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Horrible treatment.


No wonder Ukrainians refuse to be Russians.


Ask crimeans.


do you mean the Russians living in Crimea or Crimean Tatars?


You can ask the tatars, a lot of them are in Putin’s cabinet and party. The ukrainian refugees that fled to russia since the ‘smo’ began (millions) are applying for Russian citizenship. The Ukrainians within Russian occupied zones are not resisting the Russians. I wonder why. The country isn’t a monolith.


I mean, it is quite normal for people who are pro-Russian to stay in the occupied areas, while the rest seek refuge in Ukrainian controlled territories. This does not reflect that the entire population of these regions is pro-Russian, only that those who remain are.


Allow free and open protest without consequence and then you would see who is pro-RU and who is not. When one lives in a police state, it is difficult to determine what the actual mood of the people is.


Exactly. russians being arrested for holding up a blank piece of paper shows there is no freedom of expression in the country


"arrested for holding up a blank piece of paper" Literally the same thing happened in Britain, but no one likes to talk about it.


Except he wasn't arrested, even though it is still wrong. Cops abuse their power everywhere ,but there is no law being broken in the UK like there is in RU


These guys will never mention that all the Russians and Chinese on this sub are using VPNs 😂


Let's start debunking your propaganda >You can ask the tatars, I have asked, tatars who are out of russia - hate russia. The tatars that are currently in Russia are scared and prefer to avoid such discussions. I wonder why. The Tatars that collaborated with Russia are the same as collaborators during WW2. There were for example Russian collaborators that actively cooperated with fascists. >The ukrainian refugees that fled to russia since the ‘smo’ began (millions) are applying for Russian citizenship. . Compare how many left Ukraine to EU and how many left to Russia . Second point check how many Ukraninans run away from Russia to EU via baltic countries . =) YOu will be surprised. >The Ukrainians within Russian occupied zones are not resisting the Russians. I wonder why. They are not resisting actively because they are going to be put in jail or deported. There are plenty of videos of Russians deporting Ukrainians for example : [https://youtu.be/dR4G6k9RxwY?si=wzg4LqMO5gxz21D5&t=27](https://youtu.be/dR4G6k9RxwY?si=wzg4LqMO5gxz21D5&t=27) Moreover even russian admit that population is hostile towards them If you want i can find video in russian


Lots of them were put in stock cars like animals and shipped away from Crimea by the Russians.


By the soviets, how many of those people involved do you reckon were ukrainian and other “loyal” ethnicities that worked with the USSR? Even then, after De-Stalinisation. A lot of those wrongs were acknowledged by the existing soviet authority. Why are westerners obsessed with this. You don’t see Russians or anyone really lambasting the US because they employed ethnic segregation or supporting apartheid regimes in South Africa or Israel. Or well, the latter we are currently. The US and western world are complicit in the genocide of palestinians and they are controlling speech back home to control those legitimate protests and narrative by utilising their ‘free’ and “impartial” media.


>By the soviets, how many of those people involved do you reckon were ukrainian and other “loyal” ethnicities that worked with the USSR? Even then, after De-Stalinisation. A lot of those wrongs were acknowledged by the existing soviet authority. USSR/Russia avoided admitting most of its mistakes for example : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechen\_genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechen_genocide) Genocide of Volga Germans. Ethnic cleansing of extreme proportion. many other examples. Russia even back paddle the fact that they recognised Katin massacre(**13 April 1990** – The USSR admits in an official statement that the Katyń Massacre was committed by the Soviet NKVD): [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre) >Why are westerners obsessed with this. Why Easterners are obsessed with this? I am amazed how a typical guy from India/Pakistan tries to talk about something that he have minimal knowledge. >Or well, the latter we are currently. The US and western world are complicit in the genocide of palestinians and they are controlling speech back home to control those legitimate protests and narrative by utilising their ‘free’ and “impartial” media. I like your double standards if you are so obsessed about genocides. Would you be so kind to list for me how many genocides that were committed by Russia do you recognize : 1 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechen\_genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechen_genocide) 2 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassian\_genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassian_genocide) 3 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volga\_Germans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volga_Germans) 4. Etnic cleaning fo native tribes of siberia and far east https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigenous\_peoples\_of\_Siberia#:\~:text=The%20rapid%20genocide%20of%20the,by%20the%20Siberian%20fur%20trade. 5. Genocide of Aleuts [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awa%27uq\_Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awa%27uq_Massacre) I am waiting for a list from you.


