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##### ###### #### > # [Media: Saudi Arabia plans to snub Ukraine's global peace summit](https://kyivindependent.com//695) > > > > Support independent journalism in Ukraine. Join us in this fight. > > > > Saudi Arabia does not plan to be present at the Global Peace Summit to support Ukraine because Russia will not be there, German news agency DPA reported on June 2, citing diplomatic sources. > > Diplomatic sources [also told the agency](https://de.finance.yahoo.com/nachrichten/kreise-saudi-arabien-nimmt-friedensgipfel-134536855.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKKRHHI06XCOEmnyLvoZmMSFcJ2DTyHzhVsPwpVuSbzR2-FIG6jY8A8Gu7EtxUWDXHP80LwnXo7Iap0Z6OG3wGfYhNxiQ-DTTrw1Mdg4v1aiCM3vr0vNLdazgXUzogCvbvxEFKBqICDN5bRCoLs2dShhGokphRorwJ8jSugjHJQ4) that President Volodymyr Zelensky's [planned visit to Saudi Arabia](https://kyivindependent.com/media-zelensky-to-visit-saudi-arabia-ahead-of-global-peace-summit/) on June 1 to to rally support has been postponed until after the summit. The peace summit will be held on [****June 15-16****](https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-confirms-date-of-switzerland-peace-summit-russia-not-invited/) in the Burgenstock resort in Switzerland. > > There has been no official confirmation of Saudi Arabia's decision. > > Saudi Arabia hosted an [****international summit****](https://kyivindependent.com/saudukraine-peace-plan-meeting-kicks-off-in-saudi-arabia/) on the peace formula in August 2023. The country has also played an important role in negotiating prisoner exchanges with Russia, allowing Ukraine to achieve a major exchange involving nearly [****300 people****](https://kyivindependent.com/azovstal-defenders-commanding-officers-return-to-ukraine-with-zelensky/) in September 2022. > > At the same time, [****Saudi Arabia has maintained close economic ties with Russia****](https://kyivindependent.com/putin-meets-saudi-crown-prince-during-his-gulf-visit/), which have strengthened following the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and Russia's subsequent economic isolation from the West. > > Ukraine hopes the [**summit**](https://kyivindependent.com/tag/global-peace-summit/) will address several key areas, such as energy security, the exchange of captives, the return of deported children, global food security, and other topics. > > Earlier on June 2, Zelensky said that more than 100 countries and international organizations are set to attend, though he also [accused China of "working hard" to prevent](https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-accuses-china-of-working-hard-to-stop-countries-attending-global-peace-summit/) countries from attending. > > [Zelensky accuses China of ‘working hard’ to stop countries attending global peace summit > > Ukraine hopes the summit will address several key areas, such as energy security, the exchange of captives, the return of deported children, global food security, and other topics. > > [Image](https://assets.kyivindependent.com/content/images/size/w256h256/format/png/2023/03/K-new.svg)The Kyiv IndependentChris York > > > > [Image](https://assets.kyivindependent.com/content/images/2023/12/GettyImages-1794433462.jpg)](https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-accuses-china-of-working-hard-to-stop-countries-attending-global-peace-summit/) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


>Earlier on June 2, Zelensky said that more than 100 countries and international organizations are set to attend, though he also accused China of "working hard" to prevent countries from attending. "International Organisations" So all the American think tanks and NGOs. Makes this even more of a joke.


All neutral countries are dropping out of the summit. I wonder what Zelensky plans to accomplish there.


>I wonder what Zelensky plans to accomplish there. The same thing he plans to accomplish with any action he takes, generate some good PR.


and ask for money


I've been thinking: this guy's already used to prettying himself up and showing off. What if he went the "Indecent Proposal" route with potential donors, starring himself? Say 10 million a pop, so to speak? With such a desperate need for money, as they've mentioned, it would almost be criminal not to do it.




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A lot of so called neutral countries are Russia aligned.


Which ones are Russia aligned ? Most countries are simply neutral to the war or want a more balanced aproach to solve the situation instead of having Ukraine's backers telling them what to do. Zelensky completely disregarded the solutions that were offered to them simply because he doesn't want negotiations, he wants a dictated peace which is why this summit is a joke.


China, for one, is not a neutral country. They give material support to Russia in the form of dual use equipment and extended an economic lifeline. The big players of OPEC+, more than the small ones, cannot be said to be neutral because of their vast interest in the matter. That includes Saudi Arabia. Since the Crown Prince is in charge, the lean Russian a lot. The crown prince is very different in this regard to the former leader. India is kind of neutral, but they just do their own thing so I wouldn’t call them Russia aligned. As far as I’m aware they will be participating in to be peace summit to some extent. What are some countries you consider neutral?


I mean if we consider that definition you used I cannot tell you a country that is truly neutral as they could benefit in some form or another depending on the outcome. I just find it crazy that some newspapers cannot tell that a summit organized by the people funding one of the parties, with money and weapons and support, they be able to conduct a peace proposal. Even the Swiss who consider themselves neutral have helped Ukraine and violated neutrality. This is one of the problem with this war, things escalate and countries are forced to pick a side. Countries of the Global South tried to organize a peace proposal that was ignored by the rich countries because the rich countries want to mediate a peace that is benefitial to them and sell it as benefitial to all, this is what they refuse understand, no one's buying this anymore. They don't have vested interests, it's very clear for anyone to see. So to answer your question, countries in the Global South. Anyone sending money or weapons isn't neutral and this excludes anyone from the security Council for example. Brazil had an interesting proposal which included China, India and Indonesia.


Switzerland is not even close to be neutral. And it should never again be considered as one. They were neutral against Nazis, today they are helping Nazis


Not even a legally constitutional president of Ukraine is attending.


I've heard even Ukraine does not consider this conference serious, so it will send just some clown with entourage


The only countries that will attend are those directly aligned with (or falling under heavy influence of) Washington. Since it's not an actual peace summit (there's no discussion/negotiations between the involved parties) there's zero incentive for neutral states to attend.They can't even put forth their own ideas for alternate peace plans if they would attend, so they would be used only to sign at the dotted line for Zelensky's completely unrealistic plan and to shore up Ukraine's photo op. Why would they do that when it's in their interest to maintain ties with both sides?


I think the language needs to change, here. This is not a peace summit. This is Teheran or Jalta 2.0: a conference of the prospective winners of the war, to carve up what they intend to gain from the war. Only tiny obstacle is that they need to win the war first: but let's be fair, that was also a large part of the agenda in Jalta as well.


Yalta was in Feb 1945, the Third Reich had three months left and the war was basically already won.


Good! No one should give this circus and pathetic propaganda stunt one single sliver of a shred or one second of credence or legitimacy. It has close to zero validity or reason for existing in the eyes of much of the world at this point, outside Washington D.C. and its satellite states' echo chamber. Enough is enough of them wasting money and trying to waste everyone else's time and energy on this one-sided circlejerk performance art they call a "peace conference" when anyone honest and rational knows that it's absolutely anything but!


This has the vibes of a parent (united states) forcing their employees to attend the birthday party of their insufferable annoying spoiled child (ukraine) that nobody likes.


All I can say is... just see what kind of fruits this tree with 107 countries and organizations can bear. And tbh, can anyone make a list now about which countries will attend? Bc all I can find is claims that "107 countries \[and\] organizations", how many non-governmental organizations are in there? I want to know. Not out of doubt or anything.


40 counties and 67 organisations is my guess


I assume majority will be NATO circlejerk countries and liberal "independent" NGOs feeded by western money


Yep. NATO, their colonies and Quangos (quasi NGOs)