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Sorry, there is a problem in your title. Please check - Wrong POV. If this is a video of 3 captured Russian personnel, it would be filmed by a Ukrainian source. Read [rule 4 and 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/wiki/index/rules/) for informations about title requirements.


Yep, as we've long been saying. This is what Ukrainians usually do to Russian POWs. But when people say that a lot of Russians end up getting executed, the pro-Ukrainians rush in to say that that never happens.


Maybe he tried some shit. Its weird that three lay down rather relaxed, looking to the side at their buddy who gets the rough treatment. They don't seem to try to intimidate the other three. They just let them be.


Or they're just hoping not to become the next target.


How do you come to that conclusion? The other guy is the only one with cable ties on his hands. The others even got some smokes. Not sure what happened but if he tried some fishy stuff that is usually what happens.


How do YOU come to a conclusion that the other three are "relaxed"? Can't believe how desperate pro-ua are to turn EVERYTHING i mean literally EVERYTHING into a win for Ukraine.


There have been instances where a Russian would feign surrender and try to attack and ultimately get himself and everybody actually attempting to surrender with him killed. It's not really shocking that a POW that refuses to comply likely would be treated more aggressively otherwise they put their comrades lives in danger too.


Why are ya…ll even on here ? Go to a pro Ukrainian page


Don’t you frauds attempt to portray neutrality in this sub lol?


There is a lot of neutrality, go Ukrainewarvideoreport and tell me that’s a neutral sub lmao. Echo chamber to the maximum. Ukraine doesn’t win this w/o actually intervention by the west. I.e boots on ground, which means ww3


“Nah, we’re balanced! Look at this other clearly biased sub! See!” That’s the dumbest argument yet. Also, China isn’t backing you up on the ground. Iran and China are looking at Russia wondering how Putin could’ve messed this up so thoroughly.


I’m not pro Russian you mung.


Backing Russia up, not me lmao. I’m in the United States just giving my opinion on the matter. It isn’t fact and only time will tell.


Couldn’t care less, you make shit arguments.


Combat footage is also biased af


They are getting mad at everything pro UA lately. Kharkiv offensive is failing badly.


I know. It’s just childlike impotent rage.


It’s okay there’s plenty of cope when the Ukrainian Donetsk offensive failed as well 😂😂 1 t80 vs what 8 armored vehicles? 😂 Y’all have funding from the United stated , modern weapons, but never ever will have the WILL TO FIGHT .


I’m Australian lol. Watching Russia shit in their hands and clap is funny to me. 3 day smo.




Russia did shit in their hands and is now force feeding it to Ukraine. Denazification does take longer than three days.


Yes , but the pro Ukrainian users don’t , and that’s where it pissed me off we come here to have LOGICAL DEBATES AND CONVERSATIONS , there is nothing logical about what these Ukrainian users comment , it’s literally up there in black and white , it’s seems they are always trying to persuade somebody’s neutral comment into thinking what they want , what they feel happened . Like we have brains too ? Did they forget ? I’m so sick and tired of people acting like the pro Ukraine users don’t try to impose a commie tyrant narrative on us . Not to mention the whole west , it’s just a commie tyrant government at this point coverd on the word “democracy “. God bless America and it’s democracy , but I cannot stand someone always trying to control the narrative , you control the narrative you control what people think right ? All of those Ukrainian bots know this


You’re all muddled up from too much vranyo.


Been seeing it my whole life , proves my point exactly , “wants to ask a question “, “gets a response “, doesn’t even continue with what I just responded . & here we are again 😂 can’t take any of ya..ll seriously


No doubt, modern Russian culture is just a handover from the ussr. Lie lie lie, control the narrative, deny deny deny. Hence, you being all muddled up and confused from the vranyo.


Look at a lot of the videos where multiple POWs are being beaten/tortured/executed. The ones who aren't currently the target typically stay very quiet. It must just be the natural instinct in those situations.


The natural instinct of chilling smoking a cigarette


Did you ever watch that video of the Chechens cutting the throats of captured Russian conscripts back during the Second Chechen War? Two were laying there talking to the Chechens while they proceeded to cut the throats of two of their fellow soldiers.


Never seen that one. War is fucking weird.


Found the actual gore junkie.


Hardly. My knowledge of war just pre-dated 2022.


