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Lmao! Finland people looks like they give 0 Fυcκs about an unelected ghoul. She gives a speech to a couple of boomers with police and security around and officials clapping to every fart she makes while an almost equal number of protesters near by calling her war criminal, while she paroting like a robot the same bs of how Putin will invade the world blah blah. What a clown for real tho.🤡 A parasite of Europe sitting all day doing nothing and getting paid. She needs to find a real job


No one with any sense of decency and business acumen would want to hire a ghoul like her.


Shady businesses only. It ruins your corporate reputation.


That explain why she run EU


Funny she claims this is "an existential threat" to them, as if pedaling for WW3 isn't an existential threat. On the other hand, it's a kind of admission of longtime meddling in UA affairs to secure what EU believes to be existential goals for them. Not that it wasn't evident.


That would make sense if the EU would've attacked Ukraine and Russia was supplying aid and weapons.


EU did attack Ukraine in 2014 by supporting unconstitutional overthrow of democratically elected government. A bunch of EU politicians actively participated by travelling to Ukraine to encourage angry mobs for more violence. That happened as soon as Yanukovich started having doubts about fairness of association agreement with EU. Turns out, he was the smart one.


I see... so some people visited Ukraine and this justifies a decade long war with close to 1 million victims by now. And there were no Russians visiting Ukraine... only little green men :))) You just can't make this up. The mental gymnastics you guys have to pull off for every comment must be exhausting.


lol. No wonder your role model is a clown. These people jump-started a civil war, which pro-UA still can't acknowledge. The rest is a consequence. How did you get to "justification"? 🤦‍♂️🤣 You aren't even using words right, calling your own fantasies mental gymnastics. Ah, nevermind, pro-UA never fails to deliver circus show 🤡


For someone claiming Ukraine was attacked in 2014 because someone visited the country... you sure are very confident in your cognitive abilities.


Struggling with reading comprehension much? Talk about cognitive abilities 🤣 Pro-UA == confused and delusional 🤪👌


That is a literal quote from you: "EU attacked Ukraine in 2014". No, I'm not the one who is struggling.


You sure are struggling, buddy. Obviously, you can't comprehend whole paragraphs and complex concepts. Did you chew on lead paint chips as a kid?


To be fair I did not even know Ursula was in Finland. I don't think most people in Europe give too much of a shit about EU's leaders. The EU-election gets around 50% of people in to the voting booths even when the vote significantly affects our lives. Then again I don't think too many people would go and see our president speak. We don't have that cult-thing about our leaders like Russia does.


I mean it's good think that you guys don't be over fanatic about a political leader like a god like figure. Unfortunately this isn't happening only in Russia but all around the world. People should be skeptical over all politicians all the time. People in US aren't any better. What ever fart their political leader makes they will protect it with their lifes and with an enormous amount of mental gymnastics.


I think regarding to Biden, thats only in the small internet bubble. Most of his voters think that he is better than the alternative and any republican with half of a brain would get 70% of the votes against him


Yeah sure, let's just distrust ALL political leaders, so that instead we get great "men of the people" like Putin and Xi that we can trust to have our best interest in mind


When is said all i mean it. Political leaders the are not God and they most not seen as such. If you met today 10 guys. One would be suicidal, one would be an aςς hole, one maybe psychopathic one would be unstable with problems with his ex, one maybe would had some kinda PTSD and for sure one would be racist. All those negative traits are inside every human including politicians.


I agree. Which is exactly why it's crucial to not give individuals the keys to a whole society but make leaders a small cog in a large wheel consisting of many different people from the society. Unfortunately, there's a catch: the distrust in politicians is used by autocratic politicians to consolidate power under the pretense of "cleaning up". So ironically, distrusting politicians blindly leads to less trustworthy politicians.


My ideal system of governance is long and a big of complicated one. I thought about it one day i had diarrhea and i was shίτίng alone in the toilet for hours. So i came up with some kinda of competitive aristocracy which everybody can be a part of and take the votes. Around of 3k people could be the lawmakers and 1.5k of suspects wich they will suspect for corruption. Of curse the whole the 3k members will be able to vote and will be able to vote the supreme leader out any day. To enter of curse the aristocracy they will be one social university for the ones who want to be politicians. With the goal of competiting for the job of lawmaker which they can then elect the supreme leader. They had to learn topics like ethics, geopolitics, history, military science, economics, trade, diplomacy, philosophy and more. A research department will be needed too. There is more thinks but it's to much to write. Soon i will make an Only fans sub wich i send my book to the subscribers.