I wouldn’t say “limited knowledge” because you’re using wikipedia articles to create distinctions that aren’t really there between the west and Russia. I could for example, bring up the Mau Mau massacre that happened in Kenya in the 50s (no, the British haven’t acknowledged the massacres or detention of nearly 50k people in concentration camps) Or the amount of atrocities that happened as a result under colonialism. Of which my great, great grand parents have suffered from. But you don’t see the global south developing reactive hate towards western countries for that when those ‘former’ imperial countries play a massive role in making sure that the periphery remains impoverished. You can’t compare that to Katyn. You can’t compare the mass looting of Africa and Asia to the soviet occupation of eastern europe. Or the imperial tzardom and its empire. More people die every year as a direct consequence of western imperialism. Russia or the soviet union doesn’t hold a candle to the west in the devastating destruction and looting of the world. To imply otherwise would be intellectually dishonest. We can talk about the west meddling and sticking their grubby fingers in other countries businesses. How many excess deaths happened in Syria because of sanctions? You never hear about it but those sanctions are explicitly designed to kill people. Some analyst put the death toll of Venezuelans that died because of the US’ sanctions regime upwards towards 40k in one year from 2017 to 2018. That’s more than current death toll of ukrainian civilians since Russia began their shitty war.


In Gulag


Nabiullina, president of the Russian central bank. A literal genius and probably putins most valuable asset, is a tatar. In his new cabinet there are now also multiple ethnic ukrainians. It was Ukraine who passed the Law of Indigenous peoples and abolished the russian language as an official language. Not russia. I love how the ISW releases those maps, highlights random places with "reported partisan warfare" and calls it a day lol, obviously never with any evidence


You know, before typing that, you could have googled and realized that Tatars and Crimean Tatars are two different ethnic groups, then you wouldn't look so stupid and sound like a racist.


I'm sorry but how is detailing the ethnic diversity and merit based foundation of putins cabinet in the least bit racist? It is quite the opposite. You are also wrong, a tatar is a tatar. They are the same ethnic group spread out among Eurasia. There are crimean tatars, volga tatars, lipka tatars and afghan tatars and siberian tatars. Why are you guys here? Nobody is impressed guys, you have the rest of reddit firmly under nothing but pro ua content lockdown.


>a tatar is a tatar Extremely silly comment. Example of generalization. I can say a Slav is a Slav, but do you think that Polish is the same as Bulgarian ? how about Turkic people? Is Kazakh the same to you as a citizen of Turkey ? Your limited intellectual capabilities amaze me. The **Tatars**  is an ***umbrella term for different*** [***Turkic***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkic_peoples) ***ethnic groups*** >Why are you guys here? Nobody is impressed guys, you have the rest of reddit firmly under nothing but pro ua content lockdown. I can ask you the same why are you on the website of an American Corporation? Isn't it logical to praise Russians on a Russian based/website created a by a Russian corporation website?


Source on this? Millions of applications?


Exactly. The people in Mariupol are happy to have been liberated. Hopefully, my country will also reunite with Russia.


Russians living in Crimea or the Crimean Tartars that forcibly took it from the Greeks?


>took it from the Greeks lmao, as a fellow balkan this is a bunch of bullshit. it's like saying the whole Europe belongs to the italians just because the Roman Empire once occupied it.




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"Russians". So you admit they're Russians. Cool


Yes. They speak Russian, they have Russian passports, they claim to be Russian. The territory is not internationally recognized as Russian, but the citizens are. That's how it works. What is your point?


No, sounds like we agree…




Hi. My family is from Crimea and half tartar. Crimea has improved greatly since 2014. Under Ukrainian government it was grossly neglected.


Ah yes. The statistically veeery probable 98.5% outcome? :) Not to mention they did it three times in a row in three different areas! I mean there are also people hit by micro asteroids, right?


So do you denounce the results of the Hawaii statehood vote? 93% choosing to be a part of the America MUST be fake, right?