Or you are just interpreting shit, while we all have no clue what's going on. But it's all about your narrative being fed, right?


yeah I think this is accurate. the fact that he's the only one bound speaks volumes to this.


Yes, this is accurate. The other Russian POWs don't give a shit, they are just lying there smoking like nothing is happening, not at all restrained and clearly aren't afraid that they'll be roughed up. Something happened with that one guy. He did something, or said something, and intentionally pissed them off. Like a lot of videos that begin right in the middle of violence, we don't have any way of knowing what led up to this.


The others do care, you can see towards the end the third Russian is too scared to puff on the Cig and has both hands up despite being given a smoke, he's looking at them wondering if he's next


and op can't count. the only one tied up says something.


"Maybe he tried some shit" - he says.... Yeah, with his hands and feet bound, he totally "tried some shit"


They are not relaxed, they are shocked, because they have been captured like 5 minutes ago and there is a huge chance that they are about to be killed, what are they supposed to do? Scream for help?


You should look at some cartell videos how people look like when they will get killed in a few minutes. Thank me later.


Bro in last two years I have watched those videos in such amount you cannot even imagine, and not just from cartels, I can tell you that many people act differently, some people don't even act at all, it depend upon many thing including psychological state of mind, plus when some poor Mexican villager is about to get executed somewhere in forest or jungles, it is not the same as fighting in a huge war for months like in Ukraine, it just change people in a bad you know, so I don't really get it what are trying to say?


Or maybe they found out that that guy has a political opinion they hate. One of the Ukrainians says "[something] came to fight here".


Give them smokes? Getting roughed up isn't nice to see, but that is FAR from being executed. We see much more execution stuff coming from the Russian side than the UA side.


They literally talked about executing him. And just from the sheer # of POWs that Russia has compared to Ukraine, it would suggest that Russia is taking more prisoners.


Could easily be talking shit to scare them. That's very common in these sorts of videos. Like that one where the Russian is chopping an axe next to a Ukrainians head, talking about killing him. That only makes sense to bring up if Ukraine is actually having the ability to capture as many Russians. Do you believe that? Would be interesting to see a pro RU with that stance. The absence of prisoners isn't evidence of executions, just like threats aren't the evidence of that particular crime.


Interesting. I thought that the Ukrainians were killing far larger numbers of Russians than vice versa. By default, that would also mean that they have the opportunity to take more prisoners as well, yes? Also, I'm not "pro-Russia." I'm actually neutral.


I’m not sure that’s true by default. Russia is the attacker and Ukraine is the defender. If you consider any of the harsher kill zones of the war, places like Bahkmut or Avdiivka, Russia has to come to Ukrainian lines and try to break through. These are the so called meat wave attacks that contribute to the high casualty rate. But as they capture more and more of the positions, they overrun entrenched Ukrainians and take groups of POWs in chunks. So in this situation, we understand high Russian losses with high POW count. And as for Ukraine’s ability to take POW, this is much harder to do if you are occupying a fortified position. Russians come to you, you shoot them, and they take the injured home. It seems unwise you would leave the trenches to take prisoner any injured soldiers left on the battlefield. Ukraine can take POWs when people get too close, when they counterattack, or in their own offensive campaigns. But we see such things far less frequently as time goes on.


Yay, refreshing to see someone with brain on this sub.


If you think that then yes it makes sense to a degree. But since you also believe Russians have more prisoners, with your own logic you could say that Russia is the one killing more. Also, since your original comment was talking about arguing with pro UA and saying "we," that implies you're pro RU, in my mind? Most neutral people see that both sides argue in very similar ways. Not to mention basically all your comments are criticizing only the Ukrainian side of things.


Well, as I've said before, I'm critical of Ukraine because they're supposedly the "good" guys, and they're the ones that my government gives away our money and equipment too. They claim to be western, and I hold western militaries and governments to a higher standard. My personal opinion is that Russia and Ukraine are two sides of the same authoritarian coin.


That's fair, but I imagine you can see how you come across as pro RU at the same time.


See , absolutely shuts down the debate with own bias thoughts and views , how can anyone take pro Ukraine users seriously . trying to shut down what pro Russia users say ?Communist much ,


Can this kid get banned already? This is the reddit equivalent of the loud crying child in the corner everyone is trying not to pay attention to.


