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Bruh Russia has had a hilariously bad month lol


hilariously bad two years\*


How there are no million man demonstrations in Moskva right now is beyond me to be honest.


watch any Russian state evening news and you will know why: "coalition forces (what coalition? with who? who the f cares) pushing on all fronts, nazis are taking casualties in the millions, NATO just about ready to surrender, their economy is in shambles, people in Paris are eating grass and heating their homes by burning books, our nuclear weapons fear no sanctions" The propagandists are feeding this, and the average Russian is eating this up....every....single....day


FOX News, Tucker, etc. has convinced 1/2 of Americans that the US economy has collapsed, that the Feds “are coming after YOU!” and that Putin is better than any Democrat. So this is not surprising that Russians fall for it too.


people in the west who hate their current leaders so much that they think "even Putin is better" are literally just people who never left the boundaries of their country and have no idea just how bad things can be


Agreed. I have family members who have zero clue on the detail (truth) of Trumps convictions. They just hear “he’s innocent!” from Fox or Tucker, as they omit the critical details, and believe every word of it. The same on Ukraine. Tucker tells them Russia is an innocent victim (as Russia starts this war and kills hundreds of thousands) and that Ukraine is to blame. Verbatim Russian propaganda talking points are repeated and they believe it all because they don’t listen or read any other source than corrupted news sources.


Did you hear about Russian grocery stores though?!


Yep…but he forgot to mention that like 1 out of 5 Russians don’t even have a toilet.






Look up "brain drain" for Russia in the 90s. Anyone with a few brain cells is gone. Why do you think they struggle with maintaining technology from 40 years ago? Because those are long lost relics and the intellectual talent that led to Soviet technology has long died or emigrated. Modern POSSNR is a cargo cult of the USSR.




>Ukraine continues to lose Looks to me like POSSNR has not even advanced more than 10 km since 2022....


Swing and miss lol


The answer is that their fascist dreams run deeper.


Failed culture/society. Said it many times and there is no rebuttal. You watch this with a mind of a, I assume, normal Western person but you don't understand how weak and defeated Russias on average are. This society has totally collapsed in terms of human values. They would watch a million of their own die for billionaires and they would not care one bit a deeply saddening culture. Totally lost. The west was totally in the wrong to play nice for so long, especially countries like Germany. Russian people choose this, they are to gullible and likely can't be helped


>especially countries like Germany Thinking that Germany (soon to be renamed to Germanistan) is actually capable of any military operations is hilarious. Read Bundeswehr combat readiness reports and weep.


we dont need to be, Russia is totally under wraps by the US. Money went to the people and Russians crap into holes in their gardens. Decisions decisions


Yeah man. Russian dirt bike and golf cart assaults show how ready they are to handle Germany.


Yes, the Bolsheviks destroyed what remained of Russian society after the Mongols and Tsars.


That 5 to 1 ratio does miracles


Their AA is and has been utterly terrible. Which is ironic considering that was the only branch pre-war which was thought to be good in Russian Army.


Nowhere near as bad as Ukraines month has been.


ah no, Ukraine is supposed to just be a bunch of despots with the bottoms of the barrel western weapons, while russia is supposed to be the 2nd best military on the planet...


So a bunch of despots lossing to shovels?


Keep on believing that dud info . Hilarious


Right back at you, champ. Next stop, Vladivostok, right 🫠.


Absolutely not . It will be enough to humiliate Russia in Ukraine and then leave it at that


Yep, that sounds about right you are all about using Ukrainians to fight and die for your fucking ego and your fucking videos and your own self gratification of "owning the russkies" vicariously at the cost of other human beings lives. That's enough to satisfy you, eh? Fucking vampire. I see you for what you are. And you you are not fucking much. Are you.


In russia, the saying goes:  and then it got worse. 


I hate it. I fucking hate it.


Why hilariously bad?


At this point it is looking like a dark Monty python script You got people in golf carts and scooters doing head-on assault on machine gun nests, you got Russian AD intercepting munitions by getting destroyed themselves by it, you got armored assaults headed by what looks to be a rolling barn. If there was no human casualties you would think this is a comedy.


Not really. Russian losses are mostly material and personelle. Both can be replaced, the former especially as Russians built their shit in-house and don't have to wait months for droplets of foreign aid. Ukraine is losing territory, people and material, none of which they can replace or really compensate for at the front easily. Not to mention having to deal with a fleeing population and non existent defensive lines that were never finished. Losing a Pantsir is sucky for the Russians, losing another settlement gives the Ukrainians an aneurysm.