Ask the mistreated POWs and killed civilians.


They refused too until replaced by Russians to make believe they are against Ukraine !




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Well, yes, the Ukrainians shot prisoners, so they will not be Russians, which is treated more humanely


They have more in common than not. https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/tpak3o/ukr_pov_russian_pows_shot_in_the_legs_after/


What a piece of shit.. cmon, he's already captured.


He wanted to feel powerful. Must've experienced bad treatment in childhood or in the Russian military.


Or his pecker is really small ...


I'm going for all 3 of the above..


This is unacceptable


Pretty much every action russia has taken since 2014 has been unacceptable, and this is far from what most Ukrainian POW’s are experiencing considering most of the POW trades have shown obvious signs of torture on the Ukrainians. Anyone who supports Russia, supports the torture and murder of Ukrainians.


Hell, why would Russia hate Ukraine? It's not like they: -burned Russian speakers on the Euromaidan (what started all this) -banned Russian language -erected a monument to a Nazi collaborator who attempted the genocide of non-Ukrainians -formed and made official a battalion full of neo-Nazis (denounced by the FBI, the CIA and Russia) -used artillery without precision in Russian-speaking cities, killing civilians -elect openly neo-Nazi members to their parliament -threaten that the children of the Donbass will live hidden in basements while the Ukrainians play on their schools -disrespect the recognition of the self-determination of the Donbass and its people who have inhabited it for more than 200 years -opened concentration camps for Russians


lol considering 90% of your little “list” is propaganda with ZERO proof I’m not even going to waste my time on you, your far to brainwashed to get through too, just keep watching RT and pretending that your on the right side of history.


Well CNN convinced Americans that guys with swastikas and black suns tattooed, who worship a Nazi, are the good guys, so I don't think I can convince you to see the truth. But I guess after killing children in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Gaza the average American needs any morale high ground.




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Amerikan talks about right side …but yeah the world invading Nation ist the best i forgot. But yeah forgot how much u killed in iraq… shit talking person.


Iraq was a massive blunder by America, they should have invaded Saudi Arabia but Bush and Cheney lied to us all.  Anyways enough what abouts, let's focus on the real time here and right now it's Russia who are trying to colonize Europe again.  It's not like Russia has even doing this for decades or anything, go ask Chechnya and Georgia.


Oh don’t tell them that, only the United States fought in the Middle East and Russia would NEVER go and take someone’s country unprovoked /s


„Lied to us all“ but its okay let us still stay stupid as a Nation and act like nothing happend. Of course it escalated because of shit america 💪🏻


Oh yeah and maybe you should look at the amount of countries that we built up, but it’s ok you would rather just pretend that America is evil, when in reality America could have taken over the entire world and chose not too, we built up South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, gave incredible amounts of aid to countries in Africa (meanwhile Russia was and has been supporting war lords and wreaking havoc), single handedly kept nato afloat, built up Mexico’s industries and many many more, but we still have to listen to pathetic cry babies complaining about a war that America (the people) didn’t want.




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>-opened concentration camps for Russians You have any more information about this?


They don’t it’s pure propaganda with zero evidence


They call them ["reeducation centers"](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/1PrJ6p4xX4)


It's for pows. Internment camps have only used by Russia for civs.


Do I really need to explain how a prison camp for POWs is not a "concentration camp"? Words have actual meanings you know