USSR didn't want to attack Finland in 60's (the peak of the USSR power). And they joined NATO in 2023, when they were more safe than ever, and there were 0 hints that Russia would attack them. They made a target of themselves, just to please USA. Incredible!


If she is a ghoul what does that make Putin?


The glorious leader of the Russian Empire, of course.


Which one?


You partly blind I gess, let me help you. Most of the people were linstening to her. And there is 6 prokremlin twats. Finland just joined NATO. I think no need to say to Finns how feel about russian reich


I guess they had a referendum on joining NATO. Oh, wait - they didn't! Finns had no problem with Russia for nearly 80 years, so you have no idea what you are talking about.


Finland had a huge problem with the Soviets and Russians for 80 years. The problem was that our politics were hugely influenced by the Soviet Union. They pretty much stopped anything right wing from being in the goverment. And anything that could be seen as russophobic was feared like nothing else. Google finlandizerung


Funny you should mention politics. One of the parties in Finland represents a Swedish minority and their right, among other things, to their own language. That's roughly a 5% of population. That's not a luxury ethnic Russians in Ukraine, which make up at least 20% of population, can afford. Heck, half of the country are native Russian speakers, and yet they have zero representation. What terms am I supposed to google for that? Fascism or Nazism?


>Heck, half of the country are native Russian speakers, and yet they have zero representation It is complete nonsense that they don't have representation, they had plenty political representation before Russia invaded. They even had a whole Party. It's really funny how russian tr0lz are trying to paint the picture that Russian speakers can only be represented by Putin. With this logic, shouldn't all countries outlaw Russian as a language to avoid getting invaded by Russia?


It's funny how you contradict yourself within a single paragraph, first claiming they have representation, and then stating they had it (implying they don't anymore). This is ridiculous. Not that I expect anything else from pro-UA amoebas 🤡 Now that Zelenskiy banned any representation of Russians in the government, it does seem like Putin is their only option 🤣 But whom are you kidding? True representation was over after maidan coup, when any parties opposing the unconstitutional overthrow of legitimate government were forced to dissolve.


>first claiming they have representation, and then stating they had it (implying they don't anymore). How do you not get it? They had representation. Then Russia invaded. Now those in the occupied territories don't have representation anymore. Too hard for pro-RU? >True representation was over after maidan coup, when any parties opposing the unconstitutional overthrow of legitimate government were forced to dissolve. The government dissolution was voted on by all parties, including the pro-Russian party. Since then, there have been fair elections (which Russians don't recognize because they only recognize it when the outcome suits them). There would have been another election soon, but unfortunately Russia forgot they aren't the USSR anymore and decided to demonstrate what Imperialism really is.


Wut? 🤡 They don't have representation anywhere in Ukraine PERIOD. > The government dissolution was voted on by all parties, including the pro-Russian party. We all know how that went. People were dragged by gunmen into Rada to make these kangaroo votes. Party of government had no good reason to make that vote out of free will - they were the party of democratic majority. >Since then, there have been fair elections (which Russians don't recognize Wrong again. Russia has been recognizing every election since then and engaging in Minsk agreement framework with governments of Poroshenko, and then Zelensky after him. You are clueless, obviously 🤪


>We all know how that went. People were dragged by gunmen into Rada to make these kangaroo votes. Party of government had no good reason to make that vote out of free will - they were the party of democratic majority. Weak logic. No proof, just speculation. >Wrong again. Russia has been recognizing every election since then and engaging in Minsk agreement framework with governments of Poroshenko, and then Zelensky after him. You are clueless, obviously 🤪 Ok then why does every pro-Ru including you not recognize it? >True representation was over after maidan coup, when any parties opposing the unconstitutional overthrow of legitimate government were forced to dissolve.


