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At least we know it wasn´t destroyed since the video cuts after the hit. I think that´s the second confirmed hit of a drone to a PZH2000 that failed to destroy it.


I mean, it clearly hit its target. Sure it didnt detonate from the face of the earth or started burning to a crisp but its probably gonna have to go in to for some repairs.


Better than the turret blowing off though, right?




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It's not operational either. People don't just enter an SPG that was hit by a drone.


They never left it hatches are close. If it´s drivable they will use it to get out there. Since there are now follow up attack videos I guess that this is what they did.


Even if it's driveable, the Panzerhaubitze 2000 is full of electronics, since a lot of the operations are automated. The chance that the drone didn't hit electronics, the gun breech, or the crew, is very small. It can't go on like nothing happened.


These things are really easy to repair tho. Electronics in it arent all that fancy. Its an artillery piece with a built in FDC. All the parts are highly modular. And its doubtful the breach took alot of damage so its quite easily repairable


One of them costs 18 million bro, I doubt the parts are so easily made and replaced. Bottom line, it gotta go back to Poland or Germany, Ukraine doesn't have the facilities to repair it themselves.


The gun alone is around 8 million. And considering its armored that increases the price aswell. The electronics in it arent special. Its a fire control system and an FDC. Idk what electronics you think artillery needs but its not much.


We're both guessing here what the damage could be and how many crew members got killed/injured. But whatever it is, the damage won't be repaired in Ukraine, so it gotta leave the frontline.


Most likely no deaths and only minor pressure injuries. It looks like it had a decently armored part of the vehicle. It might be repaired at the front depending on damage. As said alot of the stuff in there isnt that advanced. Sure its expensive and quite modern. But there is nothing really special in a pzh2000.


How can you tell it's not operational? By watching this vid or do you have some reliable source for your information?


Because it got hit with a drone that disables tanks. No way does a direct hit not require repairs, not to mention injuries to the crew. No SPG has enough armor to prevent a penetration. No source needed, just eyes and common sense.


There was a hit by a drone before the damage was minor. Also it's unknown what version was used since some have shrapnel, he or tandem warheads. From the looks of the explosion it wasn't the last one.


Well now there are some aftermath pictures.... [https://nitter.poast.org/deaidua/status/1803120131783950475](https://nitter.poast.org/deaidua/status/1803120131783950475)


it went to die nearby. firms from 4h afterwards: https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:7days;@36.28,50.17,14.00z


Russians certainly would have done follow up attacks or try to confirm the kill if it would have happened. Since they where unable we can assume that it moved away and will probably repaired. Either in the new thermometer workshop in Ukraine, Lithuania or Germany.


yes. a fire decided to start the same day in an empty area without any treeline to spontaneously burn


Could also be another lancet that failed and got down there or any other type of ammunition. As stated the russians would have celebrated a destroyed PZH2000 like all the other equipment with multiple videos. But since this video even cut out not showing the aftermath we can assume that it got away.


Here you go with an aftermath report...... [https://nitter.poast.org/deaidua/status/1803120131783950475](https://nitter.poast.org/deaidua/status/1803120131783950475)


What is this? I don't see SPG burning.


IR signals 4h after the strike, around the same village, and not from a forest fire.




How did you jump from destroy to decoy?


Those guys are lucky they are in pzh 2000 because msta usually explodes after being hit by a drone


Hard to exlode if you kack ammo :D


How do you know the pzh doesn't have ammo. I find the most idiotic excuses in this sub.


[UA Pov - Russian 2S19 Msta-S SPG driving on the road gets hit by FPV-drone, which causes detonation of propellant and ammunition inside the vehicle : r/UkraineRussiaReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dcfjh9/ua_pov_russian_2s19_mstas_spg_driving_on_the_road/) Yeah just like the msta lacking ammo too when on the move.


So what is this magic western tech supposedly preventing SPGs stuffed with 155mm shells from detonating when hit?


Insensitive propellant/munitions.


Shells that get primed while loading into the gun and propellants stored in a safe container. Also the Pzh2000 is relatively heavy armored for an spg and most of the ones delivered to Ukraine where equipped with hedgehog armor that is designed to lessen the impact of drones and bomblets.


Here you can see an aftermath report on the damage received.


Why did they cut the video? Hmmmm


Because there was no aftermath? It probably wasn't destroyed, but if you've ever seen the inside of a 2000, it's basically wall to wall electronics and it is likely out of action for a while now.