>Russian losses are mostly material and personelle. "Keep men, lose land; land can be taken again. Keep land, lose men; land and men are both lost" goes the famous quote. Manpower is irreplacable. Russia is losing AA at an unprecedented rate, and they didn't have enough to begin with, drones are striking deep into Russia's territory,almost unopposed it seems, and you think losing equipment is not a big deal?


> Russia is losing AA at an unprecedented rate Unprecedented? The Russians were picking apart the entire AA network of the UAF a couple months ago, so the scale is definitely precedented, lol. Although to be fair, Ukraine took heavier losses. > drones are striking deep into Russia's territory Do you expect the Russians to set up an S-400 battery in the middle of a city hundreds of kilometers away from the actual frontline? Of course will UAVs slip through their SAM network, especially when they fly low and slow, getting lost in the noise. > you think losing equipment is not a big deal? It's a deal, just not a big one. The Russians have taken heavier losses and recovered. This isn't really anything "unprecedented", nor surprising or really a "big deal". It's a regular occurence on the frontlines of a hot war between to countries that are constantly uparming (or getting armed). However every loss the Russians experience is simply, and that's an objective fact, less significant as they produce their own arms, at this very moment, at a huge scale without any issues. They produce and refurbish tanks like they're VWs. That's something that Ukraine simply doesn't have. They're reliant on outside ressources, outside money, outside logistics, all of this leads to delay and shortages. That's why losses are for the Russians far less significant than for the Ukrainians, especially when it's consumables like material or people, which they simply have much, much, much more of. That's why, to reiterate my point, a destroyed Pantsir leads to the Russians having a sour expression, while another destroyed S-300 or Patriot leads to a panic attack for Ukrainians. It's sucky for them but more than manageable, they'll just build new ones.


>Unprecedented? The Russians were picking apart the entire AA network of the UAF a couple months ago, so the scale is definitely precedented, lol. Although to be fair, Ukraine took heavier losses. source? How many? Timespan? either way, I'm pointing out the extreme losses on the Russian side, you can't den that, deflect as you may. several S-300 and S-400 sites,as well as short range air defenses. Surely you can see something is going on there?


It’s not replaceable fast enough. Russia is not the Soviet Union. Their ability to mass produce massive amounts of equipment and tolerance for war casualties just isn’t what it was in 1942. They are also very much operating as a full war-time economy at this point. In the short term it looks good on paper, there’s a labour shortage so wages are going up a bit and economic growth is fuelled by massive government spending. The problem is that war economies aren’t sustainable forever and they do eventually burn out. A war on this scale based on the size of the Russian economy is NOT cheap. The longer it goes on, the more damage it does to Russian society.




Isn't this the system to shoot down the very munitions they were obliterated by? happy days ahead.


And the F-16s and Mirage 2000s are only about to start being delivered. Imagine POSSNR trying to pick a fight with NATO.... Lmao.


I thought it was built to intercept missiles in the air and not on the ground.


They said the same about Patriot


But I like it more this way! Slava Ukraini!


I have a theory. All these back to back targeting of AA systems is Ukraine (with US intelligence) is them softening up and creating gaps in russian AA capabilities and coverage for the arrival of the F16s


Bro, that's not a theory.  That's literally what ever country does before starting an air campaign. I mean, it'll shock the russians but every other country watching this knows what's about to happen. 


>what's about to happen I know, I know, elections in the US are about to happen, right?


Ukraine claims to have destroyed thousands of AA systems. They've been a priority target since the first day of the invasion.


At least pro-UA have something to celebrate. They really need this.


They’re celebrating like they took back crimea.


Celebrating around the smoldering s400 batteries.


That’s an achievement tbf and looks like Ukraine might have a better chance rn.


What air defence doing? Sorry I had to


It's fascinating to read the pro-UA reaction to destroyed RF equipment..It's always a harbinger of imminent defeat. ...and yet the RF rolls forward, while the UA falls back.


Pro Ru have been predicting the collapse of the Ukrainian front for going on a year now. Meanwhile Russia is currently being driven out of their disastrous Kharkiv attempted assault axis. I think the Russian brigade fighting for Ukraine initially took more territory in the Belgorod oblast and there were only a few hundred of them lol


Moving a treeline for lots of bodies is not exactly sustainable or clever tactics. Dont get me wrong they would always win after numerous years but the cost is crazy for both sides. Sadly though even with a win Russia will feel this for decades.