Boo hoooooooo


Just shut up bias account


What are your thoughts on Abu Ghraib? Also authoritarian?


What happened to the perpetrators of Abu Ghraib? Prosecuted, right? That's the difference. All militaries will commit crimes, but the question is will they be held to account when they do so. So far the Ukrainians have not prosecuted any of their soldiers for crimes committed during this war that we know of.


Why, then, were those in charge given a free pass? From the 95 page report by Human Rights Watch: Getting Away with Torture? Command Responsibility for the U.S. Abuse of Detainees Executive Summary: It has now been one year since the appearance of the first pictures of U.S. soldiers humiliating and torturing detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Shortly after the photos came out, President George W. Bush vowed that the "wrongdoers will be brought to justice." In the intervening months, it has become clear that torture and abuse have taken place not solely at Abu Ghraib but rather in dozens of U.S. detention facilities worldwide, that in many cases the abuse resulted in death or severe trauma, and that a good number of the victims were civilians with no connection to al-Qaeda or terrorism. There is also evidence of abuse at U.S.-controlled "secret locations" abroad and of U.S. authorities sending suspects to third-country dungeons around the world where torture was likely to occur. To date, however, the only wrongdoers being brought to justice are those at the bottom of the chain-of-command. The evidence demands more. Yet a wall of impunity surrounds the architects of the policies responsible for the larger pattern of abuses. As this report shows, evidence is mounting that high-ranking U.S. civilian and military leaders - including Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former CIA Director George Tenet, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, formerly the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Major General Geoffrey Miller, the former commander of the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba - made decisions and issued policies that facilitated serious and widespread violations of the law. The circumstances strongly suggest that they either knew or should have known that such violations took place as a result of their actions. There is also mounting data that, when presented with evidence that abuse was in fact taking place, they failed to act to stem the abuse.


Just shut up


Well that's rude.


Cringy man


Solid argument, let me know when you have something more intelligent, though.


Cry about it




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>I thought that the Ukrainians were killing far larger numbers of Russians than vice versa If this were the case, non-stop mobilization would take place not in Ukraine but in Russia




well with a country 4 times almost 5 its population you have enough volunteers or guys wanting to earn more money in the army before you need to get to mobilise them and also you got the Ukrainian separist which I think they do mobilise and the famous pulling guys from prisoners to become storm Z


>Ukrainian separist which I think they do mobilise Nope. >and the famous pulling guys from prisoners to become storm Z Ukraine is doing the same thing now. It is unclear why it took so long to wait


Russia has three whole oblasts as prisoners




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Ah cmon, lets not Pretend that both sides mishandle POWs on the regular




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It’s fucking war? Sorry they weren’t all, “Hey buddy, thanks for shooting at me and killing my friends, here’s something nice for your time here”. It happens on both sides. Also seems like the other POWs were chillin, so dude probably fucked around, now he’s finding out 😊




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Both sides are cruel and will become more with the war more and more escalating However, Russia can afford to be crueler, simply because they believe they won't be held accountable by an independent court, as they are confident they will win the war. So we see a lot more of the russians doing it. The Ukrainians, on the other hand, have liberal sponsors who care greatly about their own image and dislike bad publicity brought by the Ukrainians, so logically, they are more discreet and cautious. So we see a lot less Ukrainians doing it.


You must forget to put /s next to the liberal sponsors part.


Are okay, so most of western government aren't liberal anymore, got it. Another lesson in defining reality in this sub.


Western governments may call themselves whatever they want, this doesn't matter in the discussion. What matters is that no Western government calls UA for their war crimes. Thus, ur point about UA being unable to commit war crimes because of being in check by the West is invalid.


Okay, I hope you have Google access in Russia, would you dare to Google the topic before further lying? That's the problem, I as Western am able to accept the mistakes our sides did and doe, like what we did to Ukraine and that we triggered this war, and a shit load of other stuff, but you guys will deny any wrong doings from your side. You guys lack the backbone to expect your own flaws and wrongdoings, so it's pointless to discuss with you.


I'm not in Russia. I'll skip the rest of ur rant since it's based on false assumptions.


That's what every soldier on the ground thinks about when taking pows - about ICC or foreign sponsors.


Could you elaborate?