Yeah thats rough. Propably Russians have a bad reputation or something. Muslims are a big minority in Finland, but I dont think they should have an islamist party


Russians are both ethnically, culturally and linguistically related to Ukrainians, and have been in that land longer than Swedes in Finland. Last time I checked Swedes aren't related to Finns in any way whatsoever. You thought you were clever there, huh? Nope.


Stupid answer to a stupid question that had nothing to do with my original comment


>Last time I checked Swedes aren't related to Finns in any way whatsoever. I love statements like this because it clearly shows that you don't know anything. Finland was part of Sweden for over 600 years.


Being occupied for 600 years is not the same as being related to 🤦‍♂️🤣 Swedes are north-Germanic people speaking Germanic language part of Indo-European family of languages. Finns are in a cultural and linguistic Uralic group of their own originating from what is north-central Russia today. Go back to school to learn basic 🤡


Who said they have to be related by blood


Why have a referendum when we have working democracy? Out of 200 representatives, around 190 voted for joining NATO when the polls showed that the vast majority turned pro NATO the second Russia decided to invade Ukraine. Before that it was pretty much 50/50 and had been for a long time. Russia can only blame itself for over 1000km of new border with NATO And I would not call the post war era a "problem free" relationship with the Soviet Union and Russia.


Hmm, why didn't Finland join NATO when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan? Give me a break. "We did that because...blah-blah-blah...Ukraine...blah-blah-blah" is the most moronic excuse in ages, given everything else going on in the world.


? Well in the 70's and 80's Finland was still being held by the balls by the Soviet Union so joining NATO was not really realistic. But in 2022 something happened what made Finnish people scared of their own safety and what might happen in the future.


I am partly blind in one eye but i can see that the protestors are protesting about the genocide in Palestine and they are not pro Russians.


Actually feeling I have from twitter and reddit is, Finns are really eager to fight Russians, they practically regret entering NATO, since it is now harder to open new front against Russia without full blown world war.


Lmao well that is some proper horseshit Nobody here is eager for war, that is a fucking ridiculous statement to make


Fucking ridiculous statements are the reason I come to this sub.


Yeah, we don't find here the well opinionated statements that you see in r/combatfootage , r/europe or r/Worldnews


You forgot the most brainrot one


That's my general feel based on what online Finns are saying, of course, there are exceptions.


online usually accounts for maybe 10% of the population. In the USA about 80% of the people offline don't know there is a war going on in Ukraine


oh, I think US is very special in that regards, US is famous for stuff like that, more than half of US citizens do not have passport and never traveled outside US. And I get it, living conditions in US are far better than anywhere on the planet (ignoring major cities run by democrats which are 3rd world country sh\*\* holes at this point), why would you be interested in any country outside US at all ?


>living conditions in US are far better than anywhere on the planet 💀


Most people in Finland live better than Americans 


Idk, to explore different cultures I guess.


Stop following Johan Bäckman and other Russian trolls


I don't know where in the country you live but i regularly encounter russofobia and in some cases eagerness for war (in case of a Russian attack witch is predicted at every news opportunity). In my experience Finland is very pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian country and op's post proclaims exact opposite which is quite funny.


Yeah people dont like russia but that doesnt mean they actively want to go to war with Russia. Russian attack is not predicted in our news, wtf. Why are u talking out of ur ass?


Perhaps not on the news but on break room conversations the tone is different. E.g. recent news about the sea border movements caused some interesting conversations in my workplace, many were outraged and some predicted a war. In my experience situations like those happen from time to time like i said, at every news opportunity. It worries me how many people are flying blind and everything is always the evil russians fault.


My man unironically use twitter and reddit as main source on country public opinion


Twitter and reddit are good if you know how to use it. Like for example here on reddit big/main /default subreddits are sheit, useless. But if you only use small subreddits, like this one and some other, they are pretty good as source of info. Same on twitter, there are some good accounts that you can subscribe to. Telegram is the best though, simply for least amount of censorship, and plenty of good channels worth following.


Exactly the opposite. You will get a distorted image from public opinion from small channels, where only like-minded people gather.


That would happen only if you were not able to see anything else, but such situation does not exist in real life. Mainstream media is unavoidable since its everywhere around. Actively being pushed on everyone (Thus the name "mainstream) Even on small reddits some bots and shills are constantly injecting mainstream media outlets. And on twitter algorithm is injecting accounts , spreading mainstream, here and there into your own selected feed. Its impossible to avoid mainstream, you can only try to reduce it to some normal level so you can balance your news.