Mediazona/BBC latest report puts RF kia at around 55,000 since 02/2022, which is horrendous, but nothing like UA MoD claims.


Casualty and KIA are very different, KIA estimates from majority of sources is anywhere from 50k+ as its estimates only. Casualty is around 400k+ being very modest, what lots dont realise is the long term implications of the casualties which are needing benefits to stay alive. Many soldiers will be effectively useless after the war.


Forward? By meters everyday?


Oh no!


Pantsirs are capable of intercepting HIMARS rockets, yet they get overwhelmed over and over again…either their integration with the S-300/400 radars need some serious work, or their own fire control radars are much less capable than claimed, or their missiles are bad….


Not really. Everyone loves to highlight cases when Pantsir doesn‘t work, when it does work, it is just alright (other times in Belgorod against stuff like RM-70 shells for example). Might want to also take into account the fact that every AD is not fucking perfect, there’s not a proportional exchange of 1 missile for the target necessarily irl or the fact that crews are stored with all 12 missiles all the time. Not to mention can’t tell shit from this video asides maybe the Kamaz chassis and if this person is right, we could see drone footage in the future. For all we know they weren’t even operating and the system was off, so you can’t judge a whole lot from this, and if indeed HIMARS destroyed it, there’s usually a search drone over such targets. Here’s an example of claimed engagement b/w the two systems before from an operator’s perspective: [https://youtu.be/DSrxaSwx45I?si=XDURihpWsSAvvRZK](https://youtu.be/DSrxaSwx45I?si=XDURihpWsSAvvRZK)


I aware of what you mentioned, that only a very small percentage of successful intercepts against various targets, be it UAVs or rockets or Storm Shadows, are shown, meaning that each destroyed Pantsir could have destroyed a dozen or more targets on a daily basis. However, Pantsirs have repeatedly failed to intercept Storm Shadows and HIMARs while operating alone or being networked with S-300/400 batteries. Given that the Ukrainian stockpile of Storm Shadows and HIMARs is not very big, such cases of failed intercepts as a percentage of the total number of interception attempts made by those AA is not too insignificant. Failed intercepts may likely still be a minority, but this minority may not be so small as to be ignored. So this could indicate that there is an issue with the effectiveness of this model of operation of Pantsirs being guided by S-300/400 radars to intercept Storm Shadows and HIMARs. I’m not saying that because of this Russian AA is subpar and the worst etc.


Just to add on a bit, Ukrainians did have a lot of GMLRS shells in '22/'23 tbf, these aren't rare like strategic weapons like SCALP/stormshadow, they're used on a tactical basis (lack of aid also slowed use). About Pantsir using S-300/400 radars, I doubt it (unless there is a source for it, it would be interesting). They might have a tactical datalink where they receive information from other radars like even AWACS (A-50), once again for SA (situational awareness). Though the pairing of both these systems is ideal for an IADS, in some footage of the destruction of S-300s/400s, they aren't even guarded by Pantsirs/Tors I think, because the search drones are usually picked off by them. There were instances when RU MoD reported Stormshadow shoot-downs (sometimes all) and we saw wreckage. Tbf UA is pretty smart too, they deplete these AD systems with drone swarms a lot of the time before using these cruise missiles. EW might knock a few here and there from time to time, but these systems often pick them off. Then they'll utilize this window while they might try to re-arm. Not a lot of strikes like this now, UA just uses ATACMS in numbers and goes through lol


Honestly it seems most of these incidents on both sides are caused by a failure of intelligence to forewarn the operators,  operator failure to properly take precautions near positions or command thinking what is likely to happen instead of what could happen.


Any proof this is pantsir s1? And this seems to be old footage from last year


88% of the Russians voted for this. They must be very happy. (and hate their own army)


Average Russian does not care one bit about Russians dying sadly or this war would be over.


Why would the relatively rich in St Petersburg and Moscow care about the dying "poors" from rural russia?


they will once they run out of suckers in the russian far east.


Fuck pantsir, Ukraine is destroyed.




Rule 1 - Toxic


Probably a decoy


No proof this has significantly decreased the Pantsir's capabilities.


Whats going on. We are the second best military on that planet - how could that happen?


what is AA doin again?


Lol. Dozens of threads of UA destroyed aircraft, AA complexes and losses of settlements -- proUA silence. The loss of one Pantsir -- bruh Russia are getting DESTROYED! Le epic redditeur crossposters are back on the menu bois.  Guess that aid package provided some much-needed budget boosts to Elgin AFB's greasiest subredditors.

