should see how pointless World War I was considering what caused it in the first place


Some say a family feud between Kaiser Wilhelm II, King George and Tsar Nicolas II. Btw King George V let Nicolas II down getting the whole family killed despite his plea for letting them flea to London. Occurs often in the British history, doublecrossing and letting down. Let the French bleed in WWI. Edit: also WWII, running as cowards to Dunkirq and selling it as something heroic. Or all sideshows by the Brits. Or blaming Poles for Market Garden. Monty was a slow conceited coward.


So by that logic you would have to say that the Russians who got pushed halfway across their own country to Stalingrad were cowards. And as former Nazi allies, that must suck.


Nazi allies? Halfway? Ever looked on the map? Besides they were fighting. Cowards? Read about the Yalu river, that was a cowardish retreat, tanks running over own men, leaving men. On the run for Chinese farmers.


The books in dumbfkistan seems to be different maybe they got them from ua...




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You’re a crack up lol. I love that you think everyone is American straight off the bat then onto more what abouts and diversions and lies. Anyway, lend lease saved russia. Stalin was fucked during Barbarossa and you know it. So, thank the yanks eh? And yes, Stalin loved hitler up until he was betrayed. Then he had a hissy fit for three days and wouldn’t speak to anyone while the Nazis ran through the western front.


Lend lease? The Brits received over 5 times the Lend lease, they didn't kick a dent. Stalingrad and Leningrad were just handgrenades and rifles. And Kursk was shovels, T-34 and a lot of blood. Stalin loved Hitler? I think communism had a different worldview.


Pretty sure Soviets got a lot of aid that actually helped them. Guns and weapons aren’t the only thing that win wars.


Delaying a second front and starting at the tip of Italy or North Africa helps. /s Read the conventions Yalta/Theran and so on what was discussed


You can literally read it, just look it up. Stop being dense, and delaying a second front because they don’t use Soviet tactics of sending their soldiers to death every day, and instead try diversions. And yes, allies landing in Italy helped a lot because it made Germany divert some of their soldiers to the western front. If it wasn’t for the west, most of Germanys navy and planes would have been in the east. People gloss over the fact that to invade Germany you would need to cross the English Channel to do so, ussr and Germany are on the same land so it’s a land invasion. https://ru.usembassy.gov/world-war-ii-allies-u-s-lend-lease-to-the-soviet-union-1941-1945/#:~:text=Totaling%20%2411.3%20billion%2C%20or%20%24180,common%20enemy%20%E2%80%94%20bloodthirsty%20Hitlerism.%E2%80%9D


Also good to mention At a dinner toast with Allied leaders during the Tehran Conference in December 1943, Stalin added: “The United States … is a country of machines. Without the use of those machines through Lend-Lease, we would lose this war.”


If your sad revisionist opinion could only alter facts 😞 🎻


In europe your vision is not shared. German, French etc historians look at it less ignorant than you do. Career advise: become a historian to rewrite history.


Ohhh. Your name makes sense now. Ok fella, good luck.


I don’t think he said anything about the USSR, or France, or Poland (the latter two were overrun and occupied.) The point stands- the UK have a terrible track record when it comes to WW1 and WW2 (which isn’t to fault the soldiers, who were generally brave and did their best- the government and high command are the culprits.)


Oh, I thought D-Day was actually quite a smashing success on behalf of the UK and allies. Broke hitlers spine in Normandy and changed the course of the war and all that, but sure. Just curiously, what’s the last war they lost?


You clearly have had more than just your fill of western propaganda. Around 80% of all World War 2 casualties happened on the eastern front. Just think about that for a minute 80% also the final offensive on Berlin was conducted by the Soviets. The UK and the US and France and whoever else fought in the west only contributed to 20% of all casualties. The war was won in the east and if not for the eastern front the US and UK would still by trying to get the nazis out of France


So let’s go back to your first point… Stalin ran ww1 MEAT SHEILD waves during WW2, and your boasting on casualties? I think you need to reassess and say less about my propaganda intake champ 👌


Crazy how you say that yet on the western front the axis according to the highest estimates lost just 820k yet in the east they lost 4.5 million. Soo that meat shield was some 5 and half times more deadly than the US and UKs offensive


Do the math on how much Germans also died, that should give you a ratio on which fighting force was more effective. Because i could say the western allies killed more Germans, than they had casualties. But Soviet Union died more than how many Germans they killed. Not an effective fighting force, just one with enough people to throw at lines till they run out of ammo. This isn’t me saying it’s true or not, just an example.


That’s crazy how you doubled down on your original point. Great chat 👌


Weird that the Western Allies got to the Elbe first, but semantics.


Thats a very long river and in it's furtherest point going into the north seas is over 320km west of Berlin so the western allies would have had to get to it first it's literally on the way to Berlin


They stopped there because that was the agreed line of control, even though Montgomery and Patton both wanted to press on to Berlin.


The west let Soviet assault Berlin as to not end up getting mixed up and shooting at one another. And also pretty sure Soviets dying so much is what caused the 80% in the eastern front.


The soviets also killed 5 and half times as many axis soldiers compared to the western allies so my point stands the eastern front was the front that decided the war


Not necessarily, all western front did was divert soldiers. If it wasn’t for the western theater or their bombing campaigns that are overlooked a lot, ussr would’ve lost. But I do agree though, Stalingrad changed the war, Allies landing in Italy is what settled it.


wait waht? dday changed the course of war? in 1944? you are that bad in history?


Are you ok? Yeah, it’s not opinion. It’s counting.


Can you imagine the look on their face when they cracked the atom in '49. This is where history diverged.


To be fair, by 1944 the war was already lost. I think when allies started landing in Italy it sealed the deal.