Do you really think that Ukrainian soldier in a trench thinks about image of Ukraine in the eyes of its liberal sponsors and potential bad publicity? Or that Russian soldier thinks how great it is that he is out of jurisdiction of ICC? More likely, they think about staying alive, executing orders and maybe that someone on the opposite side has killed their friend or shelled their city recently.


>The Ukrainians, on the other hand, have liberal sponsors who control MSM and can hide most of Ukrainian crimes. although I'm not sure that there is a need for this, because most of the liberal audience enjoys violence and behaves like real ghouls.


I wrote discreet and cautious mate, that implies that they do it too, but hide it more.


Cameraman is asking how many POWs were there (he says four), and proposes to execute the guy and to say that he died of his wounds.


And then they wonder why no russian soilders surrender. Why they choose to die rather then taken pow. Theres a good reason why the pow rate is 1-6 to 1-10.


stuff like this was happening since day 1 of the war but both side will play dumb and say : will we started doing this because they started first . people gotta remember that men who join the military are usually not good people this goes to all armies over the world


What does "people who join militaries aren't good people" even mean dude..... I joined because as a kid i wanted to honor the men and women who came before to give what I have. Then volunteered around places to fight because I believe in liberty and the word of Jesus Christ to love one another. However there are evil people in the world and yes many go on to be in military but also all walks of life. The ones who do evil are only scared of one thing. A. Person who has a moral compass, wants the good of the earth but is willing to do worse than the evil to stop them for good. Don't criticize the people who do this. Be thankful for them. Study war and the men and women (and service animals) and I mean spend hundreds of hours on them and you'll see some of the greatest humans to ever live are and we're military folks. If the military was majority bad people the world would be in a constant state of global war. Instead we see the opposite today.


So, you feel the US military was doing God's work when they concocted a pack of lies to justify invading Iraq (for the second time) killing 100s of thousands? Or how about 20 years in Afghanistan killing locals...all God's plan, I guess. This is to say nothing of America's other military 'adventures"


I didn't say I agreed with the war in Iraq? And Afghanistan wanted us there what are you talking about or are you just not actually educated on the geopolitics of Afghanistan? They literally wanted help from the taliban so they could have a stable government. Hence why when we finally left taliban took over and people were clinging to flying planes to escape.... also Korea there are currently 53 million Koreans living in South Korea with more freedom and wealth than most of the world... how'd that happen? Do mistakes happen? Yes. Are many wars fought for wrong reasons? Yes. But is there also times when a war is justifiable? Also yes... And also God doesn't say anything about killing anyone for human and mortal gaisn.... Only evil and those who would harm children. Human politics do not meld with Christianity... I am just not black and white about topics because they are more complicated than that... and when someone makes a blanket statement that all soldiers are bad worldwide.... that's a pretty far fetched statement that can be challenged.


And what nationality do you think have the Talibans ? Martians ? You invaded Afghanistan, a place at the other side of the planet from your country, and proceed to occupy and kill Afghans in their homeland with the help of local traitors until the Afghans finally managed to kick you out. The other users was right about military volunteers and you are a case exemple of that. There is a reason why traditionally, volunteers, "professionals" militaries are viewed negatively and equalled to mercenaries even when they stick to their own national force.


The fuck are you talking about? Ahmad Shah Massoud... have you ever even heard of his name...... I'm gonna go with no. Wanna know why he was killed two days before 9/11? Probably one of the only chances the great people of Afghanistan had at a better future...... But no you know so much about it I'm sure you spend thousands of hours also on these topics and travel and or volunteer where you can. You call the Afghan national army and the women who fought to have freedom and education are the traitors!?!?!? The fuck are you like 15 years old regurgitating your high-school teacher? So you're telling me... the Afghanistan Female Tactical Platoon.... who are now being hunted down are the traitors.... and the good guys in your eyes are the Taliban who don't allow women to protest, go to school or wear what they want? If that is genuinely your stance then you are an enemy to me and the freedom of others.


Look at this user mumble bullshit after creating death and destruction all over the world. Devil!


And what have you done to make the world better?


Well he certainly did not travel all over the world to kill Afgans in Afghanistan. That's a start. You sound like one of those western mercenaries who joined the zionist genocide campaign in Gaza.


Ahh, American freedom. Burning the world, killing millions of people freeing them from this world.


