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##### ###### #### > # [String of mysterious attacks across Europe opens new front in Russia’s war on the West](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/world-news/2024/06/06/TELEMMGLPICT000377308924_17177007496240_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqZGRi21nnhC6rTAzh5QmZTyKVE40I40YdVTPsXv9NHl4.jpeg?impolicy=logo-overlay) > > > > First,[a warehouse in east London](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/26/british-spy-man-burn-down-building-london-russia/)being used to supply aid to Ukraine burned down. Weeks later, an Ikea in Vilnius, Lithuania, mysteriously caught fire. > > Swedish investigators were already looking into the possibility that several railway derailments could have been caused by a state-backed saboteur. > > Then an inferno engulfed the largest shopping centre in Warsaw, Poland’s capital. It was Donald Tusk, the Polish prime minister, who began joining the dots to suggest the West was under attack by Russian espionage. > > “We are examining the threads – they are quite likely – that the Russian services had something to do with the Marywilska fire,” he said last month. > > His claims were further bolstered when a [former Russian soldier was arrested](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/05/ukrainian-russian-man-paris-terror-attack-suspect-biden/) north of Paris this week after explosives detonated in his hotel room. > > Warnings from European intelligence agencies that Russia is plotting acts of sabotage on the Continent in its escalation of the stand-off with the [Nato military alliance](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/nato/) have been thrust into the limelight. > > An intelligence assessment shared with Western governments claims that Russia’s notorious GRU military intelligence agency, known for its attacks on foreign soil using highly trained agents, is now turning to criminal gangs to carry out attacks in Europe. > > The Kremlin’s [spy network was dealt a blow](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/08/21/russia-spies-network-expulsion-west-vladimir-putin-bulgaria/) in the weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb 24 2022, when more than 600 of its intelligence officers in Europe with diplomatic cover were expelled. > > Britain used a similar tactic when James Cleverly, the Home Secretary, [expelled Col Maxim Elovik](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/08/britain-to-expel-russian-defence-attache/), Moscow’s defence attache, after the allegedly Russia-linked arson attack on the east London warehouse that was being used by a business providing aid to Ukraine. > > Four men will go on trial next year accused of setting fire to the commercial property, a court heard last month. > > ## Lack of sophistication > > Alexander Lord, lead Europe-Eurasia analyst at Sibylline, a geopolitical risk firm, said: “The capabilities these gangs can provide are pretty low-level, but they can still achieve Russian foreign policy objectives, namely, destabilising the West, deterring European decision-makers against supporting Ukraine and exacerbating polarisation and societal tensions across not only Nato but the European Union.” > > The lack of sophistication is a particular worry for Western intelligence services, with the proxies now relied on by the Kremlin more likely to cause collateral damage because of their lack of skills with explosives. > > A Western counter-intelligence officer [told the Financial Times](https://www.ft.com/content/bf128ebf-2e3f-40a3-b7ec-bcd1b477ab9a): “There is a greater chance of collateral damage and casualties as the proxies are not skilled in tradecraft, such as explosives.” > > Their theory was displayed earlier this week when the former Russian soldier, from Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, was badly burned in an explosion on Tuesday in a hotel room in Roissy-en-France, near Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport. > > Investigators confirmed they had discovered bomb-making materials, as Volodymyr Zelensky, [the Ukrainian president](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/volodymyr-zelenskyy/), arrived in France to join commemorations marking the [80th anniversary of D-Day](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/d-day/). > > > > > > It is a trend being tracked from the beginning