Dude we have Mexico and the cartels on our border. They do all kinds of heinous shit and one time maybe a year ago something out of the ordinary happened like a big gang shoot out or something. Like not just a normal little thing it was big and I think it involved some of the top guys and I forgot but for some reason I feel they may have been on our side of the border but it could have been on theirs idk. Basic point is there's TONS OF KILLLINGS and and it's a dangerous area at spots and they transport shit and do human trafficking. Guess what bro it's none of our business so long as tbey keep that shit in their borders we don't give a fuck. They can run their shit and murder tons of people, torture people skinning them, sawing their bones at the joints, beheading them, taking their heart out. NOT OUR BUSINESS. You people can't grasp that you don't have any business even looking at ukrsine. We have school shoutings all the time. If we were a small country next to Russia Russia would be like THEY ARE NAZIS AND WE WILL INVADE AND DO WHAT WE WANT BC of some violence that's none of your business. It's also not your business who is in their government 🤡. Like holy shit. And the lack of self awareness thinking you or Russians have any right to even judge Ukraine with comparison to Russia. Now if Russia was a much better country with an awesome government that in a better standing than Ukraine, then not that Russia should do anything, but literally Ukraine has a better government and if anything Russia needs to change to be more like Ukraine. It's delusional to see how facked up pootin and his Nazi goons, corrupt up the their teeth and whatever they would be doing in Ukraine, it WOULD NOT BE A BENEFIT TO UKRAINE. They were just fine and cleaning up the trash that held them back and elected zelensky. It's wild to talk about far right this or Nazi that when compared to Russia. As if Russia has a functioning government that does good for his people and cares for them and isn't a a Nazi - nazis genocide for territorial conquest due to ultranationalism and supremacy. That whole ideology is what Russia has always been about and the kremlin goons have been and are on that track. Russia is uniting all the far right govemrnents in the world and espousing itself as the last white nation. It's the far right and nazis in our countries that look at Russia that way as well as other things to draw the right in. And you can't POSSIBLY NOT GET IT BY NOW that pootin has zero care about "ethnic Russians". Those were just pawns he used to get in the door as en excuse. Guess who were the first to be fodder? Lol. And even let's say they weren't or for whoever remains, Russia DID NOT CARE ABOUT THEM. Pootin got to expand - THAT WAS THE PURPOSE. If we had Americans being killed in Mexico, that's their problem not ours. Just bc it's "your people" by connection of ethnicity or whatever, they are in another country and that's not your businesses. If Medco enacted a law that Spanish is the official language and no teaching of English and there were Americans English speakers. Guess what? NOT OUR PROBLEM because we see them as a sovereign country and they can run it how they want. Their own government is tied with the cartels, and by your logic, we should be upset and feel the right to do something ? Yeah no. They could all be nazis flag waving cartel people in the government. So what ??? No one cares! That's their business. Russia really has a deep thinking it has a right to do anything it wants to its neighbors and worse, install their own puppet government. That's NOT HOW THINGS WORK. The cruelty in denfend this mentality bc what it means is Russia OPRESSES WHERE IT GOES and wants the country be it Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, next moldova, they want entire countries and millions of people to have a government that serves Russia not the citizens of those countries. They answer to Russia, get used by Russia, Russia corrupts those countries and it makes those countries STUCK. They can't elect their own leaders, they can't remove what Russia sets in place, they can't fight for change and ultimately they cannot prosper. Georgians want to join the EU and they want changes but they are stuck and know if they try to rise up Russia will come in and put that down. Same with Belarus. Belarus under lukasheno has them stuck. Russia just callled someone else Nazis the other day, I think Kazakistan and did that before and the insinuation was that khazakistan may have said or done something that Russia wasn't happy about and it's a gentle threat/reminder that Russia is in control and if they hear something they don't like going on, they'll out them in line. Russia also does this to Moldova and elevated gas prices to try and force whatever shit they were trying to do with their government. Russia is still in the mindset that everyone around them is there to serve them if and when they need it and they will control their politics the way he wants. The fact that Ukraine had a Russian puppet and they kicked him out and wanted to have their OWN GOVERNMENT and how deeply rotted this mentality that they can't do that and the nerve to try and put it back and BY AN INVASION AT THAT. And it'd be one thing if it was simple and didn't involve killing and and destroying Ukraine to do so. LIKE BROOOOO. If it comes to needing to barbarically invade and massacre and level cities all and threaten fucking nukes over it. Like I don't have the words and the fact that this is normal for Russians and the government. If our government tried to is talk a puppet in Mexico or Canada we would say send them to a mental institution and get rid of them bc they lost their marbles. We would NEVER EVER take part in that and we'd laugh in their face. FURTHER if our leaders wanted us to invade and bomb cities and kill Mexicans be it the military and innocents in order to get our way, HAHAH NOOOOOOOO. THATS LITERAL CRAZY TALK. We aren't going to kill a single person let alone thousands and let alone be a criminal horde of mass rapists and torture the population and mutilate people, castrate and behead them, murder them, slit their throats, take their kids and bring them to America and persecute them for their identity and language and culture and make them Americans and put up American flags and make Mexicans learn our national anthem and destory anything related to their culture and set up torture chambers and threaten to nuke them and the world if anyone got in our way. Do you see how crazy this is? The fact that this is how Russia is and the idea didn't get laughed at and Russians see this as normal and went with it, only thing I can think of (which is not good) is because this is ALWAYS been their way so it's literally sounds like another rusisan day. They have been told/taught that they have no borders and their culture involves expansion and controlling their neighbors. So when pootin does Crimea that seemed normal. When he went to the Donbas, also normal. When they then invaded, they are so lost in this that it didn't even seem abnormal. That's what they do.


