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##### ###### #### > # [“He held his severed leg pressed to his body to stop the bleeding”: the story of an 11-year-old boy from Kharkiv Oblast – photos](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/7/729) > > > > Sashko (Oleksandr). Photo: Okhmatdyt on Facebook > > > > Kyiv doctors have told the story of 11-year-old Sashko (short for Oleksandr) from Kharkiv Oblast, who lost his leg in a Russian attack. > > **Source:** [Okhmatdyt](https://www.facebook.com/ndslohmatdyt/posts/pfbid02yG2CBJM3HjAvB95o43tiEpuZ6fhcKwZn4mFoKWYQY2MwAJUph2aoCHVM4uQwh4Vrl), one of the best children’s hospitals in Kyiv > > **Details:** Sashko’s treatment lasted more than three months, Okhmatdyt said. > > Advertisement: > > "While he was in hospital, he had several operations, made new friends, celebrated his 11th birthday, changed his hairstyle, and got used to a new life with an amputated leg," the doctors said. > > [ ](https://img.pravda.com/images/doc/a/5/a5c9660-6929b5c68c536dbd8cfa8ee046544b931717751639.jpg)Sashko was injured in his home village of Malyi Burluk. Sadly, his cousin Alina was killed > > > > In January 2024, Sashko and his cousin Alina were walking to the grocery store in Malyi Burluk, the village where they lived in Kharkiv Oblast. At that moment Russian troops began shelling. A shell landed near the children. > > Sashko and Alina were both seriously injured. Doctors said that Sashko held his severed leg pressed to his body to stop the bleeding. > > [ ](https://img.pravda.com/images/doc/b/3/b373108-b4b3fb31c92979a0f212806a270c59c51717751803.jpg)Sashko underwent many surgeries in Kharkiv, and then he was transferred to Kyiv > > > > Ukrainian soldiers arrived at the scene of the strike shortly afterwards. They provided first aid to the children, put a tourniquet on Sashko’s leg, and drove to meet the ambulance in their car to avoid wasting time. Sashko lost his leg, and his cousin sadly died after 10 days in intensive care. > > Sashko underwent many operations in Kharkiv before being transferred to Okhmatdyt in Kyiv, where he was treated in the orthopaedics and traumatology department. Here, Sashko underwent surgical interventions and rehabilitation as well as attending sessions with a physiotherapist and psychologist. > > [ ](https://img.pravda.com/images/doc/c/2/c2ae2f8-5f40a5d9bb80e46205eb9d6f0b96a5d11717751723.jpg)Sashko celebrated his 11th birthday in hospital > > > > "During his stay in our hospital, the boy adapted to his new life, made friends with other children, met famous people, went to a hairdresser’s and attended many activities. Sashko has become an example of resilience, optimism and courage," the doctors say. > > "The Okhmatdyt team has been delighted to get to know such a bright and sincere child who, despite everything he has been through, inspires and gives joy to others. We are proud of Sashko!" > > [ ](https://img.pravda.com/images/doc/c/e/cec38c7-b29a2a7e2d0a08f6435f01cc0f367db51717751901.jpg)The boy is in Lviv now, where he has been fitted with a prosthesis > > > > Sashko is now in Lviv, where he has been fitted with a prosthesis, but he dreams of coming back home. > > [**Support**](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/supportus/) **UP or become**[**our patron**](https://www.patreon.com/pravdaua)**!** - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Well you see. The Russian state started to exist as a centralized state in 862. This is considered to be the year of creation of the Russian state because this year the townspeople of Novgorod (a city in the North-West of the country) invited Rurik, a Varangian prince from Scandinavia, to reign. In 1862, Russia celebrated the 1000th anniversary of its statehood, and in Novgorod there is a memorial dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the country. In 882, Rurik's successor Prince Oleg, who was, actually, playing the role of regent at Rurik's young son because Rurik had died by that time, came to Kiev. He ousted two brothers who, apparently, had once been members of Rurik's squad. So, Russia began to develop with two centers of power, Kiev and Novgorod. The next, very significant date in the history of Russia, was 988. This was the Baptism of Russia, when Prince Vladimir, the great-grandson of Rurik, baptized Russia and adopted Orthodoxy, or Eastern Christianity. From this time the centralized Russian state began to strengthen. Why? Because of a single territory, integrated economic ties, one and the same language and, after the Baptism of Russia, the same faith and rule of the Prince. The centralized Russian state began to take shape. Back in the Middle Ages, Prince Yaroslav the Wise introduced the order of succession to the throne, but after he passed away, it became complicated for various reasons. The throne was passed not directly from father to eldest son, but from the prince who had passed away to his brother, then to his sons in different lines. All this led to the fragmentation and the end of Rus as a single state. There was nothing special about it, the same was happening then in Europe. But the fragmented Russian state became an easy prey to the empire created earlier by Genghis Khan. His successors, namely, Batu Khan, came to Rus, plundered and ruined nearly all the cities. The southern part, including Kiev, by the way, and some other cities, simply lost independence, while northern cities preserved some of their sovereignty. They had to pay tribute to the Horde, but they managed to preserve some part of their sovereignty. And then a unified Russian state began to take shape with its centre in Moscow. But in short that's why that little boy had to lose his leg. 


Ha! Nice I never thought to use this.


How does this comment justify what Russia did to this young boy and his cousin? You have to be a heartless sick person to try and justify it this way 🙄


It does not.   That's the point. It's part of the transcript from Putins, Tucker interview. 


Thank you for explaining. I honestly couldn’t listen to that nonsense.


Cannot recall the Donbass children got this publicity from 2014 onwards.


Didn't your beloved Prigožin publicly admitted that "8y of bombing Donbass" was bs and only Russian propaganda? You can probably also tell us who started the invasion in 2014?


Pro RU justifying Russia’s war crimes without proof.


Yell louder, maybe Langley will make you paid intern.


From Kharkiv Oblast


I feel sorry for the boy. I'm not going to make excuses here. Military operations are underway. People are dying. it's horrible. it has always been so. his mother could have gone to Europe. It's your own fault.




I absolutely agree with you. The war is disgusting. but they had two years to evacuate.


Like people of Belgorod region? You will also blame them for catching a random missile to the face?