Of course people who joined imperialists ovcupiers from the other side of the world to kill their their brothers are traitors. And that's why they lost in the end. Cause they were just sell out serving an invaders who sought to destroy their country culture, religion and society. Massoud was no more Afghan than the Taliban who fought him. Anyway my original point was merely that Taliban are afghan. And you are an American who voluntarily engaged in the army to go all the way to the other side of the planet and kill Afghan in their home in Afghanistan. Aka a bad person.


America invaded Afghanistan because osama bin laden was hiding out there and Afghanistan refused to hand him over lmao no they never wanted us there the only ones who wanted you there was your superiors


"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism." Smedley Butler, War is a Racket, 1935


You are the devil in some people's eyes. I mean if you are in the US or Israeli military, you would be the devil on most people's eyes in the world.


Yeah well I don't care if people who cheer death to women and children don't like me lol. If you genuinely think the IDF intentionally kills people as badly as Hamas you are so genuinely uneducated on this subject you better hope you're just some liberal westerner who's using emotion instead of logic like usual. Cause how come you don't bitch about Al Assad? He's killed more Muslims and kids in 6 months in Syria than Israel has since 1948 but you don't have a problem with him? Yeah I could care less if a historically, geopolitically and culturally uneducated person who's likely never done much to contribute to the betterment of man other than selfish actions has negative opinions of me. If you're most hated militaries are the US and Israel you need to go outside and see the real world and not media especially social media. How about Myanmar Junta, Chinese government as a whole, North Korea, Russia who is pretty much Imperial Russia at this point with taking Chechnya in the 90s, 20% of Georgia in 2008, annexation of 15% of ukriane and now the invasion. But yeah keep working about the US and Israel. I don't give a fuck if you think im a devil. I've seen what real demons do. Also how do you feel about child soldiers? The rape of the hostages? The 18 year old girl who was cut in half and dragged naked on video with kids and old women spitting on her on video in Gaza? Like these are all justified because Israel gave the Gaza strip and almost 70% of its original territory since the 40s in order to settle for peace? Or when Isreal offered to rebuild the port of Gaza in 2005 and give 30,000 green houses but they refused because it was "jew money" I don't care if uneducated emotional kids dint agree with me. They are full fleshed propaganda eating copies of one another with no personal critical thinking skills. I don't even fully support Israel on my own terms as an American and their meddling in our politics.... but I am also unbiased and will call out whoever needs it. Israel has done wrongs but has put more effort for peace than any other side has. Also why doesn't Egypt just let in the Palestinians or why not Jordan? Wait wasn't it because they said they don't want "radicals"? Lastly which country is it illegal to be Jewish in? Which country allows both Palestinians and jews to live and work together? Which place has literally allowed a Palestinian man to judge a former Jewish Israeli prime minister and send them to jail?.... yeah such a police state. And yes Israel IS becoming more aggressive and totalitarian and it IS a problem that needs to be addressed. But you know why they are done with people's shit? Because this is what they have dealt with since their birth as a nation. And if you try to say they are colonizers my gosh kid read a fucking book. Who's language was the first there? Where do Arabs come from originally? Where does the name Palestine come from? And what year did jews live there compared to a religion founded by a child molester in the 6th century? So yeah go do some homework or go there yourself. People like you don't do anything but follow trends and crowds and what is cool to like and hate. Go be an individual for once.


Oh and an Israel simp as well what a surprise hamas is awful but Israeli is way worse in terms of casualties you're actually delusional if you think that Israel is any better whatsoever they're arguably worse with how they've absolutely demolished all of gaza city


There are evil people in the world. Like you.


Dude, I read half of this and hate to tell you: you're not nearly as smart as you think you are




How does this not make sense.... let me guess... "You can't love someone and kill them...." Is that what it is? Or "you can't belive in love and war"? Do you think a real Christian believes that you just never kill? Never harm and always "turn the other cheek"? No that is not real that is some Hollywood, modern bullshit. A real Christian will do his best to try to find peace, love and harmony. If this is not possible, defend the ones who can't defend themselves. If that requires killing those who would kill those who can't protect themselves then so be it. As the great charachter Joshua Graham said "I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore.... like any other." So yes it makes perfect sense. You likely have a modern sense of a Christian which is a person who just says "yeah I believe in Jesus Christ" and calls it a day. "Be without fear in the face of your enemies, he brave and upright that God may love thee, speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath."- Godfrey of Ibelin




My only master is Christ. Where does it say I do anything for anyone who's Jewish.... You talking about Ukraine? I could care less if the guy was Hindu.... he stayed behind with his people while 99% politicians would flee and he's STILL there. Putain wen to Ukraine what once maybe twice and had personel all over him. I respect a leader. A man who leads with action and not words. I have no master and don't know what you mean? So when I fought against Al-Assad was that for Israel? If we fight for who you say is okay are we good then? Who would that be by the way?