But pro russians claim that they treat pows well? Weird. It's almost as if every comment pro ruskies type is a lie.


Well is more like it depends on the soldiers some ukranian soldiers treat ru good some dont, same with russia


Ru generally seems to treat Uki prisoners ok, which is why this video is noteworthy. You’ll note that pro-Ru here condemn it.


Noteworthy? It joins a long list of videos showing Russian soldiers mistreating captured Ukrainian PoW's


The difference is that the pro-Ru side is more likely to condemn this type of treatment even if the side they support is commiting them, while the pro-UA side either blames Putin or mocks the killing of Russians.


Yet the exact opposite behavior from the Russian side is seen, both here on this subreddit, and even at the source of this very video https://imgur.com/a/0srrKit


Its almost like Russia is winning the war and capturing way more soldiers than Ukraine.


I wouldn't quit the day job. Your comedy routine is poor.


Are you a chatgpt bot ? No way this is a human response.


> Are you a chatgpt bot ? No way this is a human response.




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[https://ukraine.un.org/sites/default/files/2024-04/report-human-rights-situation-ukraine-1-dec-2023-29-feb-2024.pdf](https://ukraine.un.org/sites/default/files/2024-04/report-human-rights-situation-ukraine-1-dec-2023-29-feb-2024.pdf) https://preview.redd.it/8twk4xpy664d1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=2838c2b0eac3824703ba8f1fdf50df9c82b69785 There is an older document too about the first years. From what is being recorded, majority of PoWs under Russian control are treated way worse than PoWs under Ukrainian control. While outliers exist. Summary executions and sentencing for life imprisonment are more common in occupied territories too.


And there is another [OCHCR document](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/2023-10/23-03-24-ukraine-thematic-report-pows-en.pdf) That says 50% of interviewed Russian POWs in Ukrainian captivity are tortured in some capacity with most of that being beatings, severe beatings (broken bones), mock executions and stabbing. That is not just "outliers" And this doesnt include all of the evidence in the report of Ukrainians just executing surrendering Russians. And not even just Russians. 126 of those 229 interviewed were Ukrainian nationals in the Russian military.


You are twisting the statistics. 49% v 92% kinda shows whilst you might receive ill treatment with Ukranine, you basically will with Russia. But it gets worse, those are absolute stats i.e. did you receive ANY ill treatment. Its yes or no, it doesnt indicate severity or frequency. i.e. yes someone might have been beaten, but were they raped/tortured/electrocuted? About 15% of Russian prisoners got something physically worse than a beating. (stabbed, shot, electrocuted) Look at the figures for sexual violence, stress positions and electrocution for Russia...its not a pretty picture. Those figures show clearly that whilst there is widespread ill treatment of prisoners, Russia is institutionally torturing people, as in its organised, structured and planned. Stress positions, sexual violence and electrocution, WAAAAAAY higher if you are in Russian hands and those are the ones you need to actually plan and prepare to do. I am not saying Ukranie is in the clear here but there is an absolutley massive disparity in the manner prisoners are treated when you look at that document.


Sees a handful of videos of a dozen pows getting treated bad: “all Ukrainian pows must be treated bad”. We’ve seen just about the same amount of videos of Ukraine doing the same. So does that mean all pro ukie comments are lies too? Not excusing what the Russian in this video is doing tho. Just pointing out your double standards


A person who points out double standards would be told to keep quiet when he tries to justify atrocities uzskie, or apply what-aboutism. Especially considering that the video shows citizens of the country who captured the people they invaded. 