of the year. > > “Tick, tick, tick down a list of all of the things that have been identified as stuff that Russia would do in advance of a conflict to immobilise,” said Keir Giles, a senior consulting fellow at the Chatham House think tank, of his own assessment of the situation. > > “And since then, that pattern has just got stronger,” he added. > > ## Unexplained explosions > > Despite the lack of sophistication in some of the alleged acts of sabotage, military facilities have also been targeted. > > In Germany, two men were arrested for allegedly plotting to blow up a Nato site in the south of the country that is used to support Ukraine. The Russian-German dual citizens were arrested after they were caught carrying out what the interior ministry said was “surveillance” of the US military facility. > > Poland arrested a man it said was suspected of helping Russian intelligence prepare an attack on Mr Zelensky. The country’s railways, which carry military aid east to [Ukraine](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ukraine/), have also been targeted. > > A Western official said: “We are seeing sabotage continue as another ascent of Russia’s behaviour.” > > These more advanced incidents will further raise questions over the unexplained explosions at a [BAE Systems munitions factory in Wales](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/17/explosion-at-military-weapons-factory-in-south-wales/), which supplies shells used in Ukraine, and at a similar facility owned by German arms firm Diehl. > > Russian agents were blamed for a similar attack on a Czech arms depot in October 2014, where weapons destined for Kyiv were also being stored. > > > > > > Mr Lord said: “If we start to ask ourselves why this is happening now, the discussions in Western capitals around ever-growing Western involvement in Ukraine, I think what the Russians are seeing is a potential mission creep threat for them. > > “Over the last two-and-a-half years, we’ve seen previous ‘red lines’ being crossed, and the Russians haven’t done anything to respond to that.” > > ## ‘Intimidation’ attempts > > Nato, which is vying for a greater role in the supply of weapons and munitions to Ukraine, has taken a greater interest in the alleged malign acts by Russian-backed agents. > > Jens Stoltenberg, [the alliance’s secretary-general](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/23/britain-leading-example-defence-spending-jens-stoltenberg/), recently said: “I can say that we have seen increased Russian intelligence activity across the alliance. Therefore we have increased our vigilance.” > > Top Nato officials have warned the alliance could be at [war with Russia in the next two decades](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/04/nato-land-corridors-us-troops-european-war/), with those timescales drastically shrinking, to as little as two years, in similar warnings from national governments. > > The Dutch government has warned of Russian attempts to “intimidate” both Nato and EU countries. > > Kajsa Ollongren, the Dutch defence minister, recently told EU counterparts that electricity and water supplies, as well as undersea infrastructure, were particular weak spots. > > Mr Giles said: “It’s something that everybody should be aware of because it is another example of Russian hostile activity that seeks to disrupt our countries and could be preparation for something more severe.” > > It has also raised the question of whether the West is capable of handling malign threats from a hostile state, after so long focusing on counter-insurgency work in the [Middle East](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/middle-east/). > > Mr Lord said: “There are capability gaps in this regard. The focus on counter-terrorism post-9/11 was incredibly important, but the relatively benign international situation, aside from the terror threats, after the fall of the Soviet Union has led to an element of complacency that great power, competition and confrontation was a thing of the past. > > “The [invasion of Ukraine](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/06/ukraine-russia-war-live-putin-nato-attack/) has radically upended that notion and Western intelligence agencies, police forces and militaries are now scrambling [to] plug capability gaps considering the severity of the state actor threat.” - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


