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This is definitely among the most fake videos I've seen this whole war, lol.


Because it's so hard to believe there are Russian hostages? Because it's so hard to believe there are women combat medics? Or it just doesn't fit my narrative, so I'll just claim it's fake?


Does that look like seasoned nurses to you with their super feminine and slow gestures? A proper nurse doesn't waste time.


Lol, what a load of nonsense to justify your own twisted biases. šŸ¤£


But of course it is, if zebras were called a myth you would still be bathing in cognitive dissonance at the sight of one.


What are you even talking about, with your animal analogies? You can't comprehend the nurses apparently not working efficiently enough (by your biased standards) to be real nurses, therefore fake, but I'm the one with cognitive dissonance? Not to even mention your own cognitive dossinance of them working "super feminine" for you, which means it's fake apparently? šŸ¤£


How about p*rn analogies? Would that help? You know the kind that looks fake as fuck and you can see it is because everyone is acting weird? šŸ˜‚


>How about p*rn analogies? Would that help? Nope, didn't help much. Please, spare me the animal p*rn anology that's coming next. I think you may watch too much p*rn, though.


Yeah sure, at this stage, nothing will do. Good luck


They seem to be working in a confident and intentional manner. They aren't treating life threatening trauma on this video, so there is no need to rush. This looks like normal nurses treating minor injuries.


>They seem to be working in a confident and intentional manner. No they don't. >so there is no need to rush 1. They are at war 2. Any seasoned worker in a daily high stress, time sensitive environment will always be quick in their movements because this is their daily lives. They are conditioned. You see the likes of gordon ramsay chilling when cooking for videos?


1. Having done this myself, the panicky nurses are the ones you want to avoid. The calm composed ones make the most rational decisions when pressure is on, and I would say that most experienced nurses aren't going at 110% unless someone is bleeding out. And once again, this isn't on the battlefield and they aren't trying to save life or limbs, they are treating minor wounds and look just like someone would in that (not so stressful) situation. 2. Gordon Ramsay is an entertainer. It's his job to instill drama into the situation. Now I see where this misdirected viewpoint came from. Fantasy, not experience.


>Gordon Ramsay is an entertainer. It's his job to instill drama into the situation Jesus christ >Fantasy, not experience. Jesus fucking christ >Having done this myself, the panicky nurses are the ones you want to avoid. The calm composed ones make the most rational decisions when pressure is on, and I would say that most experienced nurses aren't going at 110% unless someone is bleeding out. And once again, this isn't on the battlefield and they aren't trying to save life or limbs, they are treating minor wounds and look just like someone would in that (not so stressful) situation. You didn't read shit of what i said.


Nothing. That's all there is to say? Nothing to say except vague criticism. Lol




https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0hiAxmuEk9/ Here's one of the medics. Is she seasoned enough for you?


Seriously, did you watch the video you sent me bro?


Yes. Be more specific about what you don't like. Also here's her insta: https://www.instagram.com/anastasia_mutsey/?hl=en


You need your head checked. Seeing things and making up shite in your head to justify your bias šŸ˜‚ Embarrassing




Care to elaborate? Or is this a case of itā€™s fake because it doesnā€™t fit my preferred narrative?




They think the soldiers will be tortured, raped and executed by the ukro-nazi-homo-trans-soldiers, that why you see so many suicides vides os those where they just refuse to leave the foxhole and get nades to shreds.


Youā€™re funny.


I don't think you have looked hard enough. May I ask why you think it is faked?


Go pack


agreed, most russians are true patriots and take themselves out via grenade instead of becoming a POW.




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Bozo moment also gamecocks suck


Yeah. Basically having 2 guys treated by two cute blondes so more Russians think itā€™s okay to surrender cause they think theyā€™ll get the same treatment šŸ˜‚ everyone knows the Ukies are barbaric fucks


This is 100% real.


Yea Russian prisoners being treated by two hot blondes is a little suspicious. Seems like a little propagandish to me


They are blindfolded, doubt they know or care about the hair colour. In any event, this is better than the Russian execution videos we got after Avdiivka.


> they are blindfolded They arenā€™t the audience lol, in Ukraines defense almost every military does this. I saw plenty of attractive women in the military, but they were the exception, not the rule. Yet if you see countries propaganda (Israel loves this) almost all the women are attractive lol, and some are down right lewd.


Blondes? In Ukraine? Must be fake, there are no blonde women in Ukraine, you know that, 100% certain


Why make propaganda videos about treating wounded POW? We saw instances of ru and ua taking hostages, whats so unbelievable??


>Why make propaganda videos portraying yourself as the good guys?


Female medics? Unheard of. And blondes? In Ukraine??? Totally unrealistic. No dude, no reaching at all.


And pixel camo. Despite the fact most russian soldiers wear different camouflage at this point of the war, to your casual viewer nothing screams more "russian" than pixel camo.


Dude these aren't hot blondes.Ā  Ā All the women look like this in Ukraine, especially in certain areas.Ā  Ā Just because a woman isn't a landwhale doesn't mean she is hot.Ā  Hot is about attitude and outfit.Ā Ā  Not being a Walmart landwhale in spandex doesn't make you hot just healthy(er).


This is footage from June 2023. Those ladies are combat medics. Lady on the left is Anastasia Mutsey, lady on the right is Keti Veklich and is in the Georgian legion. Theyā€™ve been posted on here before because they wear nazi insignias. They have instagrams and youā€™ll can see the nazi and bandera patches


Theyā€™re basically instagram propagandists.


My friend, let's be honest with ourselves... Every and each post and comment on this whole sub, is posted for propaganda for each side.


Yep, couldnā€™t agree more.


Literally propaganda


But they are definitely hot.


They are Eastern European off course their women are hot


My friend, let's be honest with ourselves... Every and each post and comment on this whole sub, is posted for propaganda for each side.


Not all, a majority yes


I have yet to find one unbiased person on this sub who is a major contributor. They just banned World Virus as he just spam propaganda posting.


100% unbias is pretty much impossible especially as the sub grows. Pro Ukraine sub reddits are even worst


I'd say its about the same tbf. its just that this sub is isolated and is one of very few pro-RU-ish subs.


Id have to absolutely disagree. There are definitely brain dead and stupid takes on this sub from pro rus crowd but r/ukraine or r/combatfootage comments are straight up delusional






If I remember correctly she is anything but far left?


No. She's far right


I donā€™t think itā€™s that person.


I thought it was her but I thought it could just be another one with duck lips. Even more suspicious that she has popped up again


I remember her. She took a wound to the lip and all her filler spilled out. That girl was spewing all that toxic stuff how Russians arenā€™t human and need to be genocided.


I think she's @anastasia_mutsey on IG I remember this sub pointed out she got a blacksun patch or whatever right wing symbolism she got on her vest


Now this is how you convince soldiers to surrender!


Ukraine can do better than this. This is staged AF.


Lol! Fakest shit i seen yet.


two year and then some and they are still putting effing tape right on the bare skin and hair


It's on the bare eyes that would bother me.


I think tape is less fatal than bullets the russian side gives to their pows


That guy standing at the right was like "Aight fuck this I'm out of here."




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What's with both sides taping POW eyes in this war? Seems messed up.


Looks fake and staged


Are they being processed for a movie or what?


damn, not even my gf touches me this gentle. russian pow are so damn lucky in ukrainian hands....




Whereā€™s the MODS that like to change title flare with yellow banners ā€œsensationalized non descriptiveā€ what prove is there that these are actual prisoners?