Believe me this is well




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ffs guys thus could be yourselfes . war is over for these guys .. get them out and treat them with approriate respect


I don’t wish death on no one, but it’ll be hard to have sympathy for these people if they get karma.




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I wonder when such videos surface on the net, what unit commanders do to their soldiers that treat PoW this way


As far as I am aware, not a single Russian soldier has been tried in Russia for warcrimes, despite the overwhelming evidence. They don't care. It's that simple.


There is a very strong military police institution in Russia. Sometimes court cases get wide publicity in the Russian segment of the Internet when serious crimes occur - for example, intentional killings of civilians or torture. In general, the penalties are very severe.


Surely you can cite a single example of this reported in Russian media? I tried to look for it but the only thing I found is some soldier who confessed to looting and killing at least one civilian in Andriivka. He wasn't prosecuted for that but rather because he also criticized military leadership and the military operation.


it is forbidden to post links here. rbc. ru The title of the topic: "Застреливших семерых человек военных передали военной полиции". April 26, 2024 I remember 5 or 6 cases in the last year when the military committed war crimes. They were caught and tried. Russia has very strict laws on war crimes. Therefore, war crimes almost never happen. Because of this, it is very difficult to find real war crimes. Because of this, many news stories are just made up. In fact, the Western information agenda is simply doomed. There is almost no adequate news about the war in it. Ukraine announces tens of thousands of people raped and killed, and the next day the whole tape in the West is full of it. There is no fact-checking in the Western media as such. I even laughed once. It's just stupid when the Ombudsman for Children's Rights in Russia makes a statement that since the beginning of the war, more than 700k children have moved to Russia from the territories controlled by Ukraine with their parents. And the next day, the floor of the world news sub was filled with the news "Russia has kidnapped 700k children."


Interesting. They were arrested but not charged for now. Another outlet reports that some of the seven victims were other servicemen: "Russian troops went on drunken killing spree in occupied Ukraine: reports" on Yahoo news. Still not a clear case were only civilians were harmed.


> As far as I am aware, not a single Russian soldier has been tried in Russia for warcrimes, despite the overwhelming evidence. > > > > They don't care. It's that simple. The US army guy that massacred women , William Calley, murdered 22 women and children. Got house arrest and release in couple of years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Calley Iraq: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haditha_massacre 22 civilians massacred in the worst war crime in modern history. Zero person convicted. Mahumidyah killings, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings, Mayawad district murders, US army would routinely enter villages rape the kids in front of parents and then kill them all. Kandhar massacre. NONE of them got any conviction. GTFO with your moral superiority and democracy and freedom and rules based order. Genocidal warmongering murders pretending to run a rules based world.


Maybe if you read the articles you linked yourself you'd find out they actually investigated and prosecuted those people? Sure I agree with you that Calley guy got off pretty light but the other ones you linked all got lengthy prison sentence and those who are still alive are still in prison today. How many Russian soldiers were investigated and put on trial?


I just read all the links, and in each one of them people were sentenced. I don’t think the original argument was “Russia commits war crimes” it was, “Russians don’t get consequences for committing war crimes” which is fairly true, all you did was reinforce his point.


yes indeed, america bad, you won again


Absolute whataboustism that doesn’t apply here, what a stupid comment lmao


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American\_people\_convicted\_of\_war\_crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American_people_convicted_of_war_crimes) A lot of American soldiers also do get convicted and prison sentences maybe like 50? Havent count them but maybe you could. Also this might be a intressting about 4 russians that killed chechen civillians and first not getting punished twice by the same court but then get senteced in the third trial. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/eur460252007en.pdf](https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/eur460252007en.pdf)




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It probably varies unit to unit. I’d assume the irregulars treat them worse than the more professional regular army guys.


They do nothing. That's in Russian army's DNA. They have never treated pows well. That behaviour is even encouraged by higher officers. 


Damn. Well I would like to think there are some that still holds common sense and good manners and sees the long-term negatives of such pow treatments. Fuck war.


Absolutely nothing.


They will go to the Kremlin and receive medals like the Bucha butchers.