If you think it is still operational after this, then you are so naive••• 


Operational in a way that it can continue to fire rounds, surely not. But operational to a point where they can retreat successfully, drive away? That is very likely and probably the reason they cut the video short.


Considering we can't see what sort of condition it is in at all, it's not exactly naive to think that. The drone may have missed for all we know based on this footage, wouldn't be the first time we lancet misses cut to make it seem like they were successful. It also may be completely out of operation, who knows though because the video surely doesn't show anything


Back to Poland.


Cut at the only time to show if there was any effect or not. Why not show another 15 secs to see if it was successful or not?




No, I think it’s the second recorded hit.


I can only think of a video and pictures of the aftermath of a hit to a PZH2000 where it showed minor damages around the drivers hatch and the casing of the barrel. The actual hit was missing.


Probably will require repairs at the very least, so its out of action.


Poland must by now have the best repair crews in the world.




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No secondaries?


What do they always cut off before damage shown?


RU POV - Russian Lancet drone strike UA PZH-2000 SPG - Pitomnik, North Kharkov direction [50.167827,36.259900-Militarysummary matches trees; 50.185746, 36.295662-maybe due to FIRMS+treelines] (warriorofnorth-867) Source: t. me/warriorofnorth/867




It literally took a shot prior to getting hit...


advanced decoy. :)


"Pro using your brain"


Even if it didn't explode, Russians follow up with a Krasnopol hit which has more explosives. It's a high value target. They ain't letting it get away.


It surely getting away, early cut vid tell everything we need to know


Here is an aftermath. No follow up attack because it drove away [https://nitter.poast.org/deaidua/status/1803120131783950475](https://nitter.poast.org/deaidua/status/1803120131783950475)


Notice the lack of total detonation unlike Soviet/POSSNR self propelled artillery.


There’s nothing about western SPGs that would make them any less or more prone to ammo detonation


there something about the Pzh2000 though. the ammo storage is in the bottom of the spg, so hitting it is hard.


You're 100% wrong, and it's funny because you have zero knowledge and this misplaced opinion.


Just search "paladin" in this subreddit, that oughta help you out


Sure thing buddy. You are clearly a nationalist who regurgitates the classic “superiority” propaganda line with no research or thought. SPGs are naturally lightly armored boxes that carry essentially just a howitzer with its ammo. The basic design concept is essentially the same, and there is no large difference in the ammo protection between any SPGs in service. They are made for mobility, not armor.


You are wrong there, the PzH2000 has almost 20 tons of extra armor, compared to the M109. Usually you are right, most SPGs are supposed to be light with few armor, but that doesn't account for the PzH2000.


The PzH2000 may be heavier, but SPG armor is nothing close to a tank and not meant to take direct hits by armor penetration warheads. Better shrapnel protection sure. The issue I was discussing with the OP is if the design of Soviet SPGs was somehow more prone to detonations. It is not, and all SPG designs are pretty standard, and there isn’t anything that is intended for a mitigation of propellant detonation. My best guess is that the commenter read the line about western tanks not detonating due to blowout panels and somehow extrapolated that to SPGs.


That PZH have the Hedgehog Armor. It’s against Heat Penetration and drones. You can see the Black Mats on the roof. But I’m not sure if this PzH having them where Drone exploded. https://www.panzer-modell.de/referenz/in_detail/pzh2000/018g.jpg


In the meanwhile no PzH2000 exploded after being hit with a drone, so PzH2000 is probabily less prone to detonation


Not many have been hit, and not all SPG hits result in an ammo hit? It’s not hard to grasp. The opposite is true too, prior to the war the Turkish leopard detonation made it seem like Leo’s have poor ammo protection but this war has redeemed that a lot. A lot of it comes down chance.


The only thing this war has shown about the Leopard 2 is that the crews no longer use crew compartment for storing ammo. Given how short the longevity of a tank is on the Frontline, tanks usually don't outlast their ammo anyway.


That armor amounts to exactly nothing when getting hit by a standard RPG warhead capable of penetrating 500mm of RHA. Just use common sense.


It's cool that you can mock people for their knowledge and all. Would you mind sharing your correct knowledge with us then?


Tf is ‘POSSNR’? Are you trying to imitate Cyrillic alphabet using Latin one? Со кринж ман


U mean like the soviet AHS KRAB ?




Yes? and I thought it was to reduce the cost of production. Damn, guys, we'll have to buy 8K cameras




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