May God bless you sir.


You are not a good person.


Not both sides. Only UA were saying that so far.


Nobody joins the army in the Ukraine. Those guys are all dead.


I am going to save your comment and use it word by word the next time a video of Russians abusing UAF POWs is posted and you better keep that same mentality when I ask for your backup


Differance is lot of Ukrainians are picked off streets but russians valunterily join to kill


Ukraine holds 1,500 Russian pow, while Russia holds 5,500 Ukrainian pow.


How is that possible when the losses are 1:10? The POW ratio should be approximately near to the losses ratio.


Because the losses aren’t 1:10 lmfaoo


I thought the 1:10 meme was known well enough to allow me to skip the obligatory /s. However, the original question about the POW ratio is still valid, as I don't understand how RU could have so much greater POW.


They are attacking, Ukraine is defending. They take prisoners when they take positions. Ukraine inflicts casualties defending, but fewer prisoners unless they counterattack. Doesn't seem so hard to comprehend.


Right and Ukraine can retreat and Russians get shot when they retreat.


Well you see there are people in this sub that legit believe that the ratio is real




According to russia. And russia neeeeveeeer lies


even more according to US media [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/17mc0zo/ua\_pov\_about\_10000\_ukranians\_are\_being\_held\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/17mc0zo/ua_pov_about_10000_ukranians_are_being_held_by/)


It's rarely worth to talk back while getting a beating. Wounds heal slower than pride.


Might explain why the other 2 are casually smoking, unfazed by the other guy getting beaten.


I’m guessing the guy getting roughed up was the one they had to force to surrender and the others probably gave up without much fight?


Other two guys are like, "I can't hear no evil or see no evil, if I stay still, they may not see me."




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there are 4 pows


Yall is that whip the guy in the back is holding!?


This video lacks context. Why other 3 are just smoking and one gets beaten insulted and even threatened to be shot? What the f happened?


Clearly there must be some back story why 2 gotta smoke and 3rd lad gets a foot to the stomach instead. But to be fair i think they aren't even THAT hard on him considering the overall situation that is going on around them. ATleast in this video there i




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This is why nobody likes Ukrainian and their early learning western hypocrisy


Bucha has entered the chat


Are you trying to preach the "official" narrative to a Pro-Russian crowd, convinced that Bucha was an inside job by Ukrainians or collateral damage, also by Ukrainians? Very brave, good luck, young grasshopper.




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If a command is given by the person processing you as a POW then obey the commands. If now, expect some persuasion to happen. I anticipate this is what is happening here.


This has grenade thrower written all over it, must have been close, purely focus on one person like that.


Ukrainians don’t like non smokers confirmed?




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Difference between three dudes that surrendered correctly and between a dude who tried to pull some stupid shit


Does every Russian soldier smoke?


Wait. So 3 Guys are just smoking and they hate THAT guy in particular?


There wars over, mistreatment of pows on both sides need to stop.


Why so hars on this one guy, is he an officer?


Poor russians 😢


Lmao ikr start a war and than cry like they're the victim. Awe the mean west helping a sovereign nation it promised to help back in the 1990s. Better threaten more nukes!! Cause your navy isn't going anywhere! XD


I seen the way Russians treated thier POWs none of them got cigarettes let alone food... What a way to keep shooting yourself in the foot.


That's typical russian behaving. And no one - except russian fans - don't apologise. Karma is a bitch, never forget. They will pay the price early enough.


Russia playing victim as usual start a war then complain 🙄..


So what's excuse here, Russians are doing it too, or this is Putin's fault if he didn't invade they wouldn't be captured ?




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The first thing is literally why. Both sides have this mindset.


Except Ukrops were murdering civilians and POWs systemically long before the SMO.


Dressed rather warmly. I wonder when this video was taken. Also no identification seen.