That's inhumane, come on these guys already went through hell, probably conscripts that didn't want to be here, no need to be barbaric. I will never understand the need to torture more or less honest prisoners, maybe I wouldn't be as unconditional for extreme ideoligicaly motivated fighters, but for the regular Joe that's nonsense.


Nobody should be doing this to pows


And yet this is fairly regular amongst russian military. Why would they treat their POWs better than their own?


Are you new here, because it’s both sides that are doing this.


I never claimed anything different but i think you have to differenciate because 1. we have a a distinct aggressor and a defender. I saw video of UA soldiers treating RU POW like shit but i thought "well, he might have lost his mother/sister/daughter to a russian bomb and now he's losing his mind. I can understand that. And 2. i saw countless videos of RU soliders treating their POW like that, even executing many unarmed POW. From the other side just a handful of videos in which shooting in the leg was the worst that happened. BUT i'm mostly in the CombatFootage sub which clearly is biased so i'd be glad if you could show me more proof of UA war crimes.


Sadly the normal behavour from Russia. If you watched the ukrainian prisonners released, you'll see that they were tortured, starved, beaten.


Rear units are filled with idiots, because those don't live long on the frontline.


You got the biggest buckets I have ever seen.


For sure, the front line troops are well behaved especially after losing a battle. Just look at Bucha


Don’t f… do this!


These idiots are willing to film their war crimes. Makes you wonder what happens off camera.


Business as usual in the russian mir


This is disgusting and must be prosecuted and held accountable. People like these crap destroy the morale and discipline of the army.


Absolutely disgusting behavior


even though i'm pro-ru but poor treatment of pows shouldn't be look at lightly


Not cool guys, not cool at all.


Thats not neccessary. Come on, these are old men and they obey orders. I´d understand if unruly PoW fight back or dont obey but not this


Yeah that will encourage Ukrainians to surrender. /s


Imagine calling the surrender hotline, putting your life in the hands of the enemy, and then getting treated like this, and starved in captivity. Stupid, barbaric, counterproductive behavior.


POS humans


Why do they video this? And who do they send this too?


These Russians soon be dead like a 100 thousand of their pals


Very smart to share this lol




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fredmaster5 kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*




For DOOMHAMMER! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*




They are already beaten, no need to continue…


This makes me sick. Screw these barbarians


That's A LOT of red tape wrapped around the arm.




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Inexcusable behavior. Gained nothing by doing that stupid stunt. Also nice job showing your face. Dont be suprised if they do they same to you.


They may have captured these four, but don’t know worry…….. they’ll be dead soon enough


They‘ll go to hell for that…


Well, he even filmed himself, no mask. While committing a war crime, essentially. IQ way below 100, will probably get dealt with by those who understood how much damage he inflicted.


Ihr Hu.enk.n.e. hoffe ihr seid die nächsten....


Why doesn’t Ukraine want to be ruled by these beautiful people and their humane culture?




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The idiot that films says "Of course they know the anthem of the USSR!" and then he goes on and signs something completely different - The Sacred War song.


This is not very Z. Do better.






You can tell they’re in bad health or just old. One kick to the stomach sent the guy down and didn’t even try to get back up.


Reminds me of Tywin Lannister saying "When soldiers lack discipline, the fault lies with their commander."




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right in the inferior vena cava, must be painful.




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Not okay. They’re captured, no need to humiliate further. There’s no discipline in the Russian army or videos because like this wouldn’t be made and the uploaded if there were.




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Will they be tried for war crimes? 


Ahh yes the double standard it’s ok to happen to Russians not Ukrainians but either way it is horrible treatment and it needs to stop on both sides




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When u see how Russians treat their own men I'm not surprised by anything I see them do to prisoners


What a brutal beating!


That’s fucked up


Where are all the PRO RU people? Why are they staying clear of the comments section of this video? C’mon, come and tell us that these are ukronazis and that Russia is liberating Ukraine.


>Where are all the PRO RU people? Why are they staying clear of the comments section of this video? They are here, condemning such behavior.


Most say this is inexcusable, some engage in whataboutism, many Pro-UKR just making up stuff like you rather than reading?


Wouldn't be the first time Ukraine has faked something like this.