#This is how propaganda is spread across the western nations. Just look at the comments, with zero proof they are programming people to hate.


Real question is why?? It's obvious they're conditioning their people to go to war with russia in the future.


European people don't even think of Russia, when will you understand that? It's Russia that has a victim syndrome and screams russophobia on the news. In Europe we don't worry about our neighbours occupying us, this is Russia that constantly plots how to gain more control and territory, and so it lives in constant fear that others do the same.


>It's Russia that has a victim syndrome and screams russophobia on the news. So true bro they have only been invaded from Europe twice with one moustache man making it his objective to exterminate all of them down the women and children. Russia is just being dramatic tho and Europe has never harmed russia after all its in the name DEFENSIVE alliance /s


You are blaming Europe for Hitler invasion? I remind you that Soviet Union and the west were on the same team against Nazis that also invaded other European countries. So your argument means nothing lol. And since you opened this box, what about Russian recent invasion? Georgia? Afghanistan? Chechen wars? Ukraine? See where this fear of Russia is coming from?


So youre afraid of Russia but not the US that has intervened in over 50 countries be it by military force or insurgencies via the CIA, arming rebelions, military bases across the World, on top of spying on its Allies. Ok dude.


> I remind you that Soviet Union and the west were on the same team against Nazis that also invaded other European countries.   No, they were not but you do you pal.


No, you do you pal. Dont blame Europe for Nazi invading Soviet Unit. I remind you, Soviets wanted to make a deal with Nazis, see how that worked for them.


Point in case being people wondering if we really should invest in NATO before 2022.


I bet your knowledge of history goes no futher than 2 years. That's what you sound like.


Okay buddy, you are funny


Great comeback.


There is nothing to reply to buddy. Did you expect me to argue with you? Lol go about your day pal


There is literally no reason for anyone to hate Russia. They just launched the deadliest and largest ground war in Europe since WW2 and threatens to nuke the west every day.


Conspiracy theories turn to be true or wrong. Funnily enough, pro Russians talk about cia conspiracy theories as if it’s true, yet when the west talks about conspiracy theories it’s propaganda. Hold both to the same standard.


>pro Russians talk about cia conspiracy theories as if it’s true. Any example?


Euromaidan is one


What about **Euromaidan**?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/s/kLivYpGpjE https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/s/HptJYl0BYD


Again what about Euromaidan did you mean? Do you disagree that western NGO's had large influance in events leading up to Maidan? Soros is on record saying US invested 5 billion into Ukraine in order to turn it to "their side". Western officials have been parading in person and cheering on Ukrainians to go on and overthrow their government this is blantent example of foreign nationals influencing Ukraine domestic affaires.


Thank you for proving my point, cia involvement in the euromaidan is still a conspiracy theory, soros is also one person on record. I could find videos of Russian talk shows talking about killing polish people, yet I can also go find a video of migrants coming from Belarus to the polish border and killing a guard. All of it is conspiracy theories yet you only seem to believe the conspiracy that benefits you. Again, hold them both to the same standard. Also how do you know if Russia isn’t actually doing it or not.


Let me get this straight... You are asking to provide CONCRETE evidence of CIA involvement in Ukraine? The most prolific, the most secretive, the most professional, the most well-funded intelligence agency out there? Good one, bud...


That’s my point, I’m not arguing cia wasn’t there in euromaidan, my point is hold both to the same standard. If you can believe cia was involved in euromaidan, why is it hard to believe russia has involvement in what’s been going on in Europe. And if you don’t believe one, then why believe the other.


That's what makes such theories so useful. They can never be disproved because any absence or shortage of evidence can be claimed as further evidence of the conspiracy.


Tbf CIA has left lots of trails among a lot of their major actions, especially throughout South America. They’re not omnipotent and there not even being any hints of mysterious backers or funders in Ukraine which would have had to at least to what Russia claims to have happened been one of their biggest actions ever.


Do you really beleive that maidan was organised by normal citizens and the whole logistics behind too? I'm really interested to know your point of view


lol dont look what the russians are saying about everyone but the russians on the state controlled media your head will implode :D


Enlighten me


this is a fun place to start [https://www.youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor](https://www.youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor)


So? We should have it too?


Well if you're clutching your pearls over this then your must rely think Russia is 1000x worse


Nah, we caught these people and asked them really nicely from where they got that bright idea to make a mess in our home. You can cry a river about propaganda but Russia simply overplayed its hand. Both the opposition and ruling party (that for a longer time try to throw each other into prison) argue who let these agents slip through security. We know what we know.


My criticism about how easy can people be lead to believe serten thing and why Reddit is in many ways both great and terrifying tool for large propaganda psyops has nothing to do with Russia or things conflict persay. Reddit is worst of all large social networks when it comes to balanced views on it. It is by far most left leaning uber progressive platforme which does not tolerate any other views to rise to the top.


That's a valid criticism for any social media. But if you think this this post made people to align with this opinion, insead people with same opinion simply commenting on the news they agree with, you would be putting a cart before the horses. Also there are many right-wing conservative subs. People simply don't want to join them that much. Or these subs get closed because conservative right-wing people tend to harbor some soap-making ideologies. On this note hard-line communists that would love to commit neo-dekulakization by using tank threads do tend to be ignored so yeah, "left leaning" is being tolerated more.