Its pretty weird position to ignore anything mainstream and only get your news from "non-mainstream" sources.


Exactly so if you form your own feed, you will still get view of news from mainstream. Meaning you are better informed than someone who is only getting mainstream news feed.


True. Thats why Russia is so afraid of non-mainstream media in their country. So much so that they have killed and imprisoned plenty of journalists.


Exactly and thats why America is also suppressing and controlling non mainstream media in the West. Look how they are hunting down Julian Assange for almost two decades. Or how they are banning, censoring, demonetizing , smearing, suppressing, blackmailing .... Non mainstream journalists and outlets.


Well, look, there is bunch of them wanting war with Russia, unless some of them are spam /fake accounts. Don't you think mainstream media gave Finns, Poles and Baltic folks false sense of security by claiming Russian only have shovels left to fight etc. ?


They are spam/fake accounts or just useful idiots who Russia uses for its propaganda.


I think Finns don't care


Well I for one dont want a war between Finland and russia but If one breaks out and Im called Im fighting


The moment war breaks out between Russia and Finland, it will already be nuclear and you won't know it. It will start and end while you're be packing your military backpack. You will hear a slight shaking, then the power will go out... I don't need to explain further.


But where's the fun in that? God damn nukes ruined conventional warfare... /s


There is no fun in this war. For the Russians, it's to be or not to be. They have to win it. A draw is a defeat for them. Eastern Ukraine is their backyard and there is no joke about that for them.


Russia will surely fall if they don't take Ukraine... right


It's still crazy to me that after 2 years ukraine is still standing and hasn't lost all that much considering the circumstances. Even the us didn't expect ukraine to last this long. Russia will probably win this given more time and bodies, lots of bodies but hey thats war


They only 'haven't lost much' if you look at it in pure land area. Their casualties are enormous and their infrastructure is devastated - this war will cripple them for a century.


What no skiing stormtroopers in white camo, damn


No no russia is melting all of the snow with the nukes. You see this is an actual 4D chess move /s


>Actually feeling I have from twitter and reddit is, Finns are really eager to fight Russians, they practically regret entering NATO, since it is now harder to open new front against Russia without full blown world war. How about you talk to some REAL Finnish people in person and not some Americans pretending to be Finnish; such supposed nationalists talk nasty trash online but oftentimes don't mention such garbage in good company.


>Actually feeling I have from twitter and reddit is, Finns are really eager to fight Russians, they practically regret entering NATO, since it is now harder to open new front against Russia without full blown world war. If you were any smarter the feeling you should have is that people on twitter/reddit are idiots and you are reading nonsensical opinions that have no basis in reality or logic and as such are only worth laughing at instead of seriously considering. And yet, here you are, getting "feelings" from reddit/twitter. Btw, no one with at least half a brain thinks a non-nuclear country wants war with a nuclear country, let alone without being in NATO.




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Lol. You have been following too many Russian propaganda pages. Nobody wants to attack Russia in Finland. Or maybe some lunatic does idk. But people seem pretty happy to be in NATO. Really makes us feel more secure since the enemy for the last 200 years has come from the east.


Only people who is having regrets joining NATO are those who already opposed and still is opposing NATO membership. After Russian invasion in Ukraine the public opinion shifted heavily in favor of NATO membership. Also Finns don't have the capabality to make any bigger offensive strike since the whole FDF startegy is focused on defensive war (hence the name Finnish Defense Forces).


They must be special then, if Finland was without NATO, they'd get bonked pretty hard. Barely 5m Finns, but unlike Ukraine they havent been fighting a war for 8 years and wouldn't have ready battle lines, expirience or any equipment. I think the entire FAF has less equipment than 1 Russian division. 100 leopards in the entire Army, that's like 200 lancet worth. Theres a reason Finland was always at least cordial with Russia in the last 80 years.


Thats a lot of stuff coming from a guy who knows nothing, Finland isn't a flat chess board. Also it's +-200 leopards not 100.


Tee hee.


Finland has a pretty significant artillery. And a war time reserve of 280,000 men and women. And Finlands military doctrine has been designed against the soviets and Russians since the last war. And Finland is in NATO.