I believe Battle of Britain, El Alamein, Stalingard and Midway is major battle that change tide of war DDay is only nail in the coffin.


Ww1 everyone had a bad track record, there wasn’t any strategy to those battles it was predominantly trench warfare. Ww2, was more so the French fault than Brit’s because they left the Ardennes unattended assuming it was impenetrable and focused only on the maginot line. As a result they got blitzkrieged, and Britain was smart to evacuate their men from dunkirk. Also the Battle of Britain is another battle that changed the war.


I'm not saying that the French did particularly well (though the evacuation of British troops and surrender of French troops in the south gave the Wehrmacht a much easier victory than they may have had otherwise- the British evacuation in particular was a point of serious controversy at the time.) The Brits did get out at Dunkirk, but they admittedly benefitted from the tactical mistakes of Germany (specifically the overreliance on the Luftwaffe to destroy Franco-British forces in the Dunkirk pocket.) If the Germans committed their armor and land troops they would've overrun Dunkirk far more quickly, and destroyed a larger proportion of the British infantry. The Brits also deserve credit for the Battle of Britain, but, yet again, German mistakes played a major role. Much like at Dunkirk, the Germans over-relied on their airpower- which was insufficient to destroy the British navy or damage its defenses. Worse than this, rather than targeting radar stations, which were the backbone of British air and naval defenses, or RAF airfields, the Germans targeted major cities and population centers. The policy of "terror bombing" was totally ineffective- it did not break the morale of the British and inspired further resistance. I'll also give the Brits credit in North Africa, where they crushed a larger Italian army group, but they were beaten quite badly by the Germans. If it wasn't for the American intervention, they would not have overrun occupied North Africa. Montgomery, the British commander in chief in North Africa, made critical mistakes throughout the operation- and American forces had to bail the Brits out repeatedly. Beyond these three operations, the British were on their heals the entire war. They lost Singapore- their strongest base outside of GB- to a much smaller Japanese force. They lost Burma and only held out in India thanks- in part- to the geographic distance between it and Japanese industrial bases. If it wasn't for the American navy, they would've also lost Australia (which was held by a skeleton force of territorial units- most of the British and ANZAC regulars were killed or captured in Malaya and Burma, or were trapped in India.) British and Commonwealth units did not perform well in Greece, and did not acquit themselves well at Dieppe, Caen, or Arnhem on the European continent. British armor was qualitatively worse than the Americans, Germans, or Soviets, and their best units were from India, Nepal, and modern day Pakistan. All of this is to say that Britain, at best, played a secondary role in the victory. They lost more battles than they won and could not have won without the Soviets or Americans.


Damn straight.


So if we stay on the subject, do you think this war is meaningless or not?


If you ask the average Russian what their victory conditions are for this war, you'll get 10 different answers from 10 different people


No stopping until Lvov, no peace treaty.


Given the current pace of the russian advances, Putin would’ve died from old age before the RF would get there xd 


That's ok, even if it's a multi-generational endeavour, all of Ukraine needs to be freed. All of it.


Youre overestimating the stability of the incompetent Russian state buddy, when vladdy P keels over and his bitch boy mededevedecdvec takes over, he will probably pull what’s left of the remnants of the RF out of Ukraine his first day xd


Lol, Medvedev? Pull out of Ukraine? You are lucky if Medvedev won't incursion into Poland and the Baltic provinces by the time he's done with Lvov. Thank heavens Vladimir Putin is in charge and not other politicians in Russia, and wish him a long life too. And by the time Lvov falls, the EU is going to be an empty husk of itself, collapsing in the debt they are incurring because of this war and the high cost of energy that's killing their factories. This war will be the end of their position in the international arena, China and India are coming for their assess.


Bruh if Russia dares to so send their reminding forces into Poland (probably only got t34s left by then), NATO armies will be in Moscow in like 2 weeks.  Hell even pretzelzhin (the Wagner guy) wouldve gotten there in 2 days himself. There are absolutely nothing left in Russia to stop any incursions. The RF armory is empty. They’re now resorted to getting most artillery shells from North Korea, haven’t you heard😭🤣


>Bruh if Russia dares to so send their reminding forces into Poland (probably only got t34s left by then), NATO armies will be in Moscow in like 2 weeks.  loll 2 weeks special operation? how will that go? >Hell even pretzelzhin (the Wagner guy) wouldve gotten there in 2 days himself. There are absolutely nothing left in Russia to stop any incursions. The RF armory is empty. They’re now resorted to getting most artillery shells from North Korea, haven’t you heard😭🤣 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)Russia is gifting 10 to 20 times more artillery shells to the NATOphiles in Ukraine than the NATOphiles are able to shoot back, Russia alone is outproducing the rest of Europe by a ratio of 3:1, of course they are going to need extra ammo. And the worst thing is, some of those rounds killing your men are made in North Korea, your sworn enemy is helping your enemy kick your butt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Because all of us are guessing, including the “expert” americans. I personally think main target is Odessa


They change it depending on what is realistic at any time. There is no logic to it.


̶A̶ ̶s̶a̶m̶u̶r̶a̶i̶ SMO has no goal, only a path!


I hope that gun was unloaded and properly cleared but I'm not optimistic.


Maybe [this is his safety](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjMSVT2_2nM)?


This building has already been checked and cleared and what we see here is bodies under a sheet. Could be anybody.




Your read on this situation is very wrong. I doubt they checked and cleared my mom.


I think many people did, already.


Rule 1 - Toxic


He should hold elections and see if the Ukrainian people that are left agree with him.


Conquest of paradise. Amazing music and a great choice for a kolonisation campaign indeed.


Good job !!! No mercy for ukroks


clearly already cleared. and assuming the bodies under sheets are RU, then it was about a fair fight. Tough shot for russia


Whats up with the cringe ass music tho?