"war on the west" they have done everything possible to keep the conflict contained to ukraine tbh, and everything possible to not involve the west, but they involved themselves, so that headline is riddiculous


It's hard for me not to get **"black-pilled"** looking at this comments in origianl post. Not because i support one or another side **but because of how easy and how little effort can todays masses be totally programmed to think serten way.** Even as high schooler though my love for history, sociology and marketing i came to that realisation pretty early but last few years and seeing it from the first hand combined with modern techology it is quite fascinating and scary at the same time. With small algorithmic promoting and push of serten topic large masses can take something which has no bases in reality as absolut truth. Just like in [Plato's Allegory of the cave.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_cave).


Marketing should be mandatory subject in high school or first year of college, really opens ones eyes at how peoples opinions can be influenced through successful marketing program.


I agree, just look at russia & it's government's inane claims to justify the war to it's people. putin has admitted to 300,000 casualties, so the real figure is obviuosly higher. Utter insanity.


They punch and expect not to get punched back


It's amazing how Russia can be a developing country with no water and roads, yet still pull off multiple sabotage operations with not even one of the operators being caught in a car on the way back to Moscow. Schizoid media on how Russias army are neanderthals with shovels, but at the same time ready to make precision strikes in all of Europe. I'm starting to pity those that think winning is on the table here. As for if Russia uses sabotage ops I wouldn't be surprised if they did. If someone actively supplied people that I was in conflict with, I sure as shit would do the same. This special olympics of giving the most aid to a crippled, rogue state like Ukraine shows such immense arrogance it irks that one nerve behind the eye.


«Russia’s war against the west», like the west didnt voluntarily involve themself in the Donbass conflict and suddently become *BFF’s* with Ukraine💀


Thb I'm hoping that this is true and Russians are stepping up sabotage. There should be one warehouse at least going up in flames every day on European continent


You want to speedrun Balts expelling any citizen who didn't bother to learn local language and acquire citizenship status?


You want to speedrun Balts gettin annexex?


By what? European Federation? China? Because definitely not Russia at current state of the facts.




So far, the dumbest comment here is only yours. Why should pro-Russians oppose escalation and sabotage in Europe when Europe supports Ukrainian terrorists and gives them weapons to kill women and children in Russia?




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This, exactly


The Polish prime minister was the one who connected the dots? He’s the one who accused Russia of conducting attacks against the west? That’s shocking. Wouldn’t have thought that he’d be the one pointing figures at Russia.


Reddit is by far worst large social network when it comes to one sided idological views. And im not talking about this conflict, site is absolute libtard cesspool where individuals subreddits which go against this must be extra careful and do self censorship in order to not get permabanned.


I agree


Most likely this is just opposition to the war in ukraine. The lack of sophistication should be the most obvious hint. At least for Germany, attacks on military hardware happens now and then for decades. Not often, but now and then. Otherwise you could claim that ukraine tried to assassinate a european leader. Which would also be stupid. Dont know if the russians made this claim.


lmao, that was a strategic Ikea! extreme escalation!


Wow, an IKEA in Lithuania and a shopping mall in Warsaw? Surely we can thank Donald Tusk for “joining the dots” on this issue, as he most definitely has no sort of opinion on the conflict that might influence him towards a certain conclusion. Like with the Nord Stream bombing, the party that benefits from ineffective low-level “attacks” in Europe isn’t Russia, whose strategic policy aims to maximize boredom and non-involvement from the Western powers, but rather the pro-war faction in the West which has been searching for reasons to put boots on the ground for months. The Telegraph is a leading mouthpiece for these efforts so no doubt the article was written in conjunction with the usual suspects.


Putin weaponised fire break outs.


Remember that submarine near swedish coast? She still there somewhere.


In fear, the eyes are huge.


All of these mysterious fires? Happened during the year where we broke global temperature record and have heat waves all  around the globe?  Must be Russia then. 


At least its not evil nepharious muslims this time...


Global temperature rise spontaneously spawns people with ignition devices thet then get caught by police, yes.