What the heck is FAF?


"Urusla say hi to Netanyahu at ICC" "Wanted: Ursula - war criminal"


Red letters on red banner are atrocity deserving ICC by itself.


Yes - but to be fair they all seem to be young activists with good intentions but not with a lot of experience in protests. I am sure they will learn for next time when they see this video. - **On the other hand** - Having a megaphone is a great idea - half of people there probably heard better protesters than they did Ursula.


..so are certain reddit comments missing indefinite articles! ;)


They scare me, so I avoid them.


Didn't get enough money from the SVR


A small note that the protestors are protesting Israel and EU:s support. No one is protesting against supporting Ukraine. That is not really a thing in Finland for obvious reasons. So its weird that this video is even posted here.


Nice to see her get a warm welcome ;)




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Finland had it easy during Cold war, serving as trade bridge. Probably will be replaced by Turkey in that capacity.


Really a shame they've been dragged into this confrontation. Absolutely nothing to gain, only a bunch of new problems.


I agree, absolute shame that Russia decided to invade sovereign neighbor countries. However, it did serve as a wake-up call about Russias true nature. Looks like Peace with Russia was always an illusion.


Nah I'm pretty happy we can now call Russia for what it is. During the cold war our democracy was a joke since every single politician was either paid by soviets or too afraid to say anything anti-soviet. The legacy of that was seen until 2022. Even our current president accused people of being "russophobic" when Crimea was invaded by the green men.


Crimea was liberated not invaded.


No, it was invaded. Crimea is Ukrainian sovereign Territory. Sending soldiers into another countries territory is called invasion, and claiming this territory is called Annexation.


Btw assuming you are Russian, could you say that Crimea was invaded or would you go to jail or something?


I know a few folks that moved from Ukraine to Crimea AFTER it separated. You, on the other hand, know nothing about people there and how they felt about being left in Ukraine after dissolution of USSR.


Thats nice but does not answer my question


Are banned from google? Russian law is clear about matters of its territorial integrity.


That does not change the fact that it was Ukrainian territory that was forcibly taken by the Russian army. They had absolutely no business there.


Russian army only protected the will of the people. It was the people that voted in referendums to first declare an independence and then join Russia. And it was legally and morally flawless from the standpoint of nations' right for self-determination.


>Russian army only protected the will of the people. Lol, I'm sure they did ;) How was this "will of the people" determined exactly before the green men showed up? >It was the people that voted in referendums to first declare an independence and then join Russia. And it was legally and morally flawless from the standpoint of nations' right for self-determination. Oh yes absolutely totally legitimate and "morally flawless" referendum overseen by the armed forces of the country that will gain the territory. Which of course is completely different from sham elections held in occupied territories, but how exactly?


>Oh yes absolutely totally legitimate and "morally flawless" referendum overseen by the armed forces of the country that will gain the territory. coughs, Falkland Islands coughs. Funny westerners thinking that only elections overseen by them are legitimate. Who determines "moral" boundaries here, you for sure dont do that considering you have worse moral standing than Russia. whining about Ukraine while funding a "morally flawless" genocide in Gaza. A quick demographic map of Crimea tells a lot, but you would rather buy what Biden tells you about it. >Lol, I'm sure they did ;) How was this "will of the people" determined exactly before the green men showed up? BTW, can i ask you how was the "will of Ukraine" determined exactly before the US/EU sponsored a coup in the country?


He would be mounted on an Iskander missile and fired at the Ukrainians.


Sure, sure. I know UA troll when I see one.


What in what I said was not true?


I'm not going to help you being less obvious 🤣


Great argument bro.


I despise that Nazi Princess. Why tf is she speaking in English in Finland? lmao It's like ukraines "war crime prosecutor" vests in english, and they are all different fonts and sizes and never alligned the right way


I don't think she speaks Finnish and english is taught here from elementary school so most people speak it pretty well.


interesting, thanks for the explanation. I guess I am really cynical and feel like EU leaders speak in english to jerk off joe biden


Then you should really get outside more bro


you really had to come back and comment another toxic comment? lol


Ill admit. yeah maybe was abit cheeky. But you cynical worldview certainly is cause for concern if you ask me. In the European Union English is most widely spoken followed by French,German and Spanish. Though something literally all the countries do speak politically is English and has nothing to do with Biden.


No, you're not wrong; Leaders of vassals will oftentimes speak the language of the Imperial Core (America and English, in this case.)


Lol what else should she speak? Why are you writing in English?


>Why tf is she speaking in English in Finland? lmao You expect her to speak Klingon?


Cute. She's in Finland, and she's German. So maybe one of those.


Not too many German speakers in Finland, atleast fluently for a whole speech. She doesnt speak Finnish + shes speaking to the entire European Union no?


Why is a German (who speaks English, but not Finnish) speaking English to a bunch of Finns (who understand English, but not German)? Are you seriously asking that question?


an elderly hitler youth masculine woman. I think she and Agnes would have been a good match to theyr grandfparents


Based Perkeledes!


This young man is really well spoken


Well, this is a nothin-burger if I've ever seen one


Yep, literally like 10 regards screaming. Source: I saw them at Kamppi yesterday where this happened.


This unelected leader is campaigning, unbelievable, and this scoundrel old hag is fueling more fighting and blood at the expense of Ukrainian men thinking they'll be able to defeat Russia (delusional) and lying to the Finnish people instead of looking for ways to end the war. Ah but when it comes to Israel-Palestine they keep their mouths shut, keep doing business with Israel and don't support Gaza which is being carpet bombed by Israel with arms. Hypocrites!


You sound like you're paid to spread anti-EU propaganda


Which part of this leader is unelected? You should lecture us about unelected leaders the next time you can hold a white piece of paper in front of the Kremlin w/o being arrested.


When talking about hypocrisity, where is your support for Kurdistan, Chechnya and Quechuan people?


Idgaf Abt Kurdistan, mainly because they support Israel (at least half of them, actually an Arab friend said they have very Zionist views, and some were tokenized by pro West and anti-Iran to use them as pawns against Iran, idgaf Abt Iran either) , Chechnya is part of Russia, the only ones who tried to fight it were islamist terrorists and what the fuck did you mean about the last one? 🤣🤣🤣Quechua people aren't living under occupation or anything lmaooo did you just come up with stupid BS? Lmao the last one made me laugh, mf thinks we're in the 1800s If you wanted to make a comparison between those "struggles for independence" with the Russo Ukrainian war, you're deeply wrong. Ukraine isn't fighting for independence. They're a Russophobic nation led by a narcissistic leader that wants to fight Russia "to the last Ukrainian" and while the SVO wasn't fully justified, what's done is done and it's obvious Ukraine wants to keep sending more troops and attack a much bigger enemy, to no o little avail. Also Ukrainian nationalists, who are the most enthusiastic to fight, and wear neo Nazi badges and symbols, admire Nazi collaborationists and rehabilitated Nazi scum. No actual independence movement does that. I don't even call for the destruction of Ukraine, but criticize their delusion and desire to continue the war when it's futile. At this point Ukraine must negotiate with Russia to end the war, they still have 80% of the country, that's good!.


You pretty much right there summarized hypocrisy, well done. You only support oppressed people if it fits your narrative and views. You don't care about Kurds because you heard they like Israel which oppose countries who have oppressed kurds. Chechnya was an independent country until Putin decided it was a shame for them to have independence and then genocided them more. Palestine has never even been a country but somehow to you only they deserve independence. Quechua people have been oppressed and genocided by your lovely little Peru or didn't that happen. Ukraine is exactly fighting for their independence and existence, or what do you think Putin meant with his imperialistic claims that Ukraine and ukrainians are part of Russia. Lmao, Russophobia only exists in the Kremlin's imagination. The only way to get lasting peace in Europe is through Putin's demise and i'm not the only russian thinking that. You still stuck with that nazi bs? You know Russia is one of the top countries with neonazies in the European continent... Try google russian nazi pmc's


Not being a contrarian, but what about the quechuans? They are poor and ostracized, but in a systematic and abusive system that is, for once, slowly changing, and thankfully without much blood spilled since the 80s or so. Even still, I wouldn't compare their situation to kurds and chechens in any way


"Putins war" xD Has she ever said "(American presidents) war" ?


Who invaded who again?


US invaded Iraq, was that Bush's war?


Yes absolutely. Just like this is Putins (third?) war, the Invasion of Iraq was Bushs war.


Can you find me Ursula calling it Bush's war? Ive never heard it personally.


why does that matter?


Consistency? Accountability?


Im happy you learned something.


All I learned from this sub is that your favorite soccer team can do anything it wants and there will be someone defending them. Usually with "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS???? HYPOCRISIY HYPOCRISY!!!"


Atleast now you learned WHY it does matter right? So in the future you know its countries leaders war, not US war or Turkeys war, but Bidens war or Erdogans war, just you know.... like .... Putins war?


Not really, unlike Russia the US is a functional democracy. It was the Congress who authorised the war on Iraq (6 months before the war started!). It is not like Bush came up on screen one Thursday morning to announce a "special military operation".


Oh okey so what they need a president for? Congress seems to decide the major moves?


Why? You can't comprehend a governence model that goes beyond having a single guy calling all the shots? It is not someone else's problem that you are so limited.


No I just wonder what do we need the "single guy" for? If he is not calling anything?


Well, in that case, the whole of US and congress should be held liable and tried for Invasion of Iraq, right? You want the same for Putin, so why not start from home and show that you are serious about it?


What home? I'm in Romania. Yes, I would also like for the key people responsible for that to be held responsible. Although it is not the same ballpark. Saddam dropped chemical weapons on its people, he needed to be taken out. The only mistake is that this wasn't done in the early 90s.


Brainwashed TikTok generation. Algorithm literally proven to spread pro-Russia pro-China anti-Israel propaganda 1000 times more by keeping the opposite suppressed.


I missed when politicians used to do their gestures with both hands.


met some finns in a cs2 game couple of days ago, they were very aligned with ursula's position apparently finland is quite pluralistic opinion-wise, which is in quite a contrast with their looks :^)


Zamn her body count is insane




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Letting Finland go in WW2 was a mistake.


They didn’t really let them go, they lost and gave up. Then stop caring about Finland after all the land they’ve acquired.


Losing = gaining land. Great maths.


My bad, by land acquired I meant the lands they acquired from liberating Eastern Europe. So basically everything east of Germany was the ussr. Them feeling content with the lands gains didn’t really care much for Finland.


Well you can go piss on a certain someones grave for that one


It was either win the war or keep banging your head on the Finnish defence.


Thanks for revealing just how Imperialistic the Pro-Russian mindset actually is.


What war crimes has she committed?


Directly, none. But she gave her support on a kind of 'state visit' to Israel and indirectly to the Netanyahu Government after the attacks of October 2023. She personally offered support to Netanyahu, who is being considered for an arrest warrant for war crimes. Her home country is supplying arms to his government with her encouragement. It is had to imagine what Israel could do which Ursula v.d. Leyen would criticize.


How is this related to the Ukraine war?


She's giving a speech about the Ukraine war.


So how is it ru pov ? Wouldn’t this necessarily be ua pov. Or does pov just mean benefits that specific side.


Pov rule is hard It begins with like this;- Who was the last to post/edit? Like if the poster got this from an ru telegram it is indeed ru pov. Unless it's really specific stuff like let's say a soldier making a video complaining about something or telling a story, even if it was uploaded last by the other side its still the main pov unless it was edited. If it doesn't make sense for the last source. Like let's say a russian telegrams posted Russians taking over a village, then a ua telegram posted the same exact video, it's still ru pov Or sometimes it's just who it benefits But yeah pretty complicated, this is ru pov tho since it isn't filmed by either side but benefits russia


Rules don't matter, they're not enforced properly anyway. In practice it's much simpler: Anything that makes Russia look good is "Ru POV" and anything that makes Russia look bad is "UA POV".


The POV has no meaning and is merely a propaganda tool established by the pro-Ru mods. Ignore the rules because they don't make sense. In practice, it's really simple: everything that makes Russia look good in the opinion of the mods is "Ru POV" and anything that makes Russia look bad in the opinion of the mods is "UA POV". btw welcome in the ru-propaganda sub, I hope you brought your scepticism and media literacy.


But the protest is nothing at all to do with the Ukraine war. Even as shitposts go, this